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"Good job everyone!" the producer clapped his hands, bowing down to BTS as he thanked the group at the end of the recording.

After thanking the rest of the broadcasting team, all of them began to make their way back toward their green room.

"Ah... I'm so tired!" Hoseok sighed, plopping himself down onto the couch, and taking off his jacket while his eyes were looking around for the manager. "Where's Sejin hyung?"

"I had no idea," Jimin said, landing himself next to Hoseok as he unscrewed his mineral bottle. "He's usually around-"

Suddenly the door abruptly opened. All of them turned to the door and there was the manager, huffing heavily as if he was running.

"Hey, guys. Sorry, I was at the cafeteria," he gasped, trying to catch his breath.

"It's rare to see you're not around once we finished the recording," Jin pointed out as he took a bit of his egg bread. "Oooh... You're seeing someone here?"

"No! That's ridiculous!" Sejin denied, shaking his head as he let out another sigh. "I just wanted to inform you guys something."

"You're going to take another day off?" Namjoon suddenly guessed after he changed into another shirt.

"Oh, how did you know that?" the manager turned to the leader, with a questioning look.

"I saw you were talking to the other staff yesterday, and I figured out that you're not going to be around soon," Namjoon said, taking a seat as he began to change his socks.

"I'll be taking three days off though, not long. I wanted to visit my grandparents."

"But who's going to manage us then? The only person who ever replaced you is-"

Namjoon went silent. Everyone turned to him, making the room even more silent. He looked down and continued to change his socks when Sejin cleared his throat to break the silence.

"Don't worry. Tomorrow I'll have someone with me, and I'll guide her on how to handle you guys-"

"'Her'?" Jungkook suddenly shot up from his phone. "You found a girl to replace you?" he asked as he looked straight into the manager's eyes. "Hyung, you know that it's not just any girls who could handle the seven of us. There's only one- She was the only one who could handle us. Other girls, no. Sorry to say that, but just no. Plus, why a girl?"

"Because I believed in her," Sejin firmly said before he glanced at Namjoon who was still in his socks. "And this is a way to make you forget Hyun Ae."

Hearing that, Namjoon looked up at him as he proceeded. "For the past few months, you weren't being yourself."

"I'm okay now, can't you see it?" Namjoon mumbled, snickering as he stood and walked over to the vanity table, and proceeded to put off all accessories he had on his hands.

"You're okay physically. But not mentally," Sejin sighed, as he watched the leader begin to put on his necklace.

That had Hyun Ae's handmade galaxy locket hanging on it.

Namjoon stared at the small locket's reflection in the mirror, his fingers involuntarily touching it softly.

"As long as you are still with that modeling girl, I don't think you'll feel better," Sejin said, placing his hand on Namjoon's shoulder. Namjoon then shifted his gaze to Sejin's reflection in the mirror. "You want me to help you?"

"How are you going to help me? I don't care if the damage is on me, but I don't want Hyun Ae to have it too. Seorim can destroy her like that. If she can send Adrian to assault her like last time, no doubt she can do worse to her," Namjoon muttered, turning around at the manager, who had been like his elder brother. He smiled, patting Sejin's arm.

"It's really okay, Sejin hyung. If Seorim wants me to be with her, in order to make sure Hyun Ae is safe, I'd do it. And I'm doing it right now."

After a moment of silence, the manager let out a sigh, turning back to the rest, and he began to speak. "Don't worry, I'll make sure she'll do fine. If you guys agree, I'll tell her to wear a mask and black sunglasses, whatever to make sure she's fully covered so you guys wouldn't really have to see her face."

"That's weird," Jin scoffed, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Hey, I'm just kidding," Sejin laughed, seeing the weird reactions from the group. "She'll take over for me starting next Monday, so she only had a day, which is tomorrow, so please cooperate."

A phone rang.

Everyone was looking at each other, and it turned out to be Namjoon's. Before he picked it up, he grabbed a chair and placed it in the corner of the room, answering the phone while the others were watching him.

"Hello? Yes, just finished the recording," he mumbled into his phone, then the rest of the conversation was inaudible for everyone.

"Urgh..." Yoongi grunted as he walked towards the manager, pulling him to one side of the room. "I hope the replacement is a tough one, you know? To keep him away from his phone. We really need to get rid of that girl. She's annoying. He doesn't love her, but still wants to be with her."

"Well, since he wanted to protect the one that he really loves," Sejin chuckled softly. "Love makes him do anything for his true love."

For the next few minutes, the manager made sure everyone had changed into their normal outfits and had everything they need before they left the room.

They went through the broadcast station's lobby, giving bows to everyone who had greeted them. They made it to the parking lot without any commotion, and as they were about to reach the vehicle, Sejin felt a tug on his jacket.

"Uh, Sejin hyung," Namjoon called out, scratching his head as the manager turned to him. "I'm going to leave by myself. You can take the others back to the agency."

"Wait, where are you going?" Sejin asked, right before a sports car with tinted windows appeared behind Namjoon.

"You don't need to ask him. Let's go," Jin grunted, as he grabbed the manager by his arm. "Just make sure you'll be home early, Namjoon."

Namjoon only nodded his head hesitantly, before turning around and entering the car from its passenger side. The rest of the group began to get into their vehicle, without any words. Jin took the front seat beside the manager in the driver's seat.

"Hyung, this girl. What's her name?" Jin began to ask when Sejin began to drive the car out of the parking lot.

"Oh, her name is Park Kyung. You're going to love her," Sejin smiled, but when Jin gave him a weird look, he chuckled. "I mean, she always willingly replaces anyone who needs to take a break."

"You mean, she can do any work?"

"Something like that. She had her own job though, but she's a good girl and she loves to help her friends," the manager smirked. But when he received no response from Jin, he stole a glance at him. "What?"

"She reminds me of Hyun Ae," Jin said, looking out the window as he let out a heavy sigh.

"How long has it been?"

"Almost six months. She really doesn't want to see us anymore. We rarely see her brother too, except Jungkook though, but that can't be helped, since we had busy schedules," Jin explained, tilting his head up, resting it on the headrest as the car stopped at the red light.

"You guys never contacted her?"

"How could we? She's not in Korea. Even if there's a way, she wouldn't want to talk to us. She left without even informing us."

"Well, that doesn't mean that she really doesn't want to see you guys. She could be missing you guys too," Sejin said, turning right at the green light.

"At least she should pop out of nowhere and come to us saying 'hey everyone! I miss you all!' like she always did whenever we met," Jin chuckled.

"You guys really miss her, huh?"

"It can't be helped. She's the only female friend we all have that is brave enough to be our friend and faced all those hard things, without even needing us. That girl..."

The rest of the journey back to the agency was silent. Only the sound of Taehyung playing with his Switch filled the car, while most of them fell asleep. But as they almost arrived at the agency, the manager peeked at the rear-view mirror, checking each of the boys.

"We're almost there, boys," Sejin informed, focusing back onto the road.

Jungkook, who had been sitting behind Jin, began to stretch out his body on his seat. He yawned as he looked out from the window, and something caught his eye from the sidewalk. He turned his head, eyebrows furrowed.

He wanted a clearer view, but the car suddenly took a turn to the right, and their building came into sight.

As the car came to a stop at the entrance, he immediately slid the door open. He stepped out and rushed towards a guy who had just made a turn towards the building.

The guy stopped, obviously shocked by the maknae sudden rush towards him, and grabbed him.

"Who was with you, Hyun Wook?!"


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Last but not least, thank you for reading!

Borahae, Nana <3

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