15 - The Babysitter

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Scorpius's two weeks quickly came to an end and, when the morning of the day of his departure came, I realised that I was going to miss his presence in our home very much.

The thought of it being just Albus and me again made me feel somewhat gloomy. He was treating me as though I was a burden on his life; an annoying inconvenience, if you will. Where Scorpius was sweet, kind and friendly, Albus was grumpy, rude and antagonistic.

To mark the occasion of Scorpius's final morning, I made a special breakfast, much to Scorpius's delight (and Albus's disgust).

"Waffles, mint!" Scorpius exclaimed, gleefully helping himself to a big plate of syrupy waffles topped with strawberries.

My heart swelled as I watched him tuck into my lovingly prepared spread.

"Can't I just have toast?"

My eyes flicked to Albus who was sat with his arms crossed, wearing his usual scowl. I was shocked at the amount of hostility in his eyes.

"Fine." I couldn't be bothered to argue. "You know where the toaster is."

Noisily flinging his chair back, Albus stropped over to the bread bin.

"What are your plans for your last day?" I asked, smiling back at Scorpius who was buoyantly licking his fingers. "Your father won't be arriving until this evening, so you've got plenty of time."

"Thought we'd just play the X-Box." Scorpius shrugged, pouring himself some orange juice that I had thoughtfully lain out on the table.

"Oh, Albus," I sighed, turning my head disdainfully towards my son who was huffily banging open cupboard doors, no doubt looking for his precious marmite, "do something more exciting. It's a beautiful day, why not go down to the river or take a couple of broomsticks to the paddock?"

"I told you, we don't like Quidditch," he glared at me just as the toaster pinged.

"I didn't say play Quidditch, just go and have a fly around."

"It's what you meant though, isn't it? But what's the point? It's not like I can compete with you; the Chosen One." He threw his untouched toast down onto the side and stormed over towards the door.

"What's got into you, Albus?"


He slammed the door behind him, leaving Scorpius and I to exchange a bewildered glance.


I was in the process of applying my signature red lipstick when the doorbell went.

"Albus!" I called loudly from my bedroom. "Can you let Scorp's father in, please?"

Finishing off my lips, I quickly stepped back from the mirror and checked out my reflection. Not bad, I thought, smoothing my hand down my red dress which clung in all the right places, nicely showing off my curves.

Draco's eyes widened as I descended the stairs. He was standing alone in the front doorway. Albus had evidently just opened the door and walked off without inviting him through.

"You know, you didn't have to make the effort," he drawled, a smirk beginning to play at his lips.

"Oh, don't worry, it's not for you," I smiled, secretly thrilled at the effect I was having on him. "If you must know, I'm about to go out."

His smirk faltered and then dropped. "Out? Where?"

"Oh, just a date." I said casually, walking past him as I headed towards the sitting room.

"A date?" I heard him splutter as he followed behind me.

"BOYS!" I called, when it transpired they weren't in the sitting room.

I wheeled round, only to be met with Draco stood right in front of me, scowling. I was taken aback by how much he looked like Albus.

"And who, exactly, are you going on a date with?" He was so close that I could see a tiny muscle visibly pulse along his fiercely clenched jaw.

"They've had a lovely couple of weeks," I smiled, choosing to ignore his obvious displeasure at my evening plans. "Scorpius is a real credit to you. He's been nothing but kind, friendly and polite."

His face softened slightly at the mention of his son. "Thank you. Astoria has always instilled good manners into him."

Not like me with Albus, I thought bitterly.

And, as though on cue, my moody son came lolloping into the sitting room, almost knocking Draco flying as he barged past him to get to his X-Box.

"Albus!" I cried frustratedly. "At least apologise if you're going to push our guests around!"

"Soz," he mumbled, not looking up from where he had slumped into the sofa, eyes fixed moodily on the television screen.

"No worries," Draco said stiffly, straightening the sleeves of his jacket.

Scorpius entered next, his bag already packed and flung over his shoulder.

"Hey Dad," he murmured, walking into the room, "how's Mum?"

Draco's face fell slightly, and I could see the worry in his eyes as though he was contemplating how much his son needed to know.

"The same, Scorp," he said quietly, his eyes dropping. "She's missed you, though."

"Can I have one last game with Al before we leave?" Scorpius asked, looking hopefully up at his dad.

"Sure thing, Scorp," Draco smiled, giving his son's shoulder a small squeeze. "Your mother's not expecting you to say hi until the morning, anyway."

Scorpius eagerly dropped his bag and flung himself down onto the sofa, taking the proffered game control from Albus's outstretched hand.

"Drink?" I asked, my eyes meeting Draco's.

Nodding, he followed me through to the kitchen. As soon as we stepped over the threshold, he rounded on me.

"I didn't know you were dating." His grey eyes pierced into mine, looking almost panicked.

I shrugged, manoeuvring around him to head towards the fridge, removing two cold bottles of beer from inside. I handed him one which he grudgingly took, not taking his eyes away from me, waiting for my response.

"It's new," I shrugged lightly. "Hermione arranged it."

"Good old Granger," Draco gritted through his teeth, his beer grasped tightly in his hands, knuckles white.

I tossed him a bottle opener which he caught with ease, his piercing eyes never leaving mine as he opened his beer and tossed it back.

"What's his name?"

A small hiss as I opened my own beer. I took a slow, deliberate swig before finally gracing him with an answer.


"What kind of a name is that?"

"What kind of a name is Draco?"

We eyed one another from across the kitchen, the atmosphere tense.

"Who's looking after Albus when you go on this date?"

"No one, he's a big boy and I'll have my phone on me."

"I don't like it," he snarled, grey eyes burning furiously into mine. "He needs someone here whilst his mother goes out gallivanting with strangers."

"I'm not gallivanting. And, as I said - my son is old enough to stay on his own. I'm only an Apparation away if he needs me."

"He's my son too and I don't like it."

Was he fucking kidding me? Was he actually putting on a gold edition comedy show and selling first class tickets for it?!

"You don't get to come waltzing in here and suddenly decide what's best for my son!" I gritted, resisting the temptation to smash my beer over his head.

"Our son! And before you accuse me of being an absent parent all his life, I didn't even fucking know he existed until a year ago!"

"An entire fucking year in which you've barely acknowledged he's even your son unless it suits you!"

He froze, realising he had nothing.

"I still don't like it," he said eventually. "He's twelve years old and shouldn't be left on his own."

"I'm not going to cancel my date, Draco." I sighed, rolling my eyes at his pettiness.

"Fine. Then I'll stay."

I looked at him, aghast.

"There's no need."

"Scorp!" He shouted so that our sons were able to hear. "We're staying!"

The muffled whoops of their voices drifted back through to the kitchen as I heard Albus shout, "Brilliant!"

"Draco!" I hissed thunderously. "You're being ridiculous now!"

"Do you even know this guy?" He hissed back, taking a step towards me.

"Yes! If you must know, we spoke briefly on the phone only last week and he sounds every bit the gentleman." I spat, also taking a step towards him, the gap now closing between us so that our faces were only inches apart. "Now, if you don't mind, he'll be here any moment."

"Good, I'll look forward to meeting him then." Draco retorted, slamming down his bottle on the table next to us, his chest rising and falling heavily through his angry, heated breaths.

Glaring at me, he hastily removed his jacket, throwing it down onto the back of a chair before roughly rolling up his shirt sleeves, his faded Dark Mark on display for all to see.

The gesture was clear.

Draco Malfoy was not going anywhere.


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