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"I can't believe that I totally had forgotten about you after that day."

Yoongi sighed, his eyes stuck on the framed note. He glanced over his notebook beside the frame on the table.

Opened up to one particular page where its corner was torn.

Matched the framed one.

That day when I first saw you on the stage, I thought to myself, 'I've seen her before.' And then I realized, how could I forget about my first love?

This rapid heartbeat. The last time it was rapid like this... was when I held you in my arms for the first time.

Seeing you after years, I thought I was dreaming. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. But as I heard you spoke your name...

Park Hyun Ae. A name that rang the bell in my mind from a distant memory. But I still wasn't sure at that time. That it was you.

But the shop. The shop was the answer to my question.

When I first saw the scar, I went speechless. I thought... 'is it her? Is it really her from the past? That same girl? The young one who had bought the shop?'

He let out another heavy sigh, as he leaned back against the chair and stared at the ceiling of the home studio.

You told me your savior was your first love. Not knowing that he was right there beside you all the time.

"Ugh... this is so frustrating," Yoongi mumbled, placing back the note into the drawer before he left the studio and the room.

Suddenly he heard a soft cry. Followed by quick sobs.

"Hyun Ae," he whispered, immediately made his way back to the sofa where she was sleeping, and found her crying in her sleep.

He placed his hand on her shoulder and slowly shook her.

"Hyun Ae? Wake up," he softly called out, and it was enough to wake her up. He sat down on the spot next to her as she sat up and leaned back. "Why are you crying?"

"I... I..." she muttered, hugging herself when actually she needed a hug from anyone else.

She let out a shaky breath, trying to calm herself down. And that was when Yoongi opened his arms for her.

He nodded to her before she scooted closer to him and hugged him as she whispered, "I had a bad dream."

"It was just a dream. Don't worry," Yoongi spoke, patting the back of her head softly as she continued.

"Not only Namjoon... but all of you. All of you are going to leave me because I did something..."

"Don't take it seriously, please," he continued to assure her. "Let me make you something for lunch."

"Lunch? But it's still... 11."

"I don't care. Plus, I want to cook and serve the world-class chef then let her evaluate my cooking."

Hyun Ae giggled, as she moved away from him and began to fold her blanket neatly. "World-class, pfft... I haven't reached that level yet. I'm just a chef," she explained shyly.

"Certified and graduated from a world-class academy."

"Fine. I'll be waiting for the dish," Hyun Ae said, standing up as she tied up her hair.

"Get yourself ready while you're waiting because, after lunch, I'm taking you out," Yoongi told her, rolling up his sleeves as he walked towards the kitchen.

"What? Don't you think that... rumors..."

"I don't care about that anymore. If people are going to leak about us, let them be. Right now, I just want you to feel okay and happy. I know that not having Namjoon around had made you sad," he smiled, tilting his head to one side as Hyun Ae looked at him standing beside the prep area, ready to make something.

"Just use anything you want from the kitchen. I'll be ready."


Hyun Ae quickly made her way down the little steps beside the Cheonggyecheon Stream, going through some visitors and then stopped by the stream banks.

She stared into the clear, flowing water and saw her own reflection in it.

"Hah... This is so refreshing! I can't remember the last time I came here," she claimed, when Yoongi approached her from behind.

She then squatted down and began to reach out her hand towards the clear stream, dipping it into the water.

"What are you doing? Be careful," Yoongi forewarned her, concerned.

"I just want to dip my hand, don't worry," she mumbled, but then she glanced at his reflection in the water, and snickered. When something came into her mind.

She carefully leaned a bit forward and began to lose her balance a bit, but still could control herself from falling.


"Hey!!!" Yoongi shrieked, grabbing both of her shoulders and pulling her away from the stream.

And she could only respond with playful giggles. By that, Yoongi finally got her real intention.

"Don't do that again, will you?"

"Pfft, s-sorry. I didn't know how you would react," she chuckled, dusting away her knees as she stood up beside him.

"Come on now. Let's walk along this stream and reach the end, and then we'll have desserts."

"Desserts? Yeah!" she happily said, clapping her hands as they began to walk side by side. "It's weird that you're here with me now, while the others are... working?"

"I've finished most of my work, so I asked for a day off today. And decided to look for you."

