Chapter 25: The Wrong Moon

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Celena decides to go visit Peter at the chapel. Since it wasn't a full moon, she believed she was safe. She gathered up some food and drinks for them because she knew he wanted something better than that lousy food Norman gave him. She locks up her loft and heads off to the streets. A curfew was going on since the police were looking for Peter, so she took the alleys to avoid the cops who patrolling around her block. She turns towards another alley to get away from the crowds and plans to fly off. But as she turns down an alley, she begins to hear soft footsteps. She stops and looks behind her, but no one was there. Goosebumps begin to roll over her neck and her arm hair begins to shoot up. Something was out there. Someone.

Celena lets out a shuddering breath, cold air escapes her lips and fogs around her mouth. She turns and continues her path, picking up the pace. As she makes it out of the alley, she looks around to make sure no one could see her. But, before she could take off, a soft growling was made several feet away from her. She slowly turns to look for the growls and sees a large dark shadow of a wolf, hiding in the darkness. Trembling with fear, Celena looks closer into the darkness and sees bright yellow eyes staring back at her. Cold, evil eyes.

She frowns and looks up into the sky, seeing the wasn't full! She gasps softly and snaps her eyes back at the Vargulf. How could it be turned during a regular moon. The vargulf snarls and glares at Celena.

"Oh, shit!" She drops everything she was holding and takes off running.

The vargulf chases after her, snarling and growling with drool and blood dripping from its sharp teeth.

She runs as fast as she could, but the vargulf was so much faster than she was. She takes a sharp turn, throwing the vargulf off its tracks and takes off towards an empty lot, nothing but junk debris and tall stalks of grass. She runs and runs, but skids to a halt when she couldn't hear the growling anymore.

Panting, she sharply turns towards every corner, looking out for the vargulf. Nothing.

Before she could sigh in relief, a loud growling erupts from the tall grass and a figure slammed into her. She shouts and screams and scrambles to get up off the ground, but she screams again when a set of jaws clamp on her boot and drags her back. She grabs a metal bar and quickly turns on her back as the vargulf snaps at her. She holds the bar in protection when the vargulf tries aim its jaw at her throat. The vargulf snarls and pushes harder to yank the bar out of her grip, but Celena was determined to hang on. She screams in pain when she feels the Vargulf's claws scratch her arm. She felt her own blood splashing against the side of her face.  She grunts when the Vargulf snatches its mouth away from the bar and tries to climb over it.  Celena whimpers and shoves the bar against its throat, trying with all her might to shove it away.  Or at least choke it. 

Suddenly, her air was cut off as she felt a hand wrap around her throat. She begins to choke as the grip tightens. Her eyes widen as she sees a bloody hand sticking out of the Vargulf's mouth. She grunts and tries to free herself. She reaches for something, anything and feels a rock. She takes it and slams it against the Vargulf's head, making it loosen its grip and roll off her.

Coughing and griping her throat, Celena gets to her feet and runs again. The Vargulf snarls like a rabid animal and chases her. Celena makes it across the loft and runs across the road. A huge truck was coming, and before it could hit her, it slams into the Vargulf instead. Celena jumps and falls to the hard road and sits up as the truck slams on its breaks.

An overweight trucker gets out and checks the damage. He shines his light on Celena and frowns, "Are you ok, lady?"

Before Celena could answer, the Vargulf jumps the trucker and drags him off into the grassy lot. All she could hear was the poor trucker's screams of pain.

She gets to her feet and takes off in flight with a sonic boom behind her.

After the Vargulf was done with its victim, it takes off to search for Celena. But her scent stops where it left her. It lets out a loud roar and howls in fury.

Celena flew erratically in the air. She was beyond terrified. It knows! It knows who she is...what she is. She can't go home. She can't go to Matt; he was with Letha...watching over her. She couldn't go to Peter's; she'll put Lynda in danger. She could only think about going to Roman's. She lands on the ground hard and whimpers in pain. She clutches on her to arm and gets to her feet. Rushing to the door.

She pounds as hard as she could on the door. Hoping and praying that Roman would answer. She looks quickly over her shoulder, whimpering with paranoia that the Vargulf was going to jump out and get her again. She pounds on the door again.

Finally, the door opens and Roman stood there as shock covers his face when he sees a terrified, messy looking Celena.

"Celena? Celena!" He shouts as she falls into his arms in relief.

She couldn't get a straight word out; all she could do was cry and hold on to him.

"Jesus Christ! What happened?" He picks her up in his arms, carrying her bridal style and kicks the door closed.

Shelley gasps and quickly types, "What happen? What happened?"

