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She gasped for air, as the distance between the two exhausted all the adrenaline in her body. Her breathes were so heavy, that she could notice her lungs across her moving chest now.  "What did you say ? Say again ."the man spoke authoritatively.

He had practically held Aliza hostage in her arms and now he wants her , to ask him leave. What kind of madness was he projecting. "Leave my office right now." The soft voice hit the man's eardrum. He looker in her eyes, with pure ecstacy .
Was he searching for something in them. It looked he was lost. Aliza tired of pushing the man now, she hit his feet, brining him back to the reality. "You won't like what can happen to you now Aliza",he wispered seductively in her ears and left her body cold once again.

Aliza was disgusted by the man. "Who does he thinks he is"she murmurs under her breath. She composed herself together as she saw it was about the time for the conference to start. She hurriedly went into the washroom and touched up her no make make look. She looked absolutely stunning today.  She noticed her nude lipstick had been little dragged and smugged from the lip border ,  correcting it she left the room.

Most of the parents had already come, HODs of all the department started to occupy the seats. Aliza was little nervous today, she had to give a opening speech and had to explain all the new ideas from the school. She stood there impatiently, now that everyone had joined, yet the trustee hadn't come.
She remembered the last she met the old man, he blessed the girl and had a very elaborate conversation since he , himself was a chemistry graduate apart from a business and entrepreneur.

As she took her seat, thinking the trustee might take sometime to come, her gaze went on a fimilar figure behind the glasses. She could recognised it , it was the same armani suit . The man was talking on the phone, he dropped the cellphone in his pants and entered the hall.  Everyone greeted him. His aura even more dominating than she encountered in the morning. He smiled at Aliza from the corner of his lips. Such a devil she cursed him.

Ibrahim gave his introduction. The headmaster briefly brought into notice the death of Ibrahim's father's few weeks back and that he would take over his place. Aliza gave the introduction speech and the conference started. The whole time, Aliza could smell his intoxicating smell.. The man couldn't lower his gaze from Aliza, he wanted to make her pay for treating like a dog in the morning. He would avenge himself sooner or later.

The meeting ended turned into discussion. Both the teacher and the parents committee wanted the decision in favor of themselves. It was 5 o clock now. Aliza thanked God. She already had the idea that the meetings would extend till evening , she took a leave from her office. It took another  hour for it to end. Everyone started to leave the hall , all exhausted. Ibrahim and head master were discussing a somthings. She felt a pair of eyes watching her. She left the hall rapidly.

Aliza packed her bag . She was ready to leave . Locking her office , she saw a shadow building. The woman bumped into a huge figure towering her. Aliza saw the broad chest belonged to Ibarahim. She sighed , "I am sorry, only if I knew who you are , I wouldn't have asked you to leave like that" she said.

The man came closer to her, again wanted to cage her in his arms. He noticed how tiny and fragile she seemed but was so strong and confident. He was extremely intrigued my her.  "I don't accept apologies just like that."he softly spoke.

"What do you mean ?" Aliza questioned him confused. She wanted to reach home as soon as possible. She wanted to talk to Asad about yesterday. This man was a hurdle she must pass from. " I will drop you home. I want to discuss something about my sister." He suggested.  Aliza was surprised to see the audicity of this man . No way she was joining him .

"N.." she was stopped in the middle. The man put a finger on her lips "say no more. I don't mean any harm to you." He said sturnely this time sounding geniune..

"Aliza , Ibrahim sir, aren't you leaving yet " they heard head master.
Now that the master had witnessed them , she couldn't deny him
" We are just leaving " Ibrahim said.  Both left the school.

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