Chapter 9: Transform

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^^^^ Celena's outfit for the day
That same night, Celena went straight to Peter's place to inform him about what happened, but also caught the show of teenage girls placing a werewolf's mask on a stake and stabbing it into the ground near the trailer.  Celena managed to pop their tires while they tried to make their getaway.  Afterwards, Celena told him about everything that happened at the dance and what happened on the road.  He was relieved nothing happened to her, but concerned about the man they almost hit.  When Celena told Peter what he said, he wasn't that surprised.  Maybe, he already knew it.  But, one question remains....Who is the Angel?

Few days have passed since that night. The man, who was passed out in the road, Celena found out his name is Francis Pullman. They sent him to the hospital to be checked for injuries, then sent him to the Hemlock Acres and Mental Institute. After confessing that he witnessed Brooke Bluebell's murder, they have him under psych evaluations daily so they can get the story out and decide whether or not he's telling the truth. 

Plus, the rumors started to get worst once everyone found out that the police had a witness. Meaning, they're getting closer to start a lynch mob once the guy says one word that proves Peter was the killer or maybe Viktor. That's what Celena believes.

Celena walks down the steps in front of the school building and spies Peter leaning on the wall below the steps. She walks towards him and leans on the wall next to him, resting her head on his shoulder.

Peter grins and looks down at her, "You ok?"

"I'm ready for the weekend to get here already. Or at least summer vacation." Celena mutters.

Peter reaches around, throwing his arm over her shoulder and holds her close.

"Sadly, we have seven months till then. Don't worry. It'll go by before you know it." He chuckles as she whines.

Roman heads for the steps, but slows his pace when he spots Peter and Celena. He frowns as he watches them be so affectionate with each other. It didn't make him jealous, just annoyed him. Ok, maybe even left out, which was weird for Roman, but mostly annoying.

"Hey." Roman walks up to them and leans on the wall next to Celena. Taking out a cigarette and lights it up.


Celena lifts her head, but leans back on the wall to look up at him, "What's up, Rome?"

Roman scoffs at that nickname, but hides a small grin, "You two do the reading for Pisaro?"

Celena nods, it Peter shakes his head, "Nah, I watched the movie."

"You know, I can never keep the Bronte sisters straight. Which one do fat goth girls learn how to masturbate to?" Rome says, it almost as if he was just trying to break the ice between him and Peter.

"Aren't you just full of deep thoughts." Celena says sarcastically.

Peter could smell the curiosity all over Roman, he remembers what Celena said, about her accidentally telling him that he was the wolf.  He was upset at first, but something inside him said he could trust Roman, sort of.  Despite that he was an Upir, but he's a Upir with a heart and soul.  Which is very rare.  But, he wasn't sure.

"Why do I get the feeling that half the reason you talk to me is the way people look at you when you're talking to me?" Peter says as he looks around at the people eyeing them.  Roman follows him, seeing people whisper about them.  Celena flips them all off.  

"Oh, it's more than half." Roman smirks.

"The thing is, we don't have the same problem." Peter says.

"Which is?" Roman frowns in confusion.

"You're only bored if you're boring."  Peter says and turns to leave.

Roman scratches his nose with his thumb, smirking.  Celena sighs and watches Peter leave her behind with Roman.  She turns to face him. 

"You're not gonna tell anybody, right?" She should trust him, her heart screams at her for even asking him. 

Roman frowns at her, "I said I wasn't.  Not about you nor about Peter."  He sighs and looks at the people watching them.   "I hate this town."

"Are you planning to leave after graduation?" Celena asks, feeling her heart jump in panic.  She frowns and rubs her chest. 

"Can't.  Don't want to leave Shelley behind.  Especially, leave her to my bitch of a mother." Roman frowns at the thought of Shelley being all alone with Olivia.  Her constant verbal abuse.

"She's lucky to have you as a brother." Celena gives him a small smile.  Roman returns one.

"Hey, Cell. Can you ask Peter something for me?" He asks. 

"What?" Celena looks at him curiously, almost worried about what he could be asking.

"Full moon is coming up tomorrow.  I want to watch." Roman says. 

Celena's eyes bugged out of her sockets, she shakes her head, "I'm not asking him that."