"Wow. Anyone who will get to be with you will be a lucky one. After all the work, the first thing that came to your mind is your loved ones- I-I mean..." she paused for a moment, before clearing her throat. "You got my point, right? Haha..."

It was another moment of silence as they walked, but then this time Yoongi broke the ice.

"Hey, I just wanted to ask. Did you... give up on looking for the guy who saved you?"

"No. No, I'm not giving up. He saved my life. He paid for my treatment and all. Once I meet him, I want to thank him so much for everything. Oh," Hyun Ae stopped in her track, and so was Yoongi before she said, "is he ready to see me?"


"You told me he's your friend, right?"

Right. My friend. It's my heart, you fool.

"Ah... right. Yes, my friend," he chuckled, scratching his head.

"Is he the caring type?" she asked as they continued to walk again.

"W-Well, yes. He's... a bit like me, actually."

"Wah. If only I were still single, I would love to meet him. I really love a caring guy. Like you, oppa," she giggled, making Yoongi a bit flustered. "And Namjoon, of course. Oh, and also. Don't tell him everything that I said. Please? You know, when he gets jealous... aha..."

"Don't worry about that," Yoongi reminded, patting her shoulder as they climbed up the other set of stairs, exiting the stream area.

"Anywhere else you wanna go to next after desserts?" Yoongi asked as they reached the top of the stairs and began to walk along the sidewalk.

"Ah! Hyun Wook's gaming headphones," Hyun Ae blurted out, snapping her fingers.

"What's with it?"

"Well... I kinda... busted it when I borrowed it, and he didn't know it yet."

"Well, I know a place. After desserts, we'll go there, okay?"


Hyun Ae let out a long sigh as her eyes kept on glancing between two different headphones, perfectly displayed before her.

She fell into deep thoughts of choosing the better one for her brother when Yoongi suddenly appeared from behind.

"Found one yet?" he mumbled, his eyes looking around the gadget shop. Thankfully, there were only a few customers in the big shop.

"I..." Hyun Ae grunted, tapping her fingers against the display table. "These two are the latest, but I don't know which one that he will like."

"He'll like everything that you choose. You're his sister," he nodded, patting her shoulder as she picked up one of the headphones and nodded.

"This one looks good," she decided, placing it back and taking one of the headphone's new stock in its box below the table. "Let's go!"

"Wait. You're not getting anything?" Yoongi asked, grabbing her arm. "If you borrowed Hyun Wook's, it means that you don't have one right now, right?"

"Dude. I'm not a millionaire like you, a pair is enough-"

"Look for one."

"No, I'm not- Hey!"

Without any discussion, Yoongi dragged her to a section where another few pairs of high-quality headphones were displayed.

"Oppa, it's fine. I don't need it," Hyun Ae tried to refuse, but then he turned to her with a frustrated look.

"I insisted on buying you one. Can you please let me do so?" Yoongi said, and finally, she gave up.

With a smile now glued to his face, he began to look at each displayed headphone while Hyun Ae watched him in amazement.

Or adore.

I've never seen him this happy. But why? Me? No way. Urgh, it's just me. I'm thinking too much. I guess... his care really had me warm-

Suddenly Yoongi turned to her and put on a big-sized headphone over her head. And because of the size, Hyun Ae's cheeks were squished in between the hardware device.

"Isn't it... a bit too big for me?" Hyun Ae asked, trying to blow out strands of her hair that were loosely hung before her eyes.

She didn't even realize how small her actions had tingled Yoongi's nerves and his heart began to beat faster.

"I-I-It's fine. It's good on you," Yoongi stuttered, reaching out and beginning to poke her cheek with his finger. "You're... chubby. Did you gain weight?"

"Wah. You really asked that, to a girl? Seriously?" Hyun Ae chuckled in disbelief, rolling her eyes as she crossed her arms over her chest. "Fine! Yes, I gained weight!"

"Aw, don't give me that look," he chuckled, as he watched her pouting, still with the headphone over her head. "That's great. You've gained weight, that means you're happy. Isn't it?" he snickered then took the headphone off her head. "I'm buying this for you. Let's go now."


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Last but not least, thank you for reading!

Borahae, Nana <3

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