Chapter 44

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She answered the call.

Priya : Hello!

Sahana : Hello bhabhi, what happened? Is everything okay? Why did you call early in the morning?

Priya : Stop being paranoid. I just called casually to check on you Sahu..

Sahana : Wait, from where did this Sahu come from?

Priya : So someone else calls you that as well huh?

Sahana : Bhabhiii, stop pulling my leg. How are you doing? Did you go for check up this month?

Priya : I am okay, morning sickness is draining energy out. All thanks to your nephew/niece. I consulted doctor about it but he said it's common during first trimester.

Sahana : I am coming there today.

Priya : You're always welcome! Let's catch up its been really long.

Sahana : Bhabhi, is someone else also coming home today?

Priya : Hmm, one of my friends is coming too. But she'll leave soon don't worry.

Sahana : Bhabhi, what's her name?

Priya : Anu, Anamika.

Sahana : Anamika? The one who visits you like once in awhile.

Priya : Yeah, what happened Sahu? Is everything alright? How did you know she was coming today?

Sahana : No bhabhi, I was just asking. I'll talk to you once I come there.

Priya : Okay ma'am! How's everything by the way?

Sahana : It's good, for more details wait for me.

Priya : Good? Well that's an improvement I should say and I hope you are being honest or else I would have to contact my secret spy of your home.

Sahana : You are free to, I got to know that it's uncle.

Priya : Oh God! How?

Sahana : I am Sherlock's sister, Enola. Can't I do this much with my intelligent brain? All thanks to the almonds I eat daily and my sleep which is my best friend as well.

Priya : I am happy Sahu, I really am. Take care while coming and now I have to hang up time for my breakfast.

Sahana : Eat well like a good lady! I'll see you soon bye Bhabhi!

She hanged up the call and by that time Pranav and Tulasi were on the table talking something. She went and checked the dishes if they were all placed or not.

All of them settled down on the table and started having their breakfast.

Sahana : Aunty, I am going to dad's home after breakfast. Sorry I am informing this very late, bhabhi wanted to see me it seems.

Tulasi : Ayyo Sahana, why do you apologize and no problem you just have to inform. Have fun dear, enjoy your day. Pranu beta, drop her and go to office okay?

Pranav : Sure maa, where is papa now by the way?

Tulasi : He said he's attending some meeting at UAE.

Pranav : Oh! He'll be back tomorrow then?

Tulasi : Not sure beta. You know right he loves trips more than anything else. I am surprised he attended your wedding.

Sahana : You never got angry at uncle about that aunty?

Tulasi : Of course, I did. I am his wife for heaven's sake and a week after our wedding he just vanished for a month. He was such a workaholic oh wait he is still. No wonder his son has taken this after him, poor us Sahana.

Sahana chuckled while Tulasi pouted. Pranav admired both the ladies talking on the dining table carefree and internally wished this stays forever.

Sahana : True aunty, poor us! What happened then? Did you just throw uncle out of the home when he came back?

Tulasi : Nope, I gave him a cold shoulder.

Sahana : And then?

Tulasi : Oh he was such an arrogant person. He didn't try to talk to me neither tried to know the reason why I was giving him a cold shoulder.

Sahana : But uncle doesn't look like that! He seems like he is very sweet.

Tulasi : He was anything but sweet back then, I wonder how did I get through the person from that state to this one. The thing which changed him the most was-

Sahana : Was?

Tulasi : I'll continue some other time. We have all the time in world to talk once you come back. Your bhabhi must be waiting and Pranu must be getting late.

Sahana : Aunty, don't leave me hanging like this 🙁.

She gave her puppy eyes, while Pranav was watching the whole scene of them talking as if he didn't existed there.

Pranav : Sahu, we need to go actually if you are done. I have a meeting!

Sahana  : You go, I will go by myself not before listening to the reason uncle changed.

Pranav : Sahana, you cannot go by yourself. Do you want to walk all the way to your home? Auto and bus are on strike and cabs also.

Sahana : I'll book bike? We have so many cars and drivers. They will help me travel.

