Chapter 7: Roman knows

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Now that class was over, Viktor joined Matt and they met up with Celena and Peter in the hallway. On the way to the exit, Shelley was exiting the girls bathroom, but Peter noticed a piece of tissue paper stuck to her boot.

"Hold it!" He stops her and uses his foot to get the paper off her foot. "Cool."

"Thank you." She types on her phone.

"No problem."

Celena elbows Viktor to talk to her. He grunts and moves to step closer to her. He gulps nervously.

"So, you going to this dance?" He asks.

To his disappointment, she shakes her head.

"Oh. Guess there's not much point in me going then, huh?" He smiles. Earning a blushing smile from her.

Peter grunts when a guy purposely shoves into him, "Pfft. Wolf fucker." The scoffs, then howls.

Viktor grits his teeth and reaches out to grip the guy by his collar and holds him up into the air.

"Hey! What the fuck?! Put me down, freak!" The boy shouts and grips Viktor's hand, trying to pry his grip off his shirt. His feet dangling in the air as he meets Viktor's height.

"Woah, woah, easy, Vik!" Matt shouts and tries to get the guy out of Viktor's grip as well.

Viktor yanks the guy closer, glaring at him with such anger, "Apologize." Viktor snarls.

The guy scoffs, "Fuck you."

Viktor uses his other hand and reaches around to grab the guy by his boxers, giving him a massive wedgie. The guy screams as he feels his underwear going so deep in his ass.

"You were saying? 'I'm sorry for hitting you and I apologize to the ladies for using foul language'? Was that what you were trying to say?" Viktor asks sarcastically.

"FINE! I'M SORRY! I'M SORRYY!" They guy cries out.

Viktor drops him to the floor and the guy takes off trying so hard to get his boxers out of his ass crack while groaning in pain.

"Hahahaha! Way to go, Viktor!" Celena cackles.

"Thanks, Vik." Peter pats his back.

"I hate bullies." Viktor grumbles.

Shelley laughs, but still felt bad that Viktor had to deal with that, " I'm sorry." She types.

"Don't be sorry. You're too pretty." Viktor waves it off and brushes her hair away, making her blush again as she looks down shyly. Viktor smiles with her, but his smile drops as he sees Roman stomping over towards them with a glare.

"Get your fucking hands off my sister, man." He demands. Viktor looked like a deer caught in headlights, but Peter was snickering. "Is this funny to you?" Roman glares at Peter.

But, soon, Shelley and Roman join in the laughter. Roman pats Viktor's shoulder in assurance, "I'm just fucking with you." He smiles.

Celena notices how cute he smiled. Kinda adorable. She clears her throat and snaps out of those thoughts. She's beginning to think he's growing on her.

"So, you're the one who's been protecting my sister, huh?" Roman asks.

"Uh, yeah. That's me." Viktor stutters.

Roman nods in approvement, "I like him, Shell, but you know mom's gonna have an aneurysm when she finds out." He says as he turns to her.

Shelley looks down in worry, but Roman taps her chin and brushes a finger over her cheek, making her skin glow where he touches her.

"I won't tell her." He places a hand over his heart, "I promise."

Shelley smiles big, and moves to hug him tight, picking him up in her arms, then lightly puts him down. Roman laughs and hugs her back, then turns back to Celena, Matt, Viktor, and Peter.

"So, you guys want a lift home?" He asks.

Peter was confused with this kind gesture, "Why?"

Roman frowns and scoff, "Whatever. Why not?" and stomps off towards the exit and into the parking lot.

Usually, Roman brings his jaguar XK150, but today he brought his black H3 Hummer. Shelley and Viktor got into the back and filled it up with their sizes. Peter, Celena, and Roman were up front. Which left Matt hanging.

"You guys go ahead, I'll walk." Matt says.

"You sure?" Celena asks.

"Yeah, it's cool. The apartment I'm staying at isn't far from here. I'll see you guys later." Matt says and waves good bye. But he wasn't gonna walk, he heads off into the woods and takes off in flight.

Roman drives down the back roads that led to Peter's house, the roads seemed pretty empty. Peter had the biggest shit-eating grin on his face as he admires the whole car.

"Spent two years of my life in a foreign land; Nicolae has the biggest boner in heaven right now." He chuckles and kisses the sky, praising to his ancestors.

Roman had a confused look.

"He's my grandfather." Peter explains.

"Ah." Roman nods, understanding.

"We like wheels, us people." Peter adds with a smile.

