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Quick A/n: there's a little bit of language in this chapter, so if you don't like language, I'm sorry...

Nashi's POV

I sit in the dark closet, waiting for Wendy to come and get me, when suddenly I heard Wendy shriek. I gasped and tried to open the door, only to find out that it had been locked from the outside. I started crying as I hear Mira shriek and a big 'thump'.

I was stuck here, I couldn't do anything. I knew I wouldn't have been able to do anything anyway, I am only five.

"Where is that little brat??" I hear the muffled voice of Archer yell out, as I hear some of his other guild mates murmur

"WELL GO FIND HER!" He yelled suddenly and I jumped.

Natsu's POV

Y/n and I had been able to escape. We might have run into some trouble though. By trouble I mean some of the shadow killers guild. They were easy to take down, but I used to much magic energy.

"You ok?" I ask Y/n

"Yeah just not used t fighting" she says as she pants. I chuckle and walk up to hug her

"I love you" I say as I bring her into a hug and kiss the top of her head.

"I love you too" she says as our moment was cut short by a chuckle.

"Well well well, look at the cute little couple" a man with orange hair, and blue eyes says. I pull Y/n behind me and narrow my eyes at the man

"Who the hell are you?" I yell as I prepare to fight. He smirks and sends a dark ball of magic towards us

Wendy's POV

I lay on the ground weak from archers attack. Mira was down too. I was to weak to get up but I know I needed to protect Nachos. I look over to Mira who had passed out, and I sighed. I had to protect Nashi

Gray's POV

Juvia and I haven't run into trouble yet, but I had a bad feeling. I've had a bad feeling about this while situation, but it's become worse. I'm just hoping we find Y/n and Natsu before it's to late..

3rd person POV

"Y-N!" Natsu yells as Y/n was hit with a dark orb from that man. He smirked and teleported away.

Before that though he said something to Natsu that sent shivers down his spine

Natsu runs over to Y/n and holds her in his arms

"Natsu.... it.... hurts" she chokes out as he starts to cry.

"I know just hold on and I'll get you to Wendy!" He says as he try's to pick her up.

"There's no point.." Y/n says smiling weakly at him. Blood now soaking natsu's clothes.

"I love you Natsu" Y/n says as she goes limp.

"Y/n?" Natsu shakily says as he starts to sob

"Y/N?!?" Natsu yells as he holds Y/n's lifeless body close to his. He looks into her dull E/c eyes, which once held the most beautiful shine, but now held nothing but emptiness.

"I love you too" Natsu says wiping his tears away

Natsu bolts up from his bed, sweating and crying. That nightmare haunted him every night for the past two years, and he couldn't stop it.

Natsu wiped his tears away and got up, decided to take a shower before the kids woke up. Nashi was now seven years old, and Shina and Ethan were four.

Natsu walked into the bathroom, turning on the water, and stripping his clothes. He sighed as the hot water cascaded against his back, which felt good against his tense muscles.

Natsu got out of the shower and put on his clothes. Natsu goes into the kitchen and makes lunch for Nashi, and goes to wake her up.

Nashi's POV

I wake up to see my fathers face looking at me with a smile.

"It's time to wake up" he says sweetly as I nod and close my eyes. The feeling of drowsiness washes over me as I get up, wanting nothing more than to get back under the warm covers, but I have to go to school. Archer and his guild are still out there, and one day I will get my payback.

I get dressed in dark blue skinny jeans, a white flower printed sweatshirt, and black converse lows (converse highh~ picture below Btw)

I grab my bag as dad walks up to me

"Ready?" He asks and I nod

"Lets go!" He says smiling slightly.

I walk in the classroom as dad kisses my forehead and tells me goodbye. I hear some girls giggle at me as I roll my eyes.

"Ok class let's get started!" Mrs. Missy says as the class gets out their books


It was the end of the day and I was waiting for dad to come and get me. He was late and that scared me. I was scared, scared that he wouldn't come back, that he was kidnaped. It haunted me, scared me, and I couldn't control it. I was scared he would leave me like Mom did, murdered by a guild. My dad never told me who or what guild killed her, the only thing I know was it was archers guild who took her away from me.

To my surprise Uncle gray came to pick me up. He told me that dad was on a job, and he was going to be gone for a few days. I nodded as he took me to his house.

Aunt Juvia made some of my favorite snacks, and helped me with my homework.

At the moment I was in the guest bedroom, drawing a picture, when my little sister walked in

"Do you want to play with me?" She asked sitting on the bed holding a doll or two. I shook my head as she looked very sad. She sat on the bed and played by herself.

I was thirsty so I decided to get some water, but when I went to the kitchen Aunt Juvia, and Uncle Gray were talking. Talking about me to be exact

"She doesn't ever speak" Uncle Gray says

"I know but she's still grieving.." Aunt Juvia said

"But it's been two years, she's gonna have to get over it soon" I feel tears forming in my eyes, as I ran to my room while crying. They're eyes widened as uncle gray sighed.

"Great.." I hear him mumble while I close the door. My little brother who was now in the room, looked at me with eyes wide

"Are you ok?" His innocent voice rings through the room, as I nod.

"Are you thinking about mamma?" He asks hugging me. I nodded as he smiled at me

"Don't worry she's watching over us right now, keeping us safe!" He says smiling even bigger. I nodded while wiping my tears away

Once Ethan and Shina fell asleep. I got up and opened the window. I jumped onto the roof, and jumped from the second floor, only to fall into a small pool of water I created.

I walked to the nearby woods and climbed a tree. I sighed and looked at the stars. I watched as clouds quickly cover the bright stars.

It then started raining

"Shoot" I thought as I started running back to uncle grays house.

By the time I was back at the house, I was soaking wet. When I climbed back up and got inside, I saw my siblings sound asleep. I quickly changed and put my wet clothes in the bathroom to dry, and climbed into bed and fell asleep


I wake up to find my sister and brother not in the room. I look at the clock to see its about 11:00 AM. I forgot it was Saturday

I sighed and went downstairs to see Aunt Juvia making pancakes

"Good morning darling!" She says smiling at me. I waved and sat down on the chair.

"Your Uncle is out on a job today and the twins are playing with some friends today, so do you want to go out?" She asks as I shrugged

"Ok..." she paused before hesitantly saying

"Do you... want to talk?" She asks as I shook my head

"Ok, but if you ever need to, I'll always be here to listen" she says offering a small smile

To be continued

A/n I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I'm sorry it took so long to make. I had some trouble thinking about what to write. Anyway I hope you have an amazing day/night bye!

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