Pranav : I gave them all a holiday yesterday only. Just come already!

Sahana : But-

Tulasi : Sahana, go with him. I'll tell you when you come home.

Sahana : Sigh, okay aunty! Take care and if uncle calls tell him to come back soon and I miss him. Bye aunty.

She was telling all of it while walking in backward direction and she hit the threshold. He quickly caught her and she opened her eyes wide.

Within seconds he helped her stand properly. They didn't have a long eye contact but the few seconds they had it made things awkward to face each other.

She quickly removed her hand from his shoulder and walked towards the car.

Pranav : Are you okay?

Sahana : Uh, yes!

They settled down in the car, Pranav was driving it while Sahana sat in the seat adjacent to his.

She was scrolling through her phone and actually reading the old chats of Krithi's and her's. Her eyes were turning moist, she looked away and wiped them and preventing them from falling into Pranav's notice.

Pranav : How's Di?

Sahana : She's good! You can meet her now.

Pranav : For sure! I am not going without meeting her.

Sahana : Hmm..

Pranav : I've made my schedule free for next Thursday.

Sahana : Cool! I'll start with packing then. By the way how many days are we going to stay?

Pranav : As long as you wish.

She smiled and looked at him from the corner of her eyes.

Sahana : Oh c'mon! You can't be serious!

Pranav :  I am serious!

Sahana : Well, that was unexpected

Pranav : Expect the unexpected!

Sahana : Sure! Sure! Drop me here, I'll go by myself. You're getting late already.

Pranav : Told you already I am not going to go without seeing di.

Sahana : Fine!

He chuckled and soon they reached Krishna's home.

They knocked the door and Priya opened it.

Sahana : Bhabhiii!

She hugged her tight and Priya did the same.

Priya : Come in, come in, oh Mr. Pranav is also here.

Pranav : Hey di, how are you?

Priya : I am too good! Very happy seeing you both here for the first time after 4 months of your wedding.

Sahana : By any chance are you taunting me bhabhi?

Priya : Any doubt?

Sahana : Bhabhi *shows her puppy eyes*

Priya : Enough, you both sit here. I will get you something.

Sahana : Wait bhabhi, we just ate and came. Pranav has to go to office too. He wanted to see you so he is here.

Priya : Aww, that's so sweet of my brother! Dad went out just a few minutes back to visit his friend and as usual Abhi went to office. Pranav, if you can pick her in the evening while coming back from work. In that way you can meet Abhi and Dad too.

Pranav : Sure di, I was about to tell the same. I'll take your leave now. Bye Sahana! Bye di!

Sahana  : Bye!

He went and Priya settled down in the couch.

Priya : My Sherlock brain says you want to say something or more precise you got a mystery to solve.

Sahana : You got right Mrs. Sherlock, now listen to this Mrs. Enola

Sahana narrated every part of it and Priya was hearing it as if it was the most important lecture.

Priya : Do you think it's a prank?

Sahana : I thought about it too bhabhi but why would Pranav say he has a sister.

Priya : Anu told me that her family disowned her but she is still in contact with her second brother.

Sahana : Why do I get to solve all the mysteries bhabhi? Why?

Priya : Because you are a bravee girl and brave aunt who is a role model for nephew/niece.

They both were talking and heard a knock. Sahana went to open the door. There was lady in her mid twenties,with sindoor in her forehead, a maroon coloured saree and matching bangles. Her eyes had everything but yet something was missing in them. Maybe liveliness?

Anu : Sahana?

Sahana : Yes, uhm are you Anu?

Anu : Yeah!

Sahana : Please come and make yourself  at home. I will get something for you to drink.

Anu : Priya di, how are you?

Priya : Anu, are you related to Sahu?

Anu : Priya di, I'll tell you everything but for now I am afraid I will have to talk to Sahana only.

Priya : Anu, what are you even planning? You shouldn't have called Sahana like that.

Anu : If I call her in some other way, do you think she will think about it Priya di?

Priya : She's just getting over things Anu and-

Sahana : Here, orange juice for bhabhi and Lemonade for Anu!

