Prologue: The Discovery

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Celena's VO

'Sometimes I wish we never went to that party. But, if we didn't, we probably never would be the best friends we are today. I guess they were right. Everything has a price.

It all started that night, the night of the party at Haven Hills Farms in the abandoned buildings. I can't even remember who was throwing it, but it was one of the biggest parties ever. Everyone from school was there. Even my friends, Mathew Garetty, one of the popular boys in school, but not the most popular. He was one of those kinds who had a 'screw the world' attitude. After that night, his attitude changed...and I think for the good. Despite what it took.

Steve Montgomery , now, he was one of the most popular kids. I remember he was struggling to become president of student council. Straight As, jock, he had it all. Everyone loved him. Then, it all changed.

Mostly because of Andrew. Andrew Detmer. Andrew was the loner of the school. Very anti-social and, of course a punching bag for everyone. Now, unlike Matt, I don't blame Andrew. It wasn't his fault that he lost control. His father, that bastard, he just kept pushing him and pushing him to his breaking point. Then, when Andrew's mom died...that was the last straw.'

Last, but, not least, our gentle giant.  Viktor Jackman.  He was the quiet one in our group.  Don't be alarmed by his presence.  His 6'11 towering height always made him an outcast at school.  But, his personality makes up for it.  He always just wanted to help, even though people say he didn't need to or they would take it the wrong way.  I have to admit, Viktor wasn't bad looking.  He was muscled like a jock, and handsome like a mysterious poet.  Dark brown, shoulder length hair.  Deep brown eyes.  But, he carried a deep scar that was across his nose to his right cheek.  Like an arrow.  From what I heard, it was a car accident when he was a child.  He lost both of his parents and was raised by his grandparents. 

(Viktor ^^^^^^ Imagine a scar across his face and, I don't know who this actor is, I'm having a hard time trying to picture my Viktor.  But, he's about the same height as Shelly, and hot)

And there's me. Celena Whitmore. I was just the goth, nerdy girl who wanted to be one of the popular girls. To hang with the seniors and maybe even have my first boyfriend. I was just a sophomore who didn't know better, who rebelled against parents. How I wish I had another chance to tell my mom and dad that I loved them and that I'm so thankful for everything they taught me in life. Oh, how I wish.

(^^^^ Celena Whitmore)

(Celena's Outfit for the party ^^^)

(Third person's point of view)

October 21, 2012 -- Haven Hills Farm

Andrew sits alone in the middle of the field while music blasts from the abandon barn. He furiously cleans his camera, but it still reeked with beer. Austin, the school bully, dumped his beer after accusing Andrew of recording his girlfriend for possibly private viewing pleasures. Andrew sighs, frustrated with how everyone treats him. How his dad treats him at home. He was so fucking tired of it all. He throws his rag angrily and sobs softly.

He jumps in surprise when he hears a voice approaching and footsteps drawing near.

"Are you Andrew?"

It was Steve Montgomery, he was walking towards Andrew, looking giddy and curious.

"What...?" Andrew was confused, why was he looking for him.

"Are you Andrew-with-the-camera?" Steve asks curiously, "Matt's cousin, Matt said you had a camera?" Seventeen year old Steve Montgomery stands before Andrew as Andrew still sits on the grass in pure shock. Steve frowns as he sees Andrew's face better, tears stained his cheeks. Steve kneels next to Andrew, "Dude, are you okay?"

Ignoring, Steve's concern, Andrew furiously wipes his tears and sniffles, "I'm Andrew." He confirms with a strong voice.

"I'm Steve Montgomery..." Andrew cuts him off.

"No, I know."

"...yeah?" Steve looked surprised a little.

"Everybody knows who you are."

Steve laughs in pride, shrugging, "Haha, yes, that is true." Suddenly, Steve becomes excited and anxious, "Listen, come on, bring the camera." He urges Andrew to get up as he rises to his feet. He reaches and pulls Andrew to his feet.

Stuttering in confusion, "What? I don't..." Andrew protests, but his words trail off as Steve takes off.

"Come on!" Steve beckons Andrew to follow him.

"I don't..." Andrew hesitates his footsteps as he slowly follows Steve.

Steve stops and turns to Andrew as Andrew held his camera up, Steve smiles big, "Dude, come on, we found something."

Andrew's curiosity got to him, but yet, he feared this could be a prank. If it was a prank, maybe he could use the film to press charges and sue Steve, Steve was rich enough, Andrew thought. And it would help him with the debt his family was in. With his mom dying of cancer, they couldn't afford the medicine anymore. So, he decides to follow Steve. But, every mile they went, Andrew grew more and more nervous.

"Look, I don't think we're supposed to..." Steven cuts him off.

"Is there a light on that? On your camera?" He asks.

