Epilogue pt 5

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"No!" Yeon Hwa screamed, snapping her arm off of his grip. She was too terrified, so she quickly climbed off the bicycle and it fell to one side as she rushed towards Namjoon.

"Papa, call Uncle Wook," she whimpered, trembling as she threw her arms around his neck.

"What?" Namjoon mumbled and began to lift her before the same guy pointed his finger at him.

"Hey, your hands off of my daughter!" he yelled, walking towards them.

"No! Quick, call Uncle Wook!" Yeon Hwa cried in panic, hugging tight onto Namjoon in fear.

Namjoon patted her back softly, just to realize that her body was trembling. He looked at the guy and began to take a few steps away from him.

"Whoever you are, stay away for now. I'm calling Hyun Wook first," Namjoon said, pulling out his phone from his pocket, and immediately making the call.

"Hello, Namjoon hyung? What is it?"

"Hyun Wook. Seoul Forest Park, please. Come here quick, there's a guy who is trying to take Yeon Hwa from me," Namjoon informed, whispering into his phone.

"What? Oh no, not him. Wait there, I'll be there as fast as I could. And just keep her away from him."

When Namjoon ended the call, the unknown guy reached out to Yeon Hwa, but Namjoon was fast to move away when she kept on crying.

"Yeon Hwa, it's okay. I'm good now. Where's your mama?" the guy said, in a pleading manner.


"Please, stay away! If you're making her feel uncomfortable, it is best to stay away from her!" Namjoon warned the guy, holding out one arm to him, setting a distance between the guy and them.

"Who are you, huh?! What are you doing with my daughter?"

"If she's your daughter, then why is she trying to stay away from you?!"

"Fine. You called Hyun Wook, right? Let's wait for him then," the guy smirked, putting his hands into his pockets.

"Let's go, please," Yeon Hwa whimpered, not even trying to look up. Namjoon walked to where the bicycle was. He grabbed the handlebar and dragged it to the nearest bench, sitting there as he sat the terrified girl on his lap.

"Yeon Hwa, Yeon Hwa. Tell me, who is he? What did he do?" Namjoon asked, trying to calm the kid down as her breathing sounded unstable.

"He was with mama... And I don't like him..." she mumbled in between her heavy sobs.

Whoever that guy was, Namjoon was sure that he had terrified Yeon Hwa so much. The girl couldn't stop sobbing to the point she began to hiccup.

Namjoon quickly grabbed her mineral water and rubbed her back.

"Yeon Hwa, it's okay. I'm here, don't worry. Breathe in and out slowly, okay?" he soothingly said, letting her drink.

While Namjoon was watching the guy, who was standing by a tree that was a few meters away from the bench that they were sitting on, and watching them back.

About ten to fifteen minutes had passed, and the sound of someone running towards the bench caught Namjoon's attention. Also the mysterious guy's attention.

Namjoon immediately stood up, lifting Yeon Hwa in his arms, and turned to Hyun Wook as he asked.

"Namjoon hyung, where is he-"

"Hyun Wook, hey. It has been a while-"

Suddenly Hyun Wook grabbed the guy's collar and pushed him away.

"Why are you here? Why are you back? You want money again? You're trying to get Hyun Ae back, aren't you?" Hyun Wook raged, standing in front of the guy as he was trying to protect both Namjoon and Yeon Hwa behind him.

"I was walking around and saw Yeon Hwa. Can't I just say 'hi' to her?" the guy chuckled, waving his hand at Yeon Hwa, who immediately turned away and hugged Namjoon tight.

"Don't you see how terrified she is? She's a kid, and she remembered everything you did before her eyes. She will always remember it!"

"That was in the past!"

"Who cares?! Now go! Go!"

"I'll claim what was once mine," the guy whispered, cocking his eyebrow at Namjoon before he walked away.

Hyun Wook heaved a relieved sigh as he sensed Namjoon was standing beside him now.

"Hyun Wook, what was that?" he asked, his other hand busy in rubbing Yeon Hwa's back, still trying to calm her down.

Hyun Wook patted her head softly, and Namjoon noticed his sad expression.

"Park Hyun Wook. I want an explanation."


"So, Dongju was... Hyun Ae's staff... that used to have feelings for her, but she rejected him a few times, until one day..." Namjoon paused and sighed before he proceeded.

"He almost... rape her... in her house..."

"Yeah," Hyun Wook muttered, adjusting Yeon Hwa in his arms, sleeping with her head on his shoulder.

"Oh no..." Namjoon whispered, softly patting her head, trying not to wake her. "Then why did he keep saying that Yeon Hwa is his daughter?"

"He had convinced the kid that he would be her father soon and did things that would make her believe in him. You know how Yeon Hwa wanted a father."

Namjoon went quiet as he stared at the kid, remembering how happy she was after calling him 'papa'.

"Until that one night, when Yeon Hwa saw everything that he did to Hyunnie noona. She then ran to the observatory hut, as her mama had told her, and locked herself in, instantly calling me. Thank goodness, that time I was on my way home. Imagine it. She was five when it happened."

"Poor kid..." Namjoon sighed, leading Hyun Wook toward his car that was parked in the lot.

"I'd never thought that he would be here," Hyun Wook said, standing by the car as he waited for Namjoon to unlock it.

"It's my fault, I'm so sorry," Namjoon apologized.

"No, don't blame yourself. It's no one's fault. Thank goodness you called me, and I was on my way to the restaurant," Hyun Wook smiled, and carefully passed Yeon Hwa back to Namjoon after he reclined the front passenger seat so the girl could sleep comfortably.

Yeon Hwa woke up for a moment, but then fell asleep again after Namjoon had fastened her seatbelt, mumbling her thanks to him.

He turned back to Hyun Wook, only to discover him smiling at him.

"I heard her," Hyun Wook smirked.


Hyun Wook chuckled, then patted Namjoon's shoulder as he said, " that she called you 'papa'."


"She looks so cute when she sleeps," Namjoon said, looking through the back window of Hyun Wook's car, watching Yeon Hwa fast asleep in the back passenger seat.

"Thank you for taking care of her, Namjoon-ssi," Yoon Hee thanked him as she stood by him.

"You're welcome. Hopefully, a week was enough for you and Hyun Wook. If you need more alone time, just call me in," he offered.

They heard the sound of the restaurant's main door being closed behind them and locked by Hyun Wook after the business reached its closing time.

"Alright, that's the end of the day," Hyun Wook huffed, stretching himself as he approached them. "Ah, Namjoon hyung. Are you busy tomorrow?"

"Um... why are you asking?"

"Would you like to go to the airport with us? Hyunnie noona is coming home tomorrow."

Namjoon's heartbeat went fast instantly. He froze in his spot, staring at Hyun Wook with a shocked look on his face.

"B-But... I thought... she'll be back a bit later..."

"She got permission to come back home early to prepare for the little one's birthday party," Hyun Wook smiled.

But Namjoon couldn't.

He knew that meeting her was what he had always wanted, but to him, this was all too sudden. He wasn't sure if he were ready to see her again after seven years.

"I uh... I'm uh..." he stuttered, and suddenly Hyun Wook laughed.

"It's okay. I understand. I was just asking because I was thinking to come with you as a surprise," he chuckled. "Maybe... you're not ready yet. We can surprise her on the day of Yeon Hwa's birthday then."

"Hyun Wook, how sure are you that she wanted to see me again?" Namjoon asked.

"Hundred percent, hyung. A hundred percent."


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Last but not least, thank you for reading!

Borahae, Nana <3

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