Chapter 27: Praise the Moon

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After Peter's face was completely ripped off and his lifeless body bleeds on the wooden floor of the chapel. Roman takes his stand with the axe his mother gives him, and Letha takes off to open the back doors, but the doors were locked. Chained, making it impossible for her to escape.

"Roman, it's locked!" Letha screams as she yanks on the chained doors.

Roman had to focus his attention on Christina as she growls at him in her wolf form. Her yellow eyes staring down at him.

"Come on, you little bitch! Come on!"

Letha runs back to see Roman swinging the axe at the white wolf, but the wolf grabs it by its snout and throws it out of his reach. Before Roman could reach for it, Christina pounces him. Growling down at him in his face. Her teeth sleeked with drool as she snarls against his skin. Roman looks away, terror taking over him. He prepares himself for the pain, for the teeth and claws.

Letha screams for her cousin, she felt so helpless. She gasps as the door behind her explodes open. The chains fly off and she watches in shock at three figures running into the church.

Before Christina could set her teeth on Roman's neck, a loud sonic boom is made and, suddenly, she feels herself being thrown backward. With a loud, surprise yelp, Christina lands hard against floor. Several feet away from her victims. She shakes it off and looks up with a glare.

Roman looks up and there stood at the steps of the Church, Celena, Matt, and Viktor. Matt had Letha behind him, shielding her with his body. Viktor took his stand, ready for anything. And Celena, oh...Christina had her eyes set on her. She growls lowly as she glares at her in such hatred.

"Get away from him, you bitch!" Celena yells.

Christina lets out a loud roar, challenging her.

Celena calls forth the powers of the stone, the light inside her and rumbling begins around her. Letha's eyes widen as a huge metal bell that sat not too far from Celena, begins to float with the move of Celena's hand.

Christina lets out a confused growl as she watches. She never knew Celena carried power. But that wasn't going to stop her from killing her.

With a loud yell, Celena sends the bell hurling towards Christina. Christina manages to dodge, but the debris hits her in the face. Growling louder, Christina takes off into the shadows. Matt moves in caution with Letha, keeping his eyes out for the wolf. Viktor grabs a bar and holds it up in protection. Suddenly, Christina jumps out from the shadows at Letha, but Matt stands in her way and uses the powers to send her flying. Viktor swings the bar and gets Christina in the stomach as she's flying back.

Whimpering softly, she slowly gets up and shakes off her pain. Growling again, she moves to stalk her preys. She takes off into the shadows again. Celena moves slowly towards Roman.

"Roman, can you move?" She whispers.

"Barely. She hit my knee pretty hard." He groans and tries to get up.

Celena moves to help him up, but once she let her guard down, Christina jumps out of the shadows at her.

"Celena!" Roman yells and pulls her away, making her fall on him. He covers her body with his in protection.

But, before Christina could pounce them, a big black wolf emerges from the shadows and jumps on Christina. Shoving her away from Roman and Celena. Celena gasps and looks in shock with Roman. There stood Peter in his wolf form, stalking Christina. They circle each other, eyeing each other down with rage.

"She's mine!" The vargulf rasps.

Celena presses herself against Roman's body with a yelp and he holds on to her tight.

"Like hell she is." Peter's voice snarls.

"Mine! My moon! Mine!" Peter's wolf snarls.

With a roar, Peter attacks first. Christina fights and snarls. Biting at Peter's legs and trying to aim for his neck. But Peter was faster. Roman holds on to Celena as, together, they watched Peter attack Christina. Soon, Christina overpowered Peter and managed to get her teeth on his neck. A loud crack is made in the air and Peter lets out a loud whimper.

"Peter!" Celena cries out.

Before their eyes, Peter falls limp on to the floor and Christina stood in triumph before them. Snarling with a sinister smile.

Celena cries for her love. Her wolf. Seething, Celena glares at Christina. With a loud scream, she commands her powers to burst and, as she slowly raises her arms into the air, all the junk around Christina rises like a tidal wave. Christina growls in surprise and watches the junk piles surround her.

Matt and Viktor both jump back, Celena was expressing way too much power. They remember that their emotions are tied with their powers and Celena was PISSED! Letha gasps and holds on to Matt tight. She couldn't believe what she was seeing.