Stuttering, Andrew frowns, "Oh, I don't- Hm, I don't know." Andrew lowers his camera to look for the button and soon, the camera light clicks on, illuminating their surroundings, and making Steve winch at the brightness.

"Awesome." Steve covers his eyes as the bright light shines over him.

As they continue their journey, Andrew couldn't help but, be curious.

"What were you guys doing out here? This is way out..." He begins to ask.

"Me and your cousin were blazing a little." Steve smirks as he pretends to hold a joint and puff.

Andrew was surprised, "Matt's out here?"

"A bunch of people were out here, but I think they've all gone back, now. Well, except that girl..." Steve stops and turns to Andrew with a frown, "What's her name? The girl who is in our classes. She's always answering the questions. Glasses and goth?"

"Oh, you mean Celena?" Andrew asks.

"Yeah, her. She was hanging around with the popular bitches. They were going to play some prank on her, but...Matt changed their minds and we gave them a joint. I agreed with Matt, that prank was too brutal and Celena seems cool."

"I met her a few times in gym class. She's really into horror and monsters. Legends and stuff like that." Andrew says.

"After everyone left, it was just the three of us, we couldn't just leave cause we're like, obsessed with the thing." Steve chuckles.

Andrew frowns, "The what?"

They continue to the woods, through the dirt paths. Only the light on the camera was their source of sight. It was eerily quiet. Just the sound of the leaves and twigs crunching on the ground beneath their feet. Steve turns, walking backwards with a look of recognition.

"Andrew Detmer, that's right. I remember you from homeroom, Freshman year." Steve snaps his fingers in triumph.

"You remember that?" Andrew was impressed.

"Yeah, I have a memory for faces. I'm gonna go into politics, which is ironic because I'm soooo fucking high right now-" Steve laughs, but soon, frowns as he clears his throat, trying to look sober, "Probably shouldn't be letting you videotape this..."

"I'm gonna be so rich when you're president, you have no idea." Andrew smirks and laughs.

"Yeah, video footage of me luring you into the woods for gay sex..." Steven says sarcastically, then stops as he looks ahead, seeing two familiar figures ahead. "Wait, hey- HEY, MATT, IS THIS IT?!" He calls out.

Steve and Andrew take off running towards the figures. Matt was smiling big, and Andrew seeing a familiar girl kneeling next to a very large opening in the ground.

"Down here!" Matt yells.

"Matt?" Andrew pants as he skids a stop in front of Matt. Matt pulls Andrew's arm and leads him to some kind of craggy hole in the ground, at the base of a hill in the woods. It's big, but the darkness beyond is impenetrable to the camera. It looks like a big black spot.

"There we go." Steve whispers. "There it is."

Steve, Matt, Andrew, and Celena all kneeled by the hole.

"Hey, Celena." Andrew says.

Celena looks up, pushing her thick rimmed glasses up on the top of her nose, "Hey, Andy." She smiles.

"I hate it when you call me that."

"Aw, but I love calling you that." She pouts and laughs when she catches his crooked smile.

"Where is everybody?" Steve asks.

"They all left." Matt says as he and Steve were excited as hyper kids, while Andrew was nervous as a chihuahua. Celena was just curious as she leans in close to the hole.

"We're not supposed to be out here." Andrew mutters nervously.

"Is it still making the sound?" Steve asks.

"Yeah." Celena chuckles as she strains her ears to hear it again.

" Did you tell Andrew?" Matt nods at Andrew while asking Steve.

"Oh, Andrew, it's making a sound."

Celena rolls her eyes, "Ignore the stoners, but they're right. You gotta hear it. It's so....I can't describe it." She says, breathlessly.

"Here, listen." Matt tries to lure Andrew closer by pulling on his arm.

Andrew yanks away, "Guys..." He says, unsure how this was, this better not be a prank or he will band Matt from his home.

"You've got to get really close to hear it." Steve says as he leans closer to the hole.

Andrew sighs and scoots towards the hold, but stops and lifts a warning finger to all of them, "Guys, just don't like- don't push me, or do anything like that."

"We promise, we're not kidding, Andrew." Celena says.

"You've got to go closer. Like almost inside it. There's a beat." Steve says.

"We're not going to push you, we just wanna get it on tape." Matt says, holding his hands up in surrender.

Andrew frowns and moves towards the hole, leaning in to listen. He jumps when he hears it. A beat. A strange deep beat.

Steve catches his reaction excitedly, "Do you hear it?"

Andrew nods, then frowns when he hears something else, "It's like, whispering?"

"Listen." Celena shushes them as they all could hear the soft whispering and....

"Is that singing?" Andrew whispers.

Suddenly, a loud noise was made from the hole, making all of them jump back in shock and excitement.

"Ooooh shiiiiit!" Steve exclaims and laughs into his fist. "That is so fucking creepy!"

