Chapter 9: Runaway

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Morning rose, but the clouds hid the sun away.  Shelley stayed snuggled in Viktor's arms as they slept on a rotted couch, they found in one of the offices in Castle Godfrey.  Sighing softly, Viktor grunts as he slowly wakes up.  He opens his eyes and blinks at the cloudy morning light that poured through the dirt covered broken windows.  He looks down at Shelley in his arms, watching her sleep.  He reaches and strokes her soft skin and watches her stir in her sleep.  

Moaning softly, Shelley opens her eyes and sees Viktor looking down at her.  She sighs softly and gives him a small smile.  After what happened yesterday, she was slowly feeling a little better.  It felt good to be away from home and in his arms.  Despite how she feels still, he made it better.  She begins to regret trying to let him go.  She didn't want him to leave her.  Ever.

She moves and snuggles back into his arms, silently apologizing as she holds on to him.

Viktor smiles and kisses her head, "Good morning." He says softly, accepting her apology.  

"Good morning." She whispers. 

Suddenly, the faint sound of rock music was made in the distance.  Shelley looks up at the door and frowns.  They weren't alone in Castel Godfrey. 

Together, hand in hand, Shelley and Viktor walked through the factory and found several homeless and drifters roaming around inside.  Laughter and chattering was made all around them as they passed by several people who stopped and gasp at the sight of them.  It looks like they made Castle Godfrey they're latest home as they could see small tents and trailers turned into small houses and string of lights in the air around them.

"Oh, wow." A woman whispers.

Viktor looks around as people watches them in shock and awe.  A few even had dogs with them and they barked as they walked past.  Viktor frowns as he and Shelley walk to over to view a crowed and a man talking to them.  

"Right there, in the Oval Office, Mr. Johnson presents his own 'Johnson' with a mighty flourish, and he tells a congressman, this, my friend, is why we're in Vietnam."

Several people chuckle and Viktor couldn't help but snort loudly, catching the man's attention as he continues his tale.  Shelley giggles with Viktor and listens.

"A hundred years prior...another US president, one Ulysses S. Grant, never let anyone see him naked for reasons unknown to the historical record. However, I have three-and-a-half theories why. Number one, he had an infant-sized..."

The man continues but places his attention on the teenagers.  He never seen them before, but something about them...

He has known broken people before, and he could tell they were broken and need to be fixed. 


At Godfrey Industries, Pryce had Roman, Celena, and Annie dressed in scrubs as he begins his examination and autopsy on the creature that attacked them at the morgue.  Celena grimaces as she looks over the creature's body.

"Subject is female, Caucasian, 5' 8" and weighing 121 pounds. Subject is cachectic with large patches of reticulated, hyperpigmentation on her chest, abdomen, and left anterior thigh, consistent with melanoma." Pryce says as Annie takes notes.  He looks at the creature in wonder. 

"It's skinny and misshapen with that blue stuff on its skin." Annie explains to Roman. 

"Yeah, we got the gist." Roman frowns.

"Fingers are ossified, flexed into an immobile, claw-like configuration with thickened, hypertrophic nails." Pryce continues his exam.

"All the better to rip your heart out with, my dear." Celena says sarcastically. 

Pryce scoffs and reaches to exam the creature's mouth, opening it and closing it to test its flexibility, "Admirable jaw flexibility." He reaches for a pair of surgical plyers and yanks a tooth out of the creature's mouth, watching a string of slime/phlegm stick to the tooth he extracted. "An accessory sinus in the maxilla apparently filled with venom.  Sound familiar?" He says as he straightens and looks over to Roman.

Celena frowns, "You think this is one of us?  Is that possible?" She asks. 

"Upirs don't feed on other upirs, we can't. We'd get horribly sick." Annie protests. 

"Bone saw." Pryce says and holds out his hand.  Annie turns and hands him the saw.  All three watch as he begins to cut in the creature's chest.  

Celena grimaces as she watches, trying so hard not to puke.  But the morning sickness was making it hard on her.  


