7| Like me

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Like me

"You never thought you'd get this attached, did you?"

| Adonis |

"What are you doing?" I asked
"What do you mean?" She asked, cocking her head
"You don't know us. You've been given a job, why aren't you finishing it?" I asked

Why was she hanging around and teasing us?
"You mean why am I so interested in you?" She corrected

She smiled
"I see right through you Adonis. I see your mind. That's why I find you so fascinating" she explained, leaning her chin on her hand as she leaned across the table
"Fascinating?" I echoed

"Yeah, you challenge me" she said
"No I don't. You let me think I do. Then you easily escape" I said, trying not to get angry
But she was so infuriating
And having Seth, Enzo and Athena in my ear hearing everything was putting me on edge

"Well yeah" she shrugged, sitting back
"But you excite me" she finished, looking me over
"Why?" I asked curiously
"I don't know. Honestly Adonis I..." she chuckled
"I just don't know" she answered

I looked at her for a moment
Trying to figure out how we could all come out of this calmly
"Why don't you take the earpiece out?" She asked

"Do not do that Adonis" Enzo said quickly

"You know where they are" I pointed out.
"Of course I do. I don't walk blindly into traps" she said
"Yet you still walked into a trap" I pointed out

"Well... when the bait is so enticing" she drawled out
"Why do you keep following me? Why do you keep saying shit like that?" I asked, leaning forward
I was trying to remain calm

But I couldn't understand her game
Her intentions
She was playing with me. Luring me in and yet making me so angry I just wanted choke her

And yet part of me wanted to choke her in other ways
Attraction was inescapable
But attraction to my Boss' assassin was detrimental to all of us.

"Have you ever thought that maybe I just like you?" She asked
"No" I said. Because that wasn't the answer
She rolled her eyes
"Always so serious" she said

"Fine. Maybe I just want to fuck you" she said
I reached up, pulling my ear piece out and disconnecting it from the wire
"Oh, now I have your attention" she smirked
"This isn't about fucking" I said

There was something else
Her actions must be driven by something stronger than that
"It isn't?" She asked
"You don't think about it? Not once?" She asked

I had. Begrudgingly
Like I said, attraction was uncontrollable
Yet thinking of her in that way only made me hate myself

"I think about it" she went on, bringing me out of my thoughts and back to her green eyes
Like poison, sucking me in and draining me.

"I think about you bending me over this table" she said
"Don't" I warned
"Pulling my dress up, touching me... kissing me... fucking m-"

"Enough" I warned louder
Silence fell between us
As she sat amused. Why was she so... beautiful?
How could someone so beautiful be so insane?

"Why am I here?" She asked instead
"That's what I'm asking you" I said
"No, here" she said, looking around
"Why here? Why isn't Enzo facing me? Hm? Does he not want to know who's trying to kill him?" She asked

"We want to know who ordered his killing" I said
She shook her head
"That's not how this works" she said
"How does it work?" I asked shortly

"Hm, why don't you give me a kiss and I'll tell you" she asked
"Not happening" I said
She sighed
"I guess you'll have to beat it out of me then" she challenged

"I don't want to fight" I said honestly
It had been a long few weeks
"Who said fight? Maybe you could just... spank me?" She suggested
She saw it, she saw the frustration in my eyes and she revelled in it

She craved it. And she thrived off it.

I slowly stood up, maybe a beating is what was needed
To show her she shouldn't have crossed us
To show her I didn't want anything to do with her
Not one bit.

No matter what she said
No matter what she wore
No matter how beautiful she was.
How frustrating she was.
No matter how much she annoyingly ran around my fucking head, evading me of all sleep.

"Ooh, he's angry" she commented, looking up at me
"Last chance, tell me" I said, leaning across the table to her, she stood too, eyeing me equally across the table
Our faces were close
Her perfume was around me.

She enveloped me in lust and then always surprised me with violence
But I was paying attention this time
She would not get the better of me.

Not this time.

