Chapter 22: Dinner with the Godfrey's part 2

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(Celena's outfit for Dinner) 

When night fell, Celena and Peter make their way to Letha's house with Matt.  Matt pulls up to the house, parking behind Norman's car and gets out while letting out a shakily breath.  Celena frowns when she notices how formal he was dressed.  Dress pants, a burgundy button up shirt with a striped tie.  

While Celena and Peter were dressed in regular comfort clothes.  

"What?" Matt asks with a worried look as he checks himself.  

"Matt, you're having dinner with the parents at their home.  Not at the Hilton." Celena says sarcastically. 

"Well, I'm nervous.  I haven't met the parents since I met Casey's family." Matt scoffs out.  

"Dude, chill.  You're gonna be fine.  You already met these people at the banquet." Celena says as they walk up to the door together. 

"And her parents hated me on the spot." 

"And this is their second chance of getting to know.  They want to know the boy who stole their baby's hear." She brushes his shoulders and gives his cheek a love tap. "Charm your ass off." 

"Charm my ass off." He mocks and turns to knock on the door. 

Soon, Letha answers the door with a big smile, "Hi! You made it." She hugs Matt and kisses his cheek, then turns to greet Celena and Peter.  "Hi, you two." 

"Hi.  Oh my god, that smells so great!" Celena exclaims as she smells the aroma of steak and veggies in the air.  

"Dinner is almost done.  Come on in." Letha says as she gestures them all to come inside.  

Soon, they all found themselves sitting at the dinning room table with Norman at the head and Marie at the end.  Matt and Letha sat across from each other.  Celena sat next to Letha as Peter sits across from her.  Nothing but the sound of jazz playing in the background and the incredibly uncomfortable silence was all they could hear as the ate their meal.  Celena snickers a few times as she watches Peter eat.  It was very crude, but funny.  He smacks his lips and flaps his tongue at the taste as if the flavor bothered him and covers it with salt.  Celena continues to eat her meal, but sneaks a foot under the table and drags her shoe up his ankle.  Making him jump.  

Peter looks up and scorns at his ancestors, "Thanks, Nic." He scoffs at this grandfather.  

"What's that?" Letha asks. 

Peter waves it off and continues to eat, flashing Celena a teasing scorn.  She simply smirks at him.   

Norman clears his throat, "We were worried either of you might be a vegetarian." He says. 

"Oh, no." Celena laughs and waves it off.  

"No. The steak's good." Peter says. 

"It's delicious." Matt says with a small smile.

"It's great, Mom." Letha smiles at her mom.

"Thanks." Marie gives them all a polite smile, but Celena could sense something was disturbing Marie.  

"She uses a special marinade. What's in it again?" Norman asks his wife.

"Just a little bit of love." Marie says with a bitter smile.  

"Son of bitch, can't keep it in his pants." Marie's voice echoes in Celena's mind, making her choke on her water.

"Oh, my goodness, are you alright?" Marie asks in concern.  

Celena clears her throat and coughs once more, "Sorry, wrong hole." She mutters.  

Letha decides that this silence needs to be taken care of, "Did you guys see that picture in the paper of the guy walking down Liberty Avenue with a leopard on his back?"

Everyone frowns at her, shaking their heads. 

"No." "No." "Sorry." "Nope." "Clueless."

"Oh! Well, there was this guy walking naked down Liberty Avenue with a leopard on his back." Letha laughs. 

Celena and Peter frowns.

"Was the leopard alive?" Norman asks. 

"I'm not sure." Letha mutters. 

"Hmm! So, Matt, Letha tells me you want to be a doctor.  That's actually impressive." Norman says.  

"Yes, sir." Matt nods. 

"Where do you plan to go to college?" Norman asks. 

"I haven't really made my decision yet.  Maybe NYU or John Hopkins." Matt says, scratching his ear lobe.  

Norman looks impressed, "Wow, are your grades high enough for those schools?"

"He managed to get an 1520 on his SATs." Letha smirks.  

