New Goals

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"Vivi, I'm going to tell you this because you really are good at what you do. If Duncan does get the president position, quit, do you understand?"


"Yes. Do not let the Petra group ruin your name in this industry. Just between me, you and the deep blue sea; you don't need the Petra group. You Vivi, can do your own thing. Start your own consulting business! You have the skills and know how. Use my name if you want, I'll send you as many referral letters as you need vouching for your abilities."

"Are you serious Diane?"

"Yes! I am not playing around Vivi. After the shit the majority of the board has pulled, I'm deadly serious. I'm here till you get back from Japan. I'll know the board's decision by this Friday afternoon. I'll let you know what it is. While you're in Japan, you need to sit down and decide what's best for you my dear. There are so many doors that can open up for you as an independent consultant."

"Wow, to be honest, the reason I'm going back to Japan might turn into something serious. I was wondering what I would do if it did."

"Fate is talking to you Vivi Williams. Don't be afraid to listen. Look, the Monday after you get back, there is going to be a huge industry convention, it's like a giant networking event. You my dear, need to be there!"

The two walked slowly back to the office, Vivi intently listening to everything her boss was telling her. For her boss to divulge as much as she was to her, that meant a lot and she was going to take it seriously.

"If you can, have business cards with you, YOUR business cards. I know two weeks isn't a lot of time, especially with you being on vacation and all. By that Friday when you leave; wait, let's step into this coffee shop. It's not safe to talk about this in the office."

"Okay. Diane, thank you; seriously. This means a lot to me that you trust me this much to help me like this."

"Of course dear. You remind me of myself when I was young. Don't worry, I'm going to do this for every one of the assistants and the guys in IT. Most of the Reps are already kissing Duncan's ass, they can fend for themselves."

Vivi got an ice tea and Diane a latte, this time Vivi paid as a small way to say thanks.

"Okay Vivi, you have your ipad?"


"Now, get some business cards for yourself made. Also make sure you have a professional linkedin profile and have it ready to go live when you get back to the states. Make sure to list the deals you've closed on, that will be a big plus. You walk into that convention like you did your interview. If you can, set up a website for yourself, and none of this free trial by XYZ stuff. Let's see, business cards, linkedin, website, oh! I'll type up a letter of reference for you and send it to you tomorrow. So, the companies you want to target are on the second level, that's where the international firms are. With your language skills, if they are worth a damn they will jump at the change to add you to their team. Get contracts for yourself in order. This is the contact information for our contract lawyer." Diane texted Viv a business card for the lawyer. "He's good with international contracts and worth the price he charges. Once you have a rough draft of your client contract, contact him and he will walk you through what you need. Other than that, that's it Vivi."

Vivi surprised Diane with another hug and more thank yous.

"Okay. I'm going to head home now. MacCross should be in the office dismissing the rest of the staff for the weekend. There's not much going on this week so any loose ends you have, tie them up before you leave on Friday. Speaking of which, take the entire day off Friday to get ready for your trip."

"Thank you. You know, no matter what happens..."

"We will always keep in touch!"

One more hug and Vivi went back to the office. Diane had lit a fire under her ass and Vi was now more motivated than ever to make things work. When the elevator door opened she was mobbed with hugs from two of the female assistants, thanking her for standing up for them. Making it up to her floor, Vivi was over and done with working the weekend. She had a new set of goals to accomplish and none of it had to do with what was on her desk. Closing things down, she gathered the rest of her stuff and headed home.

"Oh Ms. Williams!" It was Duncan and the tone of his voice made her want to punch him right in the left testicle. She turned around and looked but didn't say anything. Vi also noticed that she was the only one in the office and the door to IT was closed.

"Once I become president, I'll have to make you my personal assistant."

Vivi just turned and left the office.

{Over my dead sexy, voluptuous body ya rat bastard!}

Before she even reached the elevator, Vivi had her phone out and hit LaShaun's number that she kept on speed dial; well LaShaun was the only one on speed dial.


"Oooo sugar pie honey bunches of oats you need to get over to my house cause I have got something to tell you!"

"I'm there with bells on!"

While riding down in the elevator, Vivi snagged an uber ride home. Now was not the time to be fooling with metro trains and walking.  After a ten minute wait, the uber was pulling up and got her to her apartment in less than 15 minutes. Opening the door, LaShaun was already there, having let herself in with the spare key. Bags flying, Vivi rushed over to the couch that Lala was sitting on and relayed everything her boss had told her.   How to go about it, getting her consulting business off the ground and about the huge networking opportunity.   LaShaun just stared at Vivi, dunked her fingers in the glass of water she had been drinking and flicked it in Vivi's face.

"Agh! What are you doing?!"

"I told you that before you even got back!!"

"You telling me is one thing, my boss telling me is something different!" Vivi took her sleeve and wiped the water off as LaShaun sat her cup down on the coffee table.

"So you finally gonna get off your ass and do it?"

"Yes! I'm gonna start working on stuff today and she gave me the entire day off Friday to get ready for my flight."

"Nice! Now see, why can't I get a boss like that?"

"You will! I just know it."

LaShaun had to leave for a hair appointment so Viv started on her goals. She would hold off on telling Ken her exciting news for now, once things were worked out, she'd fill him in. Now to get down to serious business. First on Vivi's list was to design and get her business cards ordered since she would need those ASAP.  Looking on LittleLeaf Print, she found a pre-made design that she liked and customized it with her info. She already had a linkedIn profile so she added that and her email. Vi didn't want her personal cell phone on there but needed a quick way to be contacted. Business cards on hold, she contacted her cell phone company for a second line and a new phone. This one would be strictly for business and the phone had to multitask so she opted for one of the Note phones. The phone would be there Wednesday. New Business number in hand, she completed the card design and made sure to get rush delivery. She thought 500 would be enough but with the size of the event, Vi finally decided on ordering 1000. Business cards were ordered and the new phone would be there in a two days. Vivi wanted to make sure her finances were in order. If Duncan did get the President's position and she was going to quit, she didn't want to bite herself in the butt financially. Reviewing her contract, she had to give a week's notice in order to have her remaining vacation and sick time paid out.


If Diane let her now Friday, she could give her her notice then. She had more than enough saved up to give herself time to get things up and running. Finances at a comfortable level, business cards and phone ordered, Vivi was feeling good about everything. Taking a break, she poured herself a glass of wine. So much was going on in her life that it should be overwhelming but it wasn't. With the possibility of a new relationship and new business venture, her life was looking up.  All of her hard work, prayers said with tears in her eyes from despair, were finally paying off. 

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