🏮 | The Reunion

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The rest of the week was pretty much uneventful. Trainings took place in regular intervals, the food breaks were enjoyable and filled with a lot of deep conversations with her friends. Sirius checked in on Harry, who was his godson, often and had developed a friendly bond with the group.

Being the leader of the group and the High Commander, Harry was under a lot of pressure. To lessen this, Neville suggested sharing the group's work with someone should Harry be preoccupied. Ginny was named for this and she willingly obliged, happy to help in any way.

According to her group, Ron was the smartest and the most agile person but Ginny knew more than anyone that the real Ron was nowhere near agile even if he were smart. It was funny how he got to spend time at leisure while she worked her back off, even though she was the one who chose it.

During the break that they were given, stories of their families were exchanged and Ginny would, at times, catch Harry staring at her with a smile. It gave her an unexplainable feeling of nervousness, as if he was sending a lively group of butterflies to fly around her.

During one such break, a letter arrived for Harry. "I guess we're going to have a complete team," he declared. Ginny exchanged glances with Neville and Luna.

"Another member? But I thought the admission for the Order ended with us," Hermione reasoned. Harry simply shrugged.

"Apparently, the person who's getting admitted got the letter very late. They've tested him. He's supposedly great at flying and we surely need skilled flyers as well." By Sirius' recommendations, Albus had agreed to set up a separate camp for aerial practice. A member from the army, Cedric Diggory as Harry had told them, had proposed the idea of aerial attacks just in case the Dark Lord decided to use any sort of a flying beast in battle. It was a great plan and the King had no issues with going forward with the same.

"Well, in that case, our team will be one of the all-rounders," Neville said. "We have two attackers, two healers, two defenders and now three fliers although I think Harry would rather stay on the ground?" Harry and Ginny had been taking aerial practice as well and they were on breakneck pace against each other.

"It would indeed be a relief if I stay on the ground. If I were to be on a broom, ordering the army will be like blasting my throat out if we don't wish for Voldemort to know our next move." Harry shrugged.

"I get you."

"Yes." Silence reigned for a while before Harry broke it. "A week's passed by since we duelled. Would you -"

"Er, excuse me?" Ginny's heart rate witnessed a severe increase when she heard the familiar voice and she hurried to cower behind Harry's shadow as he stood up.

"Ah, there you are. I'm Harry, Harry Potter, the leader of this group." Harry shook the newest addition's hand in welcome. Ginny bowed her head low, withdrawing under the shadow of her cap.

"And, I am. . . Butter."

"Butter?" Hermione questioned. "Is that how we should call you?"

"Er, no! I meant Butterfield. I'm Loaf Butterfield."

"Pleasure. I'm Hermione Granger."

"Call me Neville. That there is Luna." He pointed to the blonde. "And this is Ron."

If that was even possible, Ginny cowered further under the welcoming shadow of her cap. "Hullo!" Luna's greeting reached her ears but she made no move to greet the newcomer.

"Hey!" Even the newcomer's voice gave her shivers. "It is a pleasure to meet you all, as well. Er, if you guys don't mind, can anyone take me to where I can drop my stuff?"

"How about you, Ron? Just drop him and meet me by the lake," Harry suggested, getting up from his spot. Ginny nodded in obedience although her conscious was already reprimanding her for taking up the offer.

While walking to the tent, Ginny briefly wondered if her heart would break through her ribcage and the armour she was wearing, overtake her and just run away to a better world where it did not have to undergo tense situations. The silence between her and 'Loaf' was palpable.

As soon as they were inside the tent, the temperature dropped. "You are. . . Ron Weasley?" 'Loaf' asked in a slow, judging manner.


"Ruddy hell, Ginny! I really hate you for that one!" Ginny was startled by a hug that come out of Ron very rarely. Well, the real Ron.

"Well, what can I say? I missed my brother so much!" Ginny responded, briefly returning his embrace before withdrawing with as much a sweet smile that she could muster; although she knew that he would not be fooled by it.

"I believe I just got iced on." Ron narrowed his eyes at his sister in an apprehensive manner. "You shouldn't have just left us like that. Mum was going bonkers, throwing around pieces of whatever she could lay her hands upon as soon as the twins returned home without you."

"I'm sorry but," Ginny paused, quickly applying a silencing charm around the tent after mentally scolding herself for her carelessness. "Why are you here?"

"Oi! I must be asking that! It was gonna be dad who was coming here!"

"But we both know he wouldn't return. . ."

Bitter silence surrounded them after a happy reunion. "Anyways," Ron started, hoping to lighten the mood. "I couldn't bear your absence so I just decided to pop up here after asking 'ol Flitwick to sneak me my wand since Mum had the basement locked with multiple charms. Blimey, an alohomora wasn't enough and Flitwick himself admitted that she's one tough witch!" Ginny laughed in response as she guided Ron to the boys' room.

"That's Mum for you."

"Yeah. You had to see her having kittens about now losing me as well. I'm just worried about staying alive after the war, y'know?"

"You got a point there! Oh, and you can occupy that one. It's empty currently." Ginny pointed to the bunk bed under which Harry slept. Ron nodded and threw his things to the ground. With relief, the girl let out a sigh: Ron still did not realize that she was cross-dressing.

But there is this annoying tendency of things not ending up the way we want it to.

With narrowed eyes, Ron made that clear. "And why again are you dressed as a bloke, Ginny?"

Ahh, I'm sorry for the long delay! I couldn't find the time to write more chapters and didn't wish to publish with a shortage of chapters!

The real Ron is finally here! How could I leave him out? ;)

Your thoughts on this one? Comment!

Thank you for reading!

Miyoko x

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