Marie laughs in shock, "That's impressive.  But why do you want to be a doctor?" She asks. 

Matt begins to think about Andrew, how he wanted to help people, "I, uh, just always wanted to help people." He gives her an uncomfortable smile.  

"Are your parents going to be helping you?" Norman asks.  

" parents?  Um...well..." Matt stutters.  

"Mr. Godfrey, um, Matt's parents are actually not with us...anymore." Celena mutters with an uncomfortable look. 

"Oh! Oh, I'm sorry." Norman waves it off with an apologetic look, but frowns...a lot of death in such a family.  But...he could relate.  

"Well, Peter senior year. Pretty stressful time, right?" Norman changes the subject. 

Peter shrugs, "Not really."

"Well, I assume you're thinking about colleges as well." Norman states. 

"Thinking about it, sure." Peter nods. 

"Hmm Letha's already written her personal essay." Norman says proudly with a big grin.  

" I think I might have to defer that for a year though." Letha mutters, meaning her maternal period. 

Norman clears his throat uncomfortably, "Um, Celena, how about you?  College?" 

Celena sighs, "Well, honestly, haven't really thought about what I want to do.  Definitely not something that involves a lot of traveling." She chuckles.  

"Celena and Viktor use to move around a lot." Letha explains. 

"How come?"

Celena smacks her lips, "No place ever felt like home.  Till we came here.  And met so many wonderful people." She smiles. 

Marie sighs and gives her a small smile while Norman analyses her body language.   

"So, uh, Mrs. Godfrey, how did you meet Mr. Godfrey?" Peter asks.

Marie clears her throat, "Uh, we met at the mill.  My father..." Norman suddenly cuts her off. 

"Her father was a steel worker.  Worked for my family." He explains. 

Matt laughs, "Really?"

"He was a good man. Always made me call him Mr. Newport. Very prideful." Norman chuckles.  

"He was a hard worker." Marie didn't look like she was in the mood to laugh. 

"And Mr. Newport did not want me anywhere near his daughter." He boisterously laughed. 

"Yeah?" Celena laughs.

"Oh, yeah." Norman exclaims. 

"Mom, you never told me that." Letha laughs. 

"How did he win you over?" Celena asks Marie. 

Marie looks down uncomfortably, "Godfreys, uh, get what they want." She mutters to her. 

"What's that, honey?" Norman asks. 

"Godfreys get what they want." Marie states a little louder.

Norman sighs and frowns at her, "Stop."

Marie scoffs and gets up, "Excuse me. I'm just suddenly feeling a little bit tired." She excuses herself and leaves the room. 

"Mom." Letha begs, but her mom was gone. 

Norman, suddenly, gets up and heads for his tiny bar to get four glasses and some brandy.  He holds everything up.

"How about it, partner?  Celena, Peter?" Norman asks, but everyone was quiet. "It's not a trick question." He scoffs. 

"Yeah. Please." Peter takes the offer.

Celena holds up a finger, "Double." She mutters. 

Norman laughs and turns to Matt, "Well?"

"Hit me." Matt clears his throat.  

Norman pours everyone a drink, except Letha and holds up his glass, "So what should we drink to?"

Celena sighs, "To Roman." She says. 

Norman nods, "To Roman."

Matt and Peter holds their drinks up and clicks their glasses with everyone, "Roman."


After dinner was over, Peter walked her back to Roman's house.  Despite his argument, she's determined to stay there until he wakes up.  Plus, unbeknownst to Peter, Olivia wants to keep a close eye on her.  And Celena wanted to know why.  

(What's on Celena's PJs)

Dressed in her PJs, an extra large pink shirt with a picture of the earth having black paint spilled on it and pink and gray shorts with bunny slippers, she sits in her chair and continues to watch Roman.  

"Still no change." A voice sighs out.  

Celena looks up and sees Olivia walking in. 

"I figured." Celena mutters. 

"How was dinner?" Olivia asks. 

Celena looks at her in disbelief, "You really want to know?" She scoffs. 

