Chapter 12: Tequila Worm

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Viktor's Outfit^^^^

Meanwhile, that same night, Viktor was spending more time with Shelley. After meeting Dr. Chasseur, it worried him with how much trouble this vargulf was causing. Viktor knew that Peter was working on finding out who it was to clear his name and stop him or her from murdering another victim. Till Peter does find out, Viktor decides to be Shelley's bodyguard till then. Matt was doing the same for Letha, but, the three of them were more concerned with this Dr. Chasseur. If she digs any further into their personal lives, she might find out about them. Their true identities and their abilities. Celena already told him that she read her mind. How she was working for someone besides Wildlife Fish and Game. Who could it be? The CIA? MI6? God knows what secret agency she could be working for.

Viktor sighs as he leaves the mansion ground, after surveying the perimeter. Crescent moon shinned above his head as he walked into the woods. He didn't dare take flight till he was cleared.

While Viktor left, Shelley couldn't shake this feeling of dread that hovered over her soul. She needed to seek wisdom from her uncle. So, she turns on her computer and sighs in relief to see that he was still online, even at this late hour.

"I have an uneasy feeling, Uncle."

"What is it?"

"Christina was absent from school yesterday. Poor innocent. I cannot imagine what toll the demon dog's handiwork must have taken on her. Have you heard from her? I sent her a card with a poem, but I shall not repeat it here. I mentioned your name in the card, should she desire the
audience of a professional. I do hope you don't mind."

"Of course not."

"I know it all weighs on you, Uncle. The burden of it lies between your words."

"Don't worry about your old uncle. That's the last thing you need."

"Forgive my presumptions, but when I'm making my own reconciliations, I derive some consolation by remembering these words: 'I cannot tell how it mounts on the winds, through the clouds, and flies through heaven. Today I have seen the Dragon'."

Across town, Norman reads his niece's words and seeing the quote she sent him sent chills down his spine. Francis Pullman has repeated that quote over and over to him. His psych exams always terrified him. How Francis knew so much. But, there had to be a logical explanation. Someone from his staff had to be whispering about his daughter's pregnancy and Francis must have overheard it. That had to be it. But, the way he said it.

"I seen that thing inside her." Francis'
voice echoes in Norman's head as he thinks back during the exam he did several weeks ago.

"What do you mean? The thing inside who?" His own voice echoes.

The way Francis smirked at Norman, it disturbed him deeply,"The thing inside your little girl."

Nothing, nobody was going to hurt his little girl. He will kill anyone before they harm her. Even that little...thing inside her.


Celena's outfit for the day ^^^^^^

During the weekend, Peter was completely haunted when seeing Lisa's body in that grave. When Roman asked about the funerals his people have, it brought back a lot of bad memories he experienced when he was young. When he was just a boy, but a man to his people's eyes, during his grandfather's funeral, he was chosen to carry out the tradition of his kind. He remembers when they strung his grandfather's dead body in a tree and handed him a sword. With one swift swipe, he decapitated his own grandfather. To save him from the horrors that waited for him. Peter sighs deeply as he rests on the couch. He snaps his eyes to his phone and picks it up. He unconsciously clicks on his photo gallery and smiles at the pictures he carried of himself and Celena. He traces her face with his eyes. Her smile. The way her eyes lit up in happiness. What would he do without her? He can't ever imagine. He promises himself to always protect her and never hurt her.

Soon, the weekend was over and it was time to go back to school. Destiny was out of town yesterday, so they have to wait till after school to be able to drop off the 'supplies'. Celena and Peter were hanging out in the courtyard for lunch hours. Peter looks over his shoulder and sees Shelley and Viktor. Shelley sends him a warm smile and a wave. Peter sends her one back and laughs at Viktor's jealousy. Celena unpacked her lunch and handed Peter half her sandwich.

Peter frowns in confusion, "For me?"

"You've been feeding me since you met me. Well, Lynda has, but still. Here's me returning the favor. Nothing fancy." She laughs.

