Chapter 60

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"You remember Lisa? My PA, she said she will handle it all",he said.

"She does it all?",Sahana asked, surprised.

"Even I was surprised, she did her MBA it seems and having worked with me for so many years she said she learnt it",Pranav says.

"Then you should give her a better position than Personal assistant",Sahana says.

"Yes, I was thinking about it too. Now my wife said so too. I will do it",Pranav says and she smiles at him.

"Pranuu, I think, you need to talk to Pranavi and Vikram once",she said and his jaw clenched.

"Woah, woah! Calm down, listen and tell Pranavi that just for kids sake they don't need to live together and they can co parent. She went through a lot and lived at such a young age and I just-",she couldn't bring herself to talk more about it.

"I will talk to them, that is why I asked them to stay back till we go back home. You don't over think about it, we'll do something about it. Also, we'll shift to paati's home tomorrow and then after three days we need to go back",he said to which she nodded.

The rest of the drive was silent and soon both of them reached the temple. They removed their footwear in the car itself and got out of the car. Sahana purchased the pooja set, which has coconut, flowers and all the things that are needed for performing pooja while Pranav paid for it.

The temple atmosphere was very calming and peaceful. They went inside the temple and the priest performed pooja on their names. They sat outside the temple near the steps once they were done worshiping God.

"Pranu, how peaceful it is to sit here with the person who you have bound for forever, asking God to keep everyone of us safe and sound and share the prasad with you while trying to fight with you about getting the bigger morsel. At the end of the day, I have you and our family. Isn't this enough for me?",she said leaning on his shoulder, encircling her hands around his arms with a small smile on his face.

"What you said is absolutely right and I am happy we are here and I am happy we got through things and I am happy we are together",he entwined their hands together and kissed her hands looking into her eyes.

Pranav's phone started ringing and he looked at the caller Id, he looked at her once again while she assured him that she will be fine and he can take the call. Pranav wasn't asking permission from his wife to take a call, he was being respectful towards her so that she doesn't feel left out.

After a while he came back and Sahana raised her eyebrows asking him what was the matter.

"I should get back as soon as possible, Sahu! Things are getting out of hand and I don't know till how long Lisa can manage things",he said, sighing.

"We will leave as soon as possible then. No issues! We can always come back whenever our schedules are free. Now that we have come here once, we can keep visiting here",Sahana said and gave him a smile while he nodded.

Both of them got into their car after coming out of the temple. They talked about random things while returning from the temple.

"Pranu, I am bored",she said, pouting.

"Sahu, you're making things difficult for me, love. I warned you this morning already that your rolling eyes and pouting makes it difficult for me to control myself",he said, earning a smack from her.

"Gosh! Woman, I am telling you, everytime you smack me, I'll kiss you irrespective of where we are. Next time, think of that before you smack me",he said and smirked.

"Yeah yeah, go ahead! What is wrong in that?",she said and stuck her tongue out to him.

Their crazy banters went on and on till they reached home. They got down from the car and Sahana was going to slip while walking and he held her by her waist.

"Careful, Sahu! No hurry, walk slowly",he said.

"Sure sir, anything else",she asked, gritting her teeth.

"Nope, if there are any. I'll let you know",he said, pulling her towards him which resulted in her sticking to him. She placed her hand on his chest trying to push him away but her attempts were an utter failure since he had his hold around her waist which he was adamant to remove.

"Pranu, leave na please! If anyone comes, I'll be embarrassed for my whole lifetime. I don't want my kids to grow up and hear these stories and be more embarrassed",she said, for which he broke into fits of laughter.

"Kids? Hearing that their parents romance? Embarrassing? God,How much more will you think, butterfly",he laughs leaving her from his hold and taking that as an opportunity, she runs away from him.

"How much will you escape from me, butterfly? At the end of the day you'll have to come back to your Mr. Arrogant only",saying so he went into the farmhouse and was surprised to see his whole family standing in the living room with serious faces.

"What happened? Why are you all assembled here?",he asked looking at everyone present in the room. Sahana was also in the same dilemma.

"Vikram wants to leave",Sharath said and Pranav's gaze shifted to him.

"I didn't get it, he wants to leave. What's the problem in that?",Pranav asked.

"He is asking for divorce,bhai",Pranavi says, trying hard to hold her tears back.

"What do you want, Navi?",he asks her.

"Bhai, I don't want any divorce. I have seen children going through a lot when their parents are divorced and I don't want my children to go through anything like that",Pranavi said.

"But Pranavi, isn't it better to co-parent rather than you understand?",Sahana asked.

"Bhabhi, it's tough! I am not that strong enough to handle all that right now. I want my kids to grow with both parents and I don't want them to not have their mother or father's love. I have lost enough of it and I don't want my kids to go through it too",she said and broke down into tears.

"I won't say I understand because the person who goes through things understands it more than anyone. But I just want you to get out of all this and start afresh",Sahana said again.

"Bhabhi, if divorce is all he wants I will give him but not now when my kids are officially adults and can understand things, I will definitely give him what all he wants. But till then I am sorry I can't",Pranavi said.

"I- I think what Pranavi says is right. It's not right to burden our kids with whatever we have. I feel guilty that I didn't think about it",Vikram said.

"Alright then, Vikram are you going to shift here? I heard you had some plans regarding shifting to Hyderabad?",Pranav asked.

"I am still talking to people in Australia about it and also the doctors recommended a surgery in Hyderabad, since the doctors from the US also keep visiting here",Vikram said to which Pranav nodded.