Celena yells as she throws her hands forward to make the piles slam all over Christina. Crushing her. Christina yelps as she drowns into the junk pile and soon, it was quiet. Only sound was made was Celena's panting and Letha's sobs.

Blood trickled heavily down Celena's nose. Her head was killing her, but she didn't care. She wanted Christina dead and gone. Maybe she was, maybe she wasn't. They had to be sure. Roman pants in shock and slowly gets to his feet. He moves his knee around, wincing a little in pain. Luckily, it wasn't too bad. Viktor scans to the pile, watching for movement. Celena grunts as she shoves the pile to part like the sea. To their shock, Christina was gone.

Matt frowns, "Where the hell is she?"

Roman helps Celena up, "No way could she survive that." Celena states.

Suddenly, a loud roar is made, and Christina jumps out to pounce on Roman and Celena.

"Watch out!" Viktor shouts and quickly grabs Roman's axe and swings it at Christina. Hitting her right in the chest. Her body is thrown back at the impact and slides across the ground, staining the wood with a blood trail. Buried in her chest was the axe, blood dripping heavily from the wound. Viktor pants in relief and turns to everyone.

"Everyone ok?" He scoffs.

Celena begins to feel weak, the blood loss was making her lightheaded. At least, the bleeding stopped. Roman holds on to her gently, making sure she doesn't fall and hurt herself more.

Everyone freezes at the loud clunk and begins to hear footsteps thumping fast towards them. But that wasn't what they all heard. Another set of footsteps were booming behind Christina. Viktor turns fast and sees Christina pouncing at him, but Shelley grabs her before she could hurt him. Christina growls and fights out of Shelley's grip, but Shelley was too strong. She grips Christina's throat and, suddenly, a loud crack was made. The growling finally stopped. No more snarls. No more voice. Christina was finally dead. Shelley picks her up and places her down gently.

Roman gasps softly at what he just witnessed. His sister, Shelley, his sweet, kind, gentle sister...killed the Vargulf in front of him. She killed to protect him. Her friends. Her family. Her love.

Soon, they all watched the white wolf before them shrink and the fur that covered its body retracted and smoothed out into white skin. The bones crackled softly as they shifted back into human. White fur changed into brown human hair on top of the head. There she was. Human once again. As if she was sleeping. But she wasn't. Christina laid on the ground, peacefully dead.

Shelley looks up at Roman, looking guilty and afraid. Afraid of what he thinks of her now.

"Don't hate me." Her voice echoes in Viktor's mind.

"We could never hate you." Viktor whispers.

Roman frowns at Viktor but realizing what he means. He looks back at his sister.

"Shell...why would I hate you? You saved us." Roman sighs.

Shelley slowly smiles, relief filling her heart as her face glows brightly.

Suddenly, a loud gunshot rings out and Roman jumps as blood splashes in his face. Letha screams as Shelley's face twists in pain. Soon, another gunshot goes off and Shelley is hit again in the back. They look up and, standing above in the balcony was Sheriff Sworn with his shotgun, shooting at Shelley. Shelley cries in pain as blood flows down her back.

Viktor watches in rage and before Sworn could shoot at Shelley again, Viktor yells and uses his powers to have Sworn fly back and fall through the window. Sworn yells as he falls from above two stories and grunts as he lands on a grave. Blood squirts out of his mouth as he feels horrible pain in his chest. He slowly looks up at his chest, seeing the small cross impaling him. He chokes on his blood and, slowly, falls limp against the concrete.

Everyone ducked when the loud boom of Viktor's powers was made, but when they look for Shelley, she was already out the door with Viktor following her.

Roman gasps and chases after them, "Shelley!"

Letha sobs in relief, but she was so sad for her lost friends. She knew Christina for so long and could not believe that monster she saw was her. And what Celena and Matt did. What Viktor did to Sworn. Celena slides to her knees and sighs as she clutches her head.

They could hear Roman yelling for Shelley from outside still. Where did they go? Why did she run? Celena just hopes and prays that Shelley is ok.  And Roman will find them. 

"Matt, get Letha out of here. Get Dr. Godfrey." Celena pants. "Go!"

Matt helps Letha get up and holds her as they walk out of the church.