"Come on, please?" He begs. 

Celena waves her hands in disagreement, "No, don't ask me to." She heads off towards home, leaving a pouting Roman. 

The next day, the last class began and the teacher started to recite from the book the class was suppose to study for the class. But, Roman wasn't paying attention, much like most of the class. His eyes were only on Celena and Peter. Peter sensed Roman's gaze while Celena was trying to follow the teacher, but she kept averting her gaze to Roman's. Wondering what he wanted. She looks over to him and watches him nod at her then descreetly points at Peter.

^^^^ Celena's outfit for the day

"What?" She mouths at him.

Roman gestures her at Peter, meaning that he still wanted her to ask him. 

Her jaw drops, "No!" She mouths.

Roman sends her a pleading look, but she shakes her head. Roman sighs in disappointment, so he had to do it himself. He writes down on a paper and balls it up.

"'And the angels were so angry that they flung me out, into the middle of the heath, on top of Wuthering Heights, where I awoke sobbing for joy. That will do to explain my secret, as well as the other. I've no more business to marry Edgar Linton than I have to be in heaven. So, he shall never know how I love him--'" The teacher stops abruptly as Roman throws the wadded paper ball at Peter's desk. Peter jumps and frowns at Roman.

"Are we passing notes, Mr. Godfrey?" She frowns in disappointment at Roman and Peter.

"Wouldn't dream of it, ma'am." Roman sends the teacher a charming smile, but she scoffs and continues on.

"...'as well as the other. I've no more business to marry Edgar Linton than I have to be in heaven. And if the wicked man in there had not brought Heathcliff so low, I shouldn't have thought of it. It would degrade me to marry Heathcliff now, so he shall never know how I love him...'"

Peter opens the ball of paper and reads it, 'Can I watch?' Peter sighs softly, thinking about it. He still wasn't sure if he could trust Roman 100%, but Roman is the only one, besides Celena, who believes that he didn't kill that girl.


"He's coming where?!"

After school, Peter and Celena headed straight to the trailer and told Lynda what happened, she didn't take it well. 

"I can't believe you said 'yes'." Celena mutters as she watches Peter move around the trailer, preparing himself for the full moon.  He just finished scarfing down a big meal, he explained to Celena that it was necessary.  To prevent him from hunting anything for food.  Like something human. 

"I don't know. He asked me if he could." Peter says.

"No, no. Look, simple questions have two possible answers."  Lynda argues.

Peter sits down in a chair by the door, "I meant to say no. But I opened up my mouth and something else came out--"

"Peter! We've discussed these people! What the hell--"

"Lynda, he's the only one in town that thinks that I didn't do it!" Peter shouts in frustration.

"Oh, because he did?" She says sarcastically.

Peter sights, "I just I have this feeling that something very important is about to happen."

Lynda looks at her boy, sighing softly and nods in understanding, "I get it. I get it, baby. I get it. 'Cause you've never had a friend. I hope those balls know what they're doin'." She holds his face in her hands, stroking his cheek with motherly love. 

"Are you really sure, Peter?" Celena asks.

Peter sighs anxiously, but nods, "Yeah.  You can feel it too.  It feels right.  Doesn't it?"

Celena couldn't argue, it does feel right having Roman on board, but what does Roman have to do with all this?  Was he the Angel?  Celena didn't know.  But, someone was.  Roman was one suspect.

Soon, knocking was made at the door.  Lynda snaps her head up as she was in the kitchen, cleaning up. Celena sat on the couch and watches Peter get up to answer the door.   Roman was leaning on the frame.


"Hey. Come in."  Peter says as he moves away to give him room to come in.  

Roman walks in and sees Celena on the couch and, who he believed was, Peter's mother in the kitchen, "Hello." He greets her.

"Hi." Lynda gives him a bitter smile, but still tries to be friendly with the enemy.

"Roman, this is Lynda, my mom. Lynda, this is Roman." Peter introduces them. 

Roman gives her a small wave and looks around, spotting the statue of a god, assuming that's their religion.  

"Are you Hindu or something?" He asks.

