49| Euna's Hatred

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Ruby's POV ⚡️

"I didn't realize I resembled so much of Chara, just by my looks and my personality, to you." I say after we just sat there in silence for a few seconds, once we both were finished eating the pie and had gotten up to clean the dishes, we just used to eat the pie out of, in the kitchen.

"Yeah...I dunno why I'm suddenly talking about her. It's really unlikely of me." Toriel replied before sighing.

"Maybe it's because you were thinking about her so much that you unconsciously felt like talking about her." I went as I looked at her, after the dishes were put away with the clean ones.

"Yeah. I think so too." She chuckled a little before ruffling my head.

I squealed a little in surprise over that, making Toriel laugh at my reaction and continue to mess my hair up a lot more.

"Ahahaha! Stop! Lemme gooo!" I giggled before Toriel letted go of me as I requested.

"My god, you almost remind me so much of Ryobo's mother and my mother."

"I do?" Toriel went as she cutely tilted her head to the side a little, curiously.

I nodded before hugging Toriel.

Smiling, I felt Toriel hug me back in response, before we parted the hug.

She surprisingly felt so warm, soft, and smelled really nice too.

Almost just like how Ryobo feels and smells like when you hug him.

Unfortunately, not all nice moments leave with a happy ending, because at that moment, me and Toriel suddenly heard a loud crashing sound from the room where Ryobo and Toriel share and where Euna is at for the moment.

Hurrying out of the kitchen and the living room, before going down the hallway, we went to check and see what happened.

Ryobo's POV ❄️


As Ruby and Toriel were minding their own business out at the living room, I just sat at the desk and was drawing, minding my own business too.

For a bit, everything was quiet and peaceful until I heard a groan, making me glance over before noticing that Euna was starting to gain consciousness.

And when I checked over to see how she was, Euna immediately became fully awake and aware of me.

Without any warning, Euna kicked me by the stomach, getting me off of her, before I was kicked in the balls next.

"Argh! Euna, what the hell?!" I went as I held my crotch in pain, only she immediately swung her leg next, hitting me by the side of my face and making me fall to the floor, as a loud crashing sound was heard next.


Then Euna snapped the ropes apart to free both of her tied up hands before she started beating the shit out of me, by punching me in the face.

"In all situations like these, why does it always gotta be my face and crotch that people immediately target?!" I thought to myself as I was still getting beaten up.

"You. Filthy. Hybrid!" Euna screamed at me as she was punching.


As Euna was saying that, I saw tears in her eyes again, as she was punching me.

"I HATE YOU! I WISH YOU, YOUR BROTHER, AND YOUR FRIENDS WERE DEAD!!!" Euna says next, before she gave me one more final, hard punch in the face.

Through out the entire time she was punching me in the face, Ruby and Toriel had immediately came over and witnessed Euna beating the shit out of me as she was on top of me.

At one point, Ruby decided that enough was enough because she got Euna wrapped and caught up in her lightning whip before electrocuting her, making Euna scream loudly in pain and fall to the floor on her side, as she passed out again.

But, Ruby said it was only gonna be a few minutes this time.

And as for Toriel, she hurried over to me and asked if I was okay while she was starting to heal me up with her powers.

"Yeah. I'm okay...Thanks, Tori." I replied before rubbing her back soothingly in response to her question.

Then I heard Toriel sigh in relief a little to that, as she pulled me into a hug, once my face was completely healed up.

"For someone like Euna, she's pretty savage in beating someone up." I mentioned as I looked over at Ruby.

"Yeah. But, I'll tame the wild Euna beast soon before you know it..." Ruby replies, making me and Toriel laugh a little at the small joke she said, even though she's being serious at the same time.

"Please do." Toriel says as she nods.

Ruby nods back in response, before she looked over at Euna, almost like she was giving her a piercing gaze.

"I don't know what it is about her, but, something's off...Is she wanting to tell us something, only she's too angry at and scared of us to say it?" Toriel asked as she looks at Ruby.

"For once, I was thinking the same thing too." Ruby replies as she looked back at Toriel.

"I'll try talking to her about it when she gains consciousness right about...now."

Right on cue, Euna woke up before noticing us and the lighting whip she was tied up in.

In response after seeing that, she immediately had a terrifying pissed off look on her face, in which didn't scare nor did it even phase Ruby or us at all.

"You bastards..." Euna growled as she just sat there, knowing she wouldn't be able to get herself to stand up.

"What the hell do you want with me, huh? To interrogate information out of me, so, you'd know what my plans are? Join forces with you? Tell you about my so called 'tragic past' that every villain has in a story or a movie, and why I became who I am today?

Why don't you just face the facts already?

Sweet talking, charm speaking, bribing or sugar coating everything by being so nice, innocent and really pure to me, isn't gonna get me to spill the beans and tell you what it is you want to know or to hear from me."

"For once, Euna has a point." I thought to myself as we heard her say that.

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