That's a Wrap

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Tote bag ready and packed with the few personal items she had at work, Vivi was ready to call it a day. Not wanting to carry all of it on the metro, she uber'd a ride home.

Walking into her apartment, Vivi realized she had forgotten to get totes to start purging her items. Things had changed now that she had turned her notice in. Her job would be mobile and the thought of making Japan her home base was highly tempting now.

Showered and changed for an evening of relaxing, she grabbed her laptop to do some research. Vivi signed up for an airline reward program; one that would give her access to lounges regardless of the airline. She also signed up with some of the major airlines for their miles rewards programs. Her business credit card was good enough that it also accumulated airline miles a well. Her travel was now set for maxim payback.

That was all the 'work' related things she wanted to do for the evening. She turned on the tv and found a good movie to watch and poured herself a nice glass of wine. For the rest of the evening she was going to take it easy.

Vivi woke up to find herself still laying on the couch. That second healthy glass of wine might have been too much. She was slow to get her day started even though it was her last day before vacation. Dressed comfortably yet casually, Vivi grabbed another smoothie pack and lunch, then headed to the metro station. There wasn't much for her to do today. Other than replying to emails and finishing up with her files, Thursday would be a fairly easy day for her.

Walking into the building, she was getting there later than normal but only by thirty minutes, not enough to be concerned about. Elevator doors opening to her floor, Vivi went right to the break room to put her lunch in the fridge and fix her smoothie for the morning. Given the time of morning the break room was empty but before Vivi could put her hand on the fridge handle, Duncan was there with two security guards.

"Ah Ms. Williams. Don't touch that, it's Petra property."


"So you thought I wouldn't find out that you had turned in your resignation?"

"No one was trying to hide it from you Duncan and like I told you yesterday, you are NOT my boss."

"No, but I am a member of the board and as of 8am this morning, you, no longer work here."

"You can't fire me after turning in my resignation." By now others had made their way to the break room, hoping Vivi was making another pot of coffee.

"Oh I can do a lot more, Ms. Williams."

'You lousy rat bastard.'

"Fine. Oh and you didn't need to bring your guard dogs with you. It just makes you look like a small little man. Ta-ta!" With that Vivi turned and left the office. She could hear Duncan making a smart ass remark and left him with a parting single finger salute. Out of the office and standing at the elevators, the doors opened without her pressing the button. Diane, Trevor and Kramer were about to step out.

"No, back inside." Vivi pushed Kramer back into the metal box.

"Hey! I gotta pee!"

"Hold it!"

"Vivi what's going on?"

"Diane. Duncan just approached me in the break room with two security guards to 'escort' me out of the building."


Kramer and Trevor clamped their hands over their ears as Diane yelled at top 'mom volume' in the enclosed metal box. That was all Diane needed to hear. Elevator doors open, she stormed into the office and cornered Duncan who was trying to make it to his office. Security guards be damned.

"Look here you pretentious asshole!" Now the current President had everyone's attention. "You do NOT threaten any member of this office. I don't care who you're fucking on the board." Diane turned to the rest of the staff that had gathered to see the drama unfold. Duncan was too taken aback to respond. "Any of you want this jerk as a boss then stay. If not, I suggest you turn in your resignation effective immediately. You will have your vacation and sick leave payout before you leave the office today!" Diane was hot, mama bear hot! Vivi, Trevor and Kramer were watching everything unfold from the veritable safety of the office entrance.

"Look here Diane!"

"Duncan! Shut the fuck up!" Diane turned her attention back to the other Reps. "Those that already have letters of recommendation and want to leave, clean out your desks and see me for your payouts."

Diane stormed off to her office, if she had slammed the door any harder, the glass in it would have shattered. She immediately got on the phone to the head of the board.

"Oooo someone 'den pissed off big momma!" Trevor was trying really hard not to laugh at what had just happened.

"I suggest you two take her advice!"

"Vivi we got our letters typed and printed yesterday!" Kramer was too busy shaking his head. "Let's go Tre, we are going to be hella busy today!"


The trio gave each other hugs and Vivi went down to the cafe in the lobby for breakfast. While she was there, she texted LaShaun.

Vivi: Oooooo Lala. The shit has hit the fan and gone everywhere! Diane has told Duncan, and I quote: "Shut the fuck up!" Guuuuurrrl. Shit got real.

All LaShaun could do was send a string of laughing emojis.

Vivi: Oh and I got kicked out of the office. This job is a wrap baby girl!!

Lala: Daaaammmmnnnn!!!

While Vivi enjoyed her breakfast and freedom in the lobby cafe, Diane was calling her.


"Vivi! This place can kiss my cellulite laden ass! I am cleaning out my desk right now! I have informed the board of Duncan's bullshit and that they WILL pay any employee that terminates their employment today every cent of their vacation and sick time. Today was the straw that broke mama's back!"

"Wow. I have never seen you that pissed before, ever!"

"Oh I got it in me. Duncan is going to drive this company into the ground and they deserve every grain of dirt."