Celena yells in pain as Roman puts her down on the pool table. Roman carefully pulls off her coat and gasps as he sees the deep wounds in her arm.

"Oh, my god." He turns to Shelley, "Shell, go get the first aid kit in the bathroom. Go!" He tells her and she takes off running, her booming footsteps fading.

Celena cries as her face scrunches in pain, her feet were wiggling all over the table as waves of pain hit her hard.

"Celena, what happened?" Roman places his hand over her sweaty forehead, stroking her gently.

She grunts and pants, "Vargulf." She sobs. "It was the Vargulf!" She begins to whimper.

Roman's eyes widen in shock and turns into anger, "Who was it? Who was it?!" He grits his teeth, demanding her to tell him.

She shakes her head, "I don't know. It was in wolf form." She cries and covers her mouth with shaking hands.

Roman sighs and strokes her hair, "You're safe now. You're safe." He says softly.

Shelley's booming footsteps rush back and Roman quickly tends to her arm.

"What happened? Are you ok?" Shelley types with a worried look.

"I'll be ok, Shelley." Celena trembles and screams in pain when Roman pours alcohol on her wounds. "Oh, fuck me!" She grunts as he begins to clean her wounds.

"It was the demon dog, Shell. He attacked her." Roman says as he looks over his shoulder.

Shelley gasps and the lights begin to flicker rapidly around her. Soon, an angry face forms and Shelley fists her hands tightly.

"She!" Celena bites out. "She did." She grits out as Roman places butterfly strips on her wounds to close them.

Roman and Shelley frown at her in confusion.

"It was a female." Celena pants out, sweat coating her entire face.

"How do you know?" Roman asks.

Celena raises her head, exposing her neck. Roman frowns and sees the smear of blood all over her skin. He takes a wet cloth and cleans up the blood and sees no wounds, but he does see small fingerprints.

"A fucking hand came out of its mouth and tried to choke me. It was way too small to be a man's hand. I think we're looking for a teenage girl." Celena states and swallows roughly.

"What is going on here?" A furious voice speaks out.

Roman and Shelley move away to see their mother standing with her hands on her hips, glaring at them. But when Olivia sees a wounded Celena on the pool table, she gasps.

"Oh, my word! What happened?" She walks over to them in concern, but more curious.

"She got attacked." Roman returns to clean her wounds.

"And you led the monster here? Idiot!" Olivia growls.

Roman turns to glare at his mother, "It's not out there. If it were, it would have broken in by now."

Olivia sighs, still unsure. She looks down at the emo, concerned for her well-being, but, of course, she was more worried about the life of her weapon and future daughter-in-law who will produce the offspring she desires.

"Well, we can't let her go out there. Too dangerous. Shelley, take her to your room once Roman is done tending to her." She orders and leaves.

Roman sighs irritatedly and wraps up her arm.

Olivia walks towards the stairs but stops when she spies drops of blood on the ground. She pulls on her gown and squats to scoop the blood up with a finger. With a slow lick, she sucks up the blood from her fingertip and sighs. She swears she had an orgasm from that drop alone. She moans softly as she feels herself grow so wet. My, my, what a taste. Olivia smirks and continues to suck up the blood as she gets up and heads up to her room.

Shelley was about to pick her up, but Roman stops her, "Maybe we should all stick together tonight. Just to be safe. I'll stay with you and Celena, keep an eye out while you two are sleeping." He suggests.

Shelley types, "I'm scared."

Roman sighs and rubs her arm, "I won't let anything happen to you."

Shelley shakes her head, "I'm scared for you. And Celena." She frowns, "And Viktor. Everyone out there."

Roman nods, " too."

He turns and sees that Celena was quiet. She passed out from the pain. He sighs and scoops her up into his arms.

"Come on, let's get her to bed." He says.

Shelley helps him take Celena to her room and lays her down on the hospital bed. Roman takes off her shoes, but gasps when he feels bite marks. He was relieved to see no wounds on her foot, just bruises, but her shoes were ruined. He grabs a warm washcloth and begins to wash the blood off her face.

"We should get some clean clothes on her.  Wanna help me, Shell?" Roman asks.  

Shelley nods and lifts Celena up carefully for Roman to take her clothes off.  Shelley grabbed a clean shirt for her to wear.  It was big enough to be mistaken for a dress.  But at least Celena will be comfortable.  

Once she was clean and changed, he tucks her in and kisses her head, making sure she was comfortable.

Roman turns and sits on Shelley's bed, covering his face as anger builds inside him. He exhales sharply and turns to see Shelley sitting next to him.

"I'm angry, too." She types.

"I'm gonna kill this thing, Shell. I swear it. I'm gonna kill that thing." He grits his teeth.