Meanwhile, Andreas was doing a private stakeout at one of the shipping and handling buildings.  He takes pictures as he watches the guards carry black cases into the building.  Seeing this as his next job for him and Peter and the pack.  He just needs to convince him and Celena to help him out. 


Pryce grunts as he pulls the ribcage out of the creature's body.  Roman and Celena couldn't believe what they were seeing as Pryce places the ribs in a tray.  Opera music continues to play softly in the background.  

"Well, that's..." Roman stutters. 

"Interesting." Pryce finishes for him.  

Celena frowns as she sees a large tumor-like mass covering everything that's supposed to be in a body. The heart, the lungs, the intestines.  You couldn't see anything.  It's like the mass contained all the vital organs.  

"Sure." Roman mutters sarcastically. 

"Gray-mottled, highly vascular mass with extensions to the right upper quadrant of the abdomen and the base of the neck." Pryce says as he exams the tumor.  

"I have never seen a tumor this big." Annie exclaims in shock. 

"That's what makes it interesting." Pryce says as he grabs a scalpel.

Celena leans in closer, "How could it live while it attacked us?  A tumor this big should have killed it..."

As soon as Pryce begins to slice the tumor, it jerks away from the blade.

Celena yelps as Roman yanks her back, "Jesus Christ!" Roman exclaims.  He looks down at her, "You ok?" 

"Very interesting." Pryce frowns as the tumor begins to gurgle. 

"Is that alive?" Celena asks. 

"The corpse isn't, by definition. As for the tumor, highly differentiated structures reminiscent of a string of ganglia, suggesting higher nervous system function." Pryce says as he and Annie exam the creature together. 

Roman frowns as he thinks back with his medical studies.  He holds Celena close to him and away from the creature in caution, "That thing's got a brain?"

"And an appetite, apparently." Together, Pryce and Annie reach inside the creature's body to further feel how far the tumor has grown, "The tumor's created a fistula from the esophagus to a large pocket near the now unused original stomach." Pryce says as he feels a very small stomach buried against the tumor.  

"A cancer that thinks and eats?" Annie was now confused. 

Pryce's eyes widen as he thinks of how similar this was to him and a theory pops up in his head.  

"LPS." Pryce says. 

"Sorry?" Annie frowns at him. 

"Lower peritoneal squamous lymphoma, LPS. It reminds me of a tumor structure I dissected in medical school. Let's have a look at Miss LPS' brain." Pryce says as he moves away to cut open the creature's skull.

Celena breathes heavily as she tries to calm her stomach.  The smell was beginning to make her stomach turn and bile felt like it needed to rise.  

"The tumor invests in multiple brain regions...especially the frontal lobe." Pryce says in wonder as he sees parts of the tumor attached to several parts of the brain.  

"Reasoning, self-control." Annie explains to Roman and Celena.  

"The optic nerve."

"Vision." Annie says. 

"Which is why Destiny said that we glow to it's eyes.  A rattlesnake can see body heat.  In this case, it must have Upir-vision." Celena says softly.  

Roman nods, agreeing with her.  

"And the lateral hypothalamus."

Annie sighs, "Hunger."

"Hypothesis: the LPS appears to be some previously unknown fusion of cancer and a parasitical organism. By employing the rapidly replicating cellular structure of tumors to manipulate the nervous and digestive systems, it can be speculated that the organism is modifying the behavior of the host to allow...or even compel the consumption of the host's own species. Which means you, of course." Pryce says as he looks at Roman, "Both of you." Pryce says as he begins to worry for Celena.  

Celena rubs her mouth, trying to calm herself, but her nerves were winning.  She was even beginning to feel light-headed again.  

"Celena?" Pryce frowns.

Roman watches Celena turns green, "Baby, you ok?" He asks carefully as he holds on to her.  

Gagging, Celena kneels over and vomits, passing out in Roman's arms at the same time. 


(Celena's change of clothes^^^^ except for book and purse)

Peter rushed to Roman's place as soon as Destiny told him what happened at the mortuary.  But, to his demise, Roman and Celena weren't home yet.  He waits impatiently on the couch for them to arrive.  His leg tapping rapidly against the floor.  But he couldn't wait any longer.  He gets up and grabs his coat to take off toward the tower.  

