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"I have to break up with you," Hyun Ae repeated, looking at Namjoon with teary eyes, blurring her vision.

"I'm sorry Namjoon, but it's the best for us."

"You're kidding me, right? You're just playing around-" Namjoon paused, his breath hitched when her head hung lowly and she began to shake her head. "Baby, look at me."

"I am breaking up with you, I'm sorry."

"No, baby, no. Please no. I don't want to break up with you. I still love you-"

"But I don't! I hate you, I hate you! I told you before, that ever since we met, nothing has been going well for me! My life! Everything! Problems come one after another! I can't do it anymore! I'm done! I'm done with everything around me! All I wished, for now, is for you to GET OUT!"

With all her strength, Hyun Ae pushed Namjoon's arms away as she ran out of the studio, directly towards her room in tears.

Hyun Wook, who was in the kitchen, saw everything.

He quickly grabbed Namjoon, who was going after Hyun Ae, crying hard.

"Hyun Wook, she wanted to leave me! She wanted to leave me! Let me go!" he cried, trying to free himself from Hyun Wook's grip as Hyun Ae slammed her room's door shut.

"Hyung, stop! Calm down!" Hyun Wook said, still holding Namjoon on the spot, not letting him go.

"No, I can't! She's breaking up with me-"

"Namjoon hyung! Keep in mind that she's mentally crushed now! Who am I supposed to calm down if both of you broke down like this?!" Hyun Wook frowned, dragging the heartbroken guy toward the kitchen area.

"Get a hold of yourself first. M-Maybe she needs to just... stay away from you for a while. She had gone through a lot, hyung. The most impact Seorim had is on her. Her, alone," Hyun Wook explained, but Namjoon won't stop crying.

"That's why I'm here! I don't want her to be alone-"

Hyun Wook let out a loud sigh as he patted Namjoon's shoulder. "Take a deep breath. I know it's all happening too fast for you, but please... Give her some time. Maybe she just... blurted it out without thinking much. You know, when stress built up..."

"What if she really means it? She said that she's done with everything," Namjoon sniffed, and his cry began to settle down a bit.

Hyun Wook shook his head as he poured water into a glass, bringing it to Namjoon.

He took a gulp and stared at the half-filled glass while being watched by Hyun Wook.

"I caused her troubles. She was right. It's all because of me," Namjoon mumbled after a long silence, still staring at the glass. "If only I never met her, Seorim won't have to do such things to her."

"Please, don't think it like that," Hyun Wook sighed, and he looked over his shoulder at his sister's room.

Suddenly the feeling of worry overwhelmed him.

"Let me just... go check on her," he whispered, not even bothering about Namjoon's response.

He quickly made his way to the door, knocking on it repeatedly.

"Noona? Hyunnie noona? Noo-"

He stopped and put his ear closer to the door.

The clear sound of the heavy shower then followed by a metal clanking against tiles caught his attention. He hastily grabbed the knob, trying to open the door. But it was locked.

"Oh, no," he suddenly panicked and began to run to the back area of the house, while shouting to Namjoon, "hyung, call the ambulance! NOW!"

Namjoon was a bit blurry by Hyun Wook's sudden order, but then Hyun Wook shouted.



From outside the private ward, Hyun Wook watched his sister through the small window on the door. She was laying on the hospital bed with soft breaths under her oxygen mask, while Namjoon was sitting beside her, grabbing her hand in his.

Thank goodness, he was quick in saving Hyun Ae. After using the spare key to open her door, he found her in an unconscious state, sitting in her bathtub filled with cold water, her bleeding wrist was hanging out from the rim of the tub, with its blood dripping on the spot where her cutter had fallen.

"Is she resuming her medication?" the doctor asked Hyun Wook, waking him from his trance. Hyun Wook turned to the doctor and nodded.

"Yes. Her depression, anxiety..."

The nurse beside the doctor began to jot down what he had told the doctor.

"Well, it seems like she's really under a lot of pressure and she had finally reached a dead end. That's why she did it," the doctor clarified.

