Chapter 42

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Sahana opened the door to see Priya and Abhi at the doorstep.

Sahana : Bhai, bhabhi please come in.

Both of them looked at each other and were signalling each other to say something. This didn't go unnoticed by Sahana. She went to their room.

Sahana : Bhai and Bhabhi are here. Please come to living room, Pranav

She went back without waiting for his answer while he silently followed her. He went and sat on the couch presided by the couch where Priya and Abhi were seated.

Sahana brought some lemonade and served it to three of them while Pranav denied it, the other two were having it.

Sahana : Bhai, you must have gone home. I will be fine. Papa will be alone right?

Abhi : Actually we are here to tell you something Sahana.

Sahana : Is everything okay bhabhi?

Sahana settled down beside Pranav while he kept thinking about the previous conversation they had.

Priya : Everything is okay Sahana!

Sahana looked at Pranav who was lost in thoughts. She tapped his shoulder with a worried face. First of all she was tensed about them and then Krithis... now don't know what news both her bhai and bhabhi has brought.

Pranav : Uh.. Di, is it something important?

Sahana : Bhabhi you please tell us what is it?

Priya and Abhi looked at each other.

Priya and Abhi : We are pregnant.

Sahana widened her eyes and her mouth was wide open. Pranav looked taken back too.

Sahana : Goodness! Really? Congratulations bhabhi and bhai. I am really happy for you, this was unexpected news. Let me bring some sweets.

Abhi : There's more Sahana.

Pranav : You both aren't okay with it?

Abhi : Not we, it's me actually.

He said and bent his head down while Priya was holding back her tears, she turned her face the other way. Sahana stood up and went towards Priya and side hugged her.

Sahana : Bhai, what's wrong with you?

Abhi : Sahana, this wasn't meant to happen. It's her turning point in career right now. I am not ready for it.

Sahana looked at him cluelessly. She wanted to talk to him about it but didn't know how to start.

Pranav : Abhi ji, I don't know how to tell this but whatever happens it happens for our good. Whatever God gives he gives for our best. I think it's on Priya di what to do also. It's her body and the last decision on the baby to keep it or not would be on her. I can see how much you love her and how much you wish to see her successful, but does she really want it? Maybe she does but becoming mother is a big thing for many women out there. When Priya di wants it, who are we to object it. I think you better talk it out before taking any decisions.

He said and Sahana just stared at him all the time, it was what she wanted to say to her brother and sister in law as well. She just hugged Priya more tightly and released her from the hug after a few minutes and gave her a faint smile.

Sahana : And it's not like we are forcing you, just asking you to think about it. I know our age is of no match but Pranav literally said what I wanted to. It's upto you bhabhi and bhai whatever decision you take we are with you.

Abhi : Maybe we just need to talk about it.

Sahana nodded.

Sahana : Wait, Vijay is here too. I will cook something you can go in the evening after having lunch yea?

Priya : No Sahana, some other time. I really need to clear it out quick. I love you 💕dear.

Sahana just hugged both of them.

Sahana : Stay happy both of you, you are my ideal couple don't want to see you both like this.

They just nodded and left from there to their home.

Pranav was going back to their room, Sahana really wanted to thank him for what all he said to his brother.

Sahana : Pranav..

He turned towards her.

Pranav : Hmm?

Sahana : Thank you for that!

Pranav : It's alright, You should rest actually. I'll cook lunch for three of us.

Sahana : No, I am..

Pranav : Whatever relationship we have, from now I really want to give priority to your health both mental and physical. I won't promise that I won't disturb you but I would be here no matter what. If my presence is bothering you I am sorry in advance I can't afford to leave you alone.

Sahana : It's going to take time for me to adjust myself to this version of you Pranav, I hope this isn't your plot to bring me down more if it is please, I really don't have energy to deal with it. I am done please leave me.

Pranav didn't speak anything and just bent his head down while walking away from there to his room.

Sahana : Answer me Pranav, I have many questions which need answers.

Pranav clenched his fist to stop shivering and went to his room.

Sahana sighed and went to her room, it felt void. The plain white walls with blue designs didn't give answers to her questions. She wanted to change him, understand him and make him a better human. Internally she felt she should give a chance to them as well.

Maybe she saw him only in the negative side but not the reasons that made him like this, but he wasn't giving her answers she knew it was difficult she still had the time to back off. With her present mental state she could have done it yet she remained with him. Maybe the bond they're tied in is stopping them from moving away from each other.

She opened her closet and removed her anklets which she had owned since she was 11 year old. She had memories of Krithi, her dad, her brother and sister in law in those anklets. Nobody other than them knew about this talent of hers. She did her primary prayer to mother earth.

She danced like a peacock, so gracefully but the emotions within her came as a rush. The anklet's sound was overheard all through the home. Pranav rushed to her room and stood near the door looking at her dance. The anklet's sound dropped and...

Heyo dear readers,

We are back with an update. Hope you all enjoyed reading it.

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Again a cliffhanger damn!

Sahana loves dancing and she learnt it since she was 11 years old.

Do you think the disturbances between them would be cleared soon? Let's see.

Also here I come with a new cover made by Sakshi 😁

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Hope you are liking it so far.

Sending you all lots of love

- Sakshi and Madhurima ❤💙

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