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"Is this necessary?" Hyun Ae asked, her hands itching to pull down the blindfold that Namjoon had put on her eyes when they first got into the taxi.

"Uh... yes?" Namjoon giggled, grabbing her hand and assuring her that it was going to be fine.

"I hope it's not a scary place."

"I thought you were a brave one."

"Hey! I do have fears too, okay?"

Namjoon couldn't help but laugh right before the taxi arrived at their location.

He paid the trip fare and immediately opened the door while grabbing her arm, somehow forgetting about her being 'blind'.

"Ow! Joonie, my head!" Hyun Ae whined, both her hands rubbing the painful spot on her forehead that hit the door frame when he was pulling her out of the taxi.

"Sorry, sweetheart! I didn't see it!" Namjoon panicked, untying her blindfold as he rubbed her head.

"It hurts so much- eh?" Hyun Ae halted, her eyes went wide at the sight of the place that she had always wanted to go to.

"Are we going in here? For real?!" she turned to him, her wide smile telling him that she was so happy and excited, to see the Lotte World theme park right before her eyes.

"Yeah! I told you, didn't I?" he snickered, patting her head softly and giving her his warm smile. "That I'll take you here, on a date."

Hyun Ae couldn't help but hop like a kid as she threw her arms around his neck. Namjoon was startled at first, but then he laughed as he picked her up and spun her around in his arms.

"I love you so much!" she hyped, placing a kiss on his chubby cheek before he put her down.

He reached out to her hand, interlacing his fingers with hers as he guided her toward the entrance. They followed the queue line, and while in the line, both of them won't let go of the other.

Hyun Ae was so excited that she began to randomly hum some melodies, not knowing that Namjoon was watching her with a loving smile. Some people there that had recognized him began to murmur, but not about him going to the theme park with a girl.

But about the way his cheeks were lifted to the corner of his eyes that still stuck on her, and by that everyone there knew that he was having the happiest moment in his life.

As he kept on looking at the most lovely thing he ever owned so far.

The line began to move forward, and not long after that, both of them were inside the theme park.

"This place is so big! I can't believe that I'm finally here!" Hyun Ae remarked, clapping her hands happily like a happy seal.

Her eyes were wide open, and her jaw dropped as she looked around the big place, filled with people's laughter, happy screams from different rides, and more.

"So, any rides you want to go on?" Namjoon asked, standing beside her as she was still mesmerized by the place.

"Um... Let's see. The Conquistador ride one, rollercoaster, that carousel... What else? There's outside too, right? After that, we can have some arcade games and then we eat. Okay?" she quickly said and when she got no response, she turned to him only to realize that he was staring at her, with a gaping mouth.

"Joonie?" she whispered, tugging on his arm as she shook him. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"I... I just..." Namjoon paused to take a deep breath. "Did I tell you that you look so adorably cute today? Because if not, I'm telling you. That you look superly adorable. I just want to keep you close to me."

"Aw... Joonie," Hyun Ae giggled, standing in front of him and placing her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. "I would've kissed you if we're not in public and I'm already noticing eyes on us-"

She couldn't even finish her words as Namjoon leaned in and planted a deep kiss on her lips, ignoring the eyes that she had mentioned.

"I told you," he chuckled, resting his forehead on her as he broke the kiss. "I want the world to know that you're the only one for me, and you belong to me."

"And by doing this... You're not getting into any trouble?"

"Well... we'll see about that," he laughed, grabbing her hand and they began to walk.

"Well, better don't come to me and complain later," she chuckled, hugging his arm and making sure to stand closer to him.

"Why would I want to complain about you to you? Should I complain about how your smile could light up my days, how your laugh could make my gloomy mood change to a cheerful one-"

"Fine, fine!" she grunted, rolling her eyes, which amused him as he laughed at her. "You're good with words, do you know that? I always get flustered by it. Thank you."


"How's the ice cream?" Namjoon asked, after finishing his chocolate ice cream.

"Delicious! I love it!" Hyun Ae exclaimed, taking the last bite of her ice cream cone. She wiped her hands clean with her wet tissues.

"So... where should we go next?" she asked when he placed his arm on her shoulders as they walked passed by various stores in the shopping mall.

"Let's go shopping. I'll buy you some clothes."

"You don't have to-"

"I insist. Plus, I'm your boyfriend, and I'm going to make my girlfriend happy for today's date, so then when the day ends, she can't wait to have another date with me," Namjoon smiled, poking her nose cutely to annoy her.

Hyun Ae shook her head, and they continued walking. But her eyes won't stop looking around them with worries and concerns. Since she saw there were some people, especially girls obviously, were keeping their phones and cameras in their hands, lenses pointing at the couple.

"I can't believe that we're out here, walking in public while people are taking pictures of us," Hyun Ae muttered, staying close to Namjoon as they stopped at the entrance of a boutique.

