Chapter 7: I feel dead inside

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Meanwhile, Olivia meets with Detective Isaac in a restaurant. Isaac, who's supposed to be tracking down Dr. Spivak, tells Olivia that he found out that Dr. Spivak hasn't aged in 70 years...and Olivia suspected the reason why, that reason terrified her.  After telling Isaac everything about Roman, she heads off towards the White Tower to deliver all the information Isaac gave her about Dr. Spivak.  She requested Pryce to give her some nutrient and was shocked to learn that he flushed the stash.  After claiming it was her fault, regarding to the Fed incident.  She tries to hunt herself.  But, strangely, she couldn't feed.  After hunting a homeless drug dealer, following him to his 'home' with others.  She finds him injecting a drug through his mouth.  The sight of it sicken her and she lost her appetite.  


At the same time, in a unknown location, Miranda and Pearl, Dr. Spivak's nurse, are held hostage by the doctor in a cabin, miles away from civilization.  The two of them sat the table as Dr. Spivak was cooking a meal for them.  Nadia babbles as she sits in her highchair.  Dr. Spivak was babbling on as the women sat scared and tense.  Pearl couldn't take it anymore, she wanted to escape.  So she stabs him with a fork, but out of anger, he spits in her face.  Miranda watches in horror as Pearl's face begins to burn as if she was sprayed by acid.  Pearl screams in pain as Miranda cries in horror.  Dr. Spivak grabs Pearl's body and dumps it down a stairwell, angry that the day was ruined.  How he had such wonderful plans for everyone.  He sits down to eat while Miranda covers her face and sobs.  

After their meal, Dr. Spivak headed down to the basement while Miranda tended to Nadia.  After six weeks, Nadia has grown so big.  She was officially a year old now.  After changing her diaper, Miranda exams Nadia's body.  Seeing the horrible scars Dr. Spivak left on her after performing surgery on her.  He took out her ovaries.  Miranda cried for this little girl.  If she ever gets out of here alive, Nadia will never become a mother when she gets older.  Also she noticed that Nadia's eyes didn't glow blue anymore.  They were normal blue.  

After setting Nadia back in her chair, Miranda begins to head towards the kitchen.  She hesitantly walks towards the basement stairs, but turns towards the kitchen to grab the baby powder.  She eyes the drawers and quietly opens one for a weapon.  But, Spivak walks up towards the kitchen.  He asks what was she doing and she holds up the baby powder.  He goes on about how successful the progression went and how much Nadia has changed since he had her.  She asks what did he do to her, but he avoids the question, saying how much she needs to see the basement.  Miranda's fear skyrockets when he mentions the basement.  Who knows what horrors were awaiting down there for her.  Pearl was down there, who knows what the doctor did to her.


Shelley was becoming worse.  All she could do was sit on her bed and flick the lights slowly on and off above her.  Viktor continues to call, but she always denies it.  She knew he deserves better than her.  Suddenly, she hears the sound of children chattering and laughing.  She gets up from her bed and looks out the window.  Seeing a park beyond the apartment from her.  Maybe...just maybe...she needs a friend like Jason.  Maybe these kids were like him.  Not all of them could be bad to her...could they?

Two kids were complaining about how their kite was stuck in the tree and Shelley walks up to them, offering to help them get the kite down.  But when they turned to look at her, they both screamed in terror.  Soon, the whole park was full of screaming kids, running away from her.  The monster.  She sighs sadly and looks up at the kite.  She manages to get it down and flies it. 

She smiles at how beautiful it looked.  How it must feel to fly high into the heavens.  Seeing the horrible world fade below.  Slowly, she lets it go higher till the string rapidly unreels.  She drops the handle and watches the kite take off.  

Soon, she goes over to the swing set and begins to swing back and forth into the air.  It felt nice.  And it gave her an idea.  Shelley places her earphones in her ears and plays classical music as she drags the chain with her towards the tree where she always comes to read, she stops and sees the grave that Dr. Pryce made for Prycilla.  She brushes away the snow and sees the beautiful grave with Prycilla's picture.  Shelley's eyes fills with tears as she sees that beautiful face.  Her sister.  Throwing the chain over the branch, she prepares herself to finally be free from this world.  Wrapping the chain tight around her neck, Shelley stood on top a barrel and sighs deeply.  Finally, she'll be free.

Kicking the barrel away, Shelley hangs herself with the chain, but she frowns when she doesn't feel herself drop.  She was floating.  She feels the chain release itself from her neck and she slowly goes down.  Confused, she looks around and gasps when she sees Viktor standing not too far from where she was.  

