Chapter 63

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The next morning Pranav was the first one to get up apparently because he heard some weird kind of sound of something falling down and he couldn't sleep again.

It was 7am in the morning and he barely had 4-5 hours of sleep. He just layed down pulling his personal teddy more into him. She was sleeping without any sense on her body obviously she was super tired.

One hour passed by, and still he wasn't feeling sleepy. He got up from the bed slowly not that he could disturb Sahana with his movements, even if a bomb blast occured now she would just snooze it and go back to sleep.

He completed his morning chores and got ready for his office. When he came back, she was still asleep. He sat beside her and kissed her forehead moving the hair away from her face slowly.

"Good morning, Sahu",he whispers in her ears.

She snuggles into the blanket and sleeps again.

"Alright then, later dont blame me that I left without waking you up. I did and you didn't wake up. I am going, bye",he said and got up from his place which he fell back again in a jiffy due to strong hold of his wife on his wrist.

"Where do you think you are going mister?",she asked still with her eyes shut.

"Wake up Sahu, please",he said and she got up from her bed and straight away kissed him on his cheek and gave him a cheeky smile.

"Go freshen up and come. We'll have breakfast together",he said and she nodded like an excited electron.

"Aye aye captain",she said and went to freshen up.

She completed her morning chores and wore a green color saree, jhumkas to her ears and did some light make up.

She came to the living room to see her mother in law already set everything on the table, father in law was looking like he was going on a trip somewhere, her dear husband was going through mails in his ipad that she was sure of.

A silly idea clicked her mind. She searched for her phone and instantly took a picture of him with coffee and an ipad in his hand with a hard expression on his face, surely he looked smoking hot.

She wanted to post that picture on Instagram, she remembered how they fought over it the last time and just smiled. She went to him and sat next to him.

"Is it good morning already?",he asked and she nodded.

"Why do I feel like you are here to scam me?",he asked.

She put on her best puppy face and nodded as no.

"Pranuuu, my pati parmeshwar",she started her drama while he just gave her a weird side eye and continued to do his work.

"Haye ram, my pati parmeshwar seems to be angry at me. What should I do to cool him down? Yeah? I hear that, posting a beautiful picture of him on Instagram clears it all? Are you sure God? Okay now that you said it, I have to do it",she says and he looks at her wide eyed.

"What picture are you posting my dear wife? And on whose account are you posting it? Certainly if it's on mine, I will make spaghetti out of you remember that and go on",he said.

"Ayayo, but I don't have as many followers as you, but I do have some 500k after the world got to know I am Sahana Pranav Uppalapati. So I will post on mine only",she said wiggling her eye brows.

"Did you hit your head somewhere last night? Or are you just super hungry?",he asked not being able to digest the fact that Sahana is the one who is behaving like this.

"I am just hungry I guess, come let's have breakfast quickly and then you go to office. I have some work, I'll do that",she said placing her hand on his arms and pulling him to the dining table.

"Posting pictures on Instagram?",he asked and she nodded in no.

"Then?",he asked.

"I want to visit, Pranavi. They have shifted here recently they might be needing some help in adjusting around also I have 15 days time to join in college so let me enjoy my days of freedom",Sahana says while serving him and herself breakfast.

He starts eating his breakfast which was rava dosa. She looks at the dosa and then at her husband. She pokes his arms while he looks at her annoyed by her actions.

"Nav, I don't want to eat this!",she says in a baby tone.

"Baby are you pmsing? This is good only have one bite, you will like it",he said and tried to feed her.

She took a bite and made a face.

"I'll go ask mom to make chicken curry for me you only eat your rava dosa, hmph",she said.

This was weird, Sahana never said no to food no matter what. The thought that Sahana could be- crossed his mind, but he shrugged off the thought that it might be just some mood swings.

He completed his breakfast and went to the kitchen to see her munching cherries. Her lips were red and tempting for him to claim. She was talking something dreamily and giggling with his mother.

"Maa, Sahu I'm off to office",he said.

He came out of the kitchen and she ran after him. As he was going to leave from the main door, she pulled him back into a quick kiss.

"Now thats for good bye kiss, bye bye husband! Take care and dont stress much. Pick maa and me from Pranavi's home when you are coming back. Love you",she said giving flying kisses.

Pranav's m.v : Now that's really really weird. Should I take her to the doctor? Is it too early for that? God, Sahana you are going crazy and making me go crazy as well.

Pranav left for office and Sahana along with her mother in law left for Pranavi's house as her father in law also left for some solo trip which wasn't solo 🤣 he was going out with his friends and the secret is only known by our Sahu.

When Sahana asked about Vijay, Tulsi said he left early in the morning only. The driver dropped them at Pranavi's home.

Both of them went and knocked the door. Nikhil and Nayani's giggles were heard which made Sahana smile.

After a few minutes, the kids opened the door and were surprised to see their mami and nani on the door step.

"Maamiiii",both of them yelled and hugged Sahana's legs.