"I thought werewolves turn on the full moon." Shelley types.

Roman nods, "They do."

"But the full moon is next month. Why did it change when there's no full moon?" Shelley types with a confused look.

Roman freezes in realization and turns to the window, seeing the incomplete moon in the clouds. He frowns in confusion. Peter said it needs a moon to change. Why did it when there wasn't a full moon? He couldn't answer. He looks back over to Celena and lets out a shuddering breath. If anything happened to her tonight, he didn't know what to do.

"You love her, don't you?" Shelley types.

Roman turns to Shelley, surprised with that question but he turns to look at Celena and sighs. He couldn't lie to his sister. He never once lied to her.

He nods, "Yeah. Yeah, I do. Very much."

Shelley gives him a small smile and types, "Good. I like her."

Roman gives her a small smile and brushes his thumb against her cheek, making it glow.

"And it's about time you got a girlfriend. I never liked those women you've been with. Except Jenny." She smirks. "But I see a better future for you and Celena than Jenny."

Roman laughs and nods, "She's different."

"You better not hurt her." Shelley gives him a teasing glare and smirk that had him chuckling.

He mimics her glare and shakes his head, "I don't ever plan to hurt her. I don't want to lose her, Shell. She's special and I love and care about her so much."

Shelley smiles, flashing those braces and her face glows. She was honestly so happy for her brother. She liked Celena like a sister.

Roman sighs and pats her knee, "You should get some sleep. I'll keep an eye out."

"Are you sure?"

Roman nods, "Yeah, I'm not really tired anyway." He gets up and moves off the bed to let his sister get in and tuck her under the sheets. He kisses her forehead and makes sure she's warm enough.

As Shelley falls asleep, Roman made a trip to the kitchen for the largest knife he had and brought it upstairs. He takes one of the chairs and pulls it to sit next to Celena. He runs his fingers through his hair and rests against he cushions. He watches Celena sleep deeply and reaches out to brush her hair out of her face. Stroking her skin softly with his fingers.

"I love you." He whispers.

He sighs and leans back, rubbing his bottom lip. He holds the knife close to him and waits.

Hours later, Roman nods off and Celena begins to dream of the Vargulf, whimpering in her sleep. Roman rests his head on his knuckles as Celena twitches. The sound of the Vargulf growling fills her ears in her dreams. The sight of it snapping its jaws makes her yelp.

"NO!" Celena sits up fast, her powers bursting forth, making everything slide backwards away from her. Roman jumps awake when the chair he sat in slide backwards.

Panting, Celena sat in the bed and looks around. Relieved that it was just a dream. Roman gets out of his chair, checking on Shelley. She was still asleep. He turns to Celena and sits on the bed.

"It's ok. You're safe. You're ok." He pulls her into his arms.

Celena rests her head against Roman's shoulder and releases a shaking breath, trying to calm her heart.

"You ok?" He asks.

She shakes her head, "Far from that. I keep seeing that damn bitch when I close my eyes."

"Are you 100% sure it was a girl?" He just had to make sure.

"Very. I swear. Her arm was about as small as mine. But the strength of her grip was enough to nearly kill me." She says trembling in her voice.

"I won't let her get to you." Roman whispers.

"What about Peter? He's out there. What if she tries to go after him?" She gasps.

"No one knows where Peter is except you, me, Matt, and Letha. And Uncle Norman. If she relies on scent, then she's shit out of luck. Too many humans around that area. And the dead bodies would throw off his scent." He says, but he could see her uncertainty. "Look, it'll be morning soon. We'll go check at first light. Ok?"

Celena sighs and nods, "Ok."

"Try and go back to sleep." Roman says and tries to get up, but Celena pulls him back.

"Stay, please. Just hold me." She begs.

Roman wraps his arms around her and moves to lie down with her, stroking her back, "I'm here. Always." He whispers.

The trembling calms and she snuggles in his warm arms, resting her head against his chest. Listening to his heartbeat. It was her lullaby. Roman held her close in his arms and feels her falling asleep. Roman stayed up throughout the night and watches the sun rising in the distance.

"Hey, Celena. Wake up." He whispers.

Celena groans and winces at the bright sun. She grunts and stretches, but gasps at the pain in her arm.

"Easy. Try not to move it so much." Roman says as he helps her move slowly. He slides off the bed and helps her turn. He sighs when he pushes her hair away, seeing her bruised skin. Dots of red and purple marks were made around her cheek and throat.

"I think there's something Shelley could let you borrow." After rummaging through Shelley's wardrobe with Shelley's help, they managed to find a large shirt that Celena could use as a dress. With the help of a belt Roman got from his closet, she managed to keep the dress up and closed. Celena winces a few times as she walks, noticing a big bruise on her foot where the Vargulf grabbed her.