"The photo's the grandfather, and the statue's Ganesh. That's the god of new beginnings. But I don't think Nicolae ever actually knew that, huh? He used to call him Jumbo and ask if what he had between his legs was anything like what he had on his nose." Peter explains.  "He was a real class act."

Celena couldn't help, but giggle a little.  Roman walks up to her and sits next to her on the couch as Lynda gestures him to the couch or chairs.  

"Sit. Oh. Milk?" She offers and pours him a glass. 

"Sure." Roman nods, accepting the drink.  

"Celena?" Lynda asks.

"I'm good." Celena gives her a small smile. 

"Honey?" Lynda asks Peter.  

"Lactic acid." Peter shakes his head.  

Lynda laughs softly and smiles, "Oh. Right, right, right. It does funny things to the tummy. So, meeting a friend of Peter's. A first time for everything. A very good friend, I hope. What are your plans after graduation?"  Lynda asks, still not smiling at Roman, but eyeing him carefully, hoping she can rely on him.

"I guess my mom will bribe my way into somewhere decent." Roman shrugs.

"I see. That's nice." Lynda says sarcastically.

Peter couldn't stop tapping his leg, nor his fingers over the table next to him.  He was using a coin to tap against the metal.  You could see how nervous and anxious he was. 

"He gets nervous beforehand. Hormones." Lynda explains, placing a hand over Peter's leg, sending him a smile.

"I have a tranquilizer." Roman offers as he pulls pout a mint tin box.

"No." Peter holds up a hand, waving him off.

"Yes. Just a little to wet my whistle. Thank you." Lynda nods, squinting her fingers as she accepts on. 

Roman holds the box out to Celena, "I got my own tranquilizer." She pulls out a cigarette holder and shows her stash of joints.

Roman shrugs, getting more curious about her, but he saves his questions for another time, he wanted to know more about Peter, "Does it hurt?" He asks.

"You wouldn't notice if a bus hit you." Peter scoffs.

Roman still drew more curious, "Are you still you?" He asks.

"He's a good boy. He's my handsome little honeybun." Lynda smiles and strokes Peter's hair and face.  

Peter looks at the clock, seeing that it was almost time for sunset.  He begins taking off all of his jewelry.  Celena and Roman could see sweat pouring down his face.  He gets up and begins to strip his clothes.  Lynda gets up and guides Celena and Roman outside, so Peter could get ready. 

Celena and Roman stood side by side together with Lynda next to them.  Peter, finally, walks out of the trailer. Stark naked from head to toe. He walks around as if he was getting his bearings with the world. Sensing for anything that could mess this night up for him. So far so good, he couldn't detect any humans near. His body was coated with sweat, but he didn't seemed to be affected by the cold air. 

Roman catches a tattoo on his side, a 'G'. He frowns at that, what could it mean? Not even Celena knew what it meant.

"What's the G stand for?" Roman asks. 

"Go suck an egg." Peter says, panting heavily as he feels the wolf inside drawing closer.

"Are we safe here?" Roman asks Lynda.

"Yeah. Just watch." Lynda nods.

Peter spits into his hands, rubbing them together and runs them through his hair, making it slick back. Casper, Peter's new cat and companion, purrs and rubs against his leg.  Celena remembers when Casper showed up.  It was sometime after the Halloween dance.  He was starving and begging for love.  Peter and Celena both made sure he was spoiled with all.

"Ah, darn." Roman says half-heartedly.

"What?" Celena ask.

"I forgot to bring a Frisbee." Roman smirks and grunts when Celena smacks his chest.  

Peter flips him off and Lynda tries to hold back a smile, "Don't joke." She says.

Peter sights deeply and begins to feel the wolf. He grunts in pain as he rotates his neck, feeling the wolf trying to emerge. Roman jumps, startled at what was happening, it was starting, he realized. Casper meows in alarm and runs back inside the house.

"Ugh!" Peter shouts and sprays spit in the air as the wolf begins to force it's way out of his body. Peter falls to his knees, screaming and yelling in agony. He grabs his face, feeling his eyes tearing out of their sockets, popping out of his head and dropping into the dirt.  When Peter raises his head, his eyes were gone, but wolf eyes were replaced. Bright yellow wolf eyes. Roman's eyes widen as he watches in wonder, but Celena grabs his arm and buries her face into his coat. Whimpering as she continues to hear Peter yell in pain.  

