34 - Thanking You

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I wanted to see him.

I left the Valentine's ball immediately after the Zacharias incident, and fled straight to my dormitory where I whipped out the Marauders Map and searched frantically for his name.

But I couldn't see it anywhere. Not in any of the corridors, not in the Slytherin dormitories. I glanced down at the Hall where most of the footsteps were but I definitely couldn't see it there either.

Where the fuck had he got to?

I perused the map for hours, even after Hermione had returned, rolled her eyes, and went to bed, I carried on searching.

And then, as if out of nowhere, there he was. Draco Malfoy. The little footsteps next to his name were walking along the seventh floor. If I left now, I could catch him before he made it down to the dungeons.

Glancing at Hermione's bed to make sure she wasn't about to jump back out, I grabbed my Invisibility Cloak and tiptoed out of the dormitory and through the now empty common room.

I slipped the cloak over my head and quietly made my way through the castle, making sure to follow the map so as not to lose Draco.

I finally caught up with him in the hallway above the Entrance Hall. He was coming towards me. I came to a halt and held my breath as I waited for him.

What in the hell was he doing out and about in the castle at this time of night?

I made my move as soon as he drew up close enough. With all my might, I pushed him into the dark alcove to the side. He stumbled back in shock, unprepared for my attack.

"What the fuck?" Draco yelled, looking around with wild panic in his eyes.

I quickly pulled my cloak off, pressing my hand over his mouth to quieten him. "Shush you idiot or you'll get us both in trouble!" I whispered furiously.

His eyes widened in surprise before glancing downwards to where my hand was still on his mouth. I was suddenly aware of the feel of his lips under my fingers and I quickly removed my hand, cursing myself as I could feel heat rise to my cheeks.

"Potter," he hissed, "what the fuck do you think you're doing?"

Now I was standing here, with him, I realised that I had not planned what it was that I actually wanted to say to him.

His grey eyes glittered impatiently into mine. "Well?"

"I- I just wanted to say thank you," Jesus, I was starting to feel like an idiot! I mean, I've literally come out in the middle of the night especially to see him, just to say 'thank you'. Pathetic!

He stared at me curiously, the Adam's apple bobbing prominently in his throat. I suddenly felt extremely awkward and wished he would just say something... anything; even if it was to tell me to fuck off.

And when he did finally speak, the words that left his lips were not what I was expecting at all.

"I didn't like the way he was touching you."

My heart fluttered at the soft expression on his face, he looked almost vulnerable and the urge to reach up and press my lips against his suddenly overwhelmed me.

"I didn't like the way Pansy was touching you," I whispered instead, not quite believing what I was saying.

His lips twitched in amusement, and I found myself feeling a spark of irritation that even now he was smirking.

"Surely you're not jealous, Potter?"

Ugh, he just had to go and fucking ruin it.

"Well, if you're going to be like that..." I said spikily, moving to step away from him.

Long white fingers clasped around my wrist, tugging me back so violently that I found myself losing my balance. He caught me at once, pulling me up against his chest. I could feel the steady beat of his heart and hear the shallow uneven breaths upon his lips.

"She doesn't hold a candle to you," he growled, inching his lips tantalisingly close to mine. "No one does."

I looked up at him startled, surprised at this bold admission.

"What's going on here?" I whispered, the intensity of his stare and the closeness of him making me giddy.

"This," he answered, his eyes darkening as he stroked the back of his fingers down the side of my face, the effect of his touch causing me to shiver.

And that's when his lips closed on mine.

An instant groan vibrated in the back of his throat as he pulled me in, wrapping me tightly to his body, fingers tangling in my hair at the back my head as he deepened the kiss.

He tasted so fucking good and I suddenly could not get enough of him. Responding eagerly to his kiss, I gripped his upper arms, his shirt bunching up beneath my fingers, wanting to just rip it off him and run my hands all over his body.

I felt an overwhelming need to touch and devour him. I wanted every piece of him, but more than that, I wanted him to want me.

And, given the hardness straining beneath his trousers pressing against my hip, there was little question of that.

I found myself wanting to get more of a reaction out of him, wanting to hear him groan again. So, I rolled my hips, causing my pelvis to grind over him.

His reaction was instant, his whole body went rigid as he sucked in a hiss through his teeth, his fingers gripping me a fraction tighter.

Our eyes briefly locked as our lips came to a temporary halt. He threw me a searching look, as though trying to work out if I had done that on purpose.

The glint in his eye told me that he knew, and he was ready to play that game too. We resumed the kiss with a renewed ferocity, and the next thing I knew he was shoving me up against a wall.

I curled a leg around his hip as he pinned himself between my thighs, his fingers tightly gripping my waist. He was literally throbbing.

"Fuck," he moaned, pulling his mouth away from mine; his lips trailing an urgent, bruising path of kisses along my jaw, pausing only when he reached the sweet spot below my ear which he began to suck and nibble until I could no longer contain the small whimpering moan that had been laying in wait at the back of my throat.

As soon as the noise escaped my lips, he stilled, and I could feel his lips pull into a satisfied smirk against my neck, clearly loving the effect he was having on me.

He lifted his head, his dilated eyes holding a hint of amusement as he rested his forehead down upon mine.

"We could go on like this, Potter," he drawled, running his hands slowly up and down the length of my body, making me buck and shiver against him, "and risk getting caught in the middle of the corridor... or," he added, pausing to move his lips against my ear, "we could take this somewhere a little more private."

Looking back, I wished I could have just silently nodded and let him fuck me senseless.

But I was Henrietta Potter and therefore too arrogant to even put my sex life before my incessant need to be proved fucking right.

"How about the Room of Requirement?" I asked, trying to keep my tone light as I ceased this golden opportunity.

He froze. My heart thudded noisily beneath my chest as his eyes searched mine questioningly.

"How did you know where to find me tonight?"

I shrugged, attempting to look as innocently as possible. "Just luck, I guess."

His eyes narrowed. I could tell he did not believe me in the slightest.

"It's two o'clock in the fucking morning, Potter. Have you been spying on me?"

I hesitated, my mind drifting guiltily to the map folded up in my cloak.


"I don't fucking believe this," he hissed, furiously stepping away from me so that I slid back down the wall. "What did I tell you about keeping your fucking nose out of my business?"

"So, you don't deny it, then?" I asked eagerly, forgetting about everything that had just happened. "You're up to something in the Room of Requirement, aren't you?"

"What the fuck is wrong with you, Potter?" he spluttered furiously, punching his fist against the wall next to my head. "Is this all just some kind of sick game to you? Me and you?"

"No!" I said, panicking, wishing I had just kept my fucking mouth shut. "Believe it or not, I'm worried about you. Something is clearly going on with you and I just want to help-"

"I knew it," he scoffed, shaking his head. "You never change, Potter."

And before I could stop him, he turned on his heel and stormed off, leaving me leaning against the wall, horny and alone.

God he was so bloody frustrating.


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