"Hii cutie pies, how are you?",she asked taking both of them in arms and later put them down as they wiggled down to show her their toys.

Hearing the kids yell, Pranavi came out followed by Vikram.

"Namasthe, please come in and sit down",Vikram said.

"Namasthe",Tulsi and Sahana replied and settled down on the couch.

Pranavi came and sat beside them.

"Maa, bhabhi! What a pleasant surprise? Why didn't you inform me that you were going to be here?",Pranavi said.

"We just wanted to help you in settling down and adjusting here, and again that's not my idea it's your bhabhi's",Tulsi said.

"Bhabhi why did you take the trouble? I would have managed. Vikram's best friend they are very good and they were helping me in settling down till this extent atleast. Just today morning all our things from there arrived. I was just going to arrange them and you are here",Pranavi said and Sahana looked at the amount of stuff that came and thanked God that they came here.

"I might not be of that help, but I won't let you be bored. Did you have your breakfast by the way?",Sahana asked.

"No bhabhi, actually I was checking if everything came or not and I forgot",Pranavi said.

"Offo Navi, if you don't eat how will you get the strength to do all this work. Now chop chop have your food. Maa, you keep the kids engaged. I will segregate things which I can till then and no we're not talking anything else about it",Sahana said and got to work.

She unpacked the packages and started segregating things. Whatever she could she segregated and then Pranavi joined her.

The kids were busy while their grandma told them so many stories, soon they fell asleep.

"Pranavi, whatever we segregated let's arrange them first and then others we will see",Sahana said to which Pranavi nodded.

They arranged all the required things and after exhausting themselves till late in the afternoon. It was three in the afternoon and after like setting half the house they just fell on the couch.

"How did you think, you'd do this alone Pranavi? I am already exhausted",Sahana exclaimed.

"Sahana, Navi, have your lunch. I woke up Nayani and Nikhil too. Navi give this to Vikram",Tulsi said.

"Maa, I'll give this to him feed the kids and then eat. You and bhabhi have your lunch till then",Pranavi said.

"No, I'll take a nap till then Navi! We'll have lunch together. I feel a bit tired",Sahana said and went to the couch to lay down.

"Bhabhi, why are you sleeping here? Go to the bed room",she said and when Sahana wanted to argue, Pranavi dropped her till the bed room and made sure she slept there and came back.

She took food for Vikram and their kids who were playing with their father. It felt kinda awkward when her family and him were not on their best terms, of course they are not on good terms how can she expect him to mingle with her family, she chuckled to herself sadly.

"Vikram here lunch for you",she said handing him the plate.

"Will you be able to help yourself?",she asked.

"Yeah dont worry",he said and took the plate from her trying not to spill anything.

"Nayani, Nikhil, come here let's have some yummy meal made by grandma",she called the kids.

"Ammaaa, see what Niku did with my hair?",Nayani came to her with a rubber band in her hand and her hair which was messy.

"Ayyo who did this to my princess?",Vikram asked with a worried face.

"Nanna, Nikhil pulled my choti and it pained so much",Nayani said and walked upto him wrapping her arms around his arms with a sad pout on her face.

Vikram puts his plate aside and started to braid her hair matching the other side. Once he was done he kissed her forehead.

"Why don't you go and call Nikhil, once?",Vikram said to Nayani as she nods and rushes to call him.

"Don't scold him, he will know as he grows up",Pranavi said.

"I am not going to scold him just going to tell him how it hurts and tell him not to repeat it in a calm manner. I won't promise I would never scold them because when parents doesn't scold they grow up to be monsters like me, I don't want our kids to grow up to be me",he said and Pranavi just sighs not replying anything.

After Nikhil comes, he calmly and gently makes him understand about it.

Soon they completed their lunch.

"Is there anything I can help with?",Vikram asks.

"Uh, no! We'll manage",Pranavi said and left from there.

Meanwhile, Sahana wakes up hearing her phone buzzing.

"Who is it at this time?",she tries to open her eyes lazily.

She answers the call and puts the phone in her ear.

"Hello",she says.

"Sahu, Khushi is here",hearing that her eyes open in a jerk.

She gets down and stands near the window.

"How do you know, Vijay?",she asks.

"That's not important, Sahu! Should I bring her home? She seems like I don't know how to say",Vijay says.

"Yes, get her home! Mom and me are at Pranavi's home. We'll reach home in the evening. If you are free can you accompany her for today? Please",Sahana says and out of blue everything goes blank for her..

To be continued...

Hello dear readers,

How are you all doing?

Happy September! 😁❤

We are back with an update, so how was it y'all?

Do you also think that Sahu is pregnant?

Khushi is here and Vijay met her? Seems suspicious doesn't it? Did we miss something there?

Thank you so much for reading! Don't forget to vote and comment your views!

Sending you all so much love ❤

Take care and live life to fullest 💗

~ Madhurima and Sakshi 💜💙

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