(Celena's change of clothes...Shelley's overlarge shirt and belt from Roman's closet: IMAGINE) 

With the help of duct tape, she wraps up her shoe to make it wearable. Viktor came over to take over for Roman to watch over Shelley. When Celena told him about what happened, he was pissed at the Vargulf and at her for even considering of going outside.

Roman drove Celena and himself to the chapel, but Norman was waiting for them outside of Acres. Roman gets out and walks towards Norman with a confused frown.

"What's wrong?" He asks, not liking the worried look on his face.

"There was another attack. Last night. Two people. A man named David Weathers; he was a truck driver for Godfrey Institute." Norman sighs. "And a girl. They haven't been able to identify her yet. They can't find the head. But it wasn't Letha. Thank god." He looks down in despair.

"Jesus. What's going to happen now?" Roman asks, relieved that Letha was ok.

Norman shakes his head, rubbing his five o'clock shadow, "The hunt for Peter is going to increase; that's for sure." He looks up when Roman's car door shuts. His eyes widen at the side of Celena, "Oh, my god! What the hell happened?" He rushes to her.

"Ow! OW! I'm ok." Celena yelps when he touches her arm.

"She was attacked last night." Roman says.

Norman snaps his eyes to his and gasps, he turns back to Celena, "You saw the attacker?" He asks.

Celena nods, "It was a wolf. A huge, huge wolf. I saw it attack the truck driver."

"It was the vargulf." Roman corrects her.

Norman sighs, remembering what Roman told him the other day, "'Just sick'?" He scoffs at Roman.

"Now, he's fucked." Roman gives him a furious look, pointed towards the Vargulf.

Norman understood how he felt, if Letha was attacked, he would be as furious as Roman is now. He turns to Celena, "Come on, let me check your wounds and clean them up." He helps her head into the clinic, but turns back to Roman, "Tell Peter what's going on and figure out what needs to be done...before more people die."

Roman nods and watches Celena walk away with Norman as she looks back with a worried look. Worried for how Peter is going to react to this.

As Celena was being cleaned up in Norman's office and properly sewn up, Roman headed on towards the chapel. Peter was fast asleep in the tub with Casper curled up on his stomach. Roman marches up to him and slaps his boots to wake him up.

Peter jumps awake, startling Casper and making him jump out of the tub. He groans as he begins to fully wake up.

"I thought I ordered a raven-haired beauty." He snorts.

Roman didn't have an amused look on his face, it was serious piss-ness, "There was another one."

Peter frowns in confusion, "Another what?"

"Last night...three people. It killed a truck driver who works at my father's company...and killed another girl."

Peter scrambles out of the tub in fear, "Who?"

"They don't know. No head." Roman says. "The third..."

"Celena?" Peter was gasping in fear.

Before Roman could answer, he looks up behind him and Peter follows his eyes. Celena limps inside the chapel with a sling.

Peter's body felt like it was shutting down on him as he looks at the sight before him. He rushes towards her and hugs her tight.

"Ow!" She groans.

Peter quickly let's go and studies her wounds,  recognizing the claw marks made from a werewolf. He grits his teeth and looks up at her, "What happened?"

"The Vargulf." She sighs.

Peter curses in Romani and grabs a chair, throwing it across the room with an angry yell. The chair explodes as it hits the wall. Exploding wood everywhere.

Panting, he gently grabs her arm, "What did he do?" He asks.

"She." Roman says.

Peter frowns and turns towards him, "What?"

"Celena says it was a female." Roman says.

Peter turns back to Celena with a confused look and she lifts her chin to show him her sore throat that was littered with bruised shaped fingerprints.

"A hand shot out of its mouth and grabbed my throat. Tried to choke me. It looked like a girl's arm. Is that fucking possible?" Celena asks with a scared look.

Peter exams the fingerprints and measures his own over them. She was right. The fingers were female.

"It knows who she is now and it's not gonna stop coming after her till it has her." Peter states.

"How the hell does it know anyway? It's not like I'm wearing a sign that says, 'Moon here, come and get it.'" Celena scoffs. 

"Francis Pullman.  The guy we almost hit on the road." Roman says.  "He's been blabbing several times about the dragon and moon daily while he was here.  Maybe the Vargulf heard about it." He suggests. 

Celena sighs shakily, "He said my soul is as bright as the moon.  Shit!  He must have told your uncle over and over about that.  Maybe even Chasseur.  Who knows who she's been asking about that?" 

"Right now, I'm more concerned that it turned on a night without full moon." Roman says as she runs his fingers through his hair, anxiously pulling at the end of his hair.