Roman skids to a halt when he sees Sheriff Sworn impaled on a sharp cross. He gasps and moves away from the body. He couldn't believe the sheriff was dead. Killed by Viktor.

Letha and Matt walk out of the chapel and Letha screams at the sight. Matt pulls her close against his body, covering her face.

"Don't look. Don't look." He whispers in her ear as she whimpers against his chest and guides her away from the graveyard to find Norman. 

Celena stayed frozen on her knees and whimpers as she looks over to Peter's lifeless wolf. She frowns when she realizes something. When Christina was killed, she turned back into human. But Peter was still a wolf...then...that means....

Celena slowly gets up and crawls towards him, crying softly and praying that he was still alive.

"Peter?" She whispers.

Peter's eye twitches and looks over to her.

Celena's tears fell heavily, mixing with her blood, as she sobs in joy, "Peter." She moves and curls up to him. Peter lets out a small whine.

"I'm here, baby. I'm here." She cries and holds on to him.

"Celena..." Peter's voice was so weak.

"I'm here." She buries her face in his fur, holding on to him tightly. What felt like hours, Celena lost track of time and didn't realize Norman slowly walked into the church in shock. Seeing Christina's dead body, blood splatters, and Celena clutching on to a big, black wolf. The wolf whines softly as it laid on the floor. Celena kept whispering Peter's name and talked to the wolf. Norman gasps when he realizes the rumors were true. He slowly picks up Christina and carries her body out of the church.

Celena opens her eyes when Peter's fur was gone and all there was, was his naked flesh. She gasps as he grunts and twitches. She feared for the worst till he turns in her arms to rise on his knees. She didn't care if he was naked, and neither did he. All that mattered was that he was alive, and she was safe. They hold on to each other tightly.

"I love you. I love you." She cries.

Peter sighs and pulls back to kiss her passionately. He pants against her lips.

"I love you." She whimpers.

"I love you." He whispers and kisses her more.

Celena pants as they continue their heavy make out.  She wraps her arms tightly around his neck, holding on to him as if she was afraid he would fade away.  

Peter sighs, relieved that this was finally over.  He holds on to Celena as she cries in his arms.  He still couldn't believe that Christina was the Vargulf all this time.  But what Christina called him and Celena.  Luna lunii.  He never thought he would ever hear that again.  

"Nicolai, what does that mean?" Peter suddenly hears the child of himself stutter the question from the past.  Peter use to snoop in Nicolai's books when he was a kid.  He came across that word once. 

"It's a wonderful myth of our kind.  But, sadly, only a myth.  A woman who carries power of the moon herself in her blood.  It's said that her blood could give our kind free transformation.  No Vargulf.  No sacrifices.  Pure freedom to transform whenever you want." Nicolai sighs.  "But no one has ever found her.  You might be lucky though, pup.  I can tell you have a future with a powerful destiny."  He states as he grins at young Peter with a knowing look. 

Now, Peter knows his destiny.  He must protect Celena at all cost.  She was the key to his kind for freedom.  If a rouge wolf found her...Vargulfs would be the last thing he would be worrying about.  


With no luck of finding Shelley or Viktor, despite how hard and far Roman looked.  He couldn't find them.  Broken beyond repair, Roman walks into his house, all zombie-like as tears fall down his cheeks.  When he opens the door, his mother walks in, carrying a worried look.  

"Tell me." She demands. 

He heard from Norman that he called his mother to let her know about Shelley.  Norman and Pryce were still searching for her out there, but Roman knew they were going to stop soon. 

"She's gone." Roman says as his voice wobbles. 

"What do you mean? Where?" Olivia frowns.  

"The girl uh, Christina she was the killer." He sniffles.  

"And what happened to Christina?" Olivia asks.  

"Uh, she's dead. Shelley, uh, Shelley saved us. The sheriff thought she did it. He shot her and she ran off. I couldn't find her." His voice cracks at the end as he breaks into sobs.  

Olivia sighs and brings him close, holding him in her arms as she strokes his head. 

"Babies, my babies." She whispers as she calms Roman as best as she could.  


