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Nashi's POV

Today was June 15th, a week before my birthday, June 22nd (idk random birthday I thought of). I was NOT excited about my birthday. It hurt to think about my mother giving birth to me. I sigh and lie on my bed. I get my notebook and start writing a story.

After about an hour there was a knock on my door, and then dad walked in. He smiled at me and sat next to me.

"Hey princess, I'm going on another mission tomorrow, and Miss. Lucy will be staying here with you and the twins" he says as I nod.

He sighs and looks a little frustrated

"Well, I suppose I'll leave you to yourself, just remember that you have to get ready for bed in fifteen minutes" he says closing the door, angry

I sigh as I roll my eyes, sometimes I get so annoyed with him! I hear my siblings walk out of their rooms, and I almost lost it. How come they are allowed to stay up later than me, and I'm older! I think rolling my eyes again.

I put my book in my drawer and grab PJ's. I walk into the bathroom and change. I brush my long hair and put it in a bun. Just then Happy flies in

"Hey Nashi!" He says smiling at me. I wave and get my toothbrush, and then I put toothpaste on it. My younger siblings walk in and start getting ready for bed

"Hi Happy!" Ethan says smiling at him

"hi Ethan!" Happy says grabbing Ethan's toothbrush and helping him. I sigh and roll my eyes as i walk out of the bathroom.

"Wait Nashi!" Happy yells as I slam my door. I don't know why I'm angry, but I am. I have a weird feeling about Miss. Lucy, and dad. I don't really like her, she always seemed kinda jealous of mom and dad.

I roll into bed as I thought about everything. Finally falling into a deep sleep


I wake to the smell of burning food, specifically pancakes. I scrunch my nose in disgust as I run downstairs, only to be met with Miss. Lucy frantically trying to cook pancakes. I sigh and push her out of the way. I wash off the burnt pancake and start cooking them.

After I finish cooking the pancakes, I walk over to Miss. Lucy who looked surprised

"Where did you learn to cook like that?" She exclaimed as I started eating. I shrugged as the twins walk into the room and sit down.

"Mmmmm, They smell delicious" Shina says as Miss. Lucy outs a plate down for the two.

"Here you go!" She says cheerfully. I sigh and finish my food. I take my plate, and wash it. I go upstairs and sit in my room.

I decide to go out so I made a note, incase miss. Lucy comes in.

I open my window and jump out of it. I create a bubble of water and land on it safely. The water bubble disappeared, as I run over to the woods by my house once again. I climb a tree and sit there, thinking about life.

I wonder why dad has been with Miss. Lucy so much. Are they dating? My stomach lurched at the thought of it.


I climb into my bedroom, and as I climb through my window, Shina screams

"She's back!!" As she says that I hear heavy footsteps running up the stairs.

Miss. Lucy runs in the room looking quite angry

"Where were you?!" She screams at me. I shrugged as I sit down on my bed

"Don't shrug at me! I'm going to be here more often so listen to me!" My eyes widen as I drink under her harsh gaze. My eyes filled with tears as her eyes widened

"Nashi I'm so sorry" she says walking over to me as I nod telling her I forgive her. She sighs as she gets a few tissues, and hands them to me. I take them from her and dry my tears.

I was quite frustrated with her, but I had to live with it

timeskip again

Today was my birthday and I turned 8. Eight years of life. It feels like it's been an eternity.

Dad has been home for a couple of days, and miss. Lucy and dad have been out every night. I have a feeling that they forgot my birthday.

I am currently sitting in my room reading, as my little siblings walk in

"Happy birthday nashi!" They yell in unison. I smile and nod in thanks

"We made something for you!" Ethan yells as he gives me a messily wrapped box.

I open it and fine a drawing of me, Shina, Ethan, dad, and.... mom

"That's mommy" shina says as I nod, and wipe the tear that escaped from my eyes.


It was dinner and Miss. Lucy was over for dinner. Luckily dad made dinner, in which we had, chicken, and rice, and for drinks we had water and alcohol. (Not for he kids)

Dad coughs to grab our attention, and stands up, along with Miss. Lucy.

"Well, I have to tell you kids something..." he says while looking at Miss. Lucy, who nodded

"Well Miss. Lucy and I are dating"

A/n I hope you enjoyed this cliffhanger, and I hope you enjoy where this story is going. Anyway thank you so much for reading and I love you all so much baii!

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