Peter brings his hand close, watching the claws tear their way through his fingers. Fur and blood. He growls loudly and punches the earth. His skin begins to peel off his arm. Forming a canine paw. Roman watches Peter's skin splitting all over his back, fur bursting through the splits. Peter claws at his own face, yelling out more in pain. Roman could see Peter's teeth popping out through his gums and fangs growing in their places.

"Oh, my god." Celena whimpers as she turns back to watch a wolf's snout tear it's way out of Peter's mouth. The combination of Peter's yells and a wolf's ferocious growls were the only sounds made. Finally, it was over. Peter's human skin seemed to have melted off and standing in his place was a big, black wolf. Shaking the blood off his fur. 

Roman and Celena both stood frozen. Celena knew it was gonna be a different sight for her. She saw this in his memories, but seeing it in person. Hearing Peter's pain was god-awful. Roman slowly kneels, looking closer at the wolf. The wolf bends down to eat the rest of the flesh around him. The wolf looks up at Roman and grows lowly.

"Peter?" Roman asks, making sure that Peter was still in there.

The wolf looks at him and grunts softly, as if he was answering him. 

Celena slowly walks towards the wolf, Lynda was about to stop her, but watches Peter, the wolf, tilt his head at Celena. Roman reaches out to stop her, but Celena pushes his hand back and continues to walk towards the wolf. When she was close enough, she kneels down to meet the wolf's height.

"Peter." She whispers.

The wolf sniffs the air, inhaling her scent and whines softly. Celena slowly reaches out to touch the wolf, and to Lynda's surprise, the wolf leans in for Celena's touch. Roman and Lynda watches in shock and awe as Celena pets the wolf, rubbing his ears. Hearing the wolf grunt in pleasure.

"Celena." Peter's voice echoes in her head.

She smiles, "I knew you were still in there."

Suddenly, another voice was made, a voice that didn't even sound human, "My moon. My moon. Mine. Love." A deep, guttural voice speaks in distortion.

Suddenly, the wolf takes off into the forest with a growl as he jumps over a stump and disappears into the woods.

"You gotta be fucking kidding me." Roman breaths out as a smile breaks out. He was absolutely stunned with what he just witness. It was both horrible and beautiful at the same time.


Night has fallen, the moon was up completely. Roman and Celena never left. Lynda believed that Roman could have been afraid to leave, but it was more than that. They felt they needed to stay, for Peter.

Lynda comes into the trailer carrying Pizza boxes and sodas. Celena and Roman both help her carry everything into the kitchen. Roman was nibbling on his pizza, still processing what he witnessed hours ago. Celena didn't think she could eat after that, but thanks to Lynda, she got her some ginger ale to help settle her stomach.

Lynda already headed to bed, leaving Celena and Roman sharing the couch. She rested her head on a pillow on one arm rest, while he occupied the other arm rest. They even shared the blanket.

"I still don't understand how all this is possible.  We just saw a man transform into a wolf.  a freaking wolf!" He exclaims. 

"Yeah, I think it'll take time to get over the shock." Celena sighs. 

Roman sits up and frowns at her, "You said earlier that you knew he was in there. How did you know?"

"I could hear him." Celena says as she pulls herself up to sit up.

"Hear him?  Like what?  His grunt?" Roman asks. 

"Hear him? I couldn't hear shit over his growling.  Also, can't believe she was crazy enough to just walk up to a wolf and pet him as if he was a little puppy."

"I'm not crazy. I trusted my instincts." Celena says.

Roman frowns, "How did you...?"

Celena eyes him, "Yup, I could hear you." Sending her thought into his mind, letting him hear her.

"HOLY SHIT!" Roman covers his mouth and screams in his head. 

Celena jumps and winces, "That was a little loud."

"All this time, you could hear what I've been thinking?"  Roman asks in disbelief.

"From the moment you said I had a great ass and nice tits." Celena laughs.

Roman's cheeks heat up, "For the first time in my life, I feel so violated." Roman mutters.  Very rarely, Roman ever feels embarrassed.  Very rarely.

Celena couldn't help, but giggle.