Peter moves away, trying to process everything, "It was the wrong moon." He mutters.

"That's supposed to be impossible, right?" Roman asks.

Peter anxiously thinks, pacing the floor, "Yeah. Maybe, maybe not." He mutters.

"What do you mean?" Celena asks.

"I thought we had time to look for him...her." Peter quickly turns to Roman as he begins to come up with a plan, "Take Celena to your place at sundown tonight."

Celena and Roman both frown in confusion, "Why?" He asks.

"I mean it." Peter gives him a serious look. "After what happened to her last night, she's on your watch until this is over." He grips his arms tightly, making sure that Roman knew he meant it. "This is your job now." He lets go and turns to walk out, but Celena stops him.

"Where are you going?" She asks.

Peter grabs his bag and throws it over his head, "I'm going to see Destiny. She knows more about the, uh...the protocols than I do." He tries to explain.

"Protocols?" Roman scoffs.

"Or whatever. She might have a better idea about this...because I sure don't!" Peter shouts, then grits his teeth. So much anger was boiling inside him. This vargulf had the nerve to go over the one person he loves more than his mom and Destiny...There'll be hell to pay.

"If you go out there in public, you'll be shot!" Celena shouts.

"That's if your lucky!" Roman adds.

Peter turns and heads towards the door, "Yeah, well, I'm a lucky guy." He mutters, but grunts as he feels his whole-body freezes and, basically, slides backwards on his feet.

Celena calls the power inside her to force him back. Roman snaps his head to her and watches her move her hand, as if she was controlling Peter.

"Celena, let go!" Peter growls.

She forces him stop right in front of her and to turn to look at her, "This is no joke! You might not care about your well-being, right now, but I do!" She shouts. "No one is doing anything that will get their asses shot at, ok?!"

Roman and Peter were startled, at first. Celena never expressed herself so passionately towards them.

She sighs and wipes away the coming blood from her nose.

Roman takes out his cell and hands it to Peter, "Here. Why not call her?" He asks.

Peter scoffs, "This isn't a pizza delivery."

"We'll go then." Celena suggests.

"Yeah. We'll go." Roman nods.

"Ok. Stay together. Be safe." Peter says and kisses her forehead and hugs her gently while looking at Roman, "Roman, I mean it, watch over her."

Roman nods, "I'll guard her with my life."

Peter nods, he turns to Celena and places his head against her, breathing her into his soul, "I love you." He whispers.

"Be safe. Please don't' get yourself killed." She begs and cups his face in her hand, kissing him softly. "I love you, too." She whispers back and walks over to Roman.

Roman sighs and wraps an arm around her, holding her close to him as they walked out.

"Don't let the bedbugs bite." Roman calls over his shoulder.

Peter sighs and scratches his beard, "Hm..." He begins to prepare himself before Roman gets back.


Roman drives with Celena towards Destiny's. First, they packed up some clothes for Celena since she's staying at Roman's till this is over. As she grabs what's needed, they head back down to Destiny's loft and walk in. Destiny and Lynda both look up as the door opens and sees Roman walk in with Celena.

Destiny covers her mouth in shock as Lynda gasps, "Oh, my god." Lynda exclaims. 

Celena limps towards the chair, "It's not as bad as it looks." She says.

"That son of a bitch!" Lynda snarls as she gets up and helps Celena sit down and sits on the arm rest, examing her. 

Destiny gets up and looks at her throat and her arm, "He got you good, sweetie. You're lucky to be alive."

Celena scoffs, "She was so fast; I barely had time to use to protect myself."

"She? So, the vargulf is female? You sure?" Lynda asks.

Celena nods and exposes her neck, "I'm pretty sure." She mutters sarcastically.

Lynda rubs her face and looks up at Roman, "How's my baby?"

"He's safe where he is." Roman states.

Destiny shakes her head, "No, he's not, but what does he need?" She asks as Lynda gets up to head to the kitchen.

"There were two more murders last night, the vargulf." He says.

Destiny nods, "I know, I know." She sighs.

"Peter said you were some kind of expert." Roman says.

Lynda comes back and hands Celena a warm mug full of a strange tea, "Here, Sweetie, sip on this. It'll help kill off any infections the scratches left."

Celena takes the mug and blows on it, "Viktor and Matt can heal my wounds once I can get in touch with them. It hurts too much for me to do it. Thank you." She sips the tea and scrunches her face up in disgust.

Lynda chuckles, "I know. It's disgusting but trust us, it'll help. Keep drinking." Lynda says as she pushes the mug back to Celena's lips.

Celena groans and sips again, "Yuck. So how is this happening?"