"Believe it or not, I'm not the complete bitch you paint me to be." Olivia sighs and sits in a chair next to Celena. 

"Olivia, you're talking to a mind reader.  Plus, I can smell bullshit from a mile away." Celena eyes her. 

"Very well.  I'm honestly not curious about how it went, but knowing Marie and Norman..." Olivia scoffs.  "I can imagine it was full of...tension." 

Celena laughs, "That goes without saying." 

"Is she upstairs?"

"No, no, please! She'll be very upset!"

Celena and Olivia sit up when they hear voices drawing near, but Celena was relieved to see Lynda.  

Olivia stands up quickly, as if she was expecting her and anxiously takes a vital from Lynda.  Celena frowns as she watches. 

"I'm sorry about your boy." Lynda says in sympathy. 

"Thank you. Let me, uh..." Olivia says as she fumbles through her purse, but Lynda stops her.

"No, no. Come on. I know you're good for it." Lynda waves her off.  

Celena points at Olivia and frowns at Lynda.  She watches Olivia uncork the vital and uses it as if it was an eyedropper.  As a single drop of liquid hits her eyes, she shudders in absolute pleasure and falls back against the chair.  

"Drugs, sweeties.  She's an addict.  I guess its the only thing that keeps her demons at bay." Lynda scoffs. 

"Oh." Celena gets up and moves to sit on the couch as Lynda walks up to Roman as memories flood in her mind. 

"When Peter was born, his shoulders were too broad. He got stuck in the birth canal, suffocating. The doctor did everything he could to get him out until finally, he just, he had to reach his hands in and snap my baby's collarbone. I could feel the crack all the way through my body. And then there he was blue as the sky. Doctor said it was up to him. He was either gonna take a breath or not. And then he took a breath. Hmm and then he took a breath." Lynda sighs as Celena takes her hand in sympathy.  "It isn't easy raising them on your own, especially when you didn't have any choice in the matter. But then, you know, you really have to wonder I mean, what would a man provide anyway?" She scoffs. 

"Well..." Celena smirks and earns a smack from Lynda, she giggles and covers herself from the smack.  

Olivia sighs as the drugs work through her system, stopping the horrible voices that have been pounding her head like a drum all day, "Sometimes it's just nice having them around. Nice but incredibly..." She begins to laugh, "...stupid. Utterly useless!" She continues to laugh hard.  

"Good lord, she's high.  Can I have some of that?" Celena asks, holding a hand out to Lynda, who gives her a glare.  Celena winces and takes her hand back, "Never mind." She mutters.  

"There's something very different about having a son. There's something very different about raising a little man. You spend your whole life thinking you're all they've got and then one day you realize they're all you've got. And what do you do with that?"

Suddenly, Olivia sits up with worry, "It's not up to him." She whispers.  

"What was that?" Lynda asks.

Olivia looks over to Roman with such worry, "It's not. It's not up to Roman when he dies. It's not it's not his decision, it's mine. It's too soon. It's too soon." She says.  

Celena frowns at her, confused with why she said that. 


(Celena's outfit for the day ^^^^)

(Viktor's outfit for the day ^^^)

Next day, people were getting anxious, terrified.  Especially, around Peter.  The full moon is tomorrow and Celena knew that the Vargulf will be hunting.  Mainly, for her.  That's why it's hunting only girls.  Peter and Celena figured that out a few days ago.  It's getting closer to discovering who she is.  The Vargulf knows that the moon is a woman, but still didn't know.  

"Who do you think it is?" Viktor asks as he walks out of the school with Celena. 

"I don't know, Vik.  It's hard to search for it.  I try to hear anything, but the voices of everyone else is getting too loud for me to look." Celena sighs.  

Viktor places an arm around her, "We'll find it before it finds you." He says determinedly.  

Celena sighs, but frowns when she hears voices speaking up loudly from across the campus, near the bus loop.  

"Full moon tomorrow. You got spunk in your ears, Rumancek? I'm talking to you, you dirty gypsy piece of shit." A guy says as he walks next to Peter, taunting him with two other guys.  