He skids to a halt when he sees two shadows at the door and sighs in relief when he sees Celena and Roman.  He tosses his jacket away and paces towards her, pulling her into his arms.  

"Hey. Destiny told me what happened." He says and holds her close.  "I was just on my way to see you two. You okay?" Peter asks as he looks over to Roman, who carried a worried look.  "What happened?" 

"I've been better." Roman scoffs, "Celena, though...she fainted at the tower while Pryce was examining the body." 

Peter frowns and looks down at Celena, he notices that she was a little pale, "Are you ok?  Did Pryce exam you?" He asks, worried for his love. 

Celena sighs heavily, "Just couldn't take the smell of that thing.  It was overwhelming and overpowering." She waves it off.

Peter didn't know if he should believe her, so he looked over to Roman for answers. 

Roman shrugs, "Pryce says nothing is wrong with her.  Nothing life-threatening.  But she needs to take it easy."

Celena scoffs, "I think he meant you.  After all, you're the one who had the concussion." 

Roman frowns at her, "Cell..." He says with a hint of warning in his voice.  

"I'm fine! Don't worry about this.  All that's wrong with me is that we had a creature hunting us last night which caused me to get no sleep at all and I'm worried if whether or not that was the only one out there.  I just need sleep...and food right now." She exclaims, trying to assure them both, but she could see she wasn't winning their relief.  She just couldn't bring herself to tell them.  

Roman and Peter both shared a worried look, but they knew they weren't going to get answers from her if they kept pushing her.  Whatever that's going on with Celena, it scared them to death and knowing that she's keeping something from them; it really pissed them off.  They both hated secrets.  

For now, they will drop it, but it wasn't over.  

"Anyway..." Celena sighs heavily and clears her throat to look over at Peter, "How did it go with Andreas and the meeting?" 

Peter sighs in annoyance and shakes it off, "Not that great, but at least we passed the test.  We got the money." He rubs his mouth and scratches his beard.  "I'm starting to have a real bad feeling about how much Andreas is going so far with these 'jobs'.  If he keeps fucking with other territories..."

"Why are you two even dealing with shit like that?  If Andreas is gonna start endangering Celena..." Roman glares at Peter, but Celena cuts him off. 

"It won't go that far.  I'll make sure of it." She states. "Andreas knows not to fuck with the Darkling.  She might just remind him of what she can do." She warns. 

"If Andreas continues to endanger my love, I won't hesitate to drain every last one of them."  The darkling rasps from the huge mirror as it's shadowy form hovered over Celena's reflection. 

Peter sighs and moves to pick up his boxes, "Maybe another reminder won't be so bad to yank the chain to tame him." He scoffs.  "So, which room is mine?" He asks to change the subject.

Roman points up the stairs briefly, "Bedroom's upstairs."

Peter nods, "Okay." He begins to turn, but stops to look back at Celena, "Just because you changed the subject, doesn't mean we're going to forget about this.  When you're ready, we want to know what's going on.  Okay?" He asks, making sure she was listening and understood that he wasn't kidding.  

 Celena sighs, "Okay." She nods.  

The three of them jump and turn to see a familiar figure standing at the glass door.

Roman sighs, "Ochoa." He points at the security camera screen which showed them all Ochoa standing by the door. 

"Maybe he's got something new to show us." Celena shrugs.

"Uh, I have to deal with, um..." Peter trails off.

Celen frowns at him, "Peter did something happen at the meeting with Andreas?" She asks as she senses something off with him and hears the faint whispering in his mind.  

Peter shakes his head and waves it off, "We'll talk about that another time.  Let's see what Mr. Con Artist have to say." He mutters as he puts his box down next to his feet. 

Roman moves towards the door and waves his hand over the motion sensor to unlock the door.  The door beeps and clicks. 

Roman waves his hand to gesture him into his house, Ochoa walks in and sees Peter and Celena.  Peter gives him a fake smile and pulls Celena closer towards him.  Ochoa frowns at them and walks by towards the dining room table. 

"Well, I got something for you.  Just let me warn you, it's...some crazy shit." Ochoa scoffs as he places his briefcase down. "This a bad time?" He feels the sensation of tension in the air. 