"Yeah, explain all this, because I know fuck-all about this bullshit." Roman scoffs.

Destiny frowns at him, "You really have no idea what you are, do you?"

Roman looks at her in confusion, "What the fuck's that supposed to mean?"

Destiny studies him for a moment, wondering if he was telling the truth or not.

"Destiny..." Destiny looks over to Celena. "He truly doesn't know. And it's not our right to tell him right now."

Destiny looks back at both of them and sighs as she moves over to sit on the couch with Lynda. Roman frowns at her and looks over to Celena for answers. Celena just shrugs and continues to sip her disgusting tea.

"OK. First experts are the people that you see on TV. And the laws of magic are like the laws of anything, they work because you obey them." Destiny tries to explain to both of them the best way she could.

"Then you can just break them?" Roman asks.

Destiny shakes her head, "Not the way you think."

Celena shudders, "This vargulf can. How do we fight that?"

"You don't." Destiny sighs.

"I'm part of this. Killing him is something I'm supposed to do." Roman protests strongly. 

"There are dreams so real you can feel their teeth marks when you wake up. And then there's the smell of coffee. It's time for you to admit that this isn't your fight."

Celena gags and places the tea down, "But, people are still dying.  We can't just sit around while she's causing chaos for Peter." 

"That has nothing to do with it."

"So how does Peter fight him?" Roman stops and stutters to correct himself, "Her."

"The way wolves usually do." Lynda says. 

"Then he can do the same thing? He can turn when the moon is wrong?" Celena asks.

"Not for free. Nothing is for free." Destiny says. 

"Then what's the price?" Celena slowly asks, afraid of the answer. 

"I don't know." Destiny shrugs. 

"Who does?" Roman asks. 

"The only person who can know the answer is Peter. Not without some help he can't.  I can give him what he needs, but no matter what, it's gonna be a giant crap sandwich for him to eat." Destiny states.

"Aren't there protocols or something?" Roman asks. 

Destiny sighs and gets up, shaking her head in disbelief, "Oh, Peter, Peter, Peter. You know, there was nothing about this that 1,000 miles of interstate couldn't have solved. Except when it doesn't." She says as she looks over to Lynda.

Lynda rolls her eyes, "Fine."

"Don't act like we haven't talked about this before." Destiny scoffs at her. 

"I said fine." Lynda states, waving it off.  

"What do you mean you talked about it?" Roman asks.

"About Peter running away?" Celena asks. 

"Yep." Lynda sighs as she squirms in her seat trying to get comfy. 

"Like he can run now." Celena scoffs, "Besides, with what's going on with the three of us, it's gonna be impossible for him to go anywhere anyway.  Even if this shitstorm wasn't happening.  Des, you read the cards.  You saw my destiny with Roman and Peter.  We can't be apart, we can't leave each other.  It's too strong and it's getting stronger every day." 

"What I saw in the cards is a myth that has been told in bedtime stories for little gypsy girls who dreams about meeting Prince Charming." Destiny scoffs and sighs, she speaks in Romani, as if she was speaking a poem.  "Those chosen to bound to you by the knot of three, Bodies shall join and connect they'll be. Try and fight only in vain.  The Cycle ends and then renews again." She sighs. 

"What the hell is that suppose to mean?" Roman scoffs. 

"Just a nursey rhyme my mother told me when I was child.  Never really believed it." Destiny shrugs.  

"Did Peter tell you about Nicolae?" Lynda, suddenly, asks.

"He said he killed one of his own." Celena nods with Roman. 

"Yeah, well the brother of the man Nicolae killed found us many years later, meaning that Nicolae had to become a murderer twice in his life. The fires go out, the coals stay hot. If this isn't ended, this will be just around the corner for the rest of Peter's life." Lynda says. 

"That story sounds so much better in Romanian." Destiny sighs as she sits on the couch next to Lynda as she hands Lynda some coffee.  

"I miss when Peter was a baby. If I could flip a switch, I'd live in a whole world of babies." Lynda snickers. 

Celena sighs and gives her a small smile.

"I'm gonna help him through this." Roman turns and presses a kiss on Celena's head, tilting her chin to make her look at him.  "Stay here, I'll come back and pick you up and take you someplace safe. Ok?" He asks. 

Celena sighs and nods, "Ok."

He looks deep into her blue eyes, drowning in those blue pools, "I love you." He whispers.  

Celena swallows and sighs, reaching up to stroke his cheek, "I love you, too." She pulls him close to kiss him with all the love she had for him.  Roman returns the kiss and sighs against her lips.  "Please, both of you, be careful." 

"I promise." Roman stands up straight and turns when Destiny gives him a box of supplies, "Please take care of her for us." He pleads.  