Celena, Matt, and Letha all helped Peter get to Destiny's since the trailer was still being .  As soon as Peter hit the bed, he was out.  And Celena was right behind him as soon as she snuggled with him.  Both of them were exhausted after the past couple of weeks.  It was no surprise for anyone one to see them passed out.  Celena slept with her head on Peter's chest as he snores away.  

Lynda chuckles softly at the sight and leans to kiss Peter's head and gives Celena a motherly kiss as well.  

"Sleep tight." She whispers to them and leaves them alone.  

She sighs and walks into the living room as Matt and Letha snuggled on the couch.  Matt runs his fingers through her hair.  He finally got her to calm down.  

Destiny was making tea for everyone.  Mainly for Letha and fixed shots for herself and Lynda.  

"How are you two doing?" Lynda says as she sits near them. 

Matt scoffs, "Just glad everyone is ok." He says. 

"Yeah." Lynda chuckles, "How about you?  You ok?" She asks Letha.

Letha looks up and smiles, "Just trying to process everything still.  I just watched two people I know change into wolves.  One tried to kill me while the other tried to save me.  Then..." She scoffs and looks at Matt.  "So, that's why you're so secretive." She says.  

Matt has told her everything already.  He didn't hold anything back. 

"Your parents?" Letha asks.  

"Haven't seen them since I left Seattle." Matt says sadly.  "I give anything to see them again, but it's too risky.  For either of us.  I don't even know if they're alive or dead."

"Your cousin?" Letha asks. 

"Andrew is really my cousin.  Celena and Viktor are my best friends.  We're not related.  Even though it feels like we are." Matt laughs.  "Andrew..." He sighs, "He went crazy.  Insane with this power.  He was always abused by his dad till his mom died.  He nearly destroyed Seattle.  I tried so hard to save him that night.  But I couldn't.  So, I...I stopped him." 

"How?" Letha asks.  

Matt swallows hard, "I killed him." He looks down in guilt, afraid to see the horror in her eyes.

But she makes him look at her, "It sounds like you had no choice.  So this is the guilt and life changing experience you've been hiding?  You're not a killer, Matt.  You saved me and protected me...and ladybug." She laughs as she rubs her belly.  

Matt chuckles and places a hand over her belly, feeling the child move around, "I would do it again.  Anything to make sure you and her are safe." He smiles.  

Letha sighs and leans to kiss him, cupping his face in her hands.  

Matt sighs against her lips and pulls her into his arms.  Till they hear the horn honking outside.  Letha looks up and sighs.

"That's my dad.  I better go." Letha says as she gets up.

"I'll call you later, ok?" Matt says. 

"Ok.  Bye." Letha waves at Lynda and Destiny. 

"Bye, sweetie." Lynda smiles and waves as Letha walks out the door.  

Lynda sighs and leans back against the chair.  

"So, what's gonna happen now?" Matt asks. 

Lynda sighs, "From what I heard by the locals, they're calling off the mob on Peter.  Thank god.  But...I'm afraid Shelley isn't gonna be so lucky.  So far, they believe that she was the cause of the murders.  One of the Sherriff's deputies found his little private stash of clues.  He was investigating Peter, but he was also suspecting Shelley and Viktor.  But it seems that the deputy believes that Shelley was the prime suspect based on what the Sherriff found.  Everyone already blamed her before Peter." 

Destiny walks in the living room, carrying spiked teas, "Knowing the Godfreys, they will do everything in their power to protect her.  Like the Rumanceks, they protect their own." She sighs and hands Matt a drink.  

"Celena already explained to us about Chasseur.  That's the main thing that worries me the most.  Even though she's 'gone', what makes us think the Order won't send anyone else?" Lynda states.  

Matt sighs and runs his fingers through his hair, "Well, they're not expecting our protection." He smirks.

Destiny looks at him in surprise, "Where's that meek little mouse who was afraid to use his powers?" She laughs.

Matt scoffs and waves his hand to make a bottle of whiskey to fly from the kitchen island to his hand, "The mouse said 'fuck it'." He pours more liquor into his tea while Destiny and Lynda laugh in fits.  


(Celena's outfit^^^)

A few days passed since the horrible battle between the vargulf and since Viktor and Shelley went missing.  The police continues the statewide search for the two of them.  Hoping to find clues where they could be.  But Celena knew Viktor would do all he could to keep Shelley safe from harm.  And protect her with his life.  