The three of them shake their heads, "What did you find?" Roman asks. 

Ochoa looks over to Celena with a grin, he couldn't help but be curious, "So, how did you and Godfrey meet?" He randomly asks.

"Since when am I part of your investigation?" Roman glares at him. 

Ochoa turns and holds up a picture, "Which brings me to...I found this." He hands Roman the picture and Celena and Peter lean in to scan over it. "Remind you of anyone?"

Celena scans over the men in the picture, it looked like an old war group photo from the 40s or 50s.  She scans the people in the bottom and gasps at a familiar face. She points at his photo.


Meanwhile, Annie decided to do a little snooping on Roman.  Struggling with the feeling of being left out, she sneaks her way into Roman's house while everyone was busy downstairs.  She managed to find an open window that led upstairs.  She quietly opens Roman's bedroom door and walks inside.  She begins to go through his desk and scans over several papers.  She comes across Roman's old notebook with an ouroboros on the front.  She frowns at the drawing and picks up the notebook, flipping through it.  Her frown grows as she reads the words.  It seemed almost like a diary, but what Roman wrote didn't make sense.  He talked about Peter.  Her eyes widen at what was written.  Peter was a werewolf! She knew that scent.  How can Roman be socializing with dog?!  She flips a few pages and sees a drawing of Celena.  He wrote several pages about her.  What she likes.  How he admires her eyes...her body. He had EVERYTHING about her.  She frowns when she comes to a page about...powers?  Light?  She flips another page and jumps at the horrific picture of Celena and something like a demon attached to her.  A dark being that was similar to what she saw at the morgue.  

"Darkling." She whispers. 

He even has information about the Darkling.  Dark Fae myths and legends.  How they feast on the lifeforce of their victims.  But Celena was different.  

The she comes across another page.  About a winged creature.  Roman listed several theories about the creature, but Annie studies Roman's notes and sees what she can know more about him.  She catches a picture at the corner of her eye.  A picture of Roman and Celena.  Roman held Celena against his chest and wrapped his arms around her waist as they posed. 

Annie bitterly looks at the picture, disgusted with what she sees.  Thinking, 'What does he see in her?  She's a halfling.  He deserves a full-bloodied upir like me.  Not that whore'.


"So, what are you saying? This is Spivak's grandfather or something?" Roman scoffs.

"Have you ever seen even a father and son look exactly, completely alike?" Ochoa asks sarcastically, which had the three of them arching a brow at him. "This is Spivak."

Peter frowns, "But... that can't be possible." He says. 

"Here's the part where I sound like a fuckin' mental case. I think we might be dealin' with some kind of paranormal, outside-the-box-type shit." Ochoa states. 

"Actually, um...outside-the-box is good. Focus there." Roman says and pays him to send him on his way.  

After Roman shuts the door, he sighs and rubs his head before turning to face Peter and Celena. 

Celena continues to look over the photocopy of Spivak, "Jesus, how old do you think this guy really is?" 

"My biggest question is, 'What the fuck is he'?" Peter says as he sits next to her, scanning the photo as well. 

"All I care about is 'Where?'.' Roman moves and lies on the couch, massaging the bridge of his nose. 

"Ochoa is getting close.  Have faith, Roman.  We'll find them." Celena sighs.  

Suddenly, they perk up at the sound of footsteps coming from upstairs.

"Someone is in the house." Celena whispers.

Peter shushes her and slowly gets to his feet, but everyone sees Annie coming out of Roman's room with a frown.  

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Roman glares at her. 

Annie says nothing and comes down the stairs, carrying his notebook.  She walks towards Roman and holds up the drawing of Spivak.

"How did you know about Omul Negru? I thought your mom didn't teach you any upir customs." Annie says accusingly.

Roman sits up slowly in alert with hope, "You talking about this?" He points at the picture. "And the drawing?" He asks. 

"Yeah. Omul Negru, the upir boogeyman..." Annie says. 

Celena moves with Peter to stand close, "You know about it?" She asks. 

"Yeah. Just that it's some Carpathian peasant story." Annie shrugs.  