I reached out to grab her, but her hands already had a plate smashing across my face before I could catch up
I in turn, smashed my glass against the side of her head

She looked at me, holding her hair before pulling a blood stained hand back.
"You just get better and better don't you?" She goaded, a red smile daring me to keep going

I threw a punch at her, but she landed one on me instead, before grabbing my hair and kneeing me in the stomach
I grabbed her arm, twisting her around and flipping her, making her fall to the floor as she groaned

"Fuck" she gritted out, rolling over
I kicked her in the back, making her cry out but it stopped her from getting up
I crouched down beside her
"What's the matter?" I goaded, watching her writhe around

"Still want me to touch you?" I asked, pulling my knife out
She groaned, looking at me
"More than anything" she hissed out
I stabbed her in the thigh, earning a cry of pain

"You bastard" she said
"This time, you're not getting away, I'll pin you to the fucking floor with these if I have to" I warned
"Oh I plan on it" she said, catching her breath
She was keeping up this facade, this personality that showed... nothing but amusement in me

Nothing but excitement
"You're really starting to fuck me off" I said, pulling my knife out
"And you're boring me" she dared to say
I grabbed her throat, watching the air leave her lungs as she gasped and frantically gripped my hand with her own.

"Boring you now?" I asked amused
It was nice for once. To actually have the power over her
To watch her speechless
When she always had some smart fucking comment to say.

I was too wrapped up in her throat, watching the bruising grip take her air, I failed to notice her hands had disappeared elsewhere
Before I felt a blade in my stomach
And I let go.

"Fuck" she gasped, breathing erratically
I looked down, blood slowly seeping through my shirt as her knife stuck out of me
I pulled it out slowly, looking down at her face

At the way she was catching her breath
Now was the perfect moment to kill her
The perfect opportunity

I hesitated a moment, wondering if what I was contemplating was too far.

And that thought alone shocked me
Because she was a killer. An assassin, she was trying to murder my friend and my boss and I was actually thinking how stabbing her was too much
When she's stabbed me three times now
Logic won and I stabbed her in the chest

She gasped, immediately grabbing hold of her own knife sticking out of her chest
"Are you kidding me?" She asked
"My own knife?" She asked surprised, almost angry
"You stabbed me first" I said breathlessly, sitting back and holding my stomach

"Yeah well... you're an asshole" she grumbled, her free hand holding her neck
Her bloodshot greens stared at me in anger
"At least now I know" she said
"What?" I asked

"That I was right" she said, before she slowly got up onto her knees, holding the knife in her chest in place
"You are who I thought you were" she said, struggling for breath
"Which is what?" I asked, still on the floor, lying back

The blood was pouring out of me rapidly

She leant over me, inches away
"You're just like me" she said lowly, looking into my eyes
We stared at each other, I didn't know what else to do as I sat back against the chair legs
I didn't know what else could possibly distract me right now

So I stared right back at her
I gave her what she wanted and I indulged in her games
And then she surprised me
As if she couldn't anymore

She slowly leaned closer, her lips brushing against mine, before she kissed me
Slow, soft. Warm.
It was everything she wasn't
She was rough and violent and yet her lips were... heaven.

I regretfully kissed her back
I shouldn't have. She was the enemy
And kissing her set my life on a course I have never imagined
One I never expected

I grabbed the back of her neck, my bloody hand sticking to her hair as my other held the blood seeping from my stomach
She groaned against me, before she pulled away ever so slightly

"All that for a kiss? You really make a girl work for it" she tried to say light heartedly
But I felt it
I felt what she felt
The tense air between us as we blurred the lines.

"You need to talk to us. To Enzo. You need to tell him everything" I said
"No" she shook her head, standing up with difficulty
I tried to do the same, but she shoved me back to the floor with her foot, making me restrain a groan

"No, Enzo isn't worth my time" she said simply
"But you'll kill him" I countered
"Money is money" she shrugged
"He'll give you more" I said

She rolled her eyes, her dress covered in blood
Her hair covered in blood
Her red lipstick smudged
"He can't kiss me the way you do" she said
"Is everything a joke to you?" I strained

"Most of the time yeah... I'll go, let them come and save you" she said, slowly moving past me
"Wait" I tried
"No Adonis, I can't let you die on me yet alright" she said, standing above me

"So get better hm? I'll send you some flowers" she said, before she walked away
I laid there for a moment, struggling to breathe
I needed help
I couldn't reach my ear piece
I couldn't move.

And then my vision slowly started to fade.

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