Peter smiles and takes the sandwich, honestly touched with Celena's polite gesture. Which is very rare to come by with his kind. But, that's Celena. She's always so nice to him since the day they met. He loved that about her. Her heart. His feelings for her are growing daily. Getting stronger and stronger. That day when she hit him, he laughs silently, he actually loved her even more. Her spirit. And when she protested so strongly with him leaving before Dr. Chasseur showed up. It broke his heart even to think about leaving her. He wouldn't. He can't. Not now.

Celena looks up and was startled with the look on his face, "What's that smile for?" She laughs.

Peter snickers, "Nothing.'re unbelievable."

Celena laughs and blushes.

Suddenly, Letha and Matt pop up. Sharing a seat on the bench.

"Hi. I'm sorry for being so rude the other day." Letha stutters.

Peter waves it off, "It's ok. I'm use to it."

"Still, it was pretty rude of me." She gives him a friendly smile.

Peter nods, accepting the apology. He sneaks a chip from Celena's bag and laughs at her mad face.

"So, where's Vik?" Matt asks as he digs into his food.

"Where else?" Celena scoffs and averts her eyes towards the tree a few feet from them and everyone looks over to see Viktor and Shelley sitting on a bench, laughing and talking. Shelley was typing away and smiling at Viktor's comments.

"Aw, they are so cute. It's so nice to see someone with Shelley. She really needed a good guy in her life. I can't imagine how lonely it must have been for her till she met your brother." Letha smiles.

"Viktor is a great guy and Shelley is perfect for him. He never had an easy life, even before..." Celena stops herself, but Letha frowns at her in confusion.

"Before....what?" She asks.

Celena stutters, but Matt jumps in, "Before the accident. The car accident."

Letha carried a sad look and sighs, "He's lucky to have family like you two looking out for him." She looks over to Peter in curiousity, "By the way, there's a rumor going around that you're a werewolf. Well, are you?"

Peter scoffs, "What do you think?" He chomps into his sandwich.

Matt offers Letha some food, "Take two." He mutters, making sure she's eating enough for herself and the baby.

"What are you doing with my cousin Roman?" She asks.

"What needs to be done."

"You do know we're in high school and not a Clint Eastwood movie." Letha scoffs.

Matt laughs, "I don't know about that. You ever seen High Plains Drifter?"

Letha scoffs again and giggles, "So, Celena, we never got a chance to talk. Do you like my cousin?" She asks suddenly.

Celena coughs awkwardly, "Excuse me?"

Letha shrugs, "Just curious. He seems to like you even though if he doesn't say it or show it much. But, I never seen my cousin stay with one woman for more than one hour with." She laughs.

Celena looks over to Peter and then to Letha, shifting where she sat, "Honestly, I don't know. He was such an asshole to begin with, but...right now, he's only a friend." She shrugs.

Peter shifted in his seat, uncomfortable with talking about Celena's love life. If she chooses Roman, he had no choice. But, deep down, he didn't want her to choose Roman. He wanted to be chosen.

"I'm just glad the three of you are getting along. Roman doesn't have many friends. At least, friends who actually can stand to be with him." Letha scoffs at the thought of the people of the past with Roman.

Celena shrugs, "It's not his fault. I met his mother." She scoffs.

Letha snickers, "Ooh. Just promise me you'll keep him from doing something stupid. Both of you." She sends them both a warning finger.

"Since when did I become the designated driver?" Peter scoffs.

Letha gives him a pleading look, "Please."

Peter rolls his eyes and place a hand over his heart, "All right, shit, fine. I promise. Now that we're talking turkey though, what can you tell us about Roman's mom?"

Celena nods, curious as well, "Yeah, like why is she a huge bitch?"

Matt snickers, "That bad?"

"Oh yeah." Celena laughs as she shudders at the memories.

"Aunt Olivia? Why?" Letha frowns in confusion.

Peter shrugs, "References. In case she asks for a loan."

Letha didn't buy it, but she could see they were highly curious and Celena needed to know what he was getting into if she and Roman become official, "Yeah, I'll bet. Hmm. Well, as the story goes, Roman's dad was touring biomedical facilities in England when he first met Olivia. Further reports indicate that he was bedazzled right from the start."