He wipes his blood nose and walks quickly over to her.  Shelley stood trembling, not in fear, in frustration. 

Viktor stands in front of her and cups her face, "Why?" He asks.

Shelley couldn't speak, all she could was whimper.  She begins hitting him, pounding her fists against him.  He lets her vent out on him.  Soon, she breaks into tears as she continues to hit him.  Sobbing her heart out, "Let me die!" She screams.

Viktor holds on to her as she cries, begging him to let her go. To die and leave this world. 

"If you die, then so will I." Viktor chokes out.  "I can't live without you, Shelley.  If you don't want to be in this world, then neither do I.  I'm never leaving you alone.  Never." He says.

Shelley sobs at those words and holds on to him tightly, burring her face in his shoulder.  Viktor rubs her back, soothing her and rocking her gently.  He wasn't lying.  He didn't want to be in this world without her.  He loves her with every fiber of his being.  


Peter, Andreas, Celena were doing another delivery.  Peter explained that Andreas was planning to sell on Croatian territory, which was forbidden with their people. 

"If it's so against your people, then why...?" Celena frowns, confused with why they were there in the first place  

Peter leans close and sighs, she could tell he wasn't happy to be there, "Andreas found a way for us to get more money on that pickup job we did a few nights ago.  Normally, Gypsies don't do deals with other territories that aren't like us.  But...more money always wins." He rolls his eyes at how true that was.  Greed is a powerful sin. 

Andreas and Peter watched the Croatian people look over the cases.  Peter wraps a protective arm around Celena as a female Croatian leans on the truck, eyeing them all as she smokes.  

"You don't want to fuck with Croatian pussy, my friend. Sucks you right inside.  Time stands still.  Till, finally, you have to claw your way back out like you're being born again." Andreas whispers to Peter, eyeing the woman.

Celena growls lowly and averts her eyes to Andreas, as they shine blue, "Not a good idea to say in front of me, Andreas." She warns as the Darkling didn't like the idea Andreas was giving. 

"Celly, I'm not saying he would.  But just saying from past experience." He smirks. 

"A lot of fish had to fuck to make that much caviar, huh?" The leader of the Croatian, who was named Milan, says to the pack. "You were smart to come to us." He adds.

"Been wanting to get into business with you guys for a while.  Seemed like a the right opportunity." Andreas says, flashing a grin and shrug.

"I count 100 units, and if we give you 22.5 each..."

Andreas makes a displease sound, which confuses Peter, "That's a little low."

Milan chuckles, "Consider it a discount that will generate future opportunity.  Best and final." 

Andreas was expecting this to happen, he turns to the pack and sees if they agree.  They all nodded at him and Peter nods.  Celena eyes the Croatians.

"I smell something funky in the air." The Darkling whispers in her ear.

"Me, too.  I don't trust them." She mutters softly.

Peter nods at Andreas, agreeing with the deal.  Andreas looks over to Celena and lifts his brows, "Well, Celly?  What do you think?  You're part of this as well." 

Celena sends him a glare, but nods and feels Peter tightening his arm around her.  

"Let's do it." Andreas says. 

The Croatians all chuckle as Milan nods, "So that's 2.25 for the caviar.  Let's say 50K for the truck." 

"Please, it's no charge for the truck.  A gift to our new friends." Andreas says with a smile.

Milan chuckles, "I learned a long time ago never to accept anything free from a Gypsy." 

Andreas' grin drops to a glare.

"So with the lucky pikers are $2.3 million richer." Milan says.

Peter frowns at this while the pack laughs in triumph.  Liking the numbers.  But Peter and Celena...

Milan and his people locked up the truck and begin to leave, most of the Croatians eyed them all.  A few eyed Celena.  One griped himself with a smirk.  Celena growls lowly and eyes the truck door, making it open to smack the guy in the face.  She smirks when she hears his nose was broken. 

"What the fuck's going on?" Peter demands as he walks with Andreas and Celena. 

"Last night there were only 50 crates." Celena points out. 

"And only a million dollars on the table." Andreas chuckles. "What a difference a day makes." He shrugs.  

Peter turns and gives Andreas a glare, "You stepped on them." Meaning he cheated them out. 

Andreas stops with Peter and Celena and sighs, "I found a way to make us more money."

Peter looks at him in disbelief, turning away with a stressed sigh, rubbing his face in worry.  Andreas broke his word.  

Celena scoffs at him, "Are you kidding me, Andreas?  Are you seriously kidding right now?" 

"And I didn't tell you because I didn't want you both freakin' out.  Like this." He says as he gestures at Peter's tensed body language as he covers his face with his hands and Celena's angry look.

