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Priya and Abhi gave the ring to Pranav. He took her hand into his gently while smiling like an idiot to each and every camera he could cover.

He slid the ring into her finger with force while she jumped from her place feeling the pain, she glared at him with pain and anger. He was still giving that teasing smile which irked her.

Sharath and Tulasi gave the ring to Sahana and she held his hand carefully and slid the ring into his finger. Pranav hugged her, which was totally unexpected.

Pranav : (whispers in her ear) Well! Happy Engagement dear Sahana! You successfully signed up for things which are going to be in my hands now.

Sahana stomped his foot while he whisper yelled in pain, she was smiling cheekily while he glared at her.

All of them congratulated them one by one. The other couple Vijay and Krithi came on to the stage and stood beside them.

Throughout the ceremony Vijay and Krithi were stealing glances at each other. When Krithi saw Vijay was looking at her a blush crept on her face and Vijay scratching his neck went away their dresses were complimenting each other for which they got teased by  Sahana.

Sahana : You guys do one thing! Get married with us.

Krithi choked while Vijay looked at Sahana with eyes widened.

Vijay : Bhabhi must be joking. Right Bhabhi?

Sahana : Na! Na! I am serious!

Krithi : Sahu, love not now. You concentrate on your engagement later we will plan about our wedding. We still need time.

On the other side Krishna was sad that his one and only beloved princess grew up so fast and is going to get married and stay away from him. He put over a fake smile over his face so that no one interrogates him as he was in no mood to talk to anyone. He posed for few pictures and then Sahana noticing that her dad wasn't normal and a bit low, she excused herself and went to a side along with him.

Sahana : Dad! What happened? Are you okay? You seem aloof.

Krishna : Nothing dear, you go see Pranav is standing there alone. You have to attend the guests right?

Sahana : Dad! Nothing is more important than you. Tell me what is that bothering you?

Krishna : You have grown up so early dear, it seems like yesterday I was taking you to school and stopping you from fighting with Abhi. Now you are a bride. You will leave us behind and step into a new family.

Sahana : Dad! I will miss you! The comfort I feel and the protectiveness and most importantly your love, but this is what things are like right?

Krishna : Yes dear!

Sahana : I won't let you miss me so much! I will come and visit you often also it's not like Pranav won't allow it or aunty uncle won't allow it. They won't mind me visiting you.

Krishna : Yes dear! But still I was prepared that one day I would have to give you send off, but it's just that practically it's even more difficult.

Sahana and Krishna : But then dadda is strong and he will over come it.

They both giggled at that and Krishna accompanied her and made her stand beside Pranav, Pranav smiled at him and that smile gave him a kind of peace that his daughter is safe.

On the other hand Pranav as well as Sahana was getting irritated as the photographer is suggesting different romantic poses.

Photographer 1 : Madam you catch sir while he is falling! Right now look into each other's eyes. Arey madam and sir smile why are you like that as if you are attending someone's funeral.

Pranav gave him a glare as if he would kill him if he didn't stop his drama.

Photographer 2 : Madam and sir catch each other hand and turn opposite sides and smile. Yes! Yes! Perfect mam!

Sahana was fed up now. Tulasi seeing them clicking pictures like couple took off their drishti.

Photographer 1 : Mam you also come and join the session.

Tulasi : Ah! Let the couple have their time. Later on our family will join for the photo session.

The family soon joined them and clicked numerous pictures, the memories were the best ones. Everyone were genuinely happy except two, they were putting up the act of being happy.

The ceremony came to an end and Pranav's phone buzzed, he excused himself to attend the call and went to a corner.

Pranav : Hello! Who is this?

Siya : Baby! What happened? At least tell me why are you ignoring me? I can't take this.

Pranav : Siya! I don't have time for this! Don't disturb me.

Siya : But why honey? Everything was good! What happened suddenly? Why are you leaving me?

Pranav : Can't you understand when said once Siya? I am getting married to my mom's choice. I don't want to say no to her, never did I actually did.

Siya : Are you breaking our relationship for your mom? I will talk to her. She will understand she loves you.

Pranav : But I don't want to talk to her. I want to go with her choice.

Siya : I never expected you would do this Pranav.

Pranav : I never expected that you would do this too Miss. Siya

He was controlling his anger all the time as he did not want to spoil his name in front his mom.

Siya : Oh wow! So you are putting on the whole thing onto me now. Wow!

Pranav : Truth is bitter Miss. Siya! Didn't you cling onto me just to get all the benefits and collaborate our companies?

He roared.

Siya : What... What... Are..

Pranav : Lost the ability to speak Senorita? Do you think I am a normal person who would fall for you just like that and become a fool? It's Pranav Uppalapati for God sake. I knew you never loved me truly. I had a tab on you every single day. One fine day you confessed it HONEY! Check your message which I have sent you.

She quickly checked it and found that she was talking to her men and telling about how she tricked into Pranav.

Pranav : Dare you try to call me again and you will rot in hell. I will leave you for now, but if you do something like this again. I will make sure you will land in a place where nobody can save you.

Siya gulped and as soon as he cut  the call, she banged the table in frustration.

Sahana who heard all the call stood there smirking at him.

Pranav : What? Why are you smirking?

Sahana : Na! Nothing! You will get to know soon. Come now everyone is waiting for us.

Pranav : Smile butterfly! These are the only days you can smile heartfully.

He said and she glared at him like Arundhathi.
   Photo session pics ❤️💜

Sahana and Pranav stood for few more fake Candid pics

This pic was clicked when pranav was saying something 😁

They clicked few pictures with Vijay

Hello dear readers,

We are back with an update.

Sincere apologies for the late update!

Hope you all forgive us.

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- Madhurima and Sakshi ❤️💜

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