Andrew looks at them all with fear in his eyes, but he was curious at the same time, "What is that?" Andrew looks at the hole, it look like this was made recently.

Steve catches Andrew examining the dirt, "We didn't dig the hole, man."

Celena looks at the hole, "This wasn't digged. It looks more like the dirt collapsed inside. Like a sinkhole, but doesn't look dangerous." Celena leans in closer, her head goes into the hole.

Andrew stutters and grabs her arm to stop her, "Wait..what...what are you doing?"

"Someone hold my legs." Celena grabs her phone and turns on the flashlight as she starts to crawl halfway into the hole. Andrew drops his camera to help Celena into the hole.

"Ugh! It stinks." Celena groans in disgust and shines her light around. "It looks like it goes on further.  Like a tunnel." Her voice echoes in the hole.

"Is the sound on the camera?" Matt asks.

Andrew stutters as he helps Celena pull herself. out of the hole, "I don't know, probably...I mean, it's- it's kinda loud, right?" Andrew shrugs as he lets go of Celena so she could brush the dirt off her leggings and skirt.

Matt looks over to Steve as Steve speaks up with a grin, "Do you guys wanna go in and have a look, or what?" He asks excitedly.

Matt and Celena both nod, while Andrew rapidly shakes his head, "No, I don't- I mean, I won't do th..."

"Hold your nose." Steve says as he goes into the hole, vanishing in the darkness, ignoring the protests from Andrew.

"Hey, wait...!"

Soon, they hear the faint echo of Steve's voice, "Come on!"

Now, it was Matt's turn to be concerned as the high was wearing off, helping him think straight, "Steve, come on, we don't know if it's stable in there- It's probably just the wind, we should..."

Suddenly, Andrew goes into the hole, startling Matt and Celena.

"Wait, Andy, don't go down there!" Celena shouts.

"Andrew, hey, come on! Don't...shit." Matt protests, then mutters as his voice trails off.

Celena sighs as Matt looks over to her and gestures her to go in before him. She scoffs and shoves him into the hole.

"Age before beauty."

The four of them followed the path, the tunnel was pitched black and so quiet, all you could hear was their breathing. It seemed like a tight, claustrophobic tunnel, but it was easy to slip through. Andrew grunts as he uses the camera to guide his way with the light shinning in front of him, but even with the light, he could not see much in front of him.

Suddenly, he hears a noise and stops.


Andrew screams as a figure jumps in front of him, "AAAH!!!"

Steve, suddenly, pops up in the light, laughing his ass off, "I'm right here."

Andrew glares at him, "Fucking dick. Does it go down much deeper, or...?" He asks.

"Yeah, really far. It's not a cave, it's like a tunnel..." Steve trails off as the sound starts to grow at every step they take. "Do you hear how loud that's getting?" He asks.

"Do you think it could be like wind, or...?" Andrew asks nervously, but Steve cuts him off and pulls him to follow him.

"Come on, man. Come on."

"Then what do you think it is?" Andrew was desperate to know what that sound was, but at the same time, he was frighten to know.

Soon, Matt and Celena catches up with them and, together, they walk through the tunnel as the sound grew louder and louder. Celena grabs on to Andrew's arm as it was getting hard for her to walk. Andrew could feel how scared she was. Her hands shook as she gripped his arm.

"Huh. I dunno. I don't believe in ghosts." Steve says as Matt and Celena joined them.

"Who said anything about ghosts?" Andrew scoffs.

"I wouldn't be surprised if it was ghosts. I mean, we're close to the mines. Who knows how many people died down there." Celena voice shakes.

Steve just laughs it off and turns a corner, going back into the darkness. Matt, Celena, and Andrew follow and Andrew flashes a worried look to Matt.

"We shouldn't have come in here." Matt says.

"I agree, but it's too late go to back. I think we're close to whatever is making that noise." Celena says, nervously.

"At first I thought this was a solutional cave, but now...I dunno, it's like a lava tube, or something."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Andrew says, confused at what Matt was talking about.

"He might be right, but..." Celena places her hands over the walks, smoothing her hand over the rock, "Look at the walls. Look at how smooth they are. doesn't make any sense."

"It's just straight shot down, I mean, we must've already gone forty or fifty feet." Matt says.

"Please, guys, don't talk about it, you're making me nervous." Andrew says as his voice quivers.

"You ever hear of Plato's allegory of the cave?" Matt asks.

"No." "Not really." Celena and Andrew both said.

Matt shakes his head, waving them off, "Never mind."

The path still leads on and still nothing, but the darkness. The cave seems to becoming tighter. All of the sudden, Andrew's light and Celena's flashlight begin to flicker.

Celena hits her phone with her palm, "Oh, no no no. Please don't die on me." She whimpers.

