🏮 | Of Compulsions and Hesitance

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Tense silence that could allow a warship to cut through reigned after the announcement of the Dark Lord. Ginny could see the gears clicking in the King's mind as he stood chained against a tree and guarded by a wild-haired witch, who she presumed was, Bellatrix Lestrange.

"What if we win the kingdom by fight?!" Sirius shouted in his magically magnified voice, sending sparks in the sky. Glances were exchanged, tersely awaiting for Voldemort's say on the matter.

With no hesitation, the Dark Lord replied. "Your challenge is accepted, Black. I only consider it fair to grant the wishes of the folk of my soon-to-be-kingdom. However, it shall be a one-on-one. One from your side to one from my side. I, after all, do not wish for lives to be unnecessarily sacrificed." Sirius nodded his approval. "Well, in that case, who will come forward voluntarily to battle against my side?"

Before anyone could rise the question amongst themselves, Dumbledore spoke, calmly. "As a dutiful King, I shall take upon the challenge, Voldemort." The leader of the Dark motioned for his lieutenant to free the King and it was done. Free of any chains barring him, Dumbledore's voice became more clear for everyone to hear. "I do hope you know of the sacred law of the Elder Wand-"

"Ah, yes, Your Majesty. The one who rightfully conquerors the owner of the wand shall reign the kingdom. With due respect, do you think I would not know my ambition of gaining the wand's allegiance?"

"I could never expect any less of you, Voldemort."

"In that case, shall we begin?"

Dumbledore nodded and walked to a flat area on the raised dais, positioning himself to attack the opponent. The crowd held its breath as Voldemort turned his back to the King instead of facing him. "Draco Malfoy." The name was uttered as if it were a magical syllable and a blond boy, about the age of Harry, walked hesitantly to the Dark Lord. Words were whispered into his ears and he was sent to face Dumbledore.

The Order started laughing and bellowing in mockery, wondering how a teenage boy could prove to be much of a trouble for the wise king. Dumbledore, however, held his hand up in silence. With such a small action, the whole commotion was quieted down. Even the distant chirp of birds was audible before Dumbledore spoke, "My dear boy, you don't have to do this if you feel forced." The Eaters cackled, but it seemed to Ginny that Dumbledore then viewed the world to contain only himself and Malfoy.

Curious to know what it was about, Sirius performed a voice amplifying charm on the raised earth.

"I must or I'll be nothing more than a mere doll."

"Aren't you already a marionette in the hands of the Dark? It does not matter where you are born into or what you've been told to do. What matters is what you choose to be. You have the choice, Draco."

The blond looked behind to his parents before turning to face Dumbledore. "I-I cannot. . . I'm sorry." Ginny did not miss the quick nod of Dumbledore to a particular Death Eater, who, she could not see. As if finalizing his decisions, Draco swiped at the air. "Expelliarmus!"

Dumbledore, who had made no move to defend himself, lost his wand which fell to the grass and was immediately summoned by Draco. "You still have a choice, my boy," Dumbledore tried. Draco shook his head dismissively.

"I don't! Do not, please, implant false hope in my mind! Av-av-"

Dumbledore suddenly turned to the Order. His eyes blazed with a new,unidentifiable emotion. Out of the corner of her eye, the youngest Weasley observed Harry wince. Perhaps, Dumbledore's gaze was directed to him. Turning back to Draco, he put his hands up in surrender, earning collective gasps of disbelief from the warriors of Light. "In that case, please."

Dumbledore's pleading voice broke through the gasps, forcing everyone to silent stillness in anticipation of what would happen next.

Malfoy stumbled over his words, before falling to his knees in defeat, both the wands now on the grass. Voldemort's faint whispers of threat was barely audible. Ginny was confused. It was the right chance for Dumbledore to attack Malfoy. Surely, he knew non-verbal, wandless magic.

"That means we have won," Sirius shouted at the skies in triumph, grinning from ear to ear. The crowd started a celebration which was cut short by a man in black billowing cloak emerging out of the crowd.

"Please, Severus."

"Avada Kedavra!" The emotionless word that lead to the fall of the King, and with it, the entire kingdom itself, reverberated throughout the terrain menacingly, threatening them of the disaster and catastrophe that now looked over them like a dark rain-bearing cloud.

Among all the shouts, she only heard his. "NO!"

Cackles of Voldemort and his army rang somewhere distant. For, her mind had gone blank. It was as indescribable feeling of defeat, something that she had not carried in that eternity. Not even once. Even if it was not her who had let the people down, some heavy burden had fallen on her chest.

Perhaps, the rest of the Order was right about giving up.

They should have given up when they had the chance. Now with Dumbledore gone, there was no way out of the slavery that would be forced upon them in a matter of few minutes.

"But, wait! I think it is unfair that the battle was two on one!" Remus shouted, all of a sudden, causing Ginny to wonder how he even had the mind to think straight when Hope had just died in their arms.

Voldemort snorted, his handsome features turning into a more devil-may-care-way. "And what do you expect me to do about it?"

"Since you are our new King, Your Highness." This time it was Neville. "I think justice should be delivered. Maybe one member against one of yours on the terms that you don't emotionally gather pity?"

Voldemort laughed an empty sound. "The fool was too sensitive. Send someone braved with the nerve to fight."

At once, the crowd started chanting Harry's name, not knowing or seeing what Ginny was seeing. She knew, by the way he was standing with clenched fists and bowed head that the light had gone out in him.

That Harry would not fight.

Who do you think is gonna fight in Harry's stead? Comment!

I just realized I really love killing off Dumbledore in my stories.. I've no idea why even though I quite like him.. It must be for the greater good for my stories.

Your thoughts on this chapter? Comment!

Thank you for reading!

Miyoko x

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