16| Nightmare

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~Ryobo's Dream~

I woke up and yawned a little, stretching the tiredness out of me, before I looked around the room.

It felt like everything was just a normal ordinary dream until I noticed the window curtains were torn, making them look like they were old even though they're not.

Cool air was circulating into the room while fog was seeping in the room through the window, which was broken, making me shiver a little from the cool room.

Good thing I always wear my grey hoodie, especially in my dreams.

But, something didn't feel right.

It felt really wrong and the atmosphere in the house and the very room I was in, felt low.

That kind of low atmosphere made me feel fear and anxiety. I could even feel my heart beating in my chest as if someone was watching me in the room, with a powerful intention on wanting to kill me.

But, no one was in the room when I got up and checked every nook and cranny in there. Especially the closet and the bathroom.

However the sudden smell of death is what I immediately noticed. It smelled so sickening that I actually wanted to gag or throw up.

This was raising a red flag.

Heading out of the room to see if anyone was okay or around, my heartbeat started increasing, pounding so hard in my chest that I could actually feel it right now.

"Okay, I'm taking back what I thought earlier. Something's really wrong here for my heart to be beating like this..." I thought to myself as I rested my hand on my chest, while suddenly getting the feeling that someone's actually watching me this time.

Looking over my shoulder and turning around, since that feeling felt stronger where my back is, I suddenly froze as my fear was immediately increased.

At the far end of the hallway, were two glowing green eyes staring at me in the darkness, just watching me and my every move.

It made my skin crawl.

The only monster I know who has green eyes when they behave more like their horrortale self was...

That's when my face paled as I immediately realized who.


I'm having a nightmare about her horrortale self.

Just exactly as I thought, the figure with the glowing green eyes stepped out of the shadows, revealing none other than Horrortale Toriel.

There were tears in her eyes, making me want to come over and hug her, but, I wasn't falling for that trick, knowing what would happen if I did hug Horrortale Toriel.

"Ryobo..." She went as she held the poison filled syringe that Itachi destroyed before, and the knife that she attacked me and Undyne with.

"I'm so sorry! I don't know what's wrong with me! I-I suddenly felt something trying to consume me on the inside and I killed everyone out of cold blood!" Toriel said tearfully, as I was shocked in despair, not wanting to believe it.

"Y-You gotta be j-joking. Right? This is just one of those halloween pranks where everyone puts fake blood on themselves and played dead, just to scare the person that they're pranking on! R-Right??" I went as I chuckled a bit in fear.

Toriel shook her head "No" before showing me the knife, making me notice right off the bat that it was bloodstained and that the blood was actually real.

"No....There's no way that you'd do this, Tori! You're too much of an angel and a precious cinnamon roll to hurt anyone except when it comes to fighting or defending yourself!" I said as I shook my head in disbelief.

"Those words are very kind and sweet of you, Ryobo, I appreciate that so much." Toriel says tearfully.

I wanted to hug her so bad, but my mind was screaming "No! Resist it!" to me.

If she's trying to tempt me to hug her so she could kill me while I'm hugging, then she's doing a really good job at it.

"Tori, I know what you're doing. But, I'm not gonna fall for that, no matter how sad and real it sounds. Even though the blood on the knife and you mentioning that you killed everyone in here, is the truth, I'm not gonna fall for it." I said after taking in a deep breath before sighing.

At first, there was just silence between me and Toriel for what felt like a few seconds, as Toriel lowered her head a little, while a shadow fell over her eyes.

We just stood there, before Toriel just giggled for no reason and out of nowhere, which soon turned into maniacal laughter as she rested her hands on the sides of her face.

"Looks like you saw right through me, my child. Very well done!" Toriel chuckled insanely as she looked at me, her glowing green eyes still fixed on me.

Without any warning, she suddenly ran at me and tackled me, making me scream in fear as she had me pinned down while the knife was raised, ready to come down and stab me, as Toriel had the syringe ready to be inserted into my neck, so she'd kill me at the same time she brings that knife down on me.

"Your reward for seeing through me, however, is death!!!" She laughed.

Of course, I started to struggle as I gripped her wrists, doing everything I can in my willpower to keep the knife and syringe away from me.

Until an idea suddenly came across my mind.

However, I did get stabbed a few times while I was trying to keep Toriel from killing me, before I immediately had the knife flipped over and had the blade facing towards her, as I immediately stabbed her arm.

Toriel screamed out in pain as she letted go and got off of me, dropping the syringe, while her arm bled.

It pained me to see her bleeding and hurt like this, along with me hurting her, but I had no choice.

As Toriel pulled the knife out, that was my cue to immediately start running as she gave chase after me, laughing as she did so, after I snatched the syringe up from the floor.

I ran past the dead bodies of Undyne, Alphys, and my little brother, exiting out of the house and running back to Toriel's house, knowing there was no time to say goodbye to them when I'm being chased by Horrortale Toriel...

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