"Well thank you for standing up for me. I am glad to be done with this job."

"That makes two of us! I am going to call you around lunch time. We are going out and getting white girl wasted day drunk!!"

"Hahahahaaaaaa. Okay Diane. Just let me know where to be!"

"Finn's, 1 o'clock!"

"I will be there." Hanging up the phone, Vivi couldn't help but laugh some more.

As far as Vivi was concerned, Duncan's little stunt had just made her day. Not wanting to walk around with food in her bag, Vivi went home since there was no such thing as work now. She kept what she had on and hopped the metro again to visit a coffee shop next to the sports bar Diane wanted to go to.

While working on building her client contracts and enjoying a mocha latte, Trevor was calling her.

"Trevor? Are things still going to hell at the office?"

"I'm telling you what! I am leaving you in my will Vivi Williams! That job lead has just saved my and Kramer's asses!"

"We got fired!!" Kramer was yelling in the background. For being fired, he seemed very happy about it.


"Yes, yes, yes. Duncan is cleaning house! Hey might as well be running through the office with a can of raid in his hand! Hey, Diane invited everyone that quit to meet at Finn's if they wanted to."

"Oh nice! Who's all coming now?"

"Me, Kramer, Maria, Tran, Nate, Jamilla and Jesus."

"No one else decided to quit?"

"Nope, they too busy shoving their heads up Duncan's butt."

"Losers!!" Kramer was still ecstatically yelling in the background as stuff banged around.

"Ha! Okay. We'll I'm right down the block at Joe's, text me and I'll meet you guys there."


Vivi had time at the coffee shop to complete the rough drafts of her contracts and send them for revision to the contract lawyer that Diane had told her about. The contracts were the final thing she needed to get done.

'Adisa if you hear me honey, you just got your entire staff. I suggest you make it to Finn's also!'

Vivi chuckled at what she put out in the Universe. She wasn't sure if their experience would be what he was looking for but she put it out there anyway.

'Can't hurt honey buns!'

With nothing left to do, Vivi took a cute selfie of herself being silly and sent it to Ken. Pic sent, she made a list of things she wanted to do once she got back to the states. It was a very short list.

Purge her apartment.
Review Lease.

That was it. Not having anything else she wanted to do, Vivi enjoyed the view from the cafe when someone jumped in front of the window she was looking out of and started shaking their butt in her face.

"Kramer you dimwit!" The guys burst out laughing while Viv gathered her things. Meeting them outside they all hugged each other.

"Let's go Vivi! Diane is already there and has the first pitcher of margaritas ordered."

"She is not playing around is she?"

"Oh no!"

As the trio walked to the sports bar, the guys filled her in on the remainder of their day. Duncan and the two security guards went to everyone that had turned their notices in and had them escorted out the building. He only gave them 5 minutes to clean out their desks and it was all anyone needed. It was a dick move but they were talking about Duncan so it was pretty much a given. As far as the IT department was concerned, security watched them as they cleaned out their desks to make sure they didn't do anything suspicious.

"Duncan didn't ask about passwords, log-ins or anything." For someone who just got fired, Kramer was the happiest one at the table.


"Yup. I'm telling ya Vivi; they up to something and it all smells like bullshittydah!"

Vivi had to laugh at Trevors made up profanity. Arriving at Finn's, everyone cheered that they were back together for probably the last time. Diane had let her hair down, literally, and the margaritas never ran out. Before they called it a night, everyone exchanged contact info in case of possible job leads. Right now Vivi wanted to get home and relax. The sooner she went to sleep the sooner she could leave for Japan. Checking the flights before leaving Finn's, she saw there was a flight headed out tonight.

Time to get home.

Trevor offered to drop her off at her apartment which worked out perfectly. Viv took a quick shower and dressed for her trip. The earlier flight left at 10pm so she had plenty of time to get to the airport. Dressed and bags ready, she contacted the airline directly and was able to change her flight for a nominal fee.

'Let's get to Japan Vivi!'

Vivi uber'd a ride to the airport. She would tell LaShaun about the change of plans once she got to her gate. Since she was leaving before she had planned to, Vivi needed to get a ride worked out once she got to Narita. She remembered the driver service she used last time and would reserve a ride from them since they were so nice and accommodating. Vivi would go directly to Ken's office to surprise him. Taking this flight would put her in Japan late at night.

Finally in the terminal and through security, all those margaritas were starting to kick in. Viv texted LaShaun that she had got an earlier flight and was leaving in a few hours. Now to figure out what to do about Japan. Accounting for the time difference, she would get there at 11pm at night on their Friday instead of Saturday. Vivi needed to reserve a hotel room for the night and go to his apartment early in the morning.

'Shoot I need to get my hotel room now!'

Vivi quickly searched for a place to stay. It would be too late to use the driver service so she looked for something with a shuttle from the airport and managed to find something. It was more than she wanted to pay for one night but since it was last minute she quickly got over it, plus not many hotels had shuttles running that late.

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