"Tell us." Roman demanded. 

"Uh..." Annie tries to think, "I don't remember a lot of details." She says. 

"Anything will do." Celena says. 

Annie thinks and remembers who knew the story better than she did, "I have this upir friend, Nate. Well, you can talk to him. He's an anthropology professor." She says towards Roman, as if she was completely ignoring Celena's presence. 

"Okay. Call him. Call him right now." Roman urges. 

Annie frowns at him, "'s that important?" She asks. 

"You have no idea." Roman states. 

"Well, I could take you to him if you want." Annie suggests. 

"Yeah." Roman nods, "Yeah, take us to see him." 

"'Us'?" Annie frowns. 

"Us as in me, Celena, and Peter." Roman states. 

Annie looks up at Peter, sending him a glare which had him frowning at her, "I don't think dogs are allowed in his house." She remarks. 

Celena glares at her, "What did you say, bitch?" She moves towards her, but Peter holds her back.

"I know what you are." Annie says as she flips through the book and holds it up for Peter to see.  "Werewolf.  You carry the smell of a wet dog covered in his own shit.  You think walking into a upir's den you'll be able to walk out alive?" She scoffs.  

"Let me out!" The darkling growls as she warps over Celena's face, but Peter holds on to her tight in his arms. 

Roman stands in between Celena and Annie, holding up a warning finger, "You take me and Celena then.  She's a upir as well." 

"And a werewolf, too.  And the Darkling?" Annie scoffs. 

"She doesn't carry the smell...does she?" He asks, glaring at her with his cold eyes. 

Annie sighs, "No.  But they'll find out soon enough." She warns.  

"Don't tell them then and no full moon is happening anytime soon." Roman states.

"She's still a halfling.  Don't know what he will say about that part." She adds in her warning. 

"She comes.  Okay?" Roman states strongly.  

Annie sighs deeply and scoffs, "Fine.  I'll call him and let him know we'll be coming by.  But don't say I didn't warn you if anything happens." She says and goes outside to make her phone call.  

The Darkling warps against Celena's face as she glares at her loves, "Should have let me eat her."  She snarls out and sucks back into Celena's body.  


Ochoa headed back to Logan's Garden Apartments to meet up with Olivia, he counts the money Roman gave him and divides it over Olivia's coffee table, splitting the money with her. 

"It was totally uncanny. Exactly like you said. He is completely crazy, him, that girl, and the gypsy.  All three of them. I just played along and boom." He hands her half the money, "But I don't mean to minimize.  He didn't get into, what was it, the immortal space lizard shit that you were talkin' about?" 

"Yes, he's a lost cause. What about Shelley?" She asks, wanting answers about her daughter. 

"I was getting to that. I'm pretty sure she's okay." 

Olivia perks up, "She was there?" 

"Someone was upstairs. From the way he acted when I asked him, guessin' it was her." 

Olivia scoffs and rolls her eyes, "Guessing is nowhere near good enough. This is my daughter." She demands. 

"I will set up a camera outside of his place." Ochoa says, trying to shed some light on her worry. 

Olivia thinks about that, but she needed proof that Shelley was in Roman's house.  Maybe with proof, she could take him to court, and he'll permanently lose any rights with her.  

"Get me in there today." She demanded. 

Ochoa scoffs out a laugh, "Breaking and entering...You do know that is a felony, right?" He points out. 

But Olivia wasn't going to give up, she begins to hand back her cut of the money, but she takes it back before he could touch it and gives him half.  Ochoa couldn't help, but grin in greed. 


At Godfrey Industries, Pryce continues to work around the clock with the creature's body.  Taking a sample from the body he moves towards a table with a microscope and sets the sample under the lens.  

Sighing deeply, he reaches and takes a bottle of pills throwing his head back as he takes a few into his mouth.  He needed to be full alert, but he was so tired.  Suddenly, his eyes were bothering him because of the lack of sleep, so without even realizing, he uses his hand to rub it, but looks down and sees his gloved hands were covered in the creature's blood.  He gasps in realization and blinks.  Feeling a burning sensation developing in his eye and skin. 

"Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck!" He groans in pain and stanches his gloves off, soon the burning begins to grow and spread.  He gets up fast and rushes towards the emergency eye wash sink, "Ah, fuck!" He screams and washes his eyes out.  

Gasping, he rubs the water off his face and looks into the mirror, making sure he got it all, but his eyes widen when his skin begins to develop blisters and turns red like an infection. 

"Oh. Fuck." Pryce begins to gasp rapidly as his breathing was being cut off.  He had to act fast.  He rushes towards a cabinet and yanks open the drawers, trying to find an EpiPen, but his throat was closing too fast.  He slowly falls to the floor, gasping for air. 

"Dr. Pryce!" Blinsky shouts and rushes to help him. He tears through the drawers and finds the EpiPen.  He stabs it into Pryce's leg and soon, Pryce takes in a gasp of air. 

Slowly, Blinsky helps up to his feet. 

"Oh, thank you. Thank you. I'd forgotten or...couldn't remember where I put the...the..." Pryce stutters. 

"EpiPen." Blinsky corrects him. 

"Exactly. EpiPen." Pryce nods, his eye still coated with blisters.  He assumes that'll heal in time.  He had the medication that'll help. 

Blinsky was worried for his boss, "You should have been using the containment module, sir."

Pryce nods, "You're right, you're right. Protocols. Protocols. It's just that I got so caught up in this autopsy. I still have more important work to do." 

Blinsky stops him, "Maybe you really just need to get some sleep, sir." He suggests. 

Pryce shakes his head, "No. But... Klaus, it's just..." He mutters and goes back to his work, leaving Blinsky frowning in worry at him. If Pryce continued to go on like this, Blinsky was worried he'll have a worse incident, and no one will be able to help him.  


Ochoa and Olivia arrived at Roman's house, they could tell Roman wasn't home, so they walk up towards the door and Ochoa begins to hack into Roman's electronic door.  Olivia waits impatiently for him to get her in.  She needed to find proof.  

Soon, he finally got the door open and holds it for Olivia.  Olivia storms inside, scanning the house. 

"Shelley." She calls out for her and looks around, seeing any sort of sign for her.  Ochoa just watches her and looks around as she walks into the living room.  

Olivia looks and sees an old picture.  She picks it up and sees it was Roman, Shelley, and herself, but her face was ripped out.  She sighs and places it down.  She turns and sees Ochoa walking up towards her. 

"Any sign?" She asks. 

He shakes his head, "No."

"You said she was here." She states as her fury grows. 

"Actually, I didn't."

"Don't you pull any shit with me." She snarls. 

"I'd be upset, too. I'd be pissed off, if my kid ran off, after taking care of her the way that you did. Especially given how she's hangin' out with your fuck-up son." He says. 

She scoffs and, suddenly, frowns when he puts a calming hand on her shoulder.  She eyes it and looks up at him. 

"Wherever she is, I'm gonna find her." He promises.  

~I know, I know...soooooo long overdue.  I finally have the inspiration to write again.  I'm seeing more people vote for my stories and I feel like such an ASS for not updating anytime soon.  I need to finish this book badly.  AND Stranger Things 2.  Update! Stranger Things 4 is premiering on May 27th.  The first part of it at least.  Second part will be premiering on July 1st.  Soooo, I need to hurry the hell up and get 2 and 3 going before 4 pops up.  But I need to see it so I can get my story straight.  I have a new story all ready to be posted.  I recently saw a few fanfictions of Pitch Black and an idea just popped in my head for my, if you guys wanna read it, post a comment and let me know, I'll post all the chapters for you guys.  Something to keep you going till I finish these books.  Still need help with Rise of Seth McCall.  Anyone know when the new Teen Wolf movie will premiere?  

Also got 2 new Trailer Park Boys fanfictions in the works.  I barely started on them, though, but they'll be up and posted sometime this year.  I'm gonna work on Dusk soon.  I'm at the hard part of Twilight Breaking Dawn 2. The Battle scene :( I cannot watch it.  I cry every time.  But for y'all I'll try and get it done as soon as I can.  

Lots of love!~


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