"So, you can read anyone's mind at any time?" He asks. 

"I can sometimes control it. But, when I overwork my powers, like during the crash, it just takes over. My head, literally, feels like it's being split in half.  I start to hear everyone's voice inside my head, all at once."  She reaches and pulls out her joints out of her pocket.  "We learned this is the only way to stop it.  If our mind is fogged, we can't hear anything anymore. It gives us peace temporary." 

Roman nods, "When did this all start?"

Celena sighs and places her joints back into her pocket, "When I was a sophomore.  At Seattle High.  There were 5 of us at the start. But, when we found that...that thing in that cave." She swallows roughly.  "I don't even know what it was.  It was like a large rock, taller than this trailer. Glowing in the most beautiful light you ever seen.  Sapphire.  And the singing.  Whispering.  It was as if it was calling for us.  Leading it us to it.  To find it.  I don't know what happened in that cave.  But, I remember the pain." Flashbacks of Celena screaming in pain and arching her back over the cavern floor floods her mind. 

"What happened to the others? The ones with you." Roman says. 

Celena feels a tear fall at the corner of her eye, "When you use these powers, it's so seductive.  You feel as if you're indestructible.  You can do anything you want.  That's what Andrew felt.  Andrew was the runt of the group and he was Matt's cousin, his real cousin.  His life was always filled with shit.  His mother was dying and his father was abusing him daily.  But, he never told us.  How could we have known?  We would have helped him and he would still..." Her words choke off.  "Steve was the mot popular kid in high school.  He was gonna be school president.  One night, Andrew's father went too far with Andrew, pissing him off to the breaking point.  We all have our own power.  I can read minds and control them, Andrew could influence the weather.  His rage caused a terrible storm.  Steve tried to help, but Andrew lost control.  Steve was struck to death by lightning."

Roman's eyes widen in shock as he continues to listen.

"A few weeks after that, I learned that Andrew's mother was getting worse and money was tight because of his father.  So, he tries to rob a gas station.  He would have gotten away with it, but he wasn't expecting the owner to have a gun.  Andrew tried to block the gunshot, but it went off and blew a pump.  Andrew was near it.  But, it didn't kill him.  He was gonna be convicted after he got out of the hospital.  His father was his first visitor.  I don't know what he said, but Andrew had enough.  Do you remember hearing about what happened in downtown Seattle a year back?"

Roman thinks and nods, "Yeah." His eyes widen in realization, "No way! That was you?!" He exclaims.

"It was Andrew.  He went crazy.  He managed to level half of the city.  A lot of people got hurt and even killed because of him." Celena sighs.

Roman rubs his bottom lip, "So, how did you guys stop him? Or did the cops stop him?" He asks. 

Celena wipes away another coming tear, "Andrew was too far gone to be saved.  I know that now.  So, Matt....he stopped him." The flashback of the spear impaling Andrew makes her shudder. 

"Jesus." He mutters. 

"Now, it's just us three.  Running and running from those who want our powers for god knows what.  Military weapons, an answer to immortality," She scoffs at that, "Yeah right. Or maybe to control the world.  The list goes on.  Which is why we limit our use and keep our identity a secret."

"So, you guys are like superheroes who was given a bad rep, and others see you as lab rats." Roman shakes his head.

Celena shrugs, "Pretty much."

"What all can you do besides read minds and making shit move?" He asks.

"I don't know what you know about telekinetic abilities.  We can pretty much do anything if we set our minds to it.  We can fly. We can..." Roman cuts her off.

"Woah, woah, wait.  What?"

"Yeah, we can fly.  Landing is kind of hard, but, yeah. Also, it's freezing when you do.  The air up there is different than on the ground.  Plus, you gotta watch out for planes."

Roman lets out a breathless laugh, "This is insane."

"Welcome to the dark side, Roman." Celena wiggles his toe and laughs. 

"Wait, what about the nosebleeds, what does that mean? Overworked?" He asks.

"Think of it like this.  The mind is a muscle.  Whatever we do to lift an object, a heavy one, it stretches the muscle.  Stretch it too far, it could tear.  Hence the nosebleeds."  Celena explains. 

