Chapter 12

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Zaniya pov

"So guys answer is WIFI" i said and bursted in laughter Azaan, hamera and junaid bhai expresion was priceless

"Bhabhi this was hilarious" junaid bhai said

"You are crazy zaniya" humera said

"I'm not" i said

"And who said that i mean who said you that you are not crazy" she said

"No one said i know i'm not crazy ok" i said

"Ohh but in school day's and collage day's you were crazy for dimples😠😠" she said

"Hmm yeah i'm crazy for dimples cause i don't have dimples" i said

"You have a dimple on your left cheek but it's too light when you campare to your right cheek and left cheek they is a dimple" azaan said i was in shocked

I mean i didn't notice that i have a dimple but azaan did i was shocked and happy Mixed Emotion's

"Umm whe..n.. you no..t..i.c..e" i said

"Yeah tell azaan" junaid bhai said

Suddenly azaan phone rang

"Excuse me" he said and leave

I'm so happy today i can't express it yaar seriously...

"Zaniya he is in love with you" she said

"No humera he is not" i said

"Junaid alina is coming to my house she wanna hang out with us" he said and sat on the chair

"Alina..???" i said

"The girl bhabhi to whome you insult on your repection" junaid bhai said

"Hey" Alina said and started coming towards us she wore short dress Astaqfirullah😡😡😯😯

She sat beside azaan hey girl i'm gonna kill you just wait and watch

"Assalamualikum" i said

"Walekummusalam" she said

"Azaan how are you" she said while touching azaan hand

"I'm fine alina" he said

How dare you alina now i'm seriously gonna kill you ahh

"I know you are jealous" humera whisper

"Obviously humera just look at her how dare she" i said

"Hmm right you know what girl can't handle CURIOSITY, JEALOUSY AND TEARS" humera said

"Hmm right" i said

"Now what to do..??" humera asked

"Just wait and watch sweety" i said

We all ate our break fast in silence

After some time we were sitting in living room

"So azaan how is your business going" none othere than miss alina said

"Great Alhamdulilah" azaan said

"You know what yesterday they was a cockraoch on my bed yaakkk i hate it" she said and i smirk...

Azaan pov

I was feeling uncomfortable with alina what the heck i'm married how dare she

But i was feeling good to jealous zaniya her face was red as she gonna kill alina

Alina said she is scared of cockroach and immedeatly i saw zaniya having a smirk hmm i know ab alina gayiii


"I will bring tea" zaniya said and left

"Azaan bhai can you  please bring biscuits" humera said

"Yeah sure humii" i said and she smile

"Let's go junaid" i said

Zaniya pov

I and humera when inside the kitchen and made a plan to send junaid bhai and azaan out side so that we and exsicute out plan

"Humera search for cockroach" i said

"Yaar yahan cockroach nahi milega ek kaam karte hain servant ko kahete hai lekar aao kahan se" she said

"Hmm cool go" i said

I was waiting and humera came with a jar in her hand got it

"Alina can you please come inside the kitchen" i said

Alina came inside

"What's the problem" she said in rude tone

Humera took out the cockroach and show her

"Ahhhh" she scream

They was little sweat on her forehead

"If you again try to touch or talk to our husband then we will throw 500 cockroach on your body" i warned

"Don't you dare to come again you are friend be a friend you get that" i said

Seriously man she is scared of cockroach she was shivering.

Me and humera was hardy controling our laughter

"And don't tell azaan or junaid bhai this incident ok" i said

" .za...n..i..y..a ...i w..on..'t " she said

"Ok" we said and she left the kitchen we burted into a laughter That was hilarious

Azaan pov

We came inside our house alina was sweating "what happend alina" i asked

".n...n..othing" she said

"Azaan i have to go" she said and left..

HMmm zaniya it's you

Assalamualikum guyss how are u all???

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