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***Three months ago***

"Thanks for coming!" Hyun Wook thanked the happy customers as he kept the door open for them. He then made his way back to the counter and looked around.

Lunchtime was almost at its end, so the restaurant was half full. Which was a relief for him, as it would give him a more relaxing time.

He was stretching out his arms when suddenly he heard the doorbell ring.

A girl appeared. She was wearing a long trench coat, a white beret on her long silver wavy hair, and a face mask along with big black shades covering her face. Her heels clicked against the floor as she strutted her way toward the counter while dragging her luggage along.

"Welcome, miss! A table for how many?" Hyun Wook smiled, as he stared at his reflection in her shades.

"A table for me... and you."

Hyun Wook widened his eyes, and his jaw dropped.

"Hyunnie noona?" he called out.

She let out a snicker, then took off both her shades and mask and flashed him a smile that he hadn't seen for three months.

He ignored all the stares as he made his way around the counter and leaped onto his sister, hugging her.

"Noona, you're back! Finally!!!" Hyun Wook cried, placing his head on her shoulder as his hug tightened.

"YA, YA, MY HAIR! You're hurting me!" Hyun Ae shrieked, slapping his back repeatedly as the pain in her head kept on growing.

Hyun Wook released her, wiping away his tears as he laughed.

"Oh. Sorry," he mumbled, still sniffing. Hyun Ae smiled softly, patting his head when he asked. "I thought you would be longer there."

"You fool. My visa is only valid for up to three months in Malaysia. Compared to you, you used to study there, so you have your student pass," Hyun Ae explained.

"Thank goodness! Now, have you eaten? Henry hyung is still in the kitchen. Let's meet him!"

***Few months later***

Everything went back to normal after Hyun Ae came back from Malaysia.

The restaurant was now in the process of the next phase, and Hyun Ae hadn't met BTS yet. As she wanted to avoid them for now.

But that is soon about to be changed by someone.

The doorbell rang. Hyun Ae, who was wiping one of the tables turned to the door.

"Welcome- oh? Sejin-ssi..."

"Hey," Sejin breathed out, as he approached her with sweat on his forehead. Apparently from running.

"How did you know I came back?" she asked, a bit worried actually after seeing BTS's manager standing right before her eyes.

"Huh? What do you mean?" he asked, baffled by her question.

"Oh, you didn't know that I... left?"

After he shook his head, Hyun Ae let out a relieved sigh and motioned him to sit. "Nevermind, please take a seat."

Both of them sat across each other, and Hyun Ae let the manager get a drink before she began.

"So, why are you here?"

He took a few sips of his Americano and spoke. "I need your help. Please replace me for three days."

"What? Three days? Why?"

"I'm going back to my hometown. Please... You're the only one that I can trust. You're the only one that can handle them," he pleaded, with his clasped hands.

Hyun Ae leaned back on her chair, having mixed feelings about the request.

"But... I didn't want them to know that I'm already here, for six months!" she claimed.

"Six months?! And they still didn't know?!"

"Of course! I don't want them to know! I want to stay hidden!"

Sejin sighed as he stared at his drink.

Hyun Ae noticed how lost he looked as if he really had no one else in his mind to help him do this job. Then she took a deep breath.

"Do you know... anyone who is a professional make-up artist?" she asked, getting the manager's attention.

"Of course I do!" he laughed, somehow seeing a bright light of chance. "Right! We can change how you look, so they won't recognize you! But, what name are you going to use?"

"Park Kyung. And don't ask me where did that name come from, it's random," Hyun Ae smirked, flipping her hair.

"So, you're doing it?" When Hyun Ae immediately nodded, it made him more excited. "Yes! But... what I should tell them?"

"Just tell them that you have a friend who will take over your job temporarily and it's a girl, her name is Park Kyung."

"But, why are you suddenly accepting this?"

Hyun Ae stared at the ceiling after Sejin pointed out the question to her. She took a deep breath, then giggled.

"Actually... if it's possible, I want to stay away from them as long as I could," she paused, then flashed a smile at the manager. "But also... a part of me really wanted to see them, but I don't want to be Park Hyun Ae."

