8| Fantina's Foresight

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Y/n's POV 🍒

"About time you showed up." Gardenia says before chuckling a bit.

"Sorry. I had to get Roark to the hospital earlier." I replied before sweat dropping a little.

Apparently, that made her face fall into shock.

"Oh my god! Is he okay?!" She asked, sounding a bit worried.

"He should be fine since the doctors treated him. I don't know what happened to him, medically wise, but I'll find out later." I answered, before Gardenia seemed relieved.

"I'm glad to hear that. He's a good friend to me and the other five gym leaders. It wouldn't be the same if something bad happened to him." She says.

"I thank you for helping him."

"You're welcome. I've already met his father, Byron, too...So, I know I'll be battling him soon after I get the next three badges." I said.

Smiling, Gardenia nodded her head in agreement before we started the battle.

Surprisingly, it didn't take long either, because I defeated her easily without any problems and was given the second badge from her.

Putting it in my badge case, I started to walk away, until I heard Gardenia say something to me.

"I think you'll be able to achieve the goals that you said, without fail, y/n..." She said.

"Thank you." I replied.

Then I left the building.

After taking care of the Team Galactic problem in Eterna, I continued on with my journey, while visiting Roark before and after defeating a gym leader.

This time, the gym leader I'm currently about to go up against, is Fantina.

The one who specializes in ghost type pokémon.

But shortly after I answered all the questions correctly and made it to her, she said something I didn't expect her to say, after I defeated her and got the Relic badge.

"I sense high potential from you, y/n...Your knowledge, willpower and emotions are so strong, that there's a high chance you'll be able to defeat the champion with ease." She said, once I putted my badge case away.

"Plus, I already know you secretly have a crush on one of the male gym leaders, here in Sinnoh region."

As soon as she said that, my face immediately turned tomato red as I gave her a shocked look in response to that.

"If that's the case...Which gym leader do I have a crush on?" I asked, giving her a small test.

"You secretly have a crush on Roark, since the day you first met him. Your reactions, aura, and how much you're trying to focus during the battles sometimes, says it all.

The more you think about him, the stronger your emotions, determination, and willpower gets. But, it weakens your focus, whenever it's pokémon related battle or not.

Plus, the miner jacket you're wearing is a dead giveaway. It's just around his size too." Fantina says as she hid a smile and giggled a little.

"How are you able to know that so easily without me telling you?!?! That's so creepy!" I asked in disbelief.

"I read other trainers, gym leaders, and even the champion themself like a book, y/n...That's another part of my reason why I'm the ghost type gym leader, even though I sound more like a psychic." She answered.

"But, I will warn you that if your emotions get anymore stronger than they currently are right now, you'll be driven and corrupted to the point where you'll start to spill blood.

Both out of jealousy and hatred towards other women who interact, touch, or even try flirting with Roark, while you become a feared champion by others, in a bad way.

Not only that, but, you'll tear Roark away from his loved ones as well, making him feel very terrified of you and all alone. People and miners in both Oreburgh City and those who go underground, will no longer feel safe.

The only way you'd prevent that, is if you keep your emotions under control and in check."

Nodding in understanding at that, I turned around and started to walk away, before I suddenly paused and turned to look at Fantina for a moment.

"Do you know, whenever or not, Roark loves me back?" I asked as I suddenly felt my heart pounding hard in my chest to where I can feel it.

"I know you're wondering and nervous, y/n. Love is a really curious and a powerful thing after all. But, I can reassure you that he does love you back. He's just too shy to tell you, just like how you're too shy to tell him." She says as she gave me a small smile.

I smiled back at her too in response.

"Thanks...And y'know what? Why don't me, you, and the other three girls have a night out after I become a champion?" I mentioned to her.

"Yes. That would be nice..." Fantina replies.

Nodding my head, I waved goodbye to her before I left.

Already knowing who the 6th gym leader is and who I'm going to battle next, I took in a deep whiff of the miner jacket's scent before sighing, still needing the confidence in me, at least until I get all the badges, defeat the elite four and the champion.

After that, I'll have a girl's night out with the female gym leaders.

"Then I'll be spending a lot of time with Roark later..." I thought while I smiled to myself.

Hurrying down the routes and past the cities and towns, I went to go check on him, like usual.

Arriving at the hospital, I went in the gift shop to buy him something, before leaving and heading to the floor he was on, as I walked down the hallway and entered in the room.

Surprisingly, Byron was there too.

"Hey, how's Roark doing? Any updates from the doctors?" I asked, as I set the gift down next to the bed.

"He's starting to recover, but, he hasn't gained consciousness yet..." He answered.

"Oh god...I hope I didn't knock him out too hard, before I brought him here." I thought worriedly.

Looking at Roark, I laced his hand with mine before squeezing his hand gently.

"At least we know he's okay..." I said as I looked at Byron.

He nodded in agreement to that, as I letted go of Roark's hand.

"I heard from Fantina that you defeated her, so, you know what that means..." Byron mentions.

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