Chapter 1

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Kito managed to pin her down to the floor. God,there was something about her that made him keep coming back to her. He couldn't figure out what it was. For this time of matter. He didn't really care.

"What do you want with me?!" Lisa growled even though she was being pinned down. "Wouldn't you like to know~?" Kito only responded with a purr. He loved a girl with some bite her her bark. "Yes I woud. That's why I asked" she rolled her eyes.

"I just want to have fun? Is that such a bad thing?" He asked. "Yes when it involves someone like you!" She spat. Kito sighed lightly. He knew getting her to come with him was going to be hard.

Lisa growled as she starts or tries to kick him off her. "Let go of me!" She yelled. It looked like neither one of them was going to give up on this. Kito kept his grip on her and held her down.

Lisa struggled for a good while. Kito hoped that she would just tired herself out. Then he could do what he wanted with her. "You're very stuobbon and-persistent Shinko" he hissed a bit when she got a kick in.

"That's what makes a hero. I will never give up nor give in. Unlike you did did" her eyes glared back at him,a fire seemed to be building inside them. "You're wrong about them. They do care about me-"

"Why else do you think they yell at you when you do something wrong? Why do you think they keep you in your room all the time?" Kito's voice never faded from its crazy yet cold tone.

Lisa didn't answer him. 'They wouldn't care about me...they're were so busy with their hero work that they forgot all about me' just thinking about this brought slight tears to her eyes.

"No words now huh? Looks like you've met your match" his voice didn't change from his normal cold and harsh tone. He pulled something out from his pocket.

Lisa gets a glimpse of it. A syringe. A syringe filled with who knows what. More fear and painc sent into her system. "Let me go!" She yelled once more.

Kito laughed. He laughed at her. He couldn't help it. "You're a pathetic creature who doesn't deserved being called a hero" he brough lips close to her ear as he pricked her with the syringe.

He pushed down as the liquid entered Lisa's blood stream and body. She screamed. Cried. She didn't know what else to do.

She didn't want this. She wanted to be with her family. With the people that she so dearly loves. She felt her eyes get heavy.

Kito watched as Lisa's movements started to slow down. Her body started to grow tried and sleepy. He watched in amusement.

"What did you...what the hell did you just do to me" Lisa asked. The air around her felt heavy,pushing against her lungs and body.

"You'll so find out. Oh and I'll leave a certain prize for your so ever dear family. Since now I'm sure that they're looking for you" His laugh was cold. Just like his heart.

"Ugh..." Lisa groaned as she started to succumb to whatever Kito stabbed her with. "Max...Marko..." She calls out. Her vision blurred. "Robin..."

That was that last thing she said before she passed out. Kito stands up and looked at her. "Hmp. Father was right about you. You are something else."

He slings her over his shoulders and looked back behind him. In the distance he could see the tower that scanned across the city. He smirks to himself.

Meanwhile with the other teen heroes,there was some... disagreements on what do to and how to do it.

"We can't just bust our way through! It's a horrible plan. It never works out for us!" The young tech genius yelled at his older sister who shook her head.

"Then what plan do you have then Jay!"She yelled,rasing her hands in the air. "What do you think we should do to get Lisa back?" Yes she was upset but she did really want to know what he had planned.

Jay turned his back towards his sister,walking away in the other direction. He was going to find her on his own. He didn't need help. He didn't want help.

"Jason! Jason get back here right now!" Lucinda yelled,sounding like an angry mother yelling at their child. "Jason!"

"Lucinda. Just let him cool off for a moment. He'll come back." Jackson states. "You should calm down a bit as well. Acting like this won't help us. It'll only make things worse" Lucinda wipes her face and turns to her brother.

"You sound like a dad talking to his kids." Lucinda stated. Jackson makes a face but rolled his eyes at his sister's comment. "I mean it Lucy." The two started a small glance.

Lucinda groans and looks away. "Ugh! I hate it when you do that! It makes me feel guilty!" She yells rubbing her arms as if she was cold.

Jackson chuckles lightly. "Hey,it's my job as your older brother to do so. You know that well enough" he hums. He sounded almost prideful.

Lucinda sticks her tongue out at him. "Hey,um guys...I think I've found something" Sammtha's voice comes though the comms system she set up in case their communicators were offline.

"We're all ears"
"Okay. I think I've found her location although I'm not really sure of it. I'll have to look more into it. From what I see Jay is heading around that area where Lisa is."

"Thanks Sam. You're sure you don't want to come?" The masked hero asked. Sammtha laughs a bit. "I'm good bird boy. Plus I'm more useful in the computer then on the battle field." She says. It was mostly true.

"Don't say that. You've been very useful."
"Don't lie. We all know that I can't do a lot,Cy." Sammy states. "Just make sure you guys don't do anything stupid. That goes for you too Beastboy. Find her."

"Oh,don't worry we will. Not if overprotective Max over here beats us to it" Lucinda jokes. Jackson rolled his eyes. "First off I'm not overprotective...much. And second I'm her brother. It's what I do"

"You sound very proud of that"
"I shouldn't?"
"No-ugh you people are impossible"
"Ouch. That hurt Rae"
The other shake their heads. At least there wasn't anymore fighting...for now.

"If you are all done,I'll send you her location from what I'm getting" Sammtha chimes in. "Right right. Sorry" Lucinda rubs the back of her neck,sheepishly.

Jay walked towards the area where his sister was at...or so he though. Once he got to a certain point he realized that the signal vanished.

"The hell?! Where did it go? It was just here a second ago. Ugh this is just great. I wonder how the others are doing..." Jay spoke to himself out loud.

Jay pushed the button on his comm and called on one of his teammates,mostly wanting his siblings to answer.

"Yea?" It was Lucinda. Well at least it wasn't Beastboy. "Hey sis. Look,I may or may not have lost Lisa's signal that I had from before"

"You lost it?"
"What do you mean by lost?" He heard his older brother chime in. "Do you at least have an idea of where she went?"

"No...not really. That's why I was calling you guys. To see if you are having any better luck. I'll head back to you" he spoke. He was tried but also worried about his sister.

"We think we have an idea of where she is but I'm not so sure of it. Sammy is looking into it now. We're over here by the small building and across the bookstore" Jackson informed.

"Alright. I'll see you guys there. Call in if you find anything. Later" Jay disconnected the call and sighed. "Angel...where could you have gone off to?" He looked up at the sky. It was almost midnight.

Jay soon meets up with the others. They were standing off to the side of the small bookstore. "So...have you found anything?" He asked.

"We're looking for clues"
"Thank you. Never knew we were doing that"

"Stop it. Can we just find her and head back home. It's getting late." Jackson groaned. He didn't want to hear another argument today. Two is enough for him.

Beastboy sees something sparkle out of the corner of his eye. Being curious he walked over towards it picking it up.

"Dudes. I think I may have found something" the others walked over to him. "What is it?" Cyborg asked. "Don't know" the green hero replied.

"Let me see that" Lucinda took the object away from Beastboy to get a closer look. "It's a necklace" she said. "And it's Lisa's"

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