Peter coughs on his drink and laughs, "Whoa. Bedazzled? People actually use that word?" He scoffs.

Letha shrugs, "Some people do."

Matt was becoming curious as well, "What else?"

"On the day that they buried her husband, the local paper described my aunt as the most beautiful and despised woman in Hemlock Grove." Letha adds.

"Hmm. And they say journalism is dead." Peter mutters sarcastically as digs into his cracker jacks.

"At least they nailed the point. She's definitely one of those women who seem to be carrying a whole lot of evil." Celena mutters.

Peter frowns as he feels something in the box and pulls out a ring, "Prize?" He eyes the ring closer and sees it was a snake. An ouroboros.

Celena gasps softly with a knowing look.

"That's creepy." Letha frowns.

Peter holds it up, "It actually means good luck." He holds it out for Celena, "As a repay for the sandwich." He gives her a smile.

Celena was hesitant, "Come on. Don't be such a fucking girl!" Peter teases.

Celena gives him the stink eye and holds her middle finger out for him. Peter couldn't help laughing, but he slides it on her finger anyway. Letha eyes the two of them, sensing a spark between them. Which confused her. She thought Celena was with her cousin, but the way she eyed Peter...She looks over and sees Roman standing not to far from them, glaring at them. She assumed it was because of Peter and Celena. She gives him a sympathetic look and watches him storm off.

Letha sighs sadly for her cousin. But, she knew that Celena liked Roman, too. It seems to her that Celena could be facing a love triangle and having trouble figuring out who she wants. Letha will try her best to get her and Roman together. Peter was nice, but Roman deserves love more than anything. After going through so many women, Roman needs a good woman to straighten his life out. Celena could be that woman. Just as long as she doesn't hurt Roman. The Godfreys are not forgiving towards people who hurt them.


After lunch was over, Peter and Celena head off to their next class and ran into Christina Wendell. They both felt bad for her after what happened to her in the woods. Gossip from the Sworn sisters say that she snapped and had to be highly medicated to be able to sleep at night.

"Hey." Celena greets her, watching her jump and hug her books tightly.

"We heard about what happened to you in the woods. I'm sorry." Peter gives her a soft look.

Christina frowns at them both and scoffs, "Why would you be sorry?"

Peter shrugs, "Because we are."

"Are you done?" Christina asks in a snobby tone.

Peter scoffs, "I guess so." He begins to walk away, but Celena glares at the girl who glares at Peter.

"You won't get away with it, you know?"

Peter stops and turns to look at her, seeing and sensing her determination to bring him down. Not the first time that happened.

Christina turns to leave, but Celena shoves her to stop.

"I don't get what the fuck your problem is with Peter. You must be really sick in the head to actually believe he's a werewolf. It's amazing to me how many followers you have, too. What, you blow them and fuck them to get them to believe you? No wonder they threw you in the nut house. Crazy bitch." Celena shoves her shoulder into Christina's chest and takes off to find Peter.

Christina takes off into the school, but stops to lean on a wall to let out her agony. Crying and clutching on to her notebook. She sniffles and catches a strand of her hair, but to her horror, she sees that her hair was turning white.


After school was over, Roman headed home to get drunk and wait for Peter's call to alert him to pick him up. But, he was still bothered by what he saw. Peter, Celena, Letha and Matt. He hated it. He wanted to be the one who gives Celena tokens. He wanted to share lunch with her. Not Peter. He just....wanted her.

"Roman. We have a guest. Uh, Shelley, darling, would you go up to your room?" Olivia calls out.

Shelley picks up her stuff and heads upstairs. Leaving her brother with their mother and a buck-toothed deputy.

"What's the problem?" Roman asks with a drink in his hand.

"Franklin Hernandez." The deputy says.

But, Roman was confused and shrugs..

Olivia crosses her arms over her chest, "Go on, officer." Sending an angry glare at Roman.

"It appears some deviants and by some I mean three, given the footprints we found; got down and dirty at the cemetery last night." The deputy states as he gives Roman an accusing eye.

"Some kind of prank?" Roman asks.