Celena looks over to Shelley with a laugh, "Men, right?" She holds up her hand and Shelley laughs, high-fiving her.

"What's wrong with liking cars?" Roman gives her grin, then turns back to Peter, "My dad used to drive me around in it. He knew every back road and speed trap for a hundred miles. My mom would have killed him if she knew the way he would drive with me in the car. If he hadn't beat her to it." Roman smiles at the memories then his voice trails off towards the bitter end. "Where's your dad?" Roman asks.

Peter shrugs, "Still out for the proverbial pack of smokes, I suppose." He scoffs.

"You know, they say that being raised by a single mother makes you more sensitive to, like, chicks and stuff." Roman points out.

"Yeah?" Peter laughs.

"Yeah." Roman nods.

"Well, I'm a pretty sensitive guy." Peter shrugs.

Both of them shared of a laugh while Celena dramatically rolls her eyes and scoffs. Viktor and Shelley were giggling in the back.

"You guys are like two peas in a fucked up pod." Celena giggles.


Suddenly, the Hummer was struck at the fork in the road by a speeding truck. Celena screams as she's thrown around while Peter shouts and holds on to her and his seatbelt. Roman tries to gain control back with the car. Viktor holds on to a screaming Shelley as she's violently throttled by the impact. The hummer spins around till it hits the edge of a hill and stops and tilts over the edge, creaking and moving up and down like a seesaw.

The truck driver sticks his head out his window, "Shit, it's that Godfrey kid!"

His female passenger hits him over and over, "Go! Get us out of here!"

The male driver speeds off, not realizing they left their license plate behind.

Groaning softly, Peter lifts his head from the airbag and winces in pain. That air bag gave him such a punch. Celena finds herself lying on Roman's lap while her legs were on Peter's chest. She groans and touches the back of her head.

Roman grimaces in pain and looks down at Celena, "If you were gonna give me head, you need to be more gentle." He winces at the feeling of being head butted in the dick. Celena scoffs and struggles to get up, then gasps when the Hummer shifts forwards.

"Don't move! Don't move." Peter warns and pulls her back. Shifting her weight backwards.

"Oh, shit!" Roman gasps, his eyes wide at the sight.

Shelley groans and grips her arm in pain, but cries out in shock when she realizes they were hanging from the edge. Viktor holds her back, trying to calm her.

"You ok?" He asks, she nods frantically. "Are you sure?" She nods again.

"Everyone ok?" Roman asks.

"Peachy." Celena mutters sarcastically.

"Ok, I'm gonna slowly reach for my phone and call..." Roman shouts, when the hummer shifter further.

"Don't move, ***damn it!" Peter shouts.

"Fuck!" Roman grits his teeth.

Celena sighs and groans in defeat, "Vik, remember 'for emergencies only'?" She asks.

Viktor's eyes widen as he looks over to Shelley, then back to Celena, "Cel..."

"I think this qualifies as a fucking emergency!" She shouts.

The hummer creaks loudly then shifts completely off the edge. Everyone screams as they feel the Hummer fall, but grunts in surprise when the hummer stops, suddenly, and a loud rumbling was made.

Peter frowns, but his eyes widen in realization when he sees Celena grunting in effort and holding her hands out. As if she was holding on to something. Celena puts all of her concentration out on the hummer, holding it in place with her mind.

"What the fuck?" Roman mutters and frowns at Celena's behavior. "Celena, are you ok?" he asks.

Grunting in pain, Celena's nose begins to bleed, "Vik....could use..some help...ow!" Celena grunts and winces a the pain increases.

Viktor sighs in defeat and looks at Shelly's confused face, "I'm sorry. I'll explain everything." He says, then turns to open the door, ignoring everyone's protests and shaking off Shelley's grip gently.

"What the fuck is he doing?" Roman asks in confusion, then watches Viktor finds his way to get behind the Hummer.

A louder, deeper rumble begins and Viktor takes hold of the Hummer's bumper and spare tire holder. Grunting with effort, Viktor concentrates and groans loudly as he yanks onto the Hummer, pulling it with his strength and powers. Calling forth the strength the stone gave him that night. Celena yells and grunts with Viktor as they use their powers to make the hummer creak loudly and shift. Roman, Peter, and Shelley all sat frozen as they feel the hummer move and turns as shifts back onto the road.

Celena yelps and let's go, falling into Peter's arms. She whimpers and grips her head.

Viktor groans and wipes his nose with his sleeve and slides down the trunk and hits the ground, panting heavily.

