Part 7

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Eren ending -

Y/n pov-

Eren asked me that question and i immediately had flashbacks of levi asking the same and then betray me for a whore who was giving her body to give her money

"Eren.." i called out softly "you do realise i am getting divorced right?? I don't want me to get hurt again i don't trust anyone now..." I said sobbing

He was silent for sometime "i know you are not ready to love me. But trust me y/n i will wait for you my whole life i want you to be happy with me and start a new life with me i want to wake up every morning to see you beside me and trust me i will never be that asshole who did this to you. I will gain your trust" he said and looked at me with those loving eyes

"Ok... But you have to court me first i can't trust anyone anymore after what he did to me" i said softly "ok I will do anything for you to trust me" he said and kissed me "sleep now i think i went too hard on you" he said i Hit his chest he laughed

With that he did gain my trust and after 3 years i finally overcame the trust issues levi had given me i took eren as my beloved husband

"Y/n stop being stubborn it's 2 am it's mid night no shop will be open honey try to understand.." eren called me "closed my foot!! I want to eat pickels now!!!" I whined as i was 4 months pregnant with a baby boy

"See baby your dad doesn't love us anymore " i told my bump "no baby daddy loves his baby and his mommy a lot it's just that she is acting stubborn right now " he said to the bump

"Baby you know me very well i don't act stubborn!!!" I said and pouted "okok my baby i will but you pickels" eren laughed getting up from bed

"But i don't want pickels anymore" i said and looked down eren frowned "what do you want honey??" He asked "i want 5 kisses and now!!!" He laughed again and pecked me five times

I smiled "let's sleep now!!" I said and we cuddled the night

Author pov-

After completion of 9 months y/n gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Her company is managed by eren and soon they welcomed a baby girl to the family and lived happily

Levi... Well y/n forgave him but did not forget he is like a stranger to her.

y/n forgot the fact that they were ever lovers to begin with.

Levi opened up a cafe more like a tea place and lived single his whole life as he was guilty of breaking his ex wife's heart and the love of his life's heart

Petra nobody knows what happened to her. Oluo got married to someone else who loved him as he was



Levi ending -

Y/n pov-

"No... I am sorry eren but i can't..." I said sadly he looked down "it's him right" he asked i nodded feeling guilty "he was my first love... I want to give him a chance even though i will feel pathetic about it i want to hear him out on why he decided to cheat on me. My self respect is already gone when i decided to sleep with my best friend for revenge" i said

"I am sorry eren hope you understand" i said he nodded his head "yeah i do let's just be normal like normal" he said and smiled i hugged him "omg we are still naked" i said he laughed oh we are princess" i hit him "okok jeez"

Timeskip the next day...

I texted levi that i wanted to talk to him he replied immediately that he would meet me in my house and i agreed

Now we are here sitting infront of each other

"Do you want to explain why you did that??" I asked he immediately nodded saying yes

"I didnt know i am sorry i was really really really drunk and i just got addicted i guess i dont know why I did what I did but please trust me i will never do it again...." He said looking down (i know many of you will complain about this but he is making up excuses to get her back as he is desperate to have her if you don't like this ending then eren ending would have been best for you)

"Ohh so you are going to sleep with anyone who you feel pity for huh!!?? Then what about me damn it!!?? Didn't you think our relationship would be broken because you felt pity for a whore!!!???" I screamed at him

He was looking down "i know i did wrong but i will prove myself if you give me a chance..." He said sobbing

"Ok..." I said and his eyes lit up "don't get your hopes up i need time away from you....don't worry i won't divorce you or anything but i need time " i said he nodded understanding my situation

10 years later...

Levi courted me for 9 years i torchered  him for 9 years. He proved himself that he loves me. We adopted a baby girl as i didn't want to touch him or him to touch me just yet but i will give him a chance one day I dont know when but i know he will make me trust him more...

The end..

I didn't want to make a levi ending as i wanted y/n to have self respect but i did because someone requested me to make it

Hope you enjoyed it!!

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