"Aw, he's probably just down 'cause his girlfriend's in a coma. Need to run home and suck Sleeping Beauty's dick?" The other guy laughs. 

"You deaf, faggot?" 

"So, where's the, uh where's the wolf half come from anyway, right?"

"Yeah, your mom toss a steak between her legs and say, 'Come and get it, boys?'" 

The three bullies laugh and it looks like Peter had enough.  

"Shee-it." Peter mutters, then turns to kneel one of the bullies in the balls and runs into the bus. 

"Ugh!" The bully groans in pain and falls to the ground. 

The other bullies grab Peter from behind and shoves him to the ground.  People on the bus begin shouting and yelling, "Oh, my god!" "Holy shit!"

The three bullies kick Peter over and over, blood squirting out of Peter's mouth.  Celena throws her stuff to the ground and rushes with Viktor.  She jumps on one of the bullies' back and begins punching his head.  "FUCKER!" 

Viktor roars and picks the other two, slamming them hard against the bus.  The students on the bus shout in surprise when it shakes from the impact.   He picks them up and stuffs them into a trash can that was full of garbage and piss.  

Celena kept hitting the bully till he throws her over his shoulder and picks her up by her neck and shoves her to the ground.  

"Fuck you!" Celena screams and kicks him in the balls and punches him in the face.  

It took three teachers to break up the fight.  With the help of Celena's powers, the principal filed charges against the three bullies and expelled them.  Peter, Celena, and Viktor were suspended for a week.  

Matt and Letha saw the whole thing, but before Matt could help, the teachers were already breaking up the fight.  Letha called Olivia for help and she managed to get their suspicion cut down to half a week.  

Peter winces in his seat as Olivia drives them to Peter's house.  Celena sighs softly and moves to lean on the seat, taking his hand in hers.  Olivia watches the movement and frowns.  Celena looks at her in the rearview mirror, sending her a warning glare.   

Lynda waited anxiously, looking out the window every five seconds.  Finally, they arrived and she opens the door and gasps at the sight of her son. 

She strokes his face gently, looking at all the bruises and blood, "Who could do such a thing to a face so beautiful?"

"It's fine. It was no one." Peter waves it off. 

Lynda looks over to Celena, seeing that she was affected, too.  Her hair was a mess and her throat was red, "Dracu' sa le ia." she snarls as she moves to Celena, examing her neck.  She sighs and gestures them all to come inside,  "Sit, sit. Come in. OK. It's swelling up." She exams Peter first.  

Olivia walks in and sits on the couch, startled at the sight of Casper and shoos him away.  

"How much pain are you in?" Lynda asks. 

"It's fine." Peter waves it off again. 

Lynda scoffs, "You ok?" She asks Celena.  

"You should see the other one." She laughs. 

"Yeah?" Lynda snorts and moves to get a frozen steak in the fridge.  She pounds it hard against the table, making Peter grip his head in pain.  She winces, "Sorry."  She grabs some kind of hot drink that had Celena scrunching her nose in disgust, "OK drink this in one go as fast as you can. OK?" She hands Celena the steak, "This is for the swelling. When it thaws there's more." 

Celena nods, "OK, sure." 

Lynda turns and grabs a silver box and pulls out a joint, handing it to Peter with a smirk, "I think you know what to do with this."  Peter laughs and takes it, "You can go. Take care of him in the back."

Celena nods, "OK." She helps Peter stand up and walks him to his room.  Helping him lie against the pillows.  She gently places the steak against his cheek.  Peter winces softly in pain.  

"Sorry." She whispers. 

"'Will you tell me a story about being a gypsy?'" He mutters and laughs. 

"You are such an asshole!" She throws the steak against his chest, making him groan in pain.  She covers her mouth in shock, "Oh! Hey, I'm sorry."

Lynda and Olivia both sat on the couch, sharing a joint, "At least it wasn't stitches. I hate fucking stitches." Lynda exhales and hands Olivia her joint.  