"If you consider digging up Lisa Willoughby's corpse and gutting her like a fish a prank, yes, I guess it was a prank." The deputy sneers.

"So who's Hernandez? Is he a suspect or?" Roman asks, hiding the his emotions, but his mother could see right through him.

"He is our gardener. Who's been in the hospital for the last three weeks." Olivia states, gritting her teeth.

"We retrieved this from the hole. Any idea how a shovel from your property wound up near an open grave?" The deputy asks as he holds up the shovel.

"Roman?" Olivia demanded an answer.

Roman shrugs, "Maybe somebody stole it."

The deputy scoffs ss he lets tge shovel slide in his hand to tap the gloor loudly, "Stole your gardener's shovel? This shovel?"

"Yeah." Roman nods, acting completely clueless.

"Well, in case you're interested, there is a $10,000 reward." The deputy states.

"Which I've just offered to double."

"Yeah. Like I said, you know..." Roman mutters, his voice trailing off as he shrugs. He didn't know what to tell them, other than the truth. He didn't want Celena nor Peter in trouble with the law. Peter was his only source and Celena...he didn't want to lose her. They were his best friends.

"OK. Thank you for your help, Mrs. Godfrey." The deputy sends her a polite smile and nod.

"My pleasure." Olivia says as she returns a smile.

"I'll be seeing you, kid." The deputy glares at Roman, then shows himself out.

As soon as the door shuts, Olivia sends Roman a cold glare that could freeze Hell. She was PISSED!

"You did this. You, that gypsy scum and that little emo whore, choosing a moment..." She shoves a warning finger at him, "You knew would hurt me most."

Roman frowns in confusion, "What?"

Olivia scoffs, "Tomorrow's gala for your father." She says, obviously. "Don't pretend you've forgotten." She sneers.

Roman rolls his eyes, completely forgetting about the stupid banquet. "Jesus."

"Do you hate me so much that you would risk this family's public humiliation?" She practically growls lowly at him.

"What if I told you that what I'm doing is important?" SLAP!  "That it is quite possibly the most important..." She slaps him hard, forcing his head to whip back. He glares her down in anger, gritting his teeth.

"Be quiet. I can't bear the sound of you. Another visit from the police and I will collect the reward myself. Nod if you understand." She glares at him.

Roman bit his tongue and nodded. Oh how he wanted to kill her.

"Tomorrow, guests arrive at eight. You will be prompt, properly dressed and attentive to our guests. Nod!" She shouts.

Roman continues to bite his tongue and nodded again.

"Now stay out of my sight." She sneers and stomps off.

Furious, Roman growls and yanks at his hair as he roughly shoves his fingers through.

He stomps upstairs and slammed his bedroom door shut. With a loud yell, he throws his glass across the room. Watching it shatter against the wall and leaves a brandy stain on the paint.

Panting heavily, all Roman could do was think of ways how he would kill his mother. How much he hated her so badly.

His cell phone snaps him out of his thoughts and he pulls it out of his pocket, answering it with a pissed tone.


"Who pissed in your coffee?"

Roman frowns, recognizing the voice, "Celena?"

"No, it's Betty White. What's wrong?"

Roman sniffs, "Nothing. Is it time?" He asks.

"Yeah, we're ready. I'm already at Peter's with Matt. He wants in the loop, if that's ok. We might need all the help we can get. I'll see you soon."

Roman ends the call and sighs. She was right. They still didn't know who the vargulf was. It would mean extra security as well since Matt had powers like Celena. But, he didn't really like Matt.


Roman pulls up next to the pathway in his truck and honks the horn. Still miffed with his mom, he rubs his thumb over his lips as he waits for them. Screw his mom. She can rot in hell.

Celena was the first to arrive and walks up to the truck and gets in the back seat.

"Hey, Peter and Matt are on their way up soon." She says and sighs.

Roman looks over to her and nods, "I'm ready to get this over with and, hopefully, we'll find out who the vargulf is."

Celena frowns as she sees his red cheek, it was a perfect outline of a handprint, "Roman, what happened to your face?"

