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"H-Hey, what are you doing?" Namjoon asked, concerns began to fill him up as she climbed up the desk.

"I just need to... do something..." she grunted, extending her arms towards the opening part of the dome where the telescope was, then trying to yank a part of it to close the gaping hole. "Urgh, I need to fix this soon- ah!!!"

Hyun Ae lost her footing on the edge and the next thing she knew was Namjoon had her in his muscular arms. They stared into each other's eyes, the frightened look still visible on her pale face. Then he sighed.

"T-T-Thanks... um..." Hyun Ae muttered under her shaky breath before Namjoon put her down.

"That's dangerous! What if I wasn't here?" he asked in a panicky tone, running his fingers through his hair as he sighed. "You should've asked me to do that!"

"Nah, it's fine. Let's go," she said after regaining her lost soul. After turning off all the lights, both of them left the rooftop and reached the first guest room. Hyun Ae pushed the door slowly and poked her head in.

"Oh, this room is empty," she said, looking confused as there was no one in that room.

"Are they still up?" Namjoon asked as they closed the door back and Hyun Ae proceeded to the next room. She grabbed the knob, then turned it slowly before pushing the door carefully.

"Oh? Jin oppa and Yoongi oppa are sleep- OH MY GODDDDDD."

"What, what?!" Namjoon asked, feeling shocked after he stood beside her, who now had her hand over her mouth as if trying to hold in her squeal.

Well, fangirl squeal.

"HE IS SO CUTE, OMG," she pointed out; pushing the door a bit for the leader to see what was she excited about. Namjoon saw Jin sleeping as usual and Yoongi on his right side, in his signature sleeping pose. Hands between his legs.

"He really does sleep like that! Like a kitten, awww. How I wish I have my phone now!" Hyun Ae whispered excitedly, as she kept on fanning herself with her hands, still fangirling.

Suddenly Namjoon held up his phone in front of her face, surprising her as he snapped a photo of Yoongi sleeping. "I can send it to you later," he whispered, showing it to her.

"Thank you!" she whispered in excitement, closing the door behind her then both of them went straight to the entertainment room, where the rest were.

"Are they still playing games-" she paused after entering the room and saw the rest were sleeping all over the floor, with the game still on. She chuckled, then approached sleeping Jimin, who was closer to her. She held back her happiness as she kneeled down beside him, then inhaled softly before her fangirling mode kicked in. Again.

"Oh, my god. AsanARMYIamsoluckylookingatthiscutesleepingmochi-"

"Hey hey, you know what?" Namjoon patted her shoulder as he sat beside her. Hoping he wasn't being obvious, he had to hold back his laugh as he kept on witnessing Hyun Ae's cute ARMY mode. "Let me wake them up, so why don't you take a shower?"

"Really? Much better. My heart might explode if I wake them up. I'm getting a heart attack. This is nuts. I can't stop fangirling. Haha. Sorry. Haha."

With that, Hyun Ae quickly exited the room and ran towards her room, leaving Namjoon alone in the room with the other sleeping members.

"Cute," he chuckled, a dimple showing up on his cheek as he began to violently shake his fellow members from their sleep.


"Hehe," Hyun Ae chuckled, as she entered the room where the rest were sleeping. Namjoon smirked, pulling a comforter over Hoseok and Jimin who shared the bed. Hyun Ae approached Jungkook and Taehyung's shared bed, then pulled the comforter over them.

"They must be so tired," she whispered, audible enough for Namjoon to hear. She then sat down beside the bed, facing the sleeping Jungkook.

It was a moment of silence for Hyun Ae as she watched him sleeping; lips parted a bit as he breathed. She let the tip of her fingers push away a few strands of his hair, before lingering her fingers from his forehead down to his cheek.

"Thank you," she breathed out when Namjoon stood behind her. "Thank you for raising him when he was alone," she turned at the leader, with a grateful smile. "I was worried to the point where I cried every night, worrying about him when he first left Busan."

She glanced back at Jungkook, then spoke. "He was so young. And he was so shy, he can't even look at someone properly when talking. I used to be there for him, helping him this and that... and now look at him," she paused, then moved forward a bit, placing a soft kiss on his head. "One fine man."

"Well, thank you for believing in him too. If it wasn't because of him, BTS won't be complete," Namjoon softly said, smiling as she turned at him again. "Hey, it's time for you to sleep."

"Ah yes," she hummed, then both of them left the room after turning off the lamps. They made it downstairs, towards the kitchen, chugging mineral waters to quench their thirst, when suddenly the silent house was filled with the sound of howling.

"Um... wow... it's... windy outside..." Hyun Ae muttered, glancing at the glass walls of her house.

"I thought you already knew that," Namjoon stated, placing down his glass as he cocked his brow up. "You've checked the weather forecast, right?"

"Oh. Um... yeah... haha..." she stammered, putting their glasses into the sink. "There will be... thunderstorms... tonight," she nervously chuckled, looking out the glass walls again.

He had sensed something wasn't right with her, but he couldn't figure it out.

"Oh, where will you be sleeping tonight?" Hyun Ae asked, after washing the glasses and putting them on the drying rack.

"I'm fine in the entertainment room," Namjoon said, placing his hand behind his neck as he gave her a smirk.

"Oh no need, the big sofa there can be a bed too. Come, I'll show you-" Hyun Ae suddenly froze when a swift white flash suddenly lighted up the whole house for a quick millisecond.

"T-T-That was... a c-c-camera flash, right?" Hyun Ae asked, her words shaking as she rubbed her left elbow.

"What?" Namjoon asked, puzzled by her sudden nervous state, but when a little grumbling sound of the thunderstorm was heard, he noticed her jumping a little on her standing spot.

"Ne-nevermind. Quick, here," she mumbled, grabbing his wrist and dragging him towards the largest sofa in the living room.

"See, pull this," she instructed him as both of them pulled a hanging strap from below the sofa, and a bed appeared in front of them. "And it's a bed. Big enough for two to three people-"

Another white flash lit up the house, making her freeze on her spot again. When the sound of rain trickling against the glass walls echoed throughout the room, she then grabbed the house's system device remote on the coffee table behind her, chuckling nervously.

At this point, Namjoon was watching her eyes frantically looking for a button to press, and now he knew it.

"I-I-I-I think I'll pull those blinds down, so we won't see the lightning," she said nervously, as she pressed a button repeatedly as if trying to make the blinds descend quickly.

"Wait, Hyun Ae ah. Are you afraid of-"

B O O M.


The remote fell onto the sofa bed, and Hyun Ae was now in Namjoon's arms, crying in fear as she closed her ears with her hands.

"... Thunderstorms," Namjoon whispered, placing his hand behind her head, stroking her hair softly as she kept on crying against his chest, drenching his shirt with her non-stop tears. "You're afraid of thunderstorms."

Another lightning flashed its light again. This time Namjoon held her close to him, as tightly as he could to let her know that she was safe with him. As the thunderstorm boomed again, he took a quick glance at her, she still had her hands on her ears and her teary eyes tightly shut.

"Namjoon oppa..." she whispered through her sobs, eyes still closing, hands still over ears.

"Yes?" he whispered softly.

Hyun Ae slowly opened her eyes, looked up, and met his eyes who knows how many times throughout that day.

"Can I sleep with you tonight?"


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You can also find me on AO3 : itsme_NanaMirai & Quotev : itsmeNanaMirai

Last but not least, thank you for reading!

Borahae, Nana <3

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