Olivia frowns and picks at the end, "Perhaps, uh Peter should stay at our house for a time. A full moon does bring it out in people." She inhales and slowly lets out a trail.  

"I don't know. This is his home." Lynda sighs and takes the joint as Olivia hands it back.  

"We wouldn't want another broken collarbone." Olivia mutters. 

Lynda knew she was just trying to push her buttons, but she was right.  She didn't want anything happen to Peter.  Maybe he could be safe there.  With Celena, she could give him the best protection.  


Peter packed up an overnight bag and stayed over at the Godfrey's mansion, per Celena's and Olivia's request...also Lynda's.  Celena and Lynda just wanted him to be safe.

Matt and Letha decided to stop by and spend some time with Shelley.  Viktor came over as well and the six of them decide to have a 'slumber party' in the lounge.  Viktor shows off his skills with popcorn.  Catching them at every throw while they play a board game.  

"All right, this one's for Shelley. 'Which book begins, 'Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again?'" Celena reads the card she drew.  

Shelley gasps with a knowing smile and begins to type her answers. 

"It's not a book." Peter scoffs and tries to look, but Celena covers her hand over the card.

"Yeah, it is." 

"Rebecca." Shelley types.

Letha looks at her in disbelief, "How did you know that?" 

"Jesus!" Matt exclaims. 

"I read." Shelley smirks and gasps when Viktor rewards her with a kiss on the cheek.  

"Aww." Celena coos at them and laughs at Viktor's beet red face. 

"That's my cousin." Letha laughs with everyone, but Peter begins to cough in pain.  It was hard for him to laugh and breathe at the same time. 

Shelley gives him a worried look, "It hurts?" 

Peter waves it off, "It's not so bad." 

Celena gives him an unsure look, but he wraps his arm around her in comfort, "Really, I'm fine."  He sighs and looks at everyone, "Who else is hungry? Eh?" He holds up the steak. 

Shelley giggles and Celena scrunches up her face, "No way." 

"Hmm, I was thinking something more microwaveable." Letha suggests.  

"If there's eggrolls, I'll be so grateful." Celena begs.  

Peter laughs, "All right. I'm on it."

"I'll help you out." Matt says as he gets up.  

"Thank you." Celena and Letha both say. 

Peter begins to get up, but stops and eyes Shelley with a teasing glare, "And no cheating. I know a schemer...when I see one." He smirks as he points at his own eyes.  

Celena mocks him and makes a rude noise, making everyone laugh.  

Shelley giggles at both of them.  Celena shrieks as he reaches over and tickles her.  Peter laughs and gets up, getting in Shelley's face.  Shelley sends him a teasing glare and laughs as Peter and Matt walk into the kitchen.  

Matt heads for the fridge and roams through it.  

"Anything worth eating?" Peter asks.  

"Hmmm, nothing microwaveable.  How about we order in?" He asks.  

"Did you find what you were looking for?" 

Olivia's voice startles them both as she stands in the shadows. 

"Um...Not really." 

Olivia walks out of the shadows, "There should be some frozen peas in there, Matthew.  That should help, but I recommend some some Vaseline and cayenne pepper."  

"Huh?" Peter frowns at her.   

"For your face help with the swelling." She says and walks up to Peter, stroking his face gently, but Matt could see Peter eyeing her with caution.  She sighs, "Boys..." Shaking her head.  

"Can I ask why you'd want to help me?" Peter couldn't help, but bet curious with her change of attitude. 

"Roman needs all the friends he can get right now. Besides, someone ad to step in before things got too hairy." She says, putting more meaning into the word 'hairy' and eyes him up and down. 

Peter's eyes widen a little, so she knew what he was and he could tell that she knew what he knows...about her.  

"Hmm.  Well, thanks." He mutter and turns to catch the peas from Matt and heads back into the living room to call for take out.