All of them retired to their respective rooms after that and Pranav had a small talk with his parents before going back to their room about his plans on going back to Hyderabad.

He came back to his room to see Sahana packing clothes. He locked the door and sat on the bed without making any sound to see if she would notice him.

"Sahu, why are you removing your anger on those poor clothes? Tch tch bad thing. Anyways, I wanted to ask you if you want to have Pranav's handmade pizza",he asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"I don't want anything. Let me continue to pack",she said and continued to pack.

"Sahu, are you upset about what happened downstairs? Do you feel I should have made Pranavi understand what decision she was taking at least?",he asked looking at her for which she nodded.

"Look Sahu, it's on them to decide what they want to do and how they want to live life. As a family all we can do is support and show them a good way if they are going in a wrong path. The good thing that happened is we are back as a family for Pranavi and now whatever it is, she can always come back to us. We will have her back and catch her from falling if any such situation arises. I agree some equations don't seem to fit,but look at us now. I would laugh on their face if someone says I will fall for anyone or ever get through my mother's anger after she knows what all deeds I have done. But it happened right? Things fell into their place and I couldn't be more than happier for that. It will happen in their case too and till then we need to be there for them, okay?",he says and she leaves all the clothes and sits beside him.

"Why do you have to be so mature? I fall for you even more",she says to which he chuckles pulling her into a side hug.

"Ahem ahem, Can I have the great Pranav's hand made pizza now? I will ask Nayani and Nikhil too to join in",Sahana said.

"Sure sure, why don't you invite the whole family? It will be good! I will keep doing pizzas like they do in Pizza Hut",he said to which she broke into fits of laughter.

"Fine, just you and me? Seems good?",she asked and he nodded his head with a bright smile on his face.

"Sahu, you sit there I'll do the things",he said and Sahana settled on the kitchen counter looking at her husband mixing dough for the pizza. He looked so handsome and it made her want to pull his cheeks and bite them.

"Sahu, After going back the first thing you'll do is visit the colleges and pick the one that you want to pursue your degree in. Got it?",he asked and she nodded.

"Okay captain. How much time will you mix the dough? Do it soon na",she said being restless.

"Why don't you come and help your husband ma'am?",he asked and she jumped from the kitchen counter happily and ran to help him.

The dough mixing took forever with both smearing the dough on their faces more and mixing it less.

"Butterfly, wait there",he caught her by her waist and she turned towards him. She smiled at him and smeared more dough on his face and tried to get out of his hold but ended up smearing more dough on her face as he rubbed his cheek on hers and their foreheads touched.

"Ahem,ahem",hearing someone clear their throat the two of them moved away from each other and Sahana turned the opposite side trying to wipe her face and also being embarrassed to get caught by Vijay.

"You both should get a room! Good that it was me only, had it been the kids they would have bombarded you with questions and your cook date",Vijay said while Pranav scratched the nape of his neck.

Just then, Khushi walked in.

"What happened to Pranav bava?",she asked and he nodded his head as no.

"Ahh, Khushi! Yes, come with me. I have some work with you and you mister make sure to complete it before I come back. I want a perfect one. Get it?",Sahana said.

"Jii malkin,aapki hukum[yes lady of the house, your order]",he said bowing, typically earning a spatula thrown on him.

The evening, all of them had pizza thanks to our dear chef Pranav. He made them for everyone saying it's a treat for his new beginnings.

"Pranu, come here",Sahana called him tapping on the seat which was beside her.

He went and sat beside her,while she fed him pizza earning awee's from everyone.

"Nazar na lage to them",Tulasi said and Sharath smiled praying to God that may they get all the happiness in the world.

"Paati, we've to leave this weekend",Pranav broke the news to her and her face fell.

"Paati, don't worry! I will come here often and you know I am pursuing a degree in music and whenever I come here, we will dance together. Don't be sad please, I love you so much more than your grandson",she said giggling and sitting beside paati.

"Oyee, Why are you pulling me in all this? Paati, she loves you and she loves me. Nobody more and nobody less okay?",Pranav said, earning laughs from everyone.

"You saw that paati, he is the wholesome definition of jealousy, I wonder how am I going to live with this husband of mine",she said.

"Stay blessed both of you and you all visiting here and getting married here and staying here was indeed a big thing for me. I am so happy that I will not be sad if I ever die also",paati said and Sahana glared at her.

"Not so soon, paati! Don't you want to play with your grand son's kids?",Sahana said, which shocked almost everyone.

"Don't you want to see Vijay's marriage? Is Pranav your only grandson? Look at Vijay, his face became so pale hearing you talk about it. So paati, don't ever talk about things like this, okay? You have to witness so many things and I am not letting you go without doing them all",she said and paati hugged her tight.

"You've got a gem of a daughter in law, Tulasi and I got a gem of a grand daughter in law. Stay blessed always dear",she said and patted Sahana's head while Sahana smiled brightly. 

To be continued, 

Hello dear readers hi hi hi, 

How are you all doing? *gives you all chocolates*

Eid Mubarak to all those who celebrate!

We are back with an update after what felt like eternity, I think and hehe sorry we were busy. You guys are always so understanding, we are so blessed to have you as our dear readers. 

How was the update btw? 

Did you all like it? A bit less I think of Pranav and Sahana, they'll go back home in next update so you'll get more of their scenes from next update. Yayyy! 

Don't forget to vote and comment your views and let us know about the update, that pushes us to write more and more. 

We missed you okay? Did you miss us? 

Now now,till the next update Hasta la vista darlings! 

Take care of yourselves and keep shipping Pranushka 

- Sakshi and Madhurima

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