Roman touches his sore cheek and waves her off, "Nothing. Just pissed off another fuck buddy." He gives her a bitter smile.

Celena scoffs, she knew he was lying. She scoots to wrap her arms around the seat and his neck, giving him a supporting hug.

Roman frowns as he looks down at her arms around him and sighs, all the anger inside him was melting away from her touch.

"You don't have to tell me now." She says softly.

"Will you be my date for the banquet?" He blurts.

Celena falls back in her seat, startled with the question.

"Excuse me?"

He turns in his seat to face her, "My mother..." He spits out, "throws a banquet in my father's honor every year. I always go with Letha, but would you like to go with me?" He gives her a soft, pleading look.

Celena sighs deeply and thinks about it, "If there's alcohol..."

Roman smirks, "Open bar and they don't ask for IDs."

Celena laughs softly, "Okay. Sure."

Roman smiles in relief, but his mood sours once again when he sees Matt and Peter walk to the truck.

"So, did you and my cousin have a pleasant lunch? Huh?" Roman asks bitterly as he drives Peter, Celena, and Matt to Destiny's place.

Peter chuckles, "Nutrition! They don't call it lunch anymore." He corrects him.

Roman sends him a glare, then averts it into the rear mirror.

"Fucking dick. Thinks he has rights to be with my cousin. Celena, if you're in my head, tell your fucking cousin to lay off Letha."

"Woah, Roman! That was uncalled for. And it's up to Letha to decide who she socializes with, not you." Celena says from the backseat.

"Oh, yeah, she's in the right mind to make judgments." He says, sarcastically.

Celena rolls her eyes, Roman was too much like a protective brother with Letha. But, understanding at the same time. Still, he should give Matt a chance.

Soon, they made it to Destiny's. When Peter knocked on the door, Destiny answered it with a smile, dressed in her sexy gypsy wear.

"Peter! Hi. Muah." She kisses his cheek in welcoming, "Come in. I'll just be a second." She gestures everyone inside as she goes back into her bedroom. A middle aged man was buttoning up his shirt as he walks out, all flushed. "Now, I want you to find time every day to be mindful of the love and nourishment flowing from your Manipura, OK? And lay off the refined sugars. It messes with your metabolism."

"All right, thank you." The man nods and walks out.

"Another happy customer?" Peter asks with an amusing smirk.

Destiny shrugs, "Crushed a couple blue pills in his tea. The sugar thing was just common sense."

"Like when your doctor tells you to stop smoking." Matt scoffs.

"One size fits all."

"Hi!" Roman sends a wave.

"This is my cousin, Destiny Rumancek." Peter introduces.

"I'm Roman." Roman holds his hand out, but Destiny turns his palm upward. Reading the lines.

"See anything interesting?" Roman asks curiously.

Destiny frowns and lets go of his hand, turning her attention to Peter, "Hmm. You people have something for me?"

Peter smirks and holds up chocolates for her, "Ooh! Orangies. What a sweetie."

Then, Celena takes out the jar from Peter's bag. Grimacing in disgust, but Destiny just smiles and takes it to the kitchen.

Everyone follows her and watches.

"Just tell me why this is better than running." Destiny asks.

Peter gives her a bitter look, "Fucked if I can, D."

"There's some doctor on Peter's ass. She's working with the police. And someone else. Who is interested in the vargulf." Celena fills her in.

Destiny gives him a defeated look, "Oh, Peter." She places the jar on the kitchen island and unlatches the lid. She brings it to her nose and sniffs, "Mmm." She holds it out for Peter, " Wah!"

Peter dodges in disgust.

"Do I even want to know what that is?" Matt asks.

"No." The four of them say in unison.

Matt holds his hands up, giving them a 'don't have to tell me twice look.

Destiny goes over to her widow and digs in her little garden. She pulls out a little caterpillar.

"Hello, handsome." She gives it a soft kiss and walks back over to the jar. She places the caterpillar into the jar.
"Sorry, buddy. Bon appetité." She watches it wiggle in the blood and closes the lid. Latching it tight.

"How long is this gonna take?" Celena asks as she leans on the island.