Peter and Celena shared one of the bedrooms and slept in each other's arms.  But Peter could barely sleep.  It was nearly the crack of dawn when he woke up and sees the sun peeking out from where it rises.  Along with the moon as it sits in front of him.  As if it was waiting for him to wake up.  He gently pries himself from Celena's grip and turns to sit on the edge of the bed.  Celena mumbles in her sleep and reaches for Peter's spot.  He couldn't stop looking at the moon.  Feeling the wolf claw inside him for freedom.  He knew that the Vargulf was feeling the same thing.  And it will be hunting...for Celena.  He needs to make sure she's safe.  Especially, when he can't protect her.  

"When the moon is full, do you walk in the skin of a wolf?"  Chasseur's voice echoes in his memories.  He knew what he had to do.  Even if it kills him.  He gets up and grabs his coat and rushes down the stairs.  

But stops when he spies Shelley looking down at him from the second floor with a worried look.  Her hair was pushed back.  For the first time he could clearly see her.  

He exclaims in surprise, but gives her a gentle smile.  She strokes her own cheek, still carrying worry.  

"I'll be careful." He assures her, then uses two fingers, saying that he's watching her, pulling his skin a little at the bottom of his eyes.  Making her laugh as her skin glows brightly. 


Peter couldn't believe he was considering this, but he had no choice.  He had to make sure Celena gets the right protection and he believes Chasseur could do that.  He walks up to the motel room door and knocks.  He waits till he hears movement and sees a shadow forming around the peephole.  The door yanks open and there she was, standing with a furious yet confused look.

"Hey." Peter mutters as he catches the strong whiff of alcohol in the air.  She was getting loaded, he could tell and smell it all over her. 

"What are you doing here?" She scoffs at him. 

"I need to talk to you. I spoke to Destiny" Peter says, with a pleading look.  

Chasseur looks over her should at the paper work and pictures she left out, unsure if she should let him in, but against her better judgment, she moves out of the way for him to walk in.  

She watches him, eyeing him with caution and takes her gun out from behind and places it next to her as she sits on the bed.  Peter eyes her as well, hoping she won't be needing to use that gun on him.  He looks around at the pictures she had posted on her board.  A lot of him, the Vargulf's victims.  Celena and Viktor.  And Matt and Letha.  She's been watching them since she got here.  He wasn't surprised.  

" What happened to your face?" She couldn't help, but ask. 

"I lost a beauty pageant." He mutters sarcastically, then sighs deeply, "I know why you're here."

"Really?" She scoffs. 

"You're here to make sure that no more girls get killed." He hints. 

"You came all the way down here to share this epiphany with me? Why?"

He sighs sharply, "Because I need your help. Full moon's tonight. And I got a bad feeling about it."

"That right?"

"I've had this feeling before." He mutters. 

"You want to talk about it?" She asks. 

"Not especially."

"So what do you want me to do?" She shrugs. 

"What you came here for!" He shouts in frustration. 

She could see how much worry he carried and how much pain this was causing him.  He sighs and calms himself, but tears begin to form in his eyes.  

"Look, the girl, Celena Banks.  Please, make sure that nothing bad happens to her.  Because I can't." His voice cracks at the end.  "Ok? Can you do that?" He begs. 

Chasseur sighs and takes her gun back, gripping it tight in her hand, "No more girls are gonna die. I promise." She states strongly.  


When Celena woke up, Peter was gone. No note, no text or call. Nothing. Shelley told her that he went out and wasn't sure when he will be back. While Shelley was at school again, Celena decided to skip. She sat next to Roman and takes his hand.

"Hey, Rome. I know you can hear me. I just wish you would wake up. I want someone to talk to. Things have been turning into shit lately. It's so hard to go to school cause you're not there to cause trouble for me." She laughs. "Peter is getting jumped left and right because of these dumbasses in town. Same goes for me." She sighs and rubs her forehead and face as sadness begins to build in her heart. She sniffles, feeling tears run down her cheeks, "Roman, I need you. I need you to wake up." She cries. "I can't do this anymore. I can't keep this secret from Peter anymore." She sniffles, not knowing that Peter was walking towards the room.