"This?" Peter scoffs and removes his hands as he points at himself, pacing the floor.  "This isn't me freaking out.  This is me trying to figure out what to do when shit goes off with these guys." 

"Trust me.  I have everything under control." Andreas assures them both. 

Celena moves and gets in Andreas face with a snarl as the Darkling threatens to come out, "Under control?  This I gotta see.  If anything happens to this body and my loves, guess who I'm gonna possess next?"  The darkling threatens.

Andreas trembles in fear, then jumps when a man whistles behind them.  Gaining their attention, it was the white streaked werewolf, "Milan's got a guy--The Tongue.  He wants to test the merch."

Peter scoffs at Andreas, "The Tongue?  Really?  They got a guy called The Tongue?" 


Peter cuts him off, "No, fuck the caviar and fuck the money.  Let's get out of here before they figure out what you did." He demands.

But, Andreas walks up to him and places his hands on Peter's shoulders, trying to sooth his panic, but Peter fights out of his grip till Andreas holds on to him firmly, "Come on.  Come on." He gives Peter a serious look, "You keep your shit together out there, okay?" Andreas states and pats Peter's shoulder before walking away to meet with the rest.  

Peter and Celena both stood in disbelief, "I don't want you here if things go south." He says and he grips Celena's arm. 

"Destiny is going to be so pissed." 

"Do not tell her.  We can't get her involved in this." Peter warns. 

Celena sighs, "Fine." She pulls out her phone and gasps at the time.  "Shit, I'm suppose to meet with Destiny and Roman.  We're gonna go check out the Mortuary." 

"Ok, please be safe." Peter nods.

"You better be safe, too.  And no turning." She warns.

"I swear I won't.  I love you." Peter says and leans to kiss her softly. 

Sighing against his lips, "I love you, too." She moves away to find a place to take off in flight.  


Roman, Annie, and Destiny were at Roman's getting ready to head out until a loud sonic boom was made above the house.  Annie was startled where she stood, but Destiny and Roman simply look up.

"Sounds like Cell made it back." Destiny says and Roman takes off towards the door.  

"What?  What are you talking about?  What was that noise?" Annie asks in disbelief and looks over to see Roman opening the door and Celena was standing there.

He sighs in relief and pulls her into his arms, "Everything ok?" He whispers in her ear.  

Celena sighs in his arms, shaking her head, "Not really.  I'll tell you later." She says, but she watches Roman frown as he sees the worry in her eyes.  But he nods anyway and wraps his arm around her.

"Come on, let's go." He says for Destiny and Annie.

Destiny sighs and follows Annie, who gives her a confused look.

"How did...?"

Destiny waves it off, "It's a long story." She says and shuts the door. 

It didn't take Roman long to find the Mortuary.  It wasn't hard to miss the police tape at the front door.  Destiny gasps softly as she recognizes the doors from her vision. 

Roman parks the car across the street and gets out first.  Helping Celena out of the car after as Destiny and Annie get out on the other side.  He begins to walk towards the building and stops to nod at everyone to follow.  He reaches and takes Celena's hand, pacing with her across the street towards the door.  Roman was about to break the window, but he almost forgot about Celena. 

"Hey, Cell?  Think you can pop the lock?" He asks with a knowing look.

Celena nods, getting what he was talking about, "Got a bobby?" She asks Destiny and Annie.  

Annie feels around her hair and hands her one.  Celena nods 'thanks' and turns towards the door.  She kneels with pin inside the keyhole, pretending to jiggle the lock.  She glares at the door and soft rumbling begins around her as her eyes dilate.  A lock click is made and the door creaks open.  

 Roman holds the door open for them all, "Come on." He says as he lets everyone go in with Destiny being the last.  She stays behind and shuts the door.  

Now they were inside, Destiny can begin searching for the creature.  She brushes her fingers over the slab in the middle of the room.  She walks around, avoiding the large blood spill from the creature's victim.  

"Shit." Destiny exclaims. 

"What?" Celena asks. 

"I'm getting a lot of noise.  Nothing specific, but there is definitely something not right here." Destiny says. 

"No shit, something's not right here.  Look at this place." Roman says sarcastically as he gestures at the bloodbath at their feet. 

Destiny throws him a scoff and continues to look around, "Mortuaries are like cemeteries.  It's like being tuned in to 100 different radio stations at once." She explains. 

"Look, this thing was after me and Celena.  What are we dealing with here?"

Getting irritated with Roman's pushing, Destiny turns on her heels at him, "Why don't the three of you take a look around and let me do my thing." 