"Put your head up high, and show them who BTS RM's current girlfriend is. So people won't have to exchange or sell fake information. Just a waste of time and money," he snickered, pulling her into the boutique.

"Oooh, you do know how 'that world' works," she giggled, obviously referring to the sasaengs' business.

"Of course I do," he smirked and began to look around the woman's boutique. "What should I get you first?"

"It's your choice."


"Seriously? Did you finish off his money?!" Hyun Wook asked as he opened the door gate after Hyun Ae pressed the bell with a few shopping bags in both her hands.

"Ya! I'll drown you in that pool- Oh, you're having a date at my house?" Hyun Ae questioned as she saw a glimpse of a familiar girl in her kitchen through the house's glass walls.

"N-Noona, I can explain-"

"No need to. You're dating, I'm dating. So it's a win-win. No more argument. No use. So if you could please help me."

Hyun Ae handed out the shopping bags to her brother, who then took them anyway. Hyun Ae then turned to Namjoon and had her arms around him.

"And... we need some time alone, please," she told Hyun Wook, who responded with a loud annoyed sigh. Hyun Ae gestured for him to leave with her hand and a smirk that was enough for the young one to hold in his anger.

"Huh! I can't believe you're doing this! I hope you guys get married soon so I can have this house to myself alone!" Hyun Wook grumbled, leaving both of them with his sister's stuff in his hands.

Hyun Ae giggled and turned her attention back to Namjoon who gave her a confused look.

"There are times that I just... can't believe that you guys are siblings. I mean... The way you guys fight, sometimes it sounds serious," he chortled, placing his hands on her sides.

"Don't worry about it. It's just our way of bonding, remember? We won't let the day pass without one single argument between us," she softly laughed then she noticed his sudden quiet. "What?"

"I'm just... mesmerized again. By you," he whispered, slowly leaning in towards her.

Smiling, Hyun Ae tightened her arms around his neck and brought him down to her as they began to kiss, passionately.

"Hmph," Namjoon muttered when he suddenly felt vibrations in his pocket. Still having Hyun Ae in his arm, he pulled out his phone and answered the incoming call.

"Hello, Jin hyung? Yes, I'm on my way home. Yes, you can pick me up. I'll be there. I know," he talked into the phone, ending it immediately, and turned back to her.

"Going home?" Hyun Ae whined, clinging to him like a child. Namjoon smiled as he patted her head and caressed her hair.

"Let me kiss you for one last time tonight," he mumbled, leaning again toward her for another quick kiss, before finally letting her go. "Gonna miss you, love."

"Gonna miss you too. Thanks for today, Joonie. I love you," she smiled, patting his cheek tenderly.

"Love you too," he replied, kissing her forehead before he began to leave.

"Take care on your way home," Hyun Ae said, waving her hand at him as he began to walk down the road, slowly disappearing from her view.

Then she sighed.

I really need to brush this feeling away.

*****Months later*****

Hyun Ae looked out the window as she decided to take a quick break from her work.

The restaurant now was a bit quiet since lunchtime was over, and she had some free time to continue planning the next phase of her business.

She began to tap her pen against her notebook while still staring out of the window beside her when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Hey," Henry called out as she turned at him. "What happened? You looked so gloomy. Had a fight?"

"No. it's just..." Hyun Ae sighed, as he pulled out the chair next to her and sat down. "You know that I always have weird feelings before bad things happened..."

"What, you're feeling it again?"

"Ever since I'm with Namjoon. Two... three months?" she sighed again, placing down her pen, and began to run her fingers through her hair in frustration.

Henry watched her in distress because he knew that if she had those bad feelings, most of it would happen anyway. He then shook his head and patted her arm.

"But it will never happen, just be positive," he soothingly said, kept on patting her arm to keep her calm.

"It will happen. I know it will."

"Did you talk about it with him yet?"

"I did, but I won't ask again because I don't want to bother him."

"Bother me with what?"

Suddenly another voice joined them from behind. Both Hyun Ae and Henry turned around, and there was Namjoon, in his usual outfit. All-black with black cap and black face mask.

"Namjoon..." Hyun Ae called out, as she stood and bit her lip.

"Well, talk it with him," Henry said, patting her shoulder before he left both of them alone.

"What is it? Tell me," Namjoon whispered, grabbing both of her hands as he looked into her eyes, feeling concerned.

"I... I..." she stuttered, staring at her hands. "I've been having weird feelings..."

"Again?" Namjoon sighed, cupping her cheek with his hand, and made her look up at him. "I told you, there's nothing to worry about. Believe me. Even if there's anything, nothing will change what we have now."

"I hate it when I'm feeling all this. Something will happen. I know something will," Hyun Ae said, a single tear began to roll down her cheek. "Something that will change our story. Completely."

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You can also find me on AO3 : itsme_NanaMirai & Quotev : itsmeNanaMirai

Last but not least, thank you for reading!

Borahae, Nana <3

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