Peter stops when he hears Celena and leans in to listen.

"It's not right to keep anything from either of you. I was hoping to talk to him when you woke up, but we're running out of time." She wipes her tears away and swallows roughly. "You know what's fucked up?" She laughs. "I don't even regret it. Being with was amazing. It was like...a final piece of the puzzle in my life. I could die a happy girl now. I knew it was bound to happen between us. But I just don't want Peter to be mad at either of us. This getting stronger every day. I can feel it." She sniffles. "I think Peter can feel it, too. When we kissed...I could have sworn I felt Peter." She whispers.

"You kissed him?" Peter exclaims as he storms in.

Celena jumps out of her seat, "Shit!" She gasps. "I was going to tell you."

"Did you fuck him, too?" Peter glares at her.

Celena couldn't answer, nor look at him. Peter scoffs and rubs his face.

"It was the night he went into the coma. He came over and one thing led to another."

"Oh, so if I came crying to you, you would spread your legs and fuck till I'm happy?" Peter says sarcastically.

"Fuck you! What gives you the right to control who I have sex with anyway? You never once claimed me as yours. You never once said the words to me, Peter.  As far as I know, we're friends with benefits." She scoffs.

"Ha! You know damn well we're more than that!" He shouts.

"And you know damn well that you, me, and Roman are in this together. I know you felt something that night." She jams a finger at the side of her head, "I can fucking see it! You felt us all connect. You can't fucking lie to me." She sighs.

Peter couldn't lie, he did. He felt...something that same night. He couldn't explain what. He sighs roughly.

"Ok, fine. Yeah, I did feel something. I can't explain it. can this be right? Tell me how." He demands.

"I don't know, and I can't. It's a useless fight. Our bond is shoving us together. We have no choice. This is why I wanted us, all three, to sit and talk. Then, Roman had to be a dumbass and look at him."

Peter couldn't hate her; he couldn't even hate Roman for this. But the fact she hid this from him pissed him off so much.

"I don't like secrets." He bites out.

Celena was quiet for a moment then burst out laughing, thinking how similar Roman and Peter were.

She calms herself and chuckles a few times till she clears her throat and wipes away her tears. She sighs deeply, then frowns when she just realizes something.

"Where were you?" She asks.

He waves her off, "Doesn't matter. And don't even think about reading my mind." He warns her as he storms up to her, holding her close. "I need you to promise me something. I need you to promise me that you'll be home before sundown. I need you to promise me that you'll be home before dark, and that Destiny or Lynda is with you the whole night, until the sun comes up." He demands.

Worry began to fill her eyes, "What are you gonna do?"

"I'm gonna kill it." He snarls. "I'm gonna end this once and for all and I don't want you around me when that happens." He states.

"What did I say, Peter? We're better together than alone and I think I can handle a Vargulf just fine." She scoffs at him.

He holds up a warning finger in her face, "An hour before sundown, under no circumstances do you leave the house! Under no circumstances do you let anyone in!"

Breathing heavily, "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Celena screams and everything around her either shatters or flies across the room. Including Peter.  The hospital bed with Roman only shoves a few inches away from her.  

Peter yells as he flies back and grunts in pain when he hits the wall, "Fuck!" He shouts and winces.

Panting in shock, Celena whimpers, "I'm sorry."

Peter slowly gets to his feet and walks towards her.

"I'm sorry." She cries.  "Don't touch me!" She jumps away from his hands, but Peter forces her into his arms and holds her close. Burying his face in her neck as she holds on to him tight.

"Ok, we're in this together, but when I say go, you go. Promise me." Peter says against her neck. "Promise!" He whispers harshly.

"I promise." She whimpers.

With the two of them distracted in their hug, they don't realize Roman jerking awake from his sleep.  

~Wattpad is still giving me problems with uploading my GIFS in here. Don't know what's going on.  Will update soon with the rest of my chapters and try my best to upload my gifs.  Is anyone else having the same issue?  Float me some comments and likes if you're enjoying my chapters.  Lots of love! Song~

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