Chapter 47

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Sahana and Pranav looked at each other and had a few seconds of eye contact.

Pranav : But papa, how did you find her? How did she agree to come home?

Sharath : She did, and rest all things we'll know when she is here.

Vijay : When is she coming, papa?

Sharath : Tomorrow maybe?

All of them nodded their heads and completed their lunch together. After that they settled down on the couch. Sharath and Tulasi together. Pranav one one side and Vijay on the other side, Sahana settled down on the arm of the couch on which Pranav settled down.

Tulasi : I feel happy after seeing you all here back again.

Sahana : Trust me maa, I feel the same

The men left out a chuckle.

Vijay : So, bhai? Can I go back to the office?

Pranav : You know right? You don't need my permission as much as it is mine, it is yours too. You are always welcome!

Vijay smiles a little and their parents look at them with a proud look on their faces.

Sahana : So.. About Pranavi.. We've got something to say. Actually I have something to say.

Sharath : Go on dear!

Sahana narrated all the incidents that happened with her.

Sahana : She seems to be very low papa, we need to help her out! But she doesn't look like the one who needs help, she's grown strong and independent. I guess all she needs is a family now.

Sharath : That's a lot of things to happen, I thought I traced her but it was her who wanted to see us so she came into my vision.

Sahana : You saw her papa?

Sharath : Yes Sahu!

Sahana : I see!

Pranav : Guys guys guys! Please, my brother is here after a long time. Don't bore him with your talks.

Sahana glared at him to which he didn't even flinch a bit but rolled her eyes at her to which she felt like smacking him but controlled herself because her in-laws were there.

Pranav : Let's watch a movie. What do you all say?

All of them nodded and both the brothers dragged the extra couch for Sahana and she bowed to them while they bowed back dramatically which made their parents laugh out loud.

Now, it was Pranav and Sahana in one, Tulasi and Sharath in one and Vijay in one. The movie started and it was a comedy entertainer. Pranav stole a few glances from her every now and then to notice her facial expression, which he felt like capturing and framing.

Just when he realised what he was thinking he smacked himself and concentrated on the movie while it was her turn to do the same. After a good two and half hours the movie came to an end.

Sahana went back to the kitchen to bring refreshments since it was already 6pm in the evening. Sahana served tea to all of them and they started discussing random topics during chai. Finally they decided to go out for family lunch since it's been very long since they went out.

Both Sahana and Pranav went to their room

while the others went to their respective rooms.

Sahana : Pranav, should I help you select your outfit?

Pranav looked at her puzzled.

Pranav : Did something possess you or what?

Sahana : Na, it's just I don't know which dress to wear so if I help you, you'll help me back right?

Pranav : What's the guarantee?

Sahana : If you don't, I will ask maa to help me.

Saying so, she was going out of the room but he pulled her back and she fell on his chest with her hand on his heart. Their lips were inches closer to meet and explore each other.

She looked at him straight into his eyes while he did the same, he brought his face closer to her and just a millimeter and they would have their first kiss but she pushed him away and turned the other side.

Pranav : I- I'll select your outfit you go freshen up and come.

He said and she ran into the washroom, he smacked himself for doing something like this and opened her wardrobe. He selected her a navy blue knee length frock and kept it on the bed. He took his clothes and went to the guest room to change and freshen up.

Sahana peeked from the bathroom and seeing that nobody was inside the room she came and changed her outfit to the one he selected for her. She wore a gold bracelet and matching studs with a simple chain on her neck.

Pranav knocked the door and she yelled "come in".

Sahana : Pranav, do you think this is okay for dinner? I mean-

Pranav : Shush, butterfly! You look adorable. Don't think otherwise

Sahana smiled at him and looked at the outfit he was wearing, he was wearing a light blue t-shirt paired with white pants. His hair was perfectly set. She just kept looking at him until he snapped in front of her.

Pranav : Done checking me out?

Sahana : Uh, I wasn't checking you out! I was just-

Pranav : Yeah, just?

Sahana : Ugh! Stop embarrassing me Pranav! You look good too! Happy? Now can I go?

Pranav chuckled at her words while she ran away from the room. All of them went to a restaurant and had their dinner. Everyone was happy, and more than anyone Tulasi was happy seeing her family together happy and healthy after a long time.

That night they came home laughing at the bickering of Pranav and Sahana. The family found it too funny. Everyone wished each other good night and went to their rooms. Pranav changed in the guest room and by the time he came back, Sahana changed into her PJ's.

Sahana : Why are you here? Weren't you supposed to sleep in the guest room? Aunty- I mean maa shifted the couch as well. Don't tell me you'll make me sleep on the floor like before, I'll complain to aunty.

Pranav :  Oh god, how much do you even talk girl? You asked me a question, let me answer it at least.

Sahana : Yeah yeah! Whatever, tell me why are you here?

Pranav : Do Abhi bro and Priya di sleep in different rooms?

Sahana : No!

Pranav : Do maa and papa sleep in different rooms?

Sahana : No! But No! I know what you mean but we aren't sleeping together I mean not on the same bed.

Pranav : Why dear? Are you scared you will lose your control seeing such a handsome and hot man beside you who is very innocent?

Sahana : Yeah, whatever makes you sleep tonight, I am not scared of you monster!

Pranav : Meri sherni(My tigress) please calm down and sleep and let sleep. I am not too desperate to sleep with you either.

Sahana : Stupid, what kind of talks are you talking?

Pranav : You know baby, actions speak louder than words. Do you want some action?

Sahana : I admit, it's my mistake to put up an argument with you. Just sleep in that corner okay? Don't even try to come near me, also I sleep kick don't mind honeyyy! Good night!