Andrew's light cuts off and nothing but a string of curses were made in the tunnel. Andrew had no choice, but to let the night vision guide him, but it was glitzing badly. He gently grabs Celena's hand to help her.

"It's ok. I got you."

Celena screams with Andrew as a light shines in their face, but both were shocked to see who it was. 

"Vik?!  What the hell are you doing down here?" Andrew exclaims

Viktor looks down, shy and scared at the same time. 

"I-I-I know I sh-sh-shouldn't have.   But, I followed you guys.  I heard....singing.  And..." Viktor stutters.

Celena sighs in relief as she calms her heart, "You scared the shit out of me." She looks at him as she takes in his position.   He was crouched as low as he could, but still it looked like he was in a tight fit being down here. 

"What are you guys doing down here anyway?" Viktor asks, quietly. 

Matt pops up, "What's the hold up?" He chuckles breathlessly and frowns when he sees Viktor.  "What are you doing here?" 

Viktor stutters, but Celena answers for him, "He followed us in here.  It's ok.  He's just curious.  We all are."

Viktor watches carefully at Matt's body language, but he didn't seemed pissed with the fact that he followed them. 

"It's cool.  You gotta see this, too, Vik.  It's gonna blow your mind." Matt laughs and takes off where he came from. 

"Come on, Viktor.  I don't think its far.  Just watch your head." Celena helps Viktor find his way through the tunnels. 

Andrew took the lead, helping his friends through the darkness. Suddenly, Steve pops around the corner, startling them. Steve cackles with excitement.

"Can you believe this, this is NUTS?!"

Suddenly, the lights come back on and they see the end of the tunnel. Celena gasps in awe and shock as she walks in a large chamber, which was somehow lit from within. As the five of them walk inside, they were bathed in a soft, pulsing turquoise glow. The noise echoed all around the chamber loudly, making their voices faint to the human ear.  Viktor's eyes widen in shock.

"Is that, is that showing up on the camera?" Matt asks with wide eyes.

Andrew shakes his head in protest, "I don't wanna film it, it's messing with the camera."

Matt yanks the camera to focus it on Steve and Celena as they stood before a massive crystalline rock structure. It glowed brightly and pulsed around them. It seemed to be embedded in the wall. All around them and the rock, floating in the air were wispy little clouds of light.

"It's so beautiful." Celena gushes.

Steve slowly reaches out an touches the light, he chuckles and turns to his friends, "Touch one!"

Matt walks up to the rock, as if he was enchanted by the light's beauty. He touches a light and it comes apart in a silent little explosion of light. He laughs in awe at its beauty.

Celena gasps as she touches one as well, sighing softly as the light explodes at her finger tips.

Viktor grunts in alarm as the lights begin to float around his large body.  He reaches slowly and gasps as one light explodes at his finger tips. 

Andrew stood nervously behind them, but he walks carefully to them. A few feet away from the light.

"Guys maybe...maybe we shouldn't..." Andrew stutters, till a light cloud passes in front of him. He slowly extends his hand to touch it. The light bursts around his fingers. Andrew couldn't help, but smile.

Andrew walks closer to record the structure, viewing it up close.

"It's almost arachnid, organic somehow." Celena says as she touches another light and jumps as it changes colors. She giggles as the light turned yellow.

Matt was practically inside the structure, pressing his palms over it, "It changes colors, see?" He says as he shows them. "It must be reacting to the heat, some kind of exothermic reaction." The noise seems to be growing louder.

Andrew winches a little from the tones and pitches, "WHAT? I can't hear you over the- you know."

Ignoring Andrew, Steve shouts over the noise, "Make it change again! This is awesome!"

Matt presses with his palms again, but flinches as the noise turns into a low, sustained hiss and the light turns into an angry shade of red. Steam begins to release from beneath the structure.

"Um, guys, I think something's wrong. We need to get out of here." Celena says as her voice shakes.

Andrew turns towards her, his camera pointing at her. His eyes widen as he watches blood begin to pour from her noise.

"Shit, your nose." Andrew says.

Celena touches the blood and whimpers at the sight of her stained fingers.

Suddenly, Steve's nose begins to bleed as well and tries to catch the blood from falling. But, they shout in surprise as Matt's body was flung into the air.  Viktor uses his shirt to catch the blood from his nose, but it wasn't stopping.  Celena screams as she clutches her head. A sharp, stabbing pain was shooting through their heads. They all screamed and clutched their heads. Celena's eyes roll back as she falls backwards on to the ground, her body begins to jerk as if she was experiencing a violent seizure.

"MATT! STEVE!" Andrew screams in pain and falls to the ground with his camera. The camera turns in a tumble, pointing at the five of them. All of them laid on the dirt rubble, jerking violently as the powers of the crystalline structure filled their bodies. As one, they all glowed in the darkness. As bright as the sun. Celena screams once more as darkness takes over her.

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