Anu : Didn't you get anything for yourself?

Sahana : I don't feel like drinking anything.

Priya : Shall we talk about it now?

Sahana : Are you the one who called me this morning ? What do you want Anu?

Anu : I want my family that's all I wish for.

Sahana : I need to know what happened before that and what is it that you wanted to talk to me? Please, do it in front of my bhabhi. She's like my mother.

Anu : I'll tell you, but please promise me you will help me win back my family.

Sahana looked at Priya and Priya was already looking at her.

Priya : And what if something happens to her relationship with her husband or in laws because of it?

Anu : I promise I won't go to any such extent. I won't let anything happen to her relationship with my brother and nobody can tell it better than me how much relationship matter in life.

Sahana : I can assure you but not promise you because I am still trying to get over a few things. I have a lot in my plate at the moment but if you really are my sister in law, and want to get back to family what else can I ask for? I always wondered the reason Pranav was like this and maybe I have an answer in my brain now.

Anu : How are mom and dad, bhabhi?

Sahana felt the word awkward, she asked Vijay to call her by her name and the girl in front of her who was looking like her younger sister.

Sahana : They're doing good! Uncle is on trips often though.

Anu : What happened to Vijay bhai?

Sahana : Sigh, Anu it will take time for me to trust you and accept that you are my husband's sister and be like a family with you. I can't just wake up on a random day and accept you as a family. I know you were,are and will be a family always but trust me it will take sometime for me. Especially after the incidents which happened in the recent times.

Anu : I understand and I am sorry for rushing.

Priya : You guys, I am going to take a nap. I feel so sleepy, if your brother calls tell him that I am asleep Sahu. Good night 💤😴

Sahana : Sure bhabhi! Rest well.

Sahana  : Maybe we can be friends at first.

Anu : I agree.

Sahana : Anamika is your name, anything in the end?

Anu : It was actually Pranavi, after wedding I had to change it to hide my identity.

Sahana : Pranavi? Whoa, okay! And why anamika?

Anu : My husband selected it for me.

Sahana : Oh, okay and who is your husband?

Anu : Vikram Kalasani.

Sahana : What does he do?

Anu : He works as Lecturer now in OU ( Osmania University)

Sahana : That's great!

Anu : How did you meet bhai?

Sahana : Oh c'mon! Our first meet wasn't very appealing one. I am sure you don't want to hear me cursing your brother.

Anu giggled while Sahana just shrugged.

They talked about random topics, it was almost lunch time and Abhi was calling Priya. Sahana answered the call.

Sahana : Bhai, no it's not your wife. She's sleeping. I'll wake her up for lunch now.

Abhi : Sahu, when did you come home?

Sahana : Today morning! Come home with ice cream today.

Abhi : As you wish and ask Priya which flavour she would prefer.

Sahana : Bhai don't you know bhabhi's favorite ice cream also? Tch tch.

Abhi : I do, last time when I brought it she said she doesn't want to eat it.

Sahana : Hahaha 🤣 call when you are buying it then. What if it changes by evening?

Abhi : Right! I'll do that.

Sahana hanged up the call and went to wake up Priya. All of them had lunch together. After lunch, Anu left saying that she had to go somewhere with her husband.

Both Sahana and Priya settled down on the couch while watching TV and Sahana was munching popcorn while Priya was eating some nuts and fruits.

Sahana : Bhabhi, do you think I talked properly with her? I should not have been that rude maybe..

Priya : It's not wrong! You cannot accept every trespasser on road as your family. It takes time and I am on your side this time don't worry. Sherlock and Enola will close this case together.

They both hified each other. After a while, Sahana dozed off in her lap while Priya gently stroked her hair and let her sleep.

The door unlocked and it was Krishna.

Krishna : When did she come?

Priya : Morning after you left Dad!

Hearing her Dad's voice Sahana jumped out from Priya's lap and hugged her dad. She felt tears streaming down her eyes but she didn't care about it. She just engulfed him in a tight hug and kept on mumbling something slowly. He hugged her back and patted her slowly. He slowly pulled himself from her tight hug and wiped her tears.