"Better let it sit overnight for good measure." Destiny says then gasps, "We'll need some tequila." She says excitedly.

"Is that part of it?"

Destiny barely spared Roman a look, "No. Um, something in a pretty bottle. Silver's good." She smiles to Peter.

Peter nods, "You got it."

"I gotta head to work. Let me know if any results happen." Matt says to Celena.

She nods, "No problem."

"Need a ride?" Peter asks, but Roman glares at the back of his head.

Matt shakes his head, "Nah, work isn't far. I can walk."

"Celena says you guys can fly."

Matt was startled with Roman's tone. He caught a hint of curiosity in his voice.

"Yeah. Why?"

"Can we see?" Roman asks.

Matt shakes his head, protesting strongly.

"Easy, Matt." Celena holds her hands up.

Matt storms out of the building, breathing heavily.

Celena sighs, "Matt is still having issues with showing off the powers. Ever since..."

"So, what, he kills someone, now he's impotent?"

"Roman!" Celena exclaims.

"Jesus Christ, Roman!" Peter throws his hands up.

Celena gives him a disbelief glare and he didn't looked affected by it.

"Andrew's death affected us all, but Matt more because he had to put him down. His family...." Celena stops to take harsh breath. "Do you want to see what we went through? Hmm?"

Roman and Peter both frown, but Destiny gave her an unsure look.

Celena found Andrew's old camera and tapes in storage and hooked it up to Destiny's tv.

"I wanted to grab everything Andrew shot, including tapes from the police and FBI. Didn't want them to keep something that wasn't theirs." She sighs and begins the tape. "This is the last time he ever shot anything and when he nearly destroyed Seattle."

Roman and Peter watched with wide eyes as Destiny watches in wonder.

Roman jumped as he watches a cop shot at Celena, but Matt caught it.

Matt screamed in pain as he drops the bloody bullet with shaking hands. He may have caught it, but it didn't stop it from piercing his skin.

Peter covers his mouth as he watches Andrew use his power to send the cops flying. Seeing how the buildings shook from his screams.

Destiny gasps as Matt sends the spear through Andrew.

Roman couldn't take his eyes of the young Celena on the screen. Watching her wail in agony. Celena cut the video and sighs.

"My god, to see it like that. Matt's soul is broken. He needs to repair it before he loses himself." Destiny says.

"I thought he was ok. He even went to find help before he came here." Celena says.

"He needs closure. That's the only way he'll be able to repair himself." Destiny states.

Celena sighs, nodding in agreement.

"I know how Matt feels. To take a life like that by no choice. It eats you alive till you're nothing inside."

"I still don't trust him. Matt has to do more to get on my good side. Despite he saved Celena's life..."

"Quit thinking so loudly, please!"

Roman and Peter both look at her with an unreadable look.


Celena stayed at home while Roman gave Peter a lift home, but they called her when he was close to home.

"Let us know when Destiny is ready to do it." Peter says as he holds up the phone while she was on the speaker.

"No problem. Do you think it's gonna work?"

"It'll be progress, I believe that."

"Cell, don't forget. Tomorrow. Banquet. Dress code is fancy. I would pick you up, but I have to ride with Letha and her family. It starts at 8 p.m. sharp." Roman says, watching Peter frown at him in confusion.

"Ugh, I'm gonna have to go shopping asap tomorrow morning. I don't do dresses. Skirts are one thing. But, ok. There better be some good alcohol there."

Roman smirks at Peter's face, then turns his attention to the cell phone.

"I'll text you the address. See you then."

Peter cuts the call and frowns at Roman still. He was actually jealous. He couldn't control Celena's life, but he didn't want to lose her.

Music was playing loudly over the radio, but Roman was distracted by the nagging feeling he carried. He lowers the volume and glares at Peter.

"Why didn't she tell me what she saw in my palm?"

Peter shrugs, "Cause it doesn't work like that."

"Oh, I didn't realize I had to grease your whore cousin like the rest of the rubes. Whore as in, like, literal description. I'm a fucking feminist." Roman says sarcastically.

Peter rolls his eyes, "What you want isn't for sale. Destiny doesn't trade real magic for money."