"The bitch will have to go through all Rumanceks to get to her." Lynda smirks, then stops Roman from leaving, "Wait. Tell Peter I love him, OK?"

Roman nods, "OK."

"Wait." Destiny stops him at the door.

"What?" Roman stops.

"Your Sahastrara...sometimes it glows." Destiny says as she admires him.

Frowning, "OK." Roman opens the door and takes off back to the chapel to help Peter perform a ritual. 


(I'm sparing all animal lovers at this part, I'm cutting out the death of Casper in this story.  I'm still so mad at Peter for doing that) #RIP Casper the Cat :-(

After witnessing Peter's so called Ritual, Roman couldn't stand the sight anymore and walks out to smoke and calm his nerves.  Moments later, a zombie like Peter walks out of the chapel. Blood soaking his hands.  He couldn't believe that didn't work.  He risked his best animal friend's life for answers and got nothing he wanted to hear for it.  He barely heard Roman calling for him as he walks by.

"Hey! Hey, where are you going? Hey! If anybody sees you, we're fucked!" Roman shouts. 

Finally, Peter collapses to his knees, reaching out to his ancestors for help.  He needed to protect his friends, his love.  The people he care about.  

"Don't tell me that. Don't don't tell me that. Come, Nicolae. Help me, Nicolae!" He begs to the heavens and, suddenly, a random memory came to him.  When Nicolae told him about his scars he has gotten from a Upir.  

"When I was a young man such as yourself, our kind faced many dangers. I rode with an old woman, Magdalena. She could have been my grandmother or great grandmother. No one knew for sure. We rode from place to place never settling. One day, we were stopped by some men who wanted us to go with them. Some of us ran and got away. I saw Magdalena was not so lucky. Huh! I was a foolish little boy then. I thought I could protect her. The uniforms were saying one thing but the leader was upir."

"Bring me the woman! Tear the little beast's throat out!" The Nazi Upir commands Magdalena and she does what she's been told, but young Nicolae rips himself out of her grip and runs.

"I ran and ran. I promise you I never looked back. In the end I survived while many others did not. We run. It's what we do." Nicolae's voice echoes in Peter's mind.  

He sighs in frustration, "Fuck you, Nicolae." He snarls.  He gets up and turns back to Roman and gets a cigarette from him.  Roman lights it up for him, avoiding the blood on his hands and waits for Peter to take a few puffs, "I need something else." 


"Bacon. The grease, actually. I need you to get me bacon grease." Peter says.  

"Is that how you're gonna fight her?" Roman asks.

Peter nods, "Yeah."

"Is there a price?" Roman was afraid to ask, but he needed to know. 

"My face. The price for breaking the rules is my human face." Peter swallows roughly.

"Did the brother of that guy Nicolae killed really come after him? Your mom said he had to kill him too." He says.

"It's a story. I believe it sometimes." Peter says. 

Roman frowns, "Why?"

"It's not important. Bacon grease. I'm gonna need a lot of it." Peter states. 

"All right." Roman nods.  

"And keep Celena away from here.  She doesn't need to see and she needs to be far away from the Vargulf when that happens." Peter says.

Roman agrees, "I'll take her to Letha's.  Matt will protect them both.  Viktor's got my house." 


"AAAH!! SHIT!!! THAT HURTS!!" Celena screams as Lynda and Destiny hold her down while Mat and Viktor stand over her and uses their powers to heal her.  Her skin crackles as tissue and muscle begin to sew itself together and grow her flesh.

"It's not suppose to hurt.  Just a few more seconds." Viktor frowns.  

Rumbling is made all around them and Destiny and Lynda watches in wonder as Celena's wounds begin to heal before their eyes.

Once the wounds fully closes and the skin smooths out, "It's over.  It's done.  You're ok." Matt says as he brushes his hand over her head.  "You ok?" He asks as she was limp over the chair, panting heavily. 

"I need a drink." Celena scoffs and pants as the pain leaves her body.

"You and me both." Lynda scoffs and Destiny walks into the kitchen to fix everyone a shot.

"That feels so much better, but damn, we've healed each other several times and not once did it ever hurt." Celena says as she exams her arm.  Not one scar. 

"Maybe because the wound was deep.  Mostly we've healed scratches or minor injuries.  That looked like he scratched your bones." Viktor says. 

"Can you feel anything?" Lynda asks as she grips Celena's arm, giving a few areas squeezes.  

Celena nods, "Yeah, I can feel that.  Nerves are healed." 

Lynda sighs in relief, "Good.  You're so brave." She smiles and cradles Celena's face then moves to sit on the armchair.  

"Here you go." Destiny hands her a shot.  