***First Meet***

Panicking, Hyun Ae looked around the location and managed to snatch Sejin, and dragged him back into the green room.

"Yoongi oppa found out about me!" she whispered in a hoarse voice, feeling anxious because of the exposure.

"What? How?" the manager asked.

"He saw the scar on my left arm! He's the only one who knew about this scar!" Hyun Ae said, rolling up her sleeve and showing the scar to him. "But he said that he won't spill it."

"If... you let me hang out with you tomorrow," suddenly Yoongi spoke.

Both Hyun Ae and Sejin turned to the door, and there was Yoongi, leaning against the closed door. They were more surprised at the fact that Yoongi had entered the room stealthily.

"Yoongi oppa..."

"Sejin hyung, how could you hide everything from us," Yoongi sighed as he approached them. "I found it weird at the moment you hugged her when we first got here. You guys really thought it all planned well."

"Hey, it did! No one recognized me!" Hyun Ae remarked, crossing her arms.

"That's because you had your face covered with mask and glasses," he chuckled, poking her cheeks. "So, how about we hang out at your place, and I'll bring food tomorrow? That is... if you want me to keep your secret-"

Hyun Ae cut his words with her heavy sigh. "Fine, fine!"

"You're clumsy as always. That's why you're exposed," Yoongi giggled, then he placed his hand on her shoulder. "Wanna know another hint that gave your cover away? You're wearing the shoes that I gave you. That I've marked myself."

With furrowed brows, Hyun Ae looked down at her shoes and saw something that she had just realized about the shoes.

Mini, bold 'SG' right at the corner of the shoes' heel counters.

***Second Day***

The shop was almost reaching its closing hour, and Yoon Hee was cleaning the drinks prep area when the door rang again, followed by rushing footsteps. She turned around and suddenly there was Yoongi by the counter.

"Yoon Hee ah, where's Hyun Ae?" he asked, catching his breath between the words.

Knowing that Hyun Ae really needed someone now because earlier she was crying after coming back from her 'manager' job, Yoon Hee nodded.

"Oh, wait." She immediately entered the kitchen toward the office. She gave it a knock before opening it, and there was Hyun Ae, still sniffing on her chair when she saw Yoon Hee by the door.

"Eonnie? Yoongi-ssi is here."

Hearing Yoongi's name, Hyun Ae instantly shot up from her seat, walked past Yoon Hee, and exited the kitchen.

When Yoongi came to her sight, she immediately rushed towards him, finding comfort in his warm hug.

"Hyun Ae," he whispered, after wrapping his arms around her carefully as if she was going to break anytime soon. "I'm here, I'm here... Don't cry, please," he whispered softly, rocking her side to side as he kept patting her head.

"Does he have to be so hateful of me?! I'm a girl, with feelings too!" she muffled, still with her face buried against his shoulder.

"Well... You're Park Kyung to him, not Park Hyun Ae," he chuckled lightly.

Still in his hug, Hyun Ae lifted her head up at him, and her puffed eyes had broken him inside.

Yoongi was glad for coming to her shop at their closing time because the shop was empty at that time. Only filled with their staff doing stock checks in the kitchen.

"So... what are you going to do now? It's your last day tomorrow," he mumbled, caressing her new long, metallic silver hair that he had admitted to Namjoon earlier that day.

That he liked it.

Hyun Ae then pulled away, but Yoongi still had his arms around her as he felt protective of her.

"I'm going to show up as Park Hyun Ae. I'm going to be a grumpy Hyun Ae!" she huffed, crossing her arms as her cheeks puffed up with her eyes looking determined.

"What, now you just realized how wonderful life as Park Hyun Ae is?" he chuckled, poking her cheek with his finger.  "I just realized how chubby you looked now. Did you eat well there?"

"I ate too much burger, I guess."

He let out a soft laugh, continuing to poke her cheek as he found her annoying reaction cute.

Cute. Yes. Cute.

"Ah... One more thing. Don't forget," Yoongi let out a sigh, then snickered as he told her, "six months ago, you confessed to him."

"Please don't remind me of that," Hyun Ae grunted, once again burying her face in his shoulder, trying to hide her embarrassment.


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Last but not least, thank you for reading!

Borahae, Nana <3

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