"She trades everything else."

"It's not the same." Peter protests.

Roman scoffs and raises the volume on the radio as he glares at the road.

"Women do what they do. That's the hell of it." Peter adds, but Roman barely heard him.

He lowers the volume again, "What?"

"Women do what they do. That's the hell of it." Peter repeats.

Roman scoffs and sniffs, "Shee-it. I think my Manipura needs nourishment."

Peter snickers as Roman joins him, "That's ridiculous."


Celena's outfit for the day ^^^^^^^

The next day, Celena called Peter and Roman to alert them that it was time, but Roman couldn't get away due to his mother. Peter arrived as soon as possible and Roman told her to tell him everything at the banquet.

Peter and Destiny were preparing the area in the living room. He grabbed a chair and placed it in the center of the room, while Destiny grabbed restraints.

"Why do we need to tie you down?" Celena asks. 

"Sometimes spirits can get a little rough after being pulled from the afterlife.  This girl isn't going to like it.  She's gonna be fighting to go back where she was." Destiny says. 

"That's what we're doing?  We're gonna talk to Lisa?" Celena asks in disbelief.

"Destiny can channel the dead with something that belongs to them.  Strongest connection..." Peter sighs. " blood or body fluids."

"And how are you gonna channel her?" Celena was afraid to ask. 

Destiny just gives her a smirk and turns to Peter, "So, where's your extremely tall upir friend?"

Celena holds her hands out like 'what the hell?' And looks over to Peter in confusion.  

Peter waves her off, "He's going to a party, but he, uh, he expects a full report."

"By me." Celena says.

Destiny laughs and looks over to her, "Of course he does." She eyes her up and down. 

"What the hell is that suppose to mean?" Celena scoffs.

"Honey, it doesn't take a werewolf nor a psychic to know that Roman has a hard on for you." Destiny laughs, then turns back to Peter, "So, Inspector Rumancek is still on the case?"

Peter wipes off his jealousy before they could see it, but Destiny caught it before Celena, "Shut up." He scoffs at her and laughs.  

Destiny gives him a soft, but worried look, "Peter, this goes wrong, Roman goes home to his mom. You could end up in a cage.  Not to mention, Celena and her friends in a laboratory."

Celena shudders at the thought while Peter bottles in his worry, mainly for Celena.  He nods, understanding the consequences. 


Destiny sighs and turns to the jar on the kitchen island, Celena and Peter watch her stand near it, "This can be messy." Destiny warns them before she unlatches the lid.  The blood fizzes and rises out of the jar, dripping out of the glass and runs down the jar.  " Ooh." Destiny digs her fingers into the blood and pulls out a fat caterpillar. "Hello. Ooh." Destiny coos as she hold it up.

"Looks like he had a good meal." Celena grimaces. 

Destiny looks over to Peter and Celena with a coy smile and lifts the caterpillar up and into her mouth.  Celena gives her a horrified look as Peter watches in disgusts. 

Peter quickly gives her the shot of tequila and Destiny drinks it, swishing it in her mouth then swallowing hard.  She sighs at the burning feeling, "Mmm." She licks her bloody fingers and turns to Peter.


Peter quickly gets the restraint as Destiny gets in the chair fast.  Peter straps Destiny's torso to the chair while Celena watches. 

"OK, whatever you need, ask it quick because this goes fast." Destiny warns.

"OK. Hey, I don't suppose you're ticklish, huh?" Peter smirks.

Destiny gives him a dirty look over her shoulder, "Try it and it'll be the last thing you ever do."

Peter laughs and moves to his own chair as he grips Destiny's wrists, "Good?"

Destiny nods, "Mm-hmm."

Celena sighs as she continues to watch.  Destiny takes a few deep breaths, concentrating to welcome the spirit of Lisa Willoughby.  Peter continues to hold on to her writs and watches her eyes snap to his own.  He watches her eyes shake and quickly dilate.  She arches back and begins to jerk in the chair, but he continues to hold her tight. She snaps her eyes back to his and they could see her eyes were completely black.  Dilated beyond normal.  

