53 - Potter

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1st September, 2017
(Nineteen Years Later)

"Where are they?"

Albus was peering at the people surrounding us in the crowded station as we made our way down the platform. The thick vapours from the steam was making it difficult to identify the many faces around us.

"I think that's them, Al," I said suddenly.

A group of four people emerged from the mist, standing alongside the very last carriage. Their faces only came into light when Albus and I had drawn right up to them.

"Hi," Albus said, sounding immensely relieved as Rose, who was already wearing her brand-new Hogwarts robes, beamed at him.

Smiling, I greeted Ron and Hermione with the usual flurry of hugs and kisses.

"Nervous?" Hermione whispered in my ear as she jostled a grizzling Hugo on her hip.

I looked down towards my dark-haired son and my heart fluttered. "Yes, you?"

Hermione nodded as she stared glassy eyed at Rose. We were both, for the first time, waving off our children to Hogwarts.

"Come on," Ron said jovially, draping his arm over my shoulder and squeezing me to his side, "Let's get Albus's things on the train."

Together we hauled my son's crap onto the Hogwarts Express.

"Seems like only yesterday, eh?" Ron said softly as he noticed me nostalgically glance up and down the train's corridor.

"Just promise me you haven't lumbered poor Rose with corned beef sandwiches," I muttered. "I don't think I've given Al enough money to buy up the entire trolley."

"What's wrong with corned beef?" Ron frowned, looking genuinely confused.

I shook my head, resisting the temptation to roll my eyes as I stepped back off the train onto the bustling platform.

It was at that moment when a small body collided into mine.

"Woah!" I cried, steadying the boy by the shoulders. I looked down at him only for my breath to catch instantly in my throat.

From beneath a mop of sleek white-blond hair, a pale face looked up at me, familiar grey eyes widening in alarm.

I felt as though I had stepped back in time.

"Scorpius!" A voice shouted to my left, I glanced up to see a dark-haired woman running towards us.

No. No, no, no. Panic blinded me as I looked frantically around, wondering how I could escape.

"I'm so sorry," the woman gasped apologetically as she skidded to a breathless halt in front of me, pulling the child to her side. "It's his first day, and he's so very excited!"

My heart thudded in my chest as I looked at the woman I knew to be called Astoria. I did not know why I was so surprised. I should have half expected this.

"I-It's okay," I blustered, wanting to get away from her as quickly as possible.

"Oh!" Astoria said, her eyes widening. "You're Henrietta Potter, aren't you?"

I nodded mutely. I was used to this.

"You were in my sister's year at school, of course. And my husband's. You probably don't remember me, though,"

"Astoria, Daphne's little sister." I said quietly, and she beamed, looking so pleased that I had recollected her from our school days.

Except that I hadn't, not really. There was only one reason I knew of this woman standing before me.

And I wanted to move quickly before I came face to face with that very reason.

"Um, it was nice to see you, Astoria," I said, already making my leave.

"And you!" she called back just as I was swallowed back into the safety of the crowds. I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hello, Potter."

I froze, my heart racing at the familiar drawling voice behind me. A voice that I had not heard for a very long time, yet still sounding exactly as I had remembered.

Slowly, I turned, finding myself staring up into a pair of glittering silver-grey eyes. Except for a few laughter lines, his face had not changed at all. He still had the same white-blond hair that flopped lazily over his forehead. He still had the same pearly white skin which always looked hard, but I knew was soft to touch.

I swallowed, trying desperately not to show how thrown I felt. "Draco."

"Long time no see, huh?" he chuckled softly, the twinkle in his eye making me want to cry.

Before I could answer, someone jostled hard into me, knocking me sideways by surprise. Draco flung out a hand, catching my elbow. Our eyes locked and suddenly it felt as though everyone around us had become nothing but a silent blur.

"Mum! MUM!"

My son's shouts brought me back to my senses. I quickly straightened up as Draco dropped his hand. Albus was waving impatiently over to me as he stood by Ron and Hermione.

"I didn't know you had a child." Draco said, an odd expression flitting over his face as he glanced over in their direction.

"Um, yes, it's Albus's first day at Hogwarts," I explained hurriedly. "I understand your son is starting today, too?"

He did not answer, instead his eyes remained fixed on Albus, frowning.

"I guess you're no longer a Potter, then?" he asked, his voice sounding strangled.

"I'm still a Potter, I couldn't imagine being anything else."

He looked back at me, his frown gone and his eyes full of warmth. "I couldn't imagine you being anything else, either."

A silence fell between us and a feeling of such aching sadness filled my heart.

"We would have ended up killing each other in the end," he continued, a smile twitching at his lips. "Especially with your stubborn streak."

I felt the familiar stirrings of annoyance. "My stubborn streak?!" I scoffed. "Well excuse me Mr I-Must-Beat-Potter-At-Every-Bloody-Thing!"

Our eyes met and our lips simultaneously tugged into helpless smiles.

"We were rather competitive, weren't we?" he said, amusement flickering in his eyes as he rubbed his fingers along his jaw.

"Yes, but we loved every minute of it," I smirked, "deep down."

The air seemed to still as we exchanged another wistful glance.

"We sure did, Potter."

Just then, the train gave a loud whistle. My heart felt suddenly very heavy.

"Take care of yourself, Draco."

"And you, I mean that. I'll be seeing you, Potter."

He reached his hand towards me, his fingers briefly brushing against mine. I closed my eyes as a soft sigh escaped my lips.

And when I opened them, he was gone.

To Be Continued...

Henrietta Potter and the Slytherin Child
(Book Two)


Who is Albus's father? What did happen in the intervening years between the battle of Hogwarts and Nineteen Years Later? Catch up with more Etta and Draco dramas in book two: Henrietta Potter and the Slytherin Child.

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