"While details remain vague, it appears that the perpetrator of last night's Hemlock Grove killing and those that preceded it was the disfigured and mentally ill biotech heiress Shelley Godfrey and her boyfriend, Viktor Banks. She was wounded, perhaps fatally, by Sheriff Thomas Sworn, but a body has yet to be recovered. It is unclear whether there were other witnesses to the in..."

Celena waves her hand and shuts the radio off, "That's enough bad news for today." She sighs as she sits on the couch in between Roman and Peter.  

She looks up at Roman, who leans on his elbow and rests his wrists against his chin, "You ok?" She asks.  

"Just wish I knew where she was." 

"Wherever she is, she's safe.  Viktor will always protect her.  You know that." She says as she rubs his arm. 

He sighs deeply, "Yeah.  Yeah, he will.  I just miss her." 

"I know.  I do, too." Celena nods. 

"Letha told me that Christina's and Sherriff Tom's funerals are tomorrow.  Are you going?" Peter asks both of them. 

Celena shakes her head, "Nah.  Last thing I want is to have people eyeing me as they continue to blame Viktor for this." 

"And Shelley.  Fuck this town, I'm not going." Roman mutters.  

"Understandable." Peter nods.  

"So...Pizza, get drunk and pass out to bad movies?" Celena suggest.

Roman chuckles while Peter snorts, "You know, we're gonna have to talk about this one day.  This..." He points to all three of them.  "How are we gonna do this?" He asks. 

Roman sighs, "We'll figure it out.  Eventually.  But right now, I'll settle for anything.  But I'm not fucking you." He looks over to Peter. 

Peter gives him a look of disgust while Celena laughs, "Like I wanna touch your rich dick." 

"Now, boys, there's plenty of me to go around.  We're gonna just have to share.  None of you are jealous of each other, right?" She asks. 

Both of them snort and scoff, "Why would I be jealous of him?" Roman laughs. 

"Or him?" Peter scoffs as he points at Roman.  

"And that tells us more about the connection.  Jealousy doesn't exist, apparently.  But, still, I feel like we need to know more about this."

Peter nods, "We will.  After graduation and after Letha gives birth, we can start looking." 

"And after we find Shelley." Roman adds.  "And Viktor." 

"Who knows, we might discover answers soon without even looking.  Sometimes the answer comes to you." Peter says.

Celena sighs, but agrees with them.  Till then, it'll have to wait till they find their friends.

"I'll order the pizzas.  Peter, get the drinks.  Cell, pick the movies." Roman says as he gets up to grab his cellphone.  

Celena laughs and begins to flip through Netflix.  


Matt joined Letha and her parents at the funeral.  He received a few dirty looks from the locals, but so did Letha.  He didn't care, he was there for Letha, not for the town.  He held her as the preacher says his prayers and words of comfort towards everyone and the dead. 

"All we can do is pray that where she is she knows the world is better from the love she put into it, and the monster that did this, wherever it is, will pay for its sins. Now let's pray and, as we pray, let's think about Christina her ever present smile and that..."

Norman looks over to Letha and Matt, leaning in to whisper to both of them. 

"You didn't have to come here." 

Letha sighs and gives her father a small smile, "Appearances."

Norman sighs and looks over to Matt, "Thank you for keeping her safe." He whispers. 

"Thank you for giving me a chance." Matt sighs.  

Norman nods and turns back to his daughter, "I'd do anything to give it back." 

Letha frowns, "What?"

"Your childhood." He gives her a small smile and sighs, "Well, I think appearances have been made. Why don't you go and see how your cousin's doing?" He suggests. 

Letha smiles at him and gives him a kiss on the cheek, "Thanks." and turns to her mom, kissing her as well.  

"Drive safe." Norman gives Matt a handshake.

"I will." 

The preacher continues in the background as Letha says goodbye to her parents and walks away with Matt.  She wraps her arms around his waist and breaths him in.  She always hated funerals.  She just hopes Christina will find peace now.  

" the presence of my enemies. Thou anointest my head with oil; Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever..."