Pranav : Nothing is going to scare me away and moreover this is my room and my bed. I'll sleep as I wish. If you have any problem you adjust. My sweetheart if you sleep kick, then I snore let's see who is going to sleep long today then!

Sahana : Ugh! I hate you!

Pranav : Feelings are mutual, my butterfly now better shut up and go to sleep.

Both of them went to sleep, and the next morning they woke up being in a safe distance from each other which made them take a breath thanking God for avoiding another embarrassing situation.

Pranav stayed back home the next day since Pranavi was coming but his mother told him that they were leaving for his home town a few hours before Pranavi would arrive. When he asked her why it was so urgent, she told him that his paati(grandma) wanted to see him.

Sighing Pranav went back to his room by then Sahana was back into kitchen making juice for Pranav

Tulasi:- Sahana..Sahana,Where are you dear?

Sahana:- I am here maa, in the kitchen!

Tulasi : Oh, making juice for your husband?

Sahana : Yes ma, you know right sir ji's day won't start without this and I don't want you to stress about this, So I was making it!

Tulasi : That's so sweet of you my child.

Sahana : It's nothing ma, were you searching for me to tell me something?

Tulasi : Ah! Yes dear, go and give this juice to him. I'll tell you about it.

Sahana went to him and found him with his first wife laptop, she mentally banged her head and placed the juice on the table beside the bed.

Sahana : Here! Have your juice!

Pranav : Thank you! By the way, Good morning!

Sahana : Where has the sun risen from this side? Wait wait, are you planning to kill me by being nice to me? Listen, mister don't even dare to.

Pranav : Never knew Good morning had such a reply after all who am I even talking to The Great Sahana Pranav Uppalapati.

Sahana : Good that you realised. Good morning! And I don't have time for your nonsense right now. Ma is waiting for me.

Saying so she came back to the kitchen.

Sahana : Yes ma, tell me

Tulasi:- Sahuu in Nellore Pranav's grandmother is staying, she wanted to meet you from the time both of you got hitched but due to Pranu's busy schedule we were not able to go so now I hope Pranu can take a holiday for 2-3 weeks as Sharat is home so he can manage the office and both of you also need space and privacy hope this will make you both grow closer and give this relationship a chance.

Sahana:- Ok maa as you say then I will ask Pranav to make arrangements for the train tickets.

Tulasi:- No need for that cause I have already booked the tickets which will come in few hours

Sahana:- Wow ma, all planned huh?

Tulasi : Who am I? Sharath's wife has always been like this.

Sahana : Maa, but do you think your workaholic son will agree? That too in the village, that too with me?

Tulasi:- He will, he agreed already!

Sahana : Wow, then I will go and pack maa. But maa, Pranavi is coming today and without us-?

Tulasi : Sahu, she's my daughter and we assure you, we won't make any wrong decisions this time. I know all my daughter needs is a family right now.

Sahana : Okay maa!

Saying so, she went to their room to still find him doing his work.

Sahana:- Pranav,  listen i have something to inform you

Pranav:- Yes,butterfly tell me

Sahana:- Maa wants us to meet your Grandmother

Pranav:- ohh yeah she told me

Sahana:- Yeah, she told me that she told you

Pranav:- But it will be so boring right to stay in village that too with your childish talks

Sahana gives him a light smack on his hand and speaks with a pout

Sahana:- If I am childish then what are you kg student get lost I am not talking to you

Pranav:- Oh no now see, who is childish? Who gets angry on such trivial issues? Only babies like you do.

Sahana:- Shut up!

Pranav:- I was just joking I love to rile you up and the face you make uff it's my favourite

Sahana:- Haha very funny now let's pack our luggage.

Pranav :- Sahu, you know what I'll help you select your dresses for your journey and in return can you pack my luggage too? Pretty pleaseee!

Sahana : Fine, just because you said you'll help me choose outfits. Btw, how's the weather there Pranav?

Pranav : Since it's summer, it's going to be too hot.

Sahana : Oh god!

Pranav : Yeah! We sweat a lot because of the humidity

Sahana : And how many days are we staying?

Pranav : Two weeks, and do you know? It's been a long time since I met paati. She's so nice! I am sure you'll like her.

Sahana : Well, I like everyone around me but are you sure she will like me?

Pranav : Well, that will depend on the way you behave with me.

Sahana : What do you mean?

Pranav : Paati(grandma) loves me the most

Sahana : So?

Pranav : So, if you scold me or are rude to me in front of her she won't like it.

Sahana : Well, it's fine!

Pranav : Sahana, listen, can we be a good couple in front of her? She'll be happy, I really don't want her to notice the disturbances between us. In that way, we'll give a chance to this bond too, yeah?

Sahana thought for a while and nodded her head.

Pranav : Yay! Thank you Sahu! That's what everyone calls you right! I'll do the same too.

Saying so, like an excited kid who is going on a vacation he helped her pack all the luggage and both of them freshened up. They were taking the train.

They both came out with their luggage and took blessings from Sharath and Tulasi who gladly blessed them and bid bye to Vijay. The driver dropped them at the station and they got into the train just in time.

They had a private cabin in the train just for themselves which irked Sahana.

Sahana : Good lord! Do I have to see his face only for the next 11 hours? Oh god give me the strength to keep up with him.

Pranav : Huh? Did you say something Sahu?

Sahana : Nothing absolutely nothing, what would I say? I was saying I am very lucky to be here.

Pranav : Yeah yeah, I heard something else though. Leave it, let's start this journey on a good note not with an argument.

Sahana looked at him amused while he was keeping the luggage properly in their berth.


Precap : Their 11 hour Journey and Meeting Paati

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- Sakshi and Madhurima 💙❤

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