🏮 | The Letter of Death

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Night fell in the kingdom of Hogsmeade, bringing on its dark back the bitter taste of expectant anxiety. Torches burned low on the doorstep of each house, flickering with hope of liberty. The atmosphere was enriched by the calming melodies of the animals that prowl the night, but there was still a sense of forbidding hidden beneath the ambience.

The sound of pebbles being strewn away from the dirt road suddenly filled the environment as impending doom arrived on horseback. It halted right in front of a topsy-turvy house and rapped its knuckles on the wooden door.

A young boy in his teens opened the door to welcome the invisible mail carrier, picking up the parchment which was on the grass as if it were something that happened with common incidence. Closing the door and thereby, shutting the noise of the hustle and bustle taking place in his house, the boy was dutifully supposed to hand the letter to the eldest member of the residents; in his case, his father.

Dear Residents of Hogsmeade,
The Dark Wizard has set his eyes upon the village of Hogsmeade and has declared war. With all efforts possible, he has agreed to give us valuable time of exactly thirteen weeks to prepare ourselves to fend him off. While I do not think it is time enough, something, even a little, is better than nothing.

This is indeed my greatest regret ; it is, after all, too much to ask for the life of the strongest member of your family to help fight as part of the Order of Phoneix for Hogsmeade, but I have my hands tied. All I can say, with the only asset that I own, is there is strength in numbers that nothing can achieve. There is an unmistakable power in the feeling of love that one feels for their village, their nation and most importantly, for the welfare of their loved ones that can help destroy the vilest of forces. Therefore, I pray for your unity of ambition in diversity of people.

Sincere regards,
A. Dumbledore

"Oh, Arthur. What do we do?" the worried matriarch of the family, Molly Weasley, asked. Her husband shook his head.

"We have no choice but to provide the group with one man."

"But whom?"

There was a chorus of shouts, each stating the same 'I will go!' mantra. Arthur raised his uninjured hand to stop the commotion and silence fell obediently. "If there's anyone who is -" he paused, seemingly searching for his words as his eyes scanned his children, "strong enough to fight in the Order, it will be myself." The protests started as each Weasley child tried shouting over the other's voice.

This time, Arthur did nothing to get back the order of the house. He knew, deep down, that he was definitely not in the right condition to fight a war after the duel with the Dark Lord's pet snake, Nagini. But that will not stop him from wanting, wishing or rather, needing to protect his blood.

"Dad, you're injured! How can you take on the Dark Monster's army?!" Bill, his eldest son, shouted. His siblings agreed in response. Arthur smiled in reassurance, nodding at his wife to convey silently what he meant.

"He's fought in a war before. Of course, he can fight now as well," Molly stated, her voice firm under the cover of fake bravery and decision. It would pain both parents to watch their children, regardless of which one, go into war. Being the generation which was restricted from learning magic in formal education institutions, none of the seven was trained enough. The training that their neighbor, Professor Flitwick, provided every week would not be sufficient when it came to a real war where people were killed and forced to kill.

"Let's just consider the situation really clear," Ron spoke up. "His Majesty wants one man-"

"Or a woman," his sister interrupted, walking out of the shadows of the staircase. "His Majesty wants a woman or a man to help fend off the Dark Wizard."

Ron rolled his eyes, nevertheless nodded. "Right you are, Ginny."

"I volunteer in that case," Bill stood up from his place on the sofa. "I'm the eldest of the siblings and I am definitely not injured."

"You cannot, William!" Molly forbade him in protest. "You would do well to remember that you're now engaged to an aspiring young lady! No maiden would want her heart broken by her man going into the war and not returning!" In all seriousness, the entire family knew how returning unscathed from a battle was a nearly impossible task.

Bill quieted in shame, and the twins Fred and George spoke up. "What about us, then?"

Molly stood firm. "I've lost one enough. I cannot bear losing both of you."

Although the twins never wished to trigger the absence of their wayward brother, Percy, it was inevitable. "I wish that git Percy was here," said Fred.

"We could have sent him into the artillery instead," George continued, earning a reprimand from their mother.

"I could go." This time, it was Ron. "I'm the other eldest, blimey, if you could call me that. Sure, there is Charlie but he is in Romania and, seeing as Percy has joined the Autonomous Body fools and Bill can't go and we can't let two men go-" The Twins eyed him vehemently. "I think it best that I go."

"Am I invisible?" Ginny piped up. Ron was about to respond but was interrupted by the patriarch.

"No. I'm not letting any of you go when I'm here, alive and breathing," Arthur said in a voice that clearly showed he would take no more discussions on this matter. "It is already late and I should be rising early tomorrow. I think it best that everyone of you retire to your beds. Good night, kids." With not a word spoken further, the patriarch exited the room tersely, Molly following after a strict speech to hit the hay.

Hey guys!
I've started a new story, indeed. I'm sort of having a writer's block with Beyond The Hood but don't worry, I'll finish this one for sure.

Tell me your thoughts about this chapter!

Thank you for reading!

Miyoko x

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