13 - Dates and Dragons

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"DRAGONS?! I'm facing dragons?!"

"You can do this, Etta. We just need to stay calm and think-"

"STAY CALM?! What even is this?! Hermione, I'm not facing dragons. I simply refuse."

"But you can't. As Dumbledore said, when you put your name in the Goblet, you are entering a binding, legal-"

"I DID NOT PUT MY NAME IN THE GOBLET!" Jesus, this school was starting to suck. If I had parents, I would be writing to them right now to get me out of this hell hole.

The Dursley's, however, would probably shake Dumbledore's hand and get front row seats.

Much like Draco Malfoy.

"Scared, Potter?" He hissed in my ear, the morning of the first task.

I had been making my way down to breakfast when he cornered me in the Entrance Hall.

I gave him the most derivative look I could muster, but the truth was I was scared. Too scared to think of a witty insult.

Draco, on the other hand, was on form today.

"Got Crabbe and Goyle to save me the best seat in the house," he leered, his grey eyes piercing gleefully into mine. "Cannot wait to see your arse burn, Potter."

"Oh, just fuck off, ferret face."

That seemed to do the trick. The smirk instantly left his face, his pale cheeks forming a pink tinge.

I pushed past him and made my way into the Hall.

I would have enjoyed that if I wasn't feeling so shit scared about having to face a dragon in a couple of hours time.


I did it! I got the Golden Egg!

Thanks to Hermione teaching me the Summoning Charm on the run up to the first task, I managed to summon my Firebolt and whoop that dragon's butt.

I was on such a high. And the best part was Ron talking to me again. He finally realised that I hadn't put my name in the Goblet. About bloody time too. But I was too happy to have my best friend back to point this out to him.

"Now you can concentrate on trying to work out the clue from the egg." Hermione said brightly.

"Leave her be, Hermione," Ron wailed. "Let Etta enjoy the moment."

"Well if you want her to be unprepared for the second task, then fine!" Hermione replied haughtily. "But you were too busy sulking, of course, to know the pains we went through to prepare for the first task."

"Hush hush," I said calmly, trying to keep the peace. "Hermione, don't worry, I'll work it out soon enough. But for now, let me enjoy this party."

"Too right!" said Fred, passing me a Butterbeer.

I clinked it with Ron's while Hermione huffed away.


Horror of horrors - we were to have a Yule Ball.

And even worse, it was imperative that the champions each have dates.

"Who are you going to ask?" Hermione inquired as she bit into a potato. I had told them of McGonagall's demand over dinner.

I glanced over to where Cedric was sitting at the Hufflepuff table and blushed.

"Don't tell me you want to take pretty boy!" Ron choked, having noticed my cheeks.

"Well I'm not taking you, if that's what you're thinking," I bristled. "And besides, I was hoping he would ask me."

Ron pulled a face as he stuck a sausage in his mouth.

"I'd go with you, Potter," I shuddered at the familiar drawling tone - Draco Malfoy had halted behind me upon passing our table. "Except I don't date dogs."

"Get stuffed, Malfoy!" I turned, sneering up at his face. "As if I'd go with a filthy ferret like you!"

I was satisfied to see the familiar irritation flicker in his eyes. His lip curled and he flicked me the finger before stalking off.

"I mean, he really does ask for it, doesn't he?" Ron muttered. "It's like he enjoys it or something."


"Etta, can I have a word with you please," Cedric's eyes cast over the library table where Hermione and Ron were grinning widely, "in private."

"Yes, um, sure," I said, quickly standing up from my seat. Hermione gave me a discreet thumbs up as I followed Cedric over to the privacy of a bookcase.

"So, um... you know this ball we're having on Christmas Day?"

It was cute how nervous he looked.

"The Yule Ball?" I smiled, nodding my head. "Have you asked anyone yet?" I crossed my fingers behind my back.

"Well, I was just wondering, seeing as we are both champions, perhaps we - um..." he coughed. "P-Perhaps we could go together?"

Yes. I couldn't help the wide smile forming on my lips. He looked back at me, his eyes full of trepidation.

"Well, it does make sense for us to go together," I tried playing it coolly. "That sounds like a great idea."

A big grin reached Cedric's eyes.

"Great! Fantastic!" He said enthusiastically. "It should be a good night."

"I'm looking forward to it," I said, honestly. His eyes sparkled as I smiled up at him.


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