"You gonna be okay?" Annie asks. 

"Yeah, I'm totally down with the dead.  They don't lie, they don't pick their noses, and they don't break your heart." Destiny says and turns to return to focusing on the noise around her. 

"All right." Roman sighs.

"Do you think it'll come back?" Celena asks nervously. 

"I'm sure it's long gone."  Destiny says.  "But...if we run into it..." She trails off. 

"We kill it.  And Pryce can figure out what it is." Roman states and holds a finger up at Celena.  "Got that, Darkling?  We need this thing in once piece." 

The Darkling growls lowly in annoyance.  Annie frowns as she watches. 

"Darkling?" Annie asks. 

Celena and Roman turn to face her, "Um, I guess, to be blunt, I'm possessed by a dark fairy that likes to suck the life out of people." Celena shrugs. 

Annie looks at her in disbelief and then to Roman, who nods.

"It's true." He says.

Celena, suddenly, snaps her head to the side, her hair covering her face, as a distorted snarl erupts from her lips.    

"I hate being told what to do!" The Darkling growls out from her lips as she slowly turns to look at Roman with a glare.  

Annie's eyes widen in caution as she watches Celena's eye dilate to darkness and sharp teeth form in her mouth.

"We need to know what we're dealing with.  Once we find out, you can suck out it's life." Roman says with a shrug.

Darkling Celena growls lowly and purrs, "Then Celena gets the ride of her life." She smirks and grunts when Celena comes back.  "That's irritating." She pants as her form warps back to normal.

Roman smirks and leans down to whisper in her ear, "Deal." 

Celena's cheeks heat up and she watches Roman walk away, but he takes her hand and guides her to walk around with him and Annie.  

Annie stood there in shock as they walk away.  But she quickly snaps out of it to follow them.  


As Dr. Spivak sets another meal on the table as yodeling music continues to play in the background, Miranda needed to think of a way to escape.  She pretends to see a deer and moves for Spivak to see.  She takes the hammer she found earlier and hammers Spivak on the head till he was out cold.  She grabs his keys and hurries to unlock the door.  She was about the rush out but Nadia's coo stops her.  She promises her that she'll come back and save her, then she turns and runs far away from the cabin to find help.  Miranda runs for miles and finally finds a road.  She rushes to see a car was coming and waves her arms frantically for help.  The man stops, sliding over the snow.  

Miranda begs him for help and a cell phone.  She takes it when he hands it to her.  She walks around to find a signal, she struggles to send a text out.  But Spivak shows up, chattering with the family.  She couldn't let him kill them. They had a child!  Trembling with fear, she comes out from her hiding spot and goes back to him. She had no choice.  

Meanwhile, Olivia needed to take care of the annoying patient of Norman's who was making it bothersome for her as he continues to ask for Norman.  She plays the nice card and when she was close enough, she chomps on his throat. But something was wrong.  She couldn't stomach the blood and falls to her knees.  Vomiting up the blood.  This worried her.  Why can't she feed?


At the same time, Peter was dealing with the Croatians as they bring in their man...The Tongue.  They set up a place for him to test the merchandise.  

"The Caspian sturgeon has been hunted to the brink of extinction.  You'll find it on America's list of endangered species, which, of course, makes it illegal to import.  Thus, incredibly rare." The Tongue explains with his knowledge of fish and gets his flask out. 

"And incredibly expensive." Andreas adds. 

The Tongue swishes his mouth and spits to the side.  Peter watches with worry.  If they get caught, he wasn't sure what he was going to do.  He cannot turn on the wrong moon again.  

"Which is why most of the Beluga caviar sold in the US is counterfeit.  Good for me, because I specialize in authentication.  I'll be surprised if this product is legitimate, especially considering the source." The Tongue continues with the lesson.

Milan was growing restless, "Is your fucking tongue limbered up enough yet?"

The Tongue brushes off his irritation and reaches into his pocket for a gold spoon with a chain.  He takes a small tin of caviar and lightly scoops up some into his spoon.  He brings it to his lips and into his mouth.  Carefully tasting the caviar, its texture, flavor, everything about it. 

"The proof is in the taste...and the texture." He says as he continues to swish in around in his mouth, licking his lips.  Everyone eyes his facial expressions.  

Peter smokes nervously as Andreas plays it cool.  Milan was impatient and on the edge, he wanted to make sure he wasn't being ripped off.  

"This is pure Caspian sturgeon, as advertised." The Tongue says. 

Peter lets out the breath he's been holding.  He was relieved that they passed the test.  Andreas flashes a smile to his crew.  

"Oh, yeah." 

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