Chapter 29

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Zaniya pov

I was teasing him he asked me did I forgive him..

And I simply said that I don't know..

"What do you mean by you don't know" he asked with emotion in his eyes.

"I will think about it" I said and was about to leave when he said.

"But I will love you till my  last breath" he said.

I was frozen.

Relax zaniya relax I said to myself...

"Come with me" he said.

I was following azaan when he said "Close your eyes" he said.

"But why" I asked.

"I thought my wife is smart" he said.

"What do you mean by it huh..I'm smart" I said.

"Ohh leave it" he said.

I closed my eyes and azaan was carefully holding my hand..

"Open your eyes" he said.

I slowly opened my eyes. My eyes were widen.

They was beautiful Small moon house ( As I don't know what this called bare with me).

"Beautifull" I said.

"As my wife love moon so this is small gift from me" he said.

"Thank you" I said with tears in my eyes..

"Shhh don't cry" he said.

" When ever you want to spend time alone you can stay here" he said..

I simply said yes..

We went upstairs and gaze at sky..

I'm in love with moon..

Moon light is so soft and beautifull..

When ever I feel Exhausted I just gaze at sky..It's look Awesome..

"Azaan what do you love the most Sky or stars" I asked.

"Your smile" he said and I blushed like a  tomato.

"I love the way you Blushed" he said.

"Stop" I said.

"Awww" he said.

I smile at him..

Azaan pov

I'm confused with what melts me so fast Ice or her smile..

Obviously smile dumbo Heart

Yes Brain

First time with both agreed Heart and brain.

"Azaan" I heard zaniya calling me..

"Where were you lost" she asked.

"In you" he said.

"Shut up" she said and I chuckle at her innocence.

"Zaniya I want to hear those three magical words" I said.

Zaniya pov

"Zaniya I want to hear those three magical words" he said.

I frozen at my place.

"Fast I'm dying to hear it" he said and was coming towards me.

"Fast" he said.

" I...I." I said.

"I" he repeated.

"I..I want food" I said and busted into a laughter.

Azaan expression were priceless.

"These are not those three magical words" he said in disappoint tone.

"Haan OK but for me these are my three Magical Words" I said.

"I Want Food" I said.

"Zaniya you are so.." I cut him.

"Awesome, I know it Azaan" I said.

"You are Different" he said.

"Ok" i said.

Humera pov

I was sitting on the bed talking with  my mom.

"Mom how can you forgot that today is my birthday" I said tears were rolling down my cheek.

"Beta.." I cut her off.

"No one love me" and was going towards my room.

I opened my room my eyes were widen to see..

My room was beautifullydecorated with Candles and some lights.

But who decorated it..?

"Happy Bithday to you" I heard the voice and turn back.

Junaid Was holding a cake and singing the b'day song.

"How did you know that day is my b'day?" I asked.

"Mom said me" he said.

"Mom" i said.

"Yeah" he said.

"Now cut the cake" he said and placed the cake on the near by table.

"Humera before you cut the cake I want to tell  you something" he said in serious tone.

"Yes" I said.

"Humera I don't know how to surprise and decorate the room" he said.

"Even I  don't like much decoration" I said.

"OK Let's celebrate your b'day" he said.

I was on 9 cloud..

After cutting my cake I went towards junaid to thank him.

"Junaid" I said.

"Hmm" he asked.

"Jazak Allah hu Khairan" I said.

"Wah Antum Fee Jazak Allah Hu Khairan" he said.

"Humera" he called.

"Yes" I said.

"Let's go upstair" he said.

"But why..?" I questioned.

"Don't ask anything come with me" he said.

"Ok" I said and we went upstair.

"Close your eyes" he said.

"But why..?" I asked.

"Humera u said don't ask questions" he said.

"Ok" I said.

I closed my eyes and junaid was taking me somewhere.

"Should I open my eyes" I asked.

"No" he said.

Allah Hu Akbar I really wanted to know..I'm a curious type person.

"Open your eyes" he said.

I opened my eyes a smile craved on my face.

"Beautifull"  Tears of happiness formed in my eyes.

"As I don't know what to gift you so I just done this" he said.

"It's beautifull" I said.

"Humera I wanna tell you some thing" he said.

"Yes" I said.

"Hmm...Actually that hmm..Ummm I.." I cut him off.

"Junaid I can't understand what you wanna say" I said.

"Ummm humera I'm really sorry for not forgiving you i.hve done so many mistakes I yelled at you please forgive me please" he said.

Tears were rolling down my cheek.

"Humera I...I love you" he said.

I was shocked.

"W...What" I said.

"I love you" he said.

I was frozen.

Now I can't do anything I just hugged him..

"Do you feel the same" he asked.

"Hmm I don't know" I said i lie to him even I feel the same but I can't express it.

"Ohh it's ok"he said in sad tone.


Assalamualikum guys how are you all..?

How was the chapter..?

Only one chapter is left..😢😢😢

Boring / Interesting.

As my sister cutttie had started to write a story please check it out..It's an humble request.

And jazak Allah Hu Khairan Crazy_lollipop_lover for Amazing Covers..❤

Allah Hafiz..

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