23| Lost, Found, And Fallen To The Ground

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Roark's POV 🪨

"We? What do you mean by that?" I asked y/n, feeling a little confused.

"I meant with your father and some of my pokémon." She says. "I had to contact him to help me look for you. I was really worried."

"Yeah...I was worried about you too, son." My dad says as he and my Lycanroc helped me up to my feet.

"But, I don't think sleeping in the Underground, and where your secret base is, would be a comfortable spot for you. Something could've happened and you could've been caved in."

"I know, I know..." I sighed wearily. "I went in my secret base to rest for a bit, because I felt nauseated and was hit with vertigo, but, it resulted in me falling asleep from the exhaustion anyways."

"Wait...You were hit with nausea and vertigo? You should've stayed home, you dummy!" Y/n says before lightly punching me by the arm.

"But, it happened out of nowhere! I didn't know a single thing about it, until it suddenly came up." I said to y/n while having both of my hands up in defense.

"True..." She went before hugging me a little and parting the hug.

"I really think you should stay home though, since this might've been happening to you occasionally."

I nodded in agreement to y/n's recommendation as I looked at her.

After grabbing my underground gear for me, y/n took me up to the surface with her, as my dad tagged along.

When we reached the surface, y/n and I started heading our way to my house.

But, the walking only lasted for a few seconds before I suddenly got hit with a really painful headache.

The headache was so painful, it actually made me clutch my head and let out a pained scream, immediately making y/n and my father alert and more worried right off the bat.

"Roark?!?!" was all I heard them say before I collapsed to the ground and passed out.

- - -

"What happened? Everything's so dark and empty..."


"Who - ?"

"Please open your eyes!"

"Is that...Y/n?"


A few seconds after I heard that, I groaned a little and started to gain consciousness, seeing that I was in the hospital again.

But, when I opened my eyes, I was not expecting to see y/n with tears in her eyes and falling on my face, looking more worried than before.

Everything was a little blurry since I didn't have my glasses on for a moment, but, I could still see her.

"Y/n..." was all I could say before she pulled me close to her, crying a little as she hugged me, while I hugged her back in return.

"You were unconscious for so long, I almost thought you died! The heart monitor nearly went flat twice while you were passed out!" I heard her say tearfully.

"But, it only felt like a few minutes or hours when I was still unconscious..." I thought to myself, a little confused.

"It's okay...I'm alright now, y/n." I said to her as I sat up a little, burying my face into her shoulder.

"You better be...you idiot!" Y/n replied tearfully before she just gently pressed her fist hard on my arm a little. "Don't scare me like that again..."

Y/n's POV 🍒

After I said that, I heard a small, light chuckle from Roark.

"I won't..." He says.

In response, I kissed him on the lips, not caring that Byron's in the room too.

When I parted, Roark was blushing a little as he looked at me.

Suddenly remembering about the glasses, I grabbed them from the table next to me and putted them on Roark for him.

"Thanks." He says.

"No problem, you nerdy dork..." I replied, joking with him at the last three parts of my sentence.

"What happened to me? All I remember was passing out, right after I felt a really sharp pain circulate through my head." Roark asks as he looked at me and Byron.

Byron looks at me for a moment, silently asking me if he can explain what happened and talk to Roark about something in private, with just a look on his face.

Giving Byron a small nod in response, I left the room and closed the door behind me, before I just stood outside.

When I did, Roark and Byron started interacting with each other for a while, before I noticed it was getting close to dinner time.

Leaving the hospital for a moment, I went to Roark's house to get the food I cooked for him earlier, before heading back to the hospital.

As for Byron, I made him something to eat as well while I was still at the house.

When I made it back and was about to knock before opening the door, the only thing I heard Byron say, was the word "...child."

After hearing that, I suddenly started to get anxiety thoughts while the feeling of being weighed down with a ton of bricks followed after next.

"What did he mean by that? Was Roark secretly cheating on me?? No! That shouldn't be true! I won't allow it...But, what if he meant something else? Oh god, I dunno what to do! What should I do?!" was all I was thinking in my head.

At the same time, I felt my heart pounding hard in my chest while I hesitantly had my hand hovering over the door knob.

After I started calming myself down, I could easily see my hand shaking nervously.

Once I was sure they were finished talking on the other side of the door, I knocked before letting myself in the room.

"Hey, I brought you both something to eat..." I said before handing Roark and Byron their food.

"Oh! Thanks! I didn't even realize that it was getting close to dinner!" Byron replies as he smiled and sweat dropped a little.

"Don't beat yourself up, Byron." I went as I fake smiled at him. "Also, I'll be heading to the cafeteria and getting my food from there, so, enjoy having a father-son conversation with Roark until I come back...Okay?"

Right when I was about to leave the room and head to the cafeteria, Roark made this priceless reaction when he looked at me, which nearly made me wheeze in laughter at that, finding it hysterical.

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