"Let's not let you lift anything heavy then." He says softy.  "Last thing I want is you hurt.  Oh, shit, you're reading my mind."

Celena smiles and nods.

"***damn it!"

"Sorry, it's hard to control sometimes, but when you think too hard, it slips.  Thank you, though.  You're sweet.  Which is really surprising." She giggles.

"Like I've said, I may be an asshole, but I'm an asshole with a heart."  He says. 

Celena nods, seeing a new side of Roman.  The sweet guy who rarely comes out.  Hopefully, she'll see more of him.

The sound of wolf howling causing them snap their heads up, knowing that must be Peter.  Singing his love song to the moon. 

But, at the same time, Celena's stomach growled, "Guess I'm hungry after all. Want anything?" She asks.

"I'll get it. What do you want?" Roman asks as he begins to get up, but Celena stops him.

With a wave of her hand, soft rumbling forms around them, and two pizza boxes fly gently into the living room, landing on the coffee table next to them. Then, two cold beers float out of the fridge as it opens then closes behind them and lands next to the pizzas.

"Now, that is pretty cool." Roman chuckles and takes his beer, opening the cap.

Celena takes hers, "Advantage to being a freak and I dig it." She laughs and holds her beer up, toasting with Roman, "Cheers."

Throughout the night, they chattered about what they enjoyed, secrets, likes and dislikes.  Practically bonding on that little couch.  It was nice.  For both of them. 


As the morning sun breaks through the trees, a naked, human Peter groggily makes his way to home. He yanks the cloth off the patio table and wraps it around his body. He opens the door and sees Lynda making breakfast, but what really surprised him was seeing Roman and Celena on the couch. Roman was sleeping with a pillow on the arm rest, while Celena was sleeping on Roman's stomach. Hugging her pillow and Roman's stomach while resting her head on the pillow.

Peter shuts the door loudly, waking them up on purpose. Celena snorts as she wakes up and rubs face. Roman jumps a little and squints his eyes at Peter walking in.

Celena stretches and smacks her lips, "Ugh, Morning." She groans.

"Good morning." Lynda says as she's making coffee.

"Morning." Roman yawns.

Celena rubs her eyes and realizes her position, she scrambles off Roman and goes back to her side of the couch, "This is why I shouldn't eat pizza and ice cream after midnight." She says and groans as her head begins to hurt from the food hangover.

Peter didn't really say anything, he just went into his room and got dressed. It didn't bother him seeing Celena like that, but he felt....he wasn't sure what the word was to describe it, but closes he could get was...left out. He was more bothered with what he sensed out there.

Peter finally comes back into the living room, dressed in comfy clothes and sits on the chair, still frowning deep in thought.

Roman runs his fingers through his hair, anxious to know what it was like for him out there.

"So, how was it?" He asks.

Peter didn't answer, but he looks over to Lynda with a worried look, "What? Peter, what's wrong?" Celena frowns in concern. 

Peter turns to both of them, "Something was out there. A scent."

"Of what? Milk-Bone?" Roman shrugs sarcastically.

Celena slaps his leg, "Not funny."

"Something bad." Peter scratches his beard, Celena could see how nervous he was, but he was exhausted too. "Look, last night, you, Celena, and my mom you're the only ones who know. I need you to keep it that way."

Roman scoffs and shrugs, "Who would I tell?" But, Peter and Lynda gave him an obvious look, since he knew so many people. Roman sighs and gave them all a serious look, holding three fingers up,  "Scout's honor."

Peter seemed to believe him, "All right."

Roman gets up and puts on his coat, he reaches and helps Celena stand up, "I'm gonna go home and change.  I'll give you a lift if you want." He says to Celena.

Celena looks at him in surprise, "Ok, thanks." She gives him a small smile.

Roman returns a small smirk, "Should I pick you up later?" He turns to ask Peter, but both of them sees Peter passed out.  

"Hm. Poor thing. The turn, it really takes it out of him." Lynda says.

Celena reaches and runs her fingers through Peter's hair, hearing him softly grunt happily. She kisses his forehead and sighs as she turns to Lynda, who gives her a sweet smile.

Lynda holds up two mugs, "Coffee?" She offers.  

"School." Roman points out.  

Lynda nods, "Right."