She jerks again and falls forward, breathing heavily.  Peter leans closer.

"Can you talk?"

"Yes." Destiny speaks, but at the same time it wasn't her.  

"What can you tell me?" Peter ask.

"I hated butterscotch, was good at shit, liked to sew, was planning on giving Scott Buford a blowjob for his birthday but would have chickened out...." She babbles. 

"Sorry. What can you tell me about your death?" He interrupts her gently.

Destiny jerks back and arches again, but looks back to Peter.  Her breath was coming out in steam as if the was freezing in the room, "I came to Hemlock Grove because of the invitation. It was dark. There was no one else there. I thought that was a part of it and..."

"Wait. What invitation?" Peter shakes his head in confusion. 

"Fun, fun, fun." Destiny had a broken look as she rotates her head and jerks again, "I parked, got out, but left my keys in the car. Ding, ding, ding. I was alone, I thought, but then he was there, all big and all black - ding, ding, ding, ding. I've always had a way with dogs. I reached out to pet his cheek and then I saw his eyes, a horrible yellow.  Oh, God. It was how he looked at me." She states her tale as she imitates a car dinging with a look of horror in her eyes.

"Looked how?" Peter asks. 

"The helpless way a dog looks at you when he can't tell you what it needs." Destiny jerks more strongly and Peter loses his grip.  Destiny folds over with a loud retching sound, vomiting on the floor with the little caterpillar wiggling in her vomit. 

Destiny sighs as the spirit leaves her body, she spits the rest of the vomit out of her mouth and looks at her them, "I need to brush my teeth."

Peter and Celena both looked at her, speechless at what they just witnessed. 

While Destiny was showering and brushing her teeth, Celena and Peter cleaned up.  After Celena washed her hands, she grabbed a shot glass and poured herself a drink. 

"Oh, God!" She coughs at the burning feeling. 

"You ok?" Peter asks.

"We just watched your cousin get possessed by a dead woman and barely got any answers. So, no, I'm not ok." Celena says sarcastically.

Destiny emerges into the room, drying her hair.

"Next time, maybe lay off on the tequila." Peter smirks at his cousin.

But, Destiny had a worried look, "You better be careful around this Roman and his mother."

Peter scoffs, "The little prince has no teeth and the queen's an actress. She's just bored. "

"I saw a conversion of his fate line and heart line. Your friend is gonna face the hardest choice of his life, and whoever's in his shadow is gonna share in the consequences. And bored is just one mask. Who knows how many more that crazy bitch is wearing underneath?" Destiny states.  

Peter brushes the rag over the clean floor, "Spic and span. I better get night and all." Peter says as he dodges everything she just told him.

"Peter, you remember why Nicolae was so afraid of the upir? Never forget what he is, Peter, especially if he has." Destiny warns.

"He won't hurt us." Celena, suddenly, states.

Destiny scoffs at her, "You're fooled by his angelic features. It's just a mask."

"Des, I can feel it.  He won't hurt me. Nor Peter.  I trust my feelings and they never failed me." Celena says strongly. 

Destiny shakes her head, not buying any of it.  She didn't want to believe it.  She remembers how much fear Nicolai carried when it came to upirs.  There's a good reason why to fear them. 

"What can you tell me about angels?" Peter asks

"Angels are messengers that help us better understand God. Why are you asking me about angels?" Destiny frowns at Peter's question.

"There's this girl at my school." Peter shrugs.

"What is it with you and crazy girls?" Destiny scoffs.

"Hey!" Celena scoffs.

Destiny laughs and Peter smirks.

"Well, I need to get ready.  Matt is coming by pick me up for the banquet.  He wants to see Letha. " She laughs and heads to the door with Peter.

"Celena, remember my words." Destiny warns.

"Destiny, remember my instincts. And I think I can handle a upir with my wits." She waves her finger and the the chair Destiny sat in moved sideways, scraping against the floor.  Destiny yelps and holds on.

"Point taken.  Just be careful and call me if anything happens." Peter says as he takes her hand in his and kisses her gently. 

Celena sighs as the kiss breaks, "I promise."

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