"It's ok. I got you. I got you." Peter sighs as he holds on to Celena as she whimpers and withers in pain. Roman and Shelley both watch in shock, trying to process what happened.

After shaking off the shock, Roman called the cops and called his uncle since his mother was unreachable. Sheriff Sworn had his deputies take down everyone's statement and checked by an ambulance. To Celena's shock, Roman never said one word about her or Viktor. The fat deputy found the license plate and the sheriff ordered him to run it and put out an APB on the owners. As for the nose bleeds on Viktor and Celena, Peter and Roman both stated that it was cause of the crash.

Soon, Norman Godfrey pulls up with a worried look. He rushes towards Shelley and checks on her, "Are you ok? Anything hurt?"

Shelley shakes her head and types in her phone, "I'm fine."

"Are you sure? I can take you to see a doctor, if you want to double check." Norman asks again.

"I'm fine." Shelley gives him a small smile.

Normal sighs in relief, brushing his hand gently over head and kisses her forehead, but turns to walk towards an agitated Roman who smokes a cigarette with shaking hands.

"Are you all ok?" He asks.

"Yeah, we're fine, just shaken up." Roman says.

"Good, now what the hell happened?"

"Just some drunken asshole decides to take an afternoon stroll and ram my car." Roman gives him a bitter smile.

Norman sighs sharply and rubs his forehead that was littered with worry lines, "I'm just glad you and your sister are ok. What about the passengers?"

Roman thinks about what he just saw, Celena and Viktor did something. That rumbling, the nosebleeds. How Viktor easily pulled his hummer with little effort. Roman scratches his bottom lip and turns back to his uncle, "They're fine. In a way, if it wasn't for them, we would have died. into the trunk and helped the car shift backwards." He rubs his hand over his face.

"Thank god for him being there." Norman sighs, then looks yonder as he watches Olivia arrive, "Oh, boy.

Roman follows his eyes, "Oh, shit."

"Sworn is never gonna hear the end of it now." Norman says sarcastically.

"I demand for the ones who nearly killed my children to be put to lethal injection." Olivia snarls at Sheriff Sworn.

Sworn sighs exasperatedly and holds his hands up, "Mrs. Godfrey, I have my best men looking for the culprits. Now, be thankful your kids are safe and sound."

Roman moves over to stand next to Celena as she cleans herself up and crosses her arms over her chest while leaning on a tree. Watching the Hummer being towed away.

"Did I really just see that? You...can do stuff?" He asks as he waves a hand around his head. Celena gave him a blank look and he sighs, flicking his cigarette away and places a comforting grip on her arm, "I won't tell anyone. I promise." Suddenly, he begins to smirk, "On one condition."

Celena continues to give his blank look, but his smirk never drops, "Be my date for the homecoming dance tonight. I'm taking Letha, my cousin, but would be nice if you could join too."

Celena gives him an unamused look and grabs his shirt to yank him forward and whispers angrily, "Roman, this isn't a game. I got the fucking government breathing down my neck, waiting for the slightest mistake so they can probe my ass till kingdom come to find out what makes me tick. You better not tell anyone." Tears fill in her eyes, tears of frustration.

Roman sighs and takes her hand off his shirt and holds it, "I may seem like an asshole, maybe even a heartless one, but I swear on Shelley's life, I will never tell one soul. Ok?" He asks, hoping that she'll believe him.

"That was fucking crazy how they did that. Of course, I wouldn't say anything. Who would believe me anyway? Last thing I ever want is to lose Celena to some dickhead scientist. Listen to me, acting like a possessive boyfriend. Never been the boyfriend type anyway, but Celena...I would make an exception for her. If she would ever give someone like me a chance. I wonder if she's with the gypsy. Have they fucked? Are they fucking? I wonder how she's she's nice and tight..." Roman's voice echoes in her head.

"Ok!" Celena startles him with her outburst, "Ok." She sighs and frowns at what she just heard. It almost sounded like he liked her, she liked him too, but.....wait where did that come from?

Roman lifts his brows and leans his ear closer, "Was that a 'yes'?"

"Yes, you asshole." Celena says sarcastically.

From afar, Peter watches the two of them. When he watches Roman touch her arm and hold her hand, he prepared himself from getting jealous, but strangely, he wasn't. Protective, yes, but jealous of Roman touching her, no. He frowns at the feeling deep inside him. Something was telling him that it's ok for Roman to touch Celena. As if he knew Roman wouldn't hurt her. He shake off this feeling, and continues to watch.

