19| Accidental And Clumsy

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Roark's POV 🪨

For a while, we were relaxing together until it was starting to get close to dinner.

But, something felt a little weird this time, after y/n made me steak, since that was what we were having.

The steak y/n made was cooked really well, but, it looked a little...bloody.

I still ate it, despite me being hungry and assuming that it's just gravy, but it tasted a bit strange.

"Are steaks supposed to taste like this sometimes?" I thought to myself in confusion.

I shrugged it off and just continued eating, until all the food was eaten off my plate.

As for y/n, she ate her food without any worries.

"Surprised?" She suddenly spoke up and giggled a little as she looked at me.

"Y-Yeah. I wasn't expecting that." I answered while rubbing the back of my head a little.

"But, just out of curiosity...Where did you get all of the steak meat at?"

"Oh! They were on sale at the store, so, I took the liberty in buying plenty of them. Just for you! After all, strong, handsome men like you gotta have iron in your body too, right?" Y/n answered simply as she smiled happily.

I blinked in surprise while I was probably blushing a little.

"You think I'm strong and handsome?" I asked, a little flattered.

"Yup!"  She replied. "But, with or without your glasses, I think you're cute!"

At first, silence just filled the room for a few seconds, until y/n suddenly seemed to have been hit with realization about something.

Her face immediately turned dark red, before she quickly got up from her chair and ran out of the room, her face buried in her hands.

"Y/n?!" I went, slightly startled by her reaction.

Deciding to leave her alone for a bit, I took the plates and silverware and cleaned them off at the sink before putting the clean dishes and silverware away.

Heading upstairs, I knocked on my bedroom door before entering.

"Y/n, is everything - " I began until I froze.

" - okay?"

In my room, y/n apparently had a shower again recently and was almost dressed, only she was shirtless and didn't have a bra on.

Y/n and I were staring at each other for a few seconds, before she screamed as I immediately said sorry and quickly left the room, closing the door behind me, my face bright red in embarrassment.

Unfortunately, that did not seem to resolve the issue, because y/n slammed the door open, with her shirt on this time and yelled "PERVERTED MINER!!!" before chasing me down the hall, throwing books at my head as I ran from her.

As for my pokémon, they could only stand aside and watch while shaking their heads as some of y/n's pokémon facepalmed themselves, their reactions obviously saying that y/n will never understand.

"I'M SORRY! I SAID I WAS SORRY!! I DIDN'T MEAN TO WALK IN WHILE YOU WERE STILL PUTTING CLOTHES ON!!!" I screeched in fear until a large book smacked me upside the head.

Just after that happened, I fell forward to the floor and blacked out....

Y/n's POV 🍒

"That...idiot!" I panted out, still red in the face from embarrassment, as I stood at the other end of the hallway with a book in my hand.

Sighing, I picked up all the books I threw at him, from the floor and putted them all back on the shelf before coming over and dragging Roark by the arm.

"Of course, it's my fault that I didn't listen to him, since he apologized." I thought to myself at that last part, as I started feeling ashamed of my reckless actions.

"I'll make things up to him by giving him his favorite snack later, as my apology."

Looking over at him, I sighed again before picking him up and carrying him bridal style.

He felt pretty heavy, but, I just dealt with it.

Carrying him over to his bedroom, I laid him down on the bed and tucked him in, before I left my apology gift.

Figuring that he probably might be mad at me later, when he gains consciousness, I decided to sleep in the guest room.

"I take back what I said earlier...I'm the one who's the idiot. Not Roark." I groaned a little as I remembered knocking him out with the large book that I threw at him.

Hiding my face in shame, I suddenly heard Uxie, Azelf, and Mesprit come out of their pokéballs before flying over to and cuddling me, reassuring that everything'll be okay.

I smiled and chuckled lightly in adore as I each kissed them by the cheek, before petting them.

"Thanks, you three..." I giggled as I cuddled them in return.

Uxie, Azelf, and Mesprit gave me their cute pokémon cries in response to that before smiling, happy that they could help.

Another thing I find cute about them, is that they're small. Probably about the size as the mythical pokémon, Mew.

For a bit, I played with the three of them, until I heard a groan from Roark's room.

Heading out of the room, I went to check on Roark as Uxie, Azelf, and Mesprit followed after me, feeling concerned about Roark too.

When Roark opened his eyes and looked at me, he only said my name, before I hugged him gently.

"I'm sorry I freaked out and threw books at you. I should've heard you out first before overreacting!" I said as I buried my face into his shoulder.

"It's okay, y/n...I'm sorry too." He replied as he hugged me back in return.

I nodded in response to that, before he noticed Uxie, Azelf and Mesprit.

"Hey guys..." Roark says before he gave them a gentle head pat.

They all smiled happily before showing their effort to Roark, in response to that, making him smile too.

When it came to our opinions, me and Roark both agreed that Uxie, Azelf, and Mesprit were all cute.

"Seems like they wanted to see you too." I chuckled as I looked at them.

Uxie was the most likable one towards me and Roark. The other two are still trying to get used and adjusted to their new home since the day that I've moved into Roark's house.

They were comfortable seeing mom, but not Roark, since they've never met him until now.

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