"I'll take a gulp." Celena happily takes a mug and sighs at the smell of fresh brewed coffee. "I needed this." She takes the mug back into the kitchen and finishes it, then cleans it out in the sink. She walks back towards Roman and Roman holds the door opened for her, but stops when Lynda speaks.

"Roman, Scout's honor." She reminds him.  

Roman nods, "Yes, ma'am."

"When he wakes up, tell him to call me after school. Please?" Celena says.

Lynda nods and smiles at her, then waves them off. She looks at her son sleeping peacefully and throws a blanket over him while kissing him good night. "Sweet boy."

Roman drives off, giving Celena a lift home so she could change as well for school.


^^^^^Celena's change of clothes (Except shoes and coat)

^^^^ Celena's outfit in the dream sequence

As class was becoming even more boring, Celena could barely keep her eyes open.  She didn't sleep that great on that couch, but it felt nice being in Roman's arms.  This was getting confusing for Celena.  She was worried that one day she'll have to make a choice between the two of them.  But, she didn't want to.  It seem too early to tell what she felt for Roman, but she knew she was falling for Peter...and hard.

She looks over and sees Roman with his head down. The teacher didn't seem to even care.  So, he started up a movie and shut the lights off. 

Celena couldn't fight it anymore, she slowly lowers her head to rest her chin on top of her hands and closed her eyes.  Falling deep into her dreams. 

Celena opens her eyes and finds herself standing on a metal bridge at one of the iron factories in town.  The sun was going down, barely becoming twilight.  A beautiful river was below them and Celena could see a bridge on top of it. 

She feels someone lean on the railing and sees Peter next to her.  Looking out yonder, just taking in the sight. 

"Ever had one of those moments where you wish you could live out forever in a dream.  Where no one could hurt you, but yourself?"

Peter's voice echoes all around. 

"Sometimes." Celena says, her voice joins his echo.

Peter looks over to her with hooded eyes, giving her a lazy look of affection.

"That's how it feels right now."

Celena frowns, then turns when she sees Roman walking towards them.  Keeping his eyes on them as he leans over the rail with Peter.   She watches them both and leans on the rail.  Realizing they were in a dream.  All of them.  It has to be. 

"This is one of the only rivers in the world that flows north. It confuses the birds. They say that birds can see the magnetic fields of the earth. That's how they know where to migrate." Roman says, as if nothing was wrong. 

Celena watches the birds in the air, watching them fly around. 

"What do you think it was that brought us here?" Roman asks, his voice echoing. 

Peter trails his eyes down to Roman's shirt and Celena follows his eyes

"Is that blood?" She asks in alarm. 

Roman stands up straight, pulls his shirt so they could see it clearly.

"Yeah. Long story."

Blood to seem to have soaked into his shirt, forming an ouroboros.  Peter could see it over the pyramid that was already printed on Roman's shirt.  The pyramid had an eye, but it wavered out and transformed into a moon and a black wolf with a man with dark wings at the bottom. 

Roman didn't even seemed fazed with the fact that there was blood on his shirt.  Plus, the same symbol they keep seeing over and over again.  He leans on the rail again and watches a flock of birds flying over the water.

"Stupid-ass birds!" He shouts, and at the same time, the birds seem to dive right into the water.  Cawing out in alarm as they hit the water.

"Are you OK?" Peter asks. 

Roman turns to look at them and takes Celena's hand.  Placing it on Peter's as he puts his on top of theirs. 

"We're in this together." Roman says, determinedly. 

Suddenly,  a vision rushes in Peter's head and his eyes widen in terror as he looks behind Roman.

"Holy fuck!"

A vision rushes through Celena and Roman, as if they were animals in the woods, running through the trees.  Loud growling sounds were made all around them.  The sight of yellow eyes and teeth flashes in Celena's face.

Celena gasps as her eyes snap open.  She jumps in seat, sitting up straight in a flash.  Panting heavily, she looks around.  Seeing that she was back in the classroom.  Everyone was still watching the movie.  She looks over at Roman and sees him snapping his eyes open in fright as well.  Another shared dream.  Like before, but stronger.  Celena sighs in relief and covers her face, trying to calm her pounding heart.

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