Krishna : Why is my tigress crying?

Sahana : Because, your tigress missed you Papa!

Krishna : I missed you too dear, how are you? How is Pranav? Is he taking care of you? Is there any problem? Why did you come here all of a sudden?

Sahana : What did you say at my appaginthalu ( vidai)? I can come here anytime. Didn't you? I came now and you are asking me all these questions. Go, I will go back home.

She said and pouted.

Krishna : Oh no, it seems Sahu wants to leave Priya. Come let's share this pizza that I ordered.

Sahana : Pizza over anything and everything.

Krishna : I know that very well.

Three of them ate that pizza. It became a daily habit for Krishna to bring pizza even Sahana was there or not. Even when she wasn't there, he used to think of all the days when she was home and sharing the pizza.

Krishna : Is Pranav coming to pick you up beta?

Sahana : I don't know Papa I need to ask him.

Krishna : Call him up and ask him.

Sahana : He would be busy now papa, I will call later. After such a long time I came and you are worried about him picking me up? Spend. Time. With. Me. Now, worry about your son in law later.

They were talking all the things and Sahana was just smiling all the time. She really did miss her family. One reason she didn't shift here was she didn't want her family to be worried and scared while she was going through dark phase in her life. She was very much afraid of breaking down in front of them.

Krishna : Beta, where are you lost?

Priya : In someone's thoughts Dad!

Sahana : No, nobody's thoughts. I was just thinking something.

Priya : Sure if you say so 😏

Sahana : Papa, see bhabhi!

Priya : Dad, you aren't going to scold me are you?

Krishna : Nope, I won't scold you. I am not meddling in this.

All of them laughed aloud and the house which was dead seemed more lively and lovely. Soon Abhi and Pranav came home.

Krishna : Pranav, come beta! Come and sit here.

Pranav took Krishna's blessings and settled down on the couch.

Sahana : Bhabhi, no stress over dinner. I already told aunty we'll be home for dinner.

Priya : Ayyo why? I could have made something.

Sahana : Moreover Pranav has to leave too,he has a deal to close before we go out of station so don't worry. We'll come again for a heavy lunch on your baby shower.

Priya : Aren't you going to come again till then?

Sahana : I will, for sure but next week I am going to Pranav's hometown. I don't know when will I return. So once I come back I will visit you first and I'll come over this weekend, ask Pranavi if she can make it.

Priya : Happy Journey and enjoy your trip. Who is this Pranavi now?

Sahana : Ayyo no, not Pranavi. Anu I meant Anu hehehe 😅

Priya : fine, atleast let me serve him some snacks.

Sahana : Bhabhi, shush no more discussions. Papa, bhai, bhabhi we'll take your leave now.

Both of them left from there and settled down in the car.

Pranav : How was your day?

Sahana : Good! And yours?

Pranav : Not bad, had some back to back meetings. My head hurts.

Sahana : You should have gone home, and rested Mr. Butterfly.

Pranav : That's my health, but coming here was my happiness.

Sahana : What's up with you?

Pranav : Huh?

Sahana : Why are you being so cheesy and preaching like this? Everything okay?

Pranav : Yea, everything is fine.

Sahana : Are you sure? You don't seem fine since morning.

Pranav : I need to tell you about my sister.

Sahana : It's okay Pranav, we can talk later about it.

Pranav : I am ready to tell you now about it Sahana. Please just listen to me.

He stopped the car near an isolated place and turned towards her. His eyes showed an emotion which she has never seen since the day she met him.


Hello dear readers,

Back with an update 😁

As you all said, we are trying for long chapters hope it's not boring.

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Did I say you all? Oh my god, oh my god! We've reached the mile stone of 20k + reads. I am so happy and I am forever grateful to everyone of you for this. Please continue your support in the same way.

Don't scold me for cliffhanger but I can't help. Hehehe 😅

Any suggestions?

Thank you for reading.

Take care and keep smiling and spread positivity.

Hasta la Vista till next update

Sakshi and Madhurima ❤💙

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