"I took her joke so lightly. I didn't know that she was going to do it for real."

"She overdosed with this one strong sleeping pill and the ones that she was prescribed. Fortunately, you're quick in stopping the bleeding. She didn't lose a lot," the doctor then let out a sigh, as he reached out to Hyun Wook's shoulder. "I sympathize with what's happening right now to her, Mr. Park. I hope I can help."

"I heard she's in here too, right?" Hyun Wook asked the doctor out of the blue.

And the doctor immediately nodded, knowing that he was referring to Seorim, who was in the same hospital too.

"Y-Yes. But I'll make sure that she's far from being near to your sister," the doctor nodded. "I hope you guys will make it through. I will take care of Hyun Ae until her health is stabilized. It's good to make her sleep for days from now."

Both the doctor and the nurse bowed their heads down and turned to leave. At the same time, Yoon Hee approached Hyun Wook.

"I will find a way to solve this," Hyun Wook muttered, as Yoon Hee held his hand in his, calming him down. "This must be a trap. Seorim is such a-"

"Oh, I was right. She's here. Oh, I'm scared. No wonder the reporters are outside. My attacker was trying to commit suicide," suddenly Seorim said, crossing her arms over her chest as she walked towards Hyun Wook, along with her stylist. "I guessed it was an attempt to get away from what she had done-"

"You listen here, bitch," Hyun Wook snapped, taking a step towards the model as he hissed. "You messed with my sister, you messed with me. I will make you crash just like what you did to her. You filthy whor-"

"Hyun Wook, stop," Yoon Hee whispered, trying to drag him away from Seorim, but when he didn't move at all, she whispered again. "Calm down..."

"You're a coward. A pure, true coward. Using media to drag my sister down? Pfft, pathetic. You are afraid of her, right? You know that she has no connections like you, so you assumed that before anything happens, you must take her down first, right?"

As Hyun Wook ended his rage, Seorim turned pale and without any more words, she grabbed her stylist and began to walk away, making Hyun Wook laugh sarcastically.

"Hey, coward! Why are you running away?! Scared now, huh?! Hey, take note! My sister won over your Namjoonie's heart, how's that?! You motherf... urgh!" Hyun Wook yelled, completely annoyed now.

"Hyun Wook! Stop! This is a hospital. Keep quiet!" Yoon Hee reminded him, pulling his arm down.

"Just looking at her walk, it irritates me!" he huffed, before turning to her. "Where do I start in this matter? I'm so ready to fight that bitc-"

"Shh. Don't say that word, again," she warned, covering his mouth with her hand. "Promise me. Or no kiss-"

Suddenly Hyun Wook quickly leaned in towards her and planted a quick kiss on her lips.

"My booster before fighting. You have always been there for both of us. I love you so much, Yoon Hee," Hyun Wook hummed, pulling her into his arms, and then he heard a mumble. "Hm? What's that? I can't hear you."

"I love you too, you fool," Yoon Hee shyly admitted, still hugging him then she pulled away. "I'll help you. I've known Hyun Ae eonnie for years, so I want to be in this fight too."

Hyun Wook smiled as he patted her head softly and nodded to her. Both of them then opened the door and saw Namjoon with his head down right beside Hyun Ae.

"Namjoon hyung?" Hyun Wook whispered, placing his hand on Namjoon's shoulder softly. "You're okay?"

Namjoon sat up straight and turned to Hyun Wook with red eyes, sniffing.

"Hyun Wook... I..." he paused, then leaned towards Hyun Ae to place a kiss on her forehead. Then he spoke. "I'll leave her to you. I'm sorry I can't do what I've promised to you."


"Please take care of her for me," Namjoon softly said, standing up to leave but Hyun Wook grabbed his arm.

"Stop! So you're giving up on her? Really?" Hyun Wook asked, trying to control himself.

"Hyun Wook, she had said it. We're done."

