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Henry's POV

"If someone comes here they would be disgusted. I should clean" I said sliding my finger on what used to be a glass kitchen table. "That's a lot of dust.." I thought rubbing the dust into my pants. I started walking to the closet, hoping I would find my mop or any cleaning things for that matter. I had been searching for a few minutes until I found the mop "finally" I thought filling up the bucket with cleaning liquid (I don't know what it's called). Walking around the house seems a lot more depressing when there are three extra bedrooms, two for your dead kids and a guest room. "I miss you Charlie.. and I barely even got to see Sammy grow up" I said, with tears prickling in my eyes. In a few minutes time I had started crying.

William's POV

"I wonder if Michael is alive" I said, kicking a rock on my way to Henry's house, hoping he hadn't moved. "If he is alive.. where is he?" I thought still kicking the rock. I felt something wet? "What?" I thought looking around me. I kept getting wetter (shut up you dirty minded bastard). In the next few seconds my vision got noticeably worse "What the fuck is happening?!" I whisper-screamed as I put my thumb up to my eye. "A tear? A tear?!" I'm crying. "That's fucking wonderful" I screamed as I kicked the rock into a nearby BMW. "Shit" I thought as the car alarm went off. So, I just started running. "I'm the Flash bitch" I had thought while chuckling to myself.

Nobody's POV

About 30 minutes had gone by. William was sitting in the grass, looking at the sunset and Henry has just finished his mental breakdown and decided to go to the park. (Short POV I know)

Henry's POV

"6pm" I thought knowing I had wasted a day. "I should go to the park!" I thought, smiling. I put away the mop.. well I put it near the closet not wanting to open it. A few minutes had gone by and I arrived at the park. I walked over to the grassy patch and sat. "He looks nice" I thought, staring at the tall dark brown haired man. "He looks a lot like William.." I thought blushing. "No I can't have feelings for the man who ruined my life.. and my kids lives" I whispered with tears prickling in my eyes, not ready to start crying again. "Hey" the man said with a blank expression. "Hi.." I responded about to cry again. He walked over to me and just.. hugged me? "Stop!" I thought but I couldn't talk because I had been enjoying the hug. "What's your name, I'm William" he said happily. "Henry.. Henry Emily." I said wondering if it was William. His expression changed from happy to happy crying. Holding me close he said "I'm sorry! I'm so fucking sorry! I know what I did is unforgivable but they did their revenge!" all I could do was just stare blankly into his eyes, white and beautiful. "William?" I said when I finally snapped back into reality. He didn't respond he just hugged me, crying. "Wait if this is William why is he crying?" I thought to my self questioning everything. "H-Henry I'm sorry" he said while sobbing. I pushed him away and stared at him trying to form a sentence that doesn't include a long string of curse words. "William, why? Why did you kill them? Why did two of them have to be my kids?" I said about to cry. "I lost everyone. I didn't know what to do. I wanted to get my quote un quote revenge. I wanted others to feel my pain. I'm sorry" he said, sounding sincere? All I could do was blankly stare into his soul. His pitch black soul. "Henry, I'm sorry" he said wiping tears off his cheeks. "Sorry won't bring back my babies" I said staring into his beautiful eyes. William just stared at me. "Do you remember college?" William said with a grin forming into his face. "Shut up bottom" I responded, looking like a tomato and thinking of college. "Says you" he whispered also blushing. "What was that kitty?" I said rubbing my thumb against his jawline while he blushed. All he did was look away and blush.

735 Words

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