Chapter Four - The New Family

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Lilli woke with sunlight streaming through her windows. Ana was pulling back the curtains, making the princess groan.

"Come on Princess. Time to rise and shine!" Ana said enthusiastically. Her maple brown hair was in a tight bun and her simple tan uniform gown looked freshly clean. Lilli slammed her head back down on her pillows and drew the blankets over her face. She heard Ana chuckle and then footsteps. With a swift movement, the blankets were whipped off of Lilliana.

"But Ana-"

The maid silenced her. "Nope. No buts. We've got a party to plan." She said nearly dragging Lilli out of her bed. "Your bath is ready and your clothes are laid out. Go bathe while I fetch your breakfast." Ana said. She strode out of the room, leaving Lilli standing in front of her full length mirror. Her hair was a mess and she had bags under her eyes. She tossed and turned all night and barely got any sleep. She went into her bathroom and stripped. She stepped into the bath tub and soaked. She washed her blonde hair and then dried off. Stepping back into her room she saw Ana at her vanity. Ana glanced over at Lilli. "Your dress is on the chair over there and your breakfast is by your bed." She said without looking over. She was organizing and choosing a mask and makeup for Lilli for the day.

She looked over at the dress that was layed out for her. It was a silver knee length dress that was studded with diamonds at the top. It had spaghetti straps that were accented with black that matched the few swirls of black in the dress. Ana's back was to her and Lilli dropped her towel and dressed quickly. She slid the straps over her shoulder, then she felt Ana zipping up her dress.

"There. Now let's get the rest of you ready." Ana said softly and guided Lilli to the vanity. Lilli watched as Ana gently put the mask on her face. It was a white with silver adorning the sides and diamonds lined the swirls, just like her dress. The cord that kept her mask up went under a layer of hair which hid the thin cord from sight. Her hair was braided then put into a bun. Ana stepped back and admired her work.

"Beautiful. Now here are some silver flats that go with your dress." She said setting them by Lilli who was finishing up her breakfast. She quickly slipped the mask back down her face and stood, slipping into the silk shoes. "Now you best be going." Ana stated. Lilli took a deep breath. She was ready to meet them. She opened her door and stepped out, hearing it click behind her. The guards stiffened and one stepped out, ready to escort her. It was Officer Curt who was assigned as her escort since she turned ten. He went where she went unless told otherwise. They walked in silence to the lounge. It was where everyone else was.

They arrived in no time. "Good luck Princess." Officer Curt stated. Lilli nodded to him and entered the room. All eyes turned to her as she strode in. Back straight head high. She told herself. Her father's eyes gleamed as she sat down next to her brother. Next to him was her mother and her, her father was at the head of the table. Along the other side of the table was the other family. The king next to her father and the Queen next to him. The brothers sat after them and at the end, a girl. This confused Lilli. Why was there another child at the table. Surely she didn't forget about another child did she? She pondered this for a bit until the foreign king spoke.

"Thank you for welcoming us. As you know I am King Mallard. My wife here is Queen Amber. And Calex here." He said pointing at the Prince with the gold eyes. "Is my heir. He will be taking over the kingdom when he comes of age in two years at the age of eighteen." Lilliana stared in shock. Not only had she yelled at one of the Prince's but she yelled at the heir. The heir to a kingdom that could destroy her's.

The king went on as Lilli sat there confused and embarrassed. "Aspen and James are twins. Only two years younger." It wasn't that hard to figure out. Their dark hair and emerald green eyes made it seem like they were exact. Except Aspen was a few inches taller and more muscular than James. "Then there's Mallard who thirteen." The boy waved politely and smiled. "And Phillip is eleven. Our youngest boy."

Lilli was astonished with the amount of kids they had.

Queen Amber spoke next. "And our very youngest is Princess Elena, who is seven." The small girl waved, blond hair framing her bright blue eyes.

Lilli gave a small chuckle, raising her hand slightly to wave back. The two kings continued to talk, seemingly about nothing, and Lilli turned her head slightly, looking around the room. She ran her eyes over each of her guests, until she reached the last person. Calex Amare stared back at her, a slight smirk on his face.

Lilli moved her gaze until she saw everyone stand. She to stood as the King's exchanged goodbyes and everyone started filing out. Princess Elena was eyeing Lilliana weirdly and as they stepped through the door she spoke. " Why are you wearing that mask?" She blurted. Queen Amber shushed the small girl.

"Ele! You know better than to ask questions like that." She scolded.

" No no. It's quite alright." Lilliana said. Her mother glared daggers at her while Queen Amber stared blankly at her.

The Royals all parted ways and Lilli started walking to her room.

Until the glass windows by her shattered.

Shout out to SkyWing_Life for just being amazing! Please go follow them because they deserve it.

What do you think show happen next?

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