Couch Potatoes

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Waking up, Vivi's gaze was met with a sleeping, honey-complected man. Last night they wore each other out in the most wonderful ways possible then Ken ran a nice hot bubble bath for her. Looking at him, she brought her hand up and gently caressed his face along his jaw line. Ken smiled but didn't open his eyes.

'I finally found you, my King.'

Vivi gave him a soft kiss then went to get out of bed. Again her movements were hampered by strong arms around the waist pulling her into a firm, muscled torso from behind.

"Morning my beautiful Queen."

'Did he hear me? Did I say that out loud?'

Ken buried his face into the nape of her neck and caressed her shoulder with his lips from behind. Vivi was fine until the horny devil nipped her neck. She surprised him by flipping him over and pinning him to the bed. That had his attention and he was wide awake. They had only been sleeping for a couple of hours, so Vivi thought he would sleep most of the day.

"Hmm...I let you do that, you know?"

"And what else are you going to let me do?" Vivi gave him a devilish smirk as she straddled him, her hands still pinning his shoulders to the bed as he rested between her full and meaty thighs.

"Baby, you can do whatever you want."

Vivi bent down to capture his lips but he pulled her back down onto the bed to whisper in her ear. "But I warn you, I'll have my turn later."

Smiling, Vivi's lips started at his neck and worked their way down slowly and with focused attention.

Showered and feeling refreshed, the two shared one more kiss then got ready to leave for Osaka. Vivi couldn't stop laughing to herself because Ken was walking around with a smile on his face. The two had completely lost track of time when they noticed the sun was just starting to rise.

"What time is it?!" Vivi had put her phone in her purse and didn't feel like getting it out. Ken fumbled around for his.

"Hahaha! It's only 6am!"

"What?! You mean to tell me we spent the entire night..." Vivi walked up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. "...we spent the entire night enjoying each other."

"Indeed we did beautiful! We can sleep later."

"We'll have to! Are you going to be okay to drive with no sleep?"

"I'll be fine babe. As long as you don't do anything irresistibly sexy on the way there, I'll be fine." Ken bounced his eyebrows at her.



Vivi shook her head and Anubis groaned.

"Hey, come here." Ken wrapped her in another hug "I've waited a long time to have someone like you in my life Vivi. I'm going to enjoy every second of it and spoil you rotten, so get used to it, beautiful."


It took two trips to the car to load everything up. The second trip was mostly for Anubis; bed and toys with the attentive canine strictly supervising the moving of his belongings. His favorite toy, a ratty, old stuffed duck, he carried himself as he did not trust the humans with it's welfare. Pup had his own blanket covering the back seat for his comfort and as soon as he was in the jeep, he laid down.

The jeep was loaded and headed down the highway by 6:45 in the morning. With the light traffic it didn't take Ken as long as he thought it would to get to Osaka. The two were fairly quiet on the drive there, Vivi taking in the passing scenery.

"Penny for your thoughts." Ken took hold of Vivi's hand and gave it a kiss, his regular go to thing to do in the car now.

"Just enjoying our time together hon."

"Mn. Do you have a lot to move over here?"

"No. When I get back I'm selling off everything. I just want to move my clothes and a few knick knacks so I'll probably have like, two, maybe three large suitcases to check plus a carry on."

"Okay, I'll stay till that Friday then I have to get back for some meetings; I'll fly back the week after that and help."

"Look at you trying to hurry up and get me moved! You don't have to fly back and forth hon."

"I know but I want to make sure things go okay. A King is nothing without his strong, beautiful Queen by his side!"

'Ah hell...'

Vivi gave a soft chuckle. Ken definitely had no issue letting her know what was on his mind and how he felt about her. All she could think was about time. She had waited long enough to find someone worthy enough to let into her life fully and here he was, happy to have her in his life as well.

Making it to Osaka, Vivi had her window down to look at all the interesting sights. The city was much more to her speed as Ken pulled into his parking spot in a gated area. The apartment he lived in wasn't that big so there was no need for a garage. Getting out of the jeep, Vivi stretched and let Anubis out the back, the dog stretching as well with a perfect downward dog pose.



"Will you head up and fix us something to eat? I'm starving."

"Yeah, you want anything special?"

"No. whatever you fix I know will be delicious."

Ken handed her the keys and went to take Anubis for a walk. Vivi took the box of food up to the apartment and Ken told her he would bring the rest of the items up when he got back.

Walking into the apartment, Vivi took a deep breath. The place felt amazing and inviting. Box of food items on the table, Viv opened blinds and the patio door, flooding the space with light and fresh air. Viv needed to get going on something for lunch and making the banana bread. Lunch was just a simple stirfry and rice, giving her time to fix the loaves of banana bread. By the time Ken returned, Vivi had a loaf of bread in the small oven. It could only hold one loaf pan so it would take most of the day to bake all four of them. She wanted 2 for them and 2 for his parents. Since they didn't get that much sleep the night before, she would bake the ones for his parents now and theirs later.

"Mmm, smelling good babe."


Ken walked over for his customary kiss which Vivi was happy to give. Anubis plopped down on his bed which was in front of the patio door. After bringing everything in from the jeep, Ken had a seat at the table and Vivi brought him over the cup of coffee he requested before going back outside.

Lunch over and both loaves of banana bread resting on the counter for the parents, the two of them chilled out on the couch. Neither wanted to watch anything so Ken just had some nice lo-fi playing in the background. Vivi had taken a quick shower after baking and Ken had taken one before lunch so they were both in their 'couch potato fashion'.

With Ken resting against the arm of the couch, Vivi was resting in front of him, back to chest with his arms wrapped around her. Vivi had her hair down and Ken was enjoying running his fingers through it. They had taken a brief nap earlier but for some reason neither were tired.

The few times that Vivi tried to talk about work, Ken quickly put a stop to it. This was their time and work was not going to be a part of it.

After resting for a couple of hours, Vivi got up to get their things put away. She had only brought food for today so they would need to got to the grocery store at some point. Up and moving about, Ken still rested on the couch. Even though his eyes were closed, she could tell he was very much awake. Clothes put up and boxes set off to the side, she carefully sat on the edge of the couch to give him a quick kiss.

"Yes beautiful?" Ken just laid there enjoying the fact that he didn't have to do anything at that moment.

"What time are we going to your parents?"

"Ohhh, let me get up, change and take the horse out for a quick walk." Opening his eyes, he turned and smiled at her. "They are going to love the banana bread. Now mom will always expect us to bring something good to eat when we visit."

"I don't mind!"

"Spoiling her already." Shaking his head, Ken gave her one more kiss then got up to change. Vivi wrapped the two loaves of banana bread in parchment paper as that's the only thing that was available and tied the bundles off with some twine. Since this was just a casual visit, Vivi pulled her hair back in a ponytail. She had on some olive capris and a nice but loose button up grey shirt. Comfortable walking shoes were at the door.

As Ken was coming from the back, Vivi put the wrapped loaves in a tote and grabbed a bottle of the wine she had delivered.

"You're giving them my precious wine?!"

"Yes...You'll get more sugar, don't worry."

Ken came up and wrapped her in a hug from behind. "I know."

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