Viktor walks over to Shelley carefully, keeping his head down.

Shelley looks up and smiles. Even after what happened, she still had a smile for Viktor.

"I wanted to tell you, but it's hard for to say anything about...what I can do." He apologizes.

Shelley types on her phone, "It's ok. I can understand why with you being hesitant."

Viktor scratches his head, "Ever since you showed I wanted to do the same, but it wasn't the right time or place to tell."

Shelley nods in understanding. She remembers that day. She wanted to see how he reacted to...the monster side of her face. He surprised her by stroking her cheek. Only Roman does that, it was strange yet she liked it. And she was very relieved he didn't take off running.

Viktor sighs, "I promise I'll tell you everything. When the time is right."

Shelley types, "Just tell me one thing: you never used those powers for evil, right?"

Viktor shakes his head, "Never. I only use them to help people. I swear." He holds up a hand, devoting the truth.

Shelley believed him. She could feel it was the truth. She smiles as her face glows again.

"So beautiful." Viktor smiles back.

Shelley giggles shyly.

Olivia frowns at what she sees and marches right over there.

"Come, darling, I'll take you and your brother home." She smiles at her daughter, but glares at the teenage boy talking to her.

"Hello, Mrs. Godfrey. If I may, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Viktor Banks. It's a pleasure to finally meet you." He holds out a trembling hand.

Olivia arches a brow in surprise and looks up at the tall, yet semi-handsome young man, "Pleasure. Hmm. At least, you have manners." She refuses his hand and crossed her arms over her chest.

Viktor pulls his hand back and clears his throat.

"I believe I remember seeing you at the club. A carpenter, aren't you?" She smirks evilly.

Viktor nods, "Yes, ma'am. Part time work to help me pay for college."

"Hmmph, well, good luck with that." She gives him a bitter smile then turns to daughter. "Come, sweetheart." She takes Shelley's arm and walks her to the SUV but glares when Shelley waves Viktor good bye. "I don't want you to see that boy ever again. Do you understand?"

Shelley frowns at her mother, but Olivia sends her such an evil, cold look, "Do you understand?"

Shelley glares at her mother and snatches her arm out of her grip, stomping off into the car.

Peter walks up to join Celena and Roman.

Roman moves away from Celena and clears his throat, but frowns when he looks at the notebook in Peter's hands. Drawings of a Ouroboros.


"What?" Peter asks.

"I had a dream about that the other night." Roman says. "And great big pyramid, too. A moon..." Roman says, but is cut off by Celena.

"At the top....with an Angel and a Wolf at the bottom of it?" She asks.

Roman frowns, "Yeah."

"We've been having the same dreams. All three of of us." Celena says, gesturing at them all.

"How is that even possible?" Peter mutters and begins to think.

"You can feel it, can't you?" Roman eyes Peter.

"What?" Peter gives him a confused look.

"Whatever it is that's down there." Roman says and looks back an forth at Celena and Peter. Eyeing their guts.

"The septic tank?" Peter asks sarcastically.

"Deeper. I get this feeling sometimes, like something really important is about to happen. And it revolves around us." Roman says bluntly. "All three of us."

Celena places knuckles under her chin, thinking about it carefully. They share the same dreams. Feelings. The involuntary thoughts of each other apparently.

"This is too weird and he shouldn't be involved with me and Celena. Not to mention, it's too dangerous. With him being an Upir. Last thing I want to is for Celena to get hurt. Or worse. I care about her so much much. Maybe, I can't. I'm not the boyfriend type and she deserves better. But, I love being with her. She makes my days so much better. Gives me a reason to smile at each morning sun. I-- Shit! You can hear me can't you."

Celena nods discreetly and Peter hides a blush.

"Roman, come, darling. I'll give you and your sister a ride home." Olivia calls out.

Roman rubs his nose and turns to Celena, "I'll pick you up at 8:30 tonight. Ok?"

Celena sighs, "Yeah. See you later."

Peter frowns and watches Roman get into his mother's car and they drive off.

"What did he mean by that?"

"He promises not to tell my secret nor Viktor's if I go to that stupid homecoming dance tonight with him and his cousin." Celena sighs, rubbing her sore head.

Peter gives her a disbelieved look and she shrugs in defeat.

Peter mutters in a foreign language.

"How about I take Matt with me? To give you peace of mind. And I can come over afterwards. I don't plan to stay long anyway."

Peter rubs his beard and sighs softly. He didn't want her to go with him, but...what choice does he have?

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