44 - Get Draco

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Draco Malfoy watched the rejected contents of his stomach swirl round and round, eventually disappearing from view.

He was on all fours, leaning over the porcelain toilet on the bathroom floor. Panting, he wiped the back of his hand across his brow, which was slick with sweat.

He couldn't stop retching. Every time he thought he was going to be OK, he would suddenly remember the sight of Voldemort's snake eating his teacher at the dinner table and his stomach would violently heave.

Desperately trying to think of something else, Draco closed his eyes and conjured up Etta's face. He tried to remember every detail of that last day; every word they exchanged, every kiss and every touch.

He wished he could see her. He missed her. He felt so sodding lonely being stuck in the Manor where everyone was too petrified to speak. Draco had witnessed so much torture and death over the past few weeks that he wondered if his mind would ever be the same again.

He needed Etta. She understood. And she was so tough. He could do with some of that. But he had no idea where she was and, thankfully, neither did Voldemort.

He wondered what she was doing now. Wondered if she was safe. He wondered if she even liked him anymore after what he had done.

Draco didn't like himself very much anymore.

He thought about the school he was returning to and he thought about the kind, long silver haired wizard with the half-moon spectacles who would no longer be there.

His whole body quaked as he let out a loud, violent, shuddering sob.


"I'll be needing Butterbeer to wash this one down. What happened to you, ugly?"

How fucking rude!

Hermione had gone and sent some sort of stinging hex at my face, disguising me (I am the Ministry's Most Wanted after all). It wouldn't have hurt her to have done something slightly more flattering though.

That disgusting werewolf, Greyback - who had the audacity to call me ugly - whacked me so hard in the chest that I doubled over in pain.

"Stung," I muttered. "Been stung."

I told them my name was Petunia Dudley, but I don't think they believed me. Probably because of the flipping obvious scar on my forehead that Hermione's stupid jinx barely concealed.

And then Greyback declared they were going to take us straight to Voldemort himself. Shit.

At Malfoy Manor. Double shit.



Bellatrix screamed as she led us into a huge echoey room. Ron, Hermione and I all followed her in, our hands bound tightly together in front of us with ropes, the Snatchers giving us short hard shoves every now and then. My eyes flicked upwards and I couldn't help but notice the biggest chandelier I had ever seen hanging from the high ceiling. As my eyes dipped back downwards, I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the large mirror above the fireplace to my left, and I shuddered in horror. Christ, I really did look ugly!

Footsteps hurried in behind me, and I turned on the spot to see Draco entering the room with his mother. My heart thudded anxiously in my chest as I watched his eyes scan the scene before him, taking in the Snatchers and their prisoners. If he recognised any of us, he was yet to show it on his face.

"Ah, Draco. Come here, darling," Bellatrix said, rather sweetly, beckoning him over.

Draco stepped cautiously forward, separating from his mother's side.

"My friends here say they've got Henrietta Potter. Seeing as she's an old school chum of yours, I thought you could confirm the fact for us."

And with that, Bellatrix violently yanked my arm, pulling me to her side so Draco could get a clear look at me.

It was at this moment when his eyes met mine. There was no mistaking the look of recognition flash in his. He looked terrified, and I couldn't help but notice his hands trembling by his sides.

"Well...?" Bellatrix prompted.

"I can't... I can't be sure." Draco stuttered, as his eyes kept darting nervously between me and the floor.

I nearly let out a sigh of relief, thanking the heavens that Draco wasn't going to give me away.

But Bellatrix wouldn't quit it.

"Don't be shy, sweetheart," she cajoled, stepping forwards to drag Draco closer. "Get up nice and close."

She nudged his face towards me so he was only inches from mine. His eyes were now wild with panic and I could feel his fast laboured breaths on my skin as he took in my appearance.

"What's wrong with her face?"


They all rudely started having a whole conversation about the state my face, all the while I stared furiously into Draco's eyes, trying to communicate our desperate need for help.

But all he could do was stare desperately back; his eyes looking fearful and apologetic.

But then our eye moment was ruined by Bellatrix's dramatic screaming. She had spied the Gryffindor sword amongst our possessions that the Snatchers had taken.


For some reason, she had decided to take this all out on Hermione and demanded they be left alone for some girl talk.

"Draco, put these two in the cellar," she ordered, gesturing to myself and Ron.

Without hesitation, Draco gripped my upper arm. I could almost see the look of relief flood over him. He dragged me over to Ron and quickly grabbed him too, hastily pushing us both out of the room.

"Hermione!" Ron cried, as we started down the hallway, Ron stumbling as he tried to twist back after her. "We can't leave Hermione!"

"Be quiet you idiot!" Draco hissed sharply, jerking Ron's arm harshly to stop him turning around.

We turned to a passageway on our right, Draco quickly leading us through it, and then eventually down a steep flight of stairs. At the bottom was a heavy door. Draco unlocked it with a tap of his wand, revealing a dank and musty room on the other side.

As soon as we were inside, Draco whirled me around to face him.

"Etta, are you alright?" His eyes were so full of worry and concern, that for a tiny fraction of a second, a part of me wanted to break down crying in his arms.

But I didn't, because I'm Henrietta Potter and I had to be strong if I wanted to defeat Lord Voldemort.

So I shook my head in what I hoped was a convincing manner, and offered him a weak smile.

"Your face, it's returned back to normal." He murmured, placing his hand gingerly on my cheek. I closed my eyes at the wonderful feel of his touch.

"Draco," I breathed, opening my eyes again and staring up into his beautiful face. His grey eyes twinkled back sadly.

"What the fuck?"

Draco and I jumped guiltily apart. I turned my head to see Ron looking utterly flabbergasted, his eyes darting in horror between the two of us.

I had forgotten he was there.


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