(Celena's outfit for the day, except the headphones ^^^)

Weeks have passed since the funeral and the search continues on for Shelley and Viktor.  The police weren't going to stop until they had them in their custody.  But most of police believed that Shelley could be dead because of her degrading health.  Without treatments from Pryce, she had little chance of survival out there.  

Roman grew worried day by day for his sister.  He would constantly visit Destiny for readings.  To make sure she was alive out there.  Even though, he trusted Viktor, he still worried for his sister safety and health.  

Celena walks into Destiny's loft with Matt and sees Peter sitting on the couch.  

"Hey." Peter welcomes her with a big smile.

Celena gives him a smile back and moves to sit on the couch with with, "Hey." She leans forward and kisses him as he cups her face in his hand.  When the kiss broke, she snuggles against him, "How's he doing?" She asks, knowing that Roman was in the next room, getting his daily readings by Destiny. 

Peter sighs, "He's out of options, except for this." 

"Do you think it's gonna do any good?" Matt asks. 

Peter scoffs, "It's no set of lost car keys, but stranger things have happened." 

"I really hope Vik and Shelley are safe out there." Celena sighs. 

"Vik can take care of himself.  And you know he will keep her safe." Matt states.

Celena nods and sighs deeply.  

"I'm sorry." Destiny sighs in disappointment when she couldn't make contact for Roman. "Still nothing. She isn't answering." She says. 

"I know she's there." Roman denied that Shelley wasn't out there.  Alive. 

"In place of any loss..."

Rome cuts her off, "She's somewhere. She is!"

"Then continue giving her your faith. I'm sure it will comfort her on her journey."

"I'm gonna find her. She needs me." Roman states strongly. 

"You're certain she's the one who needs you?" Destiny asks.  

Roman couldn't answer that, but he truly believes that she needed him as much as he needed her back.  

While waiting in the living room for Roman to be done, Peter jumps as a breeze blew through the room.  He laughs in disbelief as he senses the sign his ancestors were giving him.  

"Well, I'll be." He mutters. 

Celena frowns, "What?"

"Letha's calling." 

Matt frowns, but jumps when his cell goes off, "How did you...?" He quickly answers it.


"Hey. Jesus, that was quick." Letha laughs over the other line. 

"You ok?" Matt asks. 

Letha squeals happily, "I'm having a baby!" She laugh as happy tears shed from her eyes. 

Matt gasps, "OH, MY GOD!" 

"What? What is it?" Celena asks as she jumps. 

"She's having the baby!" He throws his hands up.

"Oh, my god!" Celena jumps up and down, laughing gleefully.

"Well?" Letha giggles, waiting for Matt to say something, than the usual excited sentences.  

"Baby, my heart has no words.  I love your ass to pieces and anything that pops out of you." Matt smiles so big, his skin was going to crack as tears being to pool in his eyes from the happiness bursting out of his heart.  "I can't wait to see little ladybug." 

Letha giggles over the phone, "I'll catch you on the flipside."

Matt quickly cuts the call as Letha hangs up.  At the same time, Roman and Destiny walk in.  Matt was hugging Celena and jumping up and down with her as they shout happily.  

"What's up?" Roman frowns. 

"Birthday." Peter smiles big.

Roman's eyes widen as Destiny covers her mouth in happiness, "Yay!"

"Oh, shee-it!" "Shee-it!" Roman and Peter exclaim and hug each other.  

"We gotta get to the Tower.  Come on, daddy!" Celena exclaims as she grabs Matt's face and shakes him.  She rushes to grab her bag and Matt scrambles frantically to get his stuff.  

"Give her my best. Oh, babies are awesome!" Destiny says excitedly. 

"We should go!" Matt shouts and ran out the door with Celena.  

"Yes!" Roman says happily, but when he grabs coat, Destiny's hand shots out to grab his.  "What?"

"Still." Destiny falls into space as a message comes to her, "To be the still point in the turning world is a warrior's greatest feat."

Roman freezes at those words, but he didn't think much about it.  He had to get to hospital.

"Anything else?" He asks. 

"Go." Destiny says and slowly lets him go.  

Celena runs in and hops on his back, "Come on, Uncle Rome! Let's go see the baby!" She laughs. 

Roman smiles and carries her out the door, but not missing Destiny's worried look.  

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