"Bless you." Celena praises and takes the shot in one gulp.  Coughing.

"This bitch is gonna go down so bad.  But who could it be?" Matt frowns.  

"Beats me.  There's gotta be a connection though with the murders.  All women.  She didn't know the moon was a woman when it first killed Brooke.  Why her?" Viktor points out.  

Celena frowns when she thinks about it, why did it?  

Her cell goes off and she answers it, "It's Roman.  Hey, Rome." 

"Cell, I gotta get more supplies for Peter.  I don't know if the ritual worked or not, but he says he needs more stuff.  I'm gonna come by and take you to Letha's to be safe."

"Well, Matt is here right now with Viktor.  He can take me there and Viktor is gonna head back to your place." She says.

"Ok, tell Vik I'll see him at my place." He says.

Celena cuts the call and gets up to leave with Viktor and Matt.

"Be careful. All of you." Destiny says.  

Celena nods and heads out to go to Letha's. 


Viktor manages to make it to the Godfrey Mansion before Roman pulled up.  He wasted no time to head upstairs and check on Shelley.  Roman rushes inside and heads for the kitchen.  He storms inside and places a bag full of bacon he bought from the store.  He quickly begins to cook as much as he could on a skillet.  

After filling up one jar, he wanted to make sure Peter had enough so he cooks more to fill up another.  While he was cooking and draining, Olivia walks in and scrunches her face at the smell. 

"I believe that's enough cholesterol to see you comfortably into your dotage." She says sarcastically. 

"I'm feeling peachy, Mom. Thanks for asking." Roman remarks, obviously bothered that his mom didn't give a shit about his health.  Yet, she always praised him in the past.  What changed?

"It's quite obvious you've made a complete recovery." She scoffs and lights up a cigarette. 

"Where have you been?" He asks.  

"I was at the institute. I had a bit of a spell but Dr. Pryce tells me it's nothing to worry about. I'm really quite fine now." She gives him an assuring smile. 

"It's gonna end tonight. Tonight, we're gonna kill it." Roman says determinedly.

"Of course you are." She says sarcastically, then groans at the smell "Mm! Do turn the fan on, darling. The house will stink of pig to high heaven."

He scoffs and moves to drain the last bit of fat and begins to screw on the tops, "Tell Shelley I'm sorry, but I won't be home for dinner." He says.

"Before you go if you may spare a moment with your mother. Please." She says, pleading him.  She needed to do this before he goes off to fight.  

Roman sighs and nods, "All right."  

He follows her to the foyer and watches her move to show him the large mirror she had in that room.  But painted over the glass was a picture of a wolf in white paint and red paint in the shape of a heart was located over its chest.  

Roman scoffs, "Is this some kind of joke?"  He notices a trunk that was right in front of the mirror. 

"Open it." She says.  

He frowns, but moves to open the trunk.  What was inside had his heart beat 100 miles per hour.  It was the axe.  The same axe from his dreams when he was in his coma.  Every inch was exactly the same.  Same symbols.  

He slowly picks it up and holds it in his hand, lightly brushing his fingers over the blade.  It was sharp.  Very sharp.  Sharp enough to take a Vargulf's head. 

"Precious boy, you were born with the caul. I've always known you were different. Better." Olivia says with a smirk. 

Roman frowns at her, especially when she said 'caul', he heard of that word, but never knew what it meant, "Sometimes when I look at people I can make them do whatever I say." He says.

Olivia smiles big and nods, "I know. So much alike." She moves and stands behind him as they face the mirror together, " Roman what do you see?"

He was confused with what she was asking, "I see us." He shrugs.

"Now look closer."  Olivia says. 

Suddenly, the red heart on the wolf begins to move, as if it was beating on its own.  He gasps softly at the sight, "What is this?"

"I finally understand what you've been feeling these last months. I tried to protect you like any mother would protect their son." Olivia says.

"What is this?!" He demanded, fear in his voice.  

"What you must do to continue your journey. This is your kill." She says as she backs away. 

Roman breaths heavily, thinking about the Vargulf...flashbacks of Celena screaming in pain over the pool table when he helped her.  It hurt her.  It hurt the one he loves.  The one he connects with more than his sister and his cousin. 

With a furious roar, he swings the axe into the mirror, shattering it all over.  The axe was still buried in the wooden part of the mirror as the glass spread out all over the floor and trunk.  Panting in fury, Roman stood there as he imagines burying that axe into the vargulf before it hurt Celena again.  

Olivia moves and yanks it out of the wood and hands it back to her son, looking at him proudly, "Try not to lose it, darling. It goes back a rather long way."  She sighs and brushes her fingers over his cheek, "We don't need words."

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