"You really take that for real?! Take a look at that bed. Who's on that bed right now, huh?" Hyun Wook asked, not trying to be loud as well as he pointed to unconscious Hyun Ae. "That person on that bed right now is fighting from inside and outside!"

"Everything that she had told me was right!" Namjoon suddenly cried out. "Because she was my girlfriend. Because I'm a celebrity," he halted and glanced over to Hyun Ae as he continued, "the attentions are just... too much for her now. The only way that I can help her right now... is to stay away from her."

Namjoon wiped the tears from his cheeks and looked back to Hyun Wook with a weak smile.

"Isn't that right, Hyun Wook? So, for the time being... Please take care of her, for me," Namjoon pleaded, grabbing Hyun Wook's hands. "I-I'll... try to tell the others too, about Hyun Ae."

With that, Namjoon left the room quickly, as if trying to avoid the brother from stopping him again.

"Hyun Wook," Yoon Hee suddenly called out, after Namjoon had closed the door behind him. "W-W-What's happening? What does he mean, 'we're done'? He didn't mean..."

"Exactly what you understood. They had a fight earlier, and noona decided to break up with him," he explained, sitting down on the chair and massaging his head. "Let's just... take a break for today. We'll look for a lawyer tomorrow."


"Sejin hyung? I'm at the elevator lobby now," Namjoon spoke into his phone call with Sejin the manager, as the elevator arrived on the ground level.

'Wait there, I'm coming.'

After ending the call, Namjoon walked towards the corner and saw a group of reporters waiting for him outside.

As he was too engrossed watching the reporters outside, he wasn't aware of Sejin reaching him from behind.

"Hey, you're okay?" Sejin asked, noticing the redness in the leader's eyes as he faced him.

Namjoon just nodded, and Sejin passed him his black cap and face mask, immediately putting them on.

After he took a deep breath and tugged his cap a bit lower, they finally made their way to the entrance and as expected, the reporters began to swarm around him.

Sejin put up his arms around Namjoon to keep the distance between him and the reporters as they walked towards their car through the crowd.

At that moment, Namjoon wished he could just shut off his ears too.

"RM-ssi! Is it true that they were fighting over you?!"

"Kwon Sora claimed that Park Hyun Ae had blackmailed you!"

"Kwon Sora said that both of you were supposed to get married, but Hyun Ae stood in her way! Please say something about it!"

"Is Park Hyun Ae a violent person? Has she ever hit you?!"

What in the world is wrong with all these questions?! Why is everyone attacking Hyun Ae?!

"Namjoon?" Sejin called out when Namjoon suddenly stopped in his tracks and broke down in tears.

He fell to his knees, covering his face with his hands as he continued to cry hard, accompanied by the sound of cameras clickings around him.

"Everyone, go away! He needs some space, please! Go away!" Sejin yelled, putting his arms around the fallen leader, lifting him back to his feet, and quickly making their way to the car, leaving the crowd behind.

When suddenly a girl grabbed Namjoon's arm as the car door opened.

"RM-ssi! RM-ssi! I can help her! I seriously can help her! Please, can we meet and talk-"

"Sorry, young miss! Do not touch him!" Sejin growled, pulling the girl's hand off Namjoon's arm.

"But this is about Park Hyun Ae! I can help her, I seriously can help her!" the girl shrieked, right before the door slammed right in her face, but she won't give up, so she tried to look through the tinted window.

"Urgh! RM-ssi! Please!" she called out, tapping on the window, right before the crowd came back and the girl had to back away as the car left the area.

The girl let out a frustrated sigh, and so were the other reporters.

She looked at the crowd silently and made her way to the hospital's entrance back.

She stopped, and glanced over her shoulder, watching the reporters begin to disperse, being done with the night.

No one heard me, right? The girl looked at her camera, then up at the hospital building.

"I must help you."


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You can also find me on AO3 : itsme_NanaMirai & Quotev : itsmeNanaMirai

Last but not least, thank you for reading!

Borahae, Nana <3

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