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5 years later.

Anaya's POV.
"Kaif leave me." I said and pushed him back who was coming more closer.

But he being stubborn and naughty keep moving closer to me and I was just moving back to save myself from my husband. His eyes were intense and filled with love. 5 years of our marriage passed but he was still the same. Stubborn and demanding.

"You won't stop running away from me!" He said and in a second pulled me to him by my wrist.

I collide with his chest and his strong arm snaked down to my waist pulling me closer. His other hand reached my face to play with my hair locks.

"Kaif leave me. Aryan and Arhaan  must be coming." I said while pushing him back but he was just coming closer.

He start taking steps toward me still keeping me in his arms. I was stuck in his arms as usual. He was really a stubborn devil to handle. We both were moving back. Hitting my back with wardrobe he stopped and leaned on my face.

"Ka...if." My breath got stuck in my throat.

His lips start roaming on my face leaving intense kisses making my heart beat faster.

"Kaif...Ary...Aryan..and..." I was saying when he rubbed his thumb harder against my lips to shut me up.

"This time I want a daughter." He whispered in my ear and moved down on my neck pestering wet kisses all along.

My breath go ragged and I was feeling helpless in front of him. In front of his heated touch. I was scared at one side that someone will might come because our room door was opened but on other side I was melting in his arms. I was losing myself in his heated love. He start biting on my neck and I moaned slowly. My hands moved to his hair and start playing with them while he was busy in giving me those butterflies in my stomach by his kisses.

"Ma...ma." A voice came and that was enough to bring me back to my senses.

"Kaif." I pushed him back and turned to the door.

I was still breathing heavily. As I turned to the door I saw my elder son who was 4 years old Aryan was coming and with him my younger son Arhaan was crawling beside him. Both stepped in the room with their little feet.

"Hey champ." Kaif said and ran to Aryan who was smiling on Kaif's voice.

"My baby." I said and leaned down to pick my cute son Arhaan.

"Dad." Aryan called kaif and he start tickling him.

I smiled looking at them who were now on bed laughing with each other and tickling.

"Baba didn't talk to our champ!" I said looking at Arhaan.

He nodded and I smiled on his innocence. Turning to kaif I walked to him and sat on bed in front of them who were busy in themselves.

"Excuse me chote Nawab." I said and both Aryan and Kaif stopped and looked at me.

They look at me and then at each other. They smiled to each other and turn to face me again.

"Yes Rapunzel." They said in union making me shocked.

"You both devils." I said and threw a cushion on them making them laugh.

In all this Arhaan start crying. We didn't noticed them. He was crying so much that it was getting difficult for me to calm him.

"Rapunzel you don't know anything." Kaif said and took Arhaan from my arms.

"Come to Baba." He said and carry Arhaan in his arms.

As he went to Kaif,his crying ended and start smiling.

"Baba." He called him and Kaif smiled.

"Baba ki Jaan(life of Dad)"  Kaif said and lay down on bed taking Arhaan with him and made him sit on his stomach.

Aryan joined them and both Aryan and Arhaan sat on Kaif's stomach and start tickling them. Kaif was laughing with his both sons and I was just smiling looking at my perfect family. My eyes were going wet looking at my Kaif and my cute two prince. My life was perfect and I was so thankful to my Allah for blessing me so much.

I walked out leaving father sons together and made my way out of the room. Stepping toward the kitchen I was smiling. Aasiya was standing busy in eating barbeque. I was amazed looking at her who was doing completely justice with barbeque.

"Madam sit down." I startled on the voice and saw Zaryab bhai coming to Aasiya and hold her to make her sit.

He was wearing an apron and was cooking something while Aasiya was just busy having her barbeques with sauce and ketchup.

I saw Zaryab bhai frying fish in a pan and she was asking again and again for it.

"I'm coming love." Zaryab bhai said and I stepped in.

"What is happening?" I asked looking at both of them.

"Anaya come have some." Aasiya said and placed those barbeques on front of me.

"No thank you. You just keep eating. My niece or nephew must want it." I said making her giggle.

Aasiya was married happily with zaryab bhai. Both were so happy. Its been 2 years of their wedding and now Aasiya was expecting. Both were so happy and zaryab was always there to fulfil her cravings. I smiled looking at both of them and walk out.

"Mama loves you so much." I said looking at my sons who were ready to fall sleep.

Both were asleep near our bed. I was smiling looking at my cute sons who were my life. I turned to go when Arhaan suddenly start crying. I immediately turned to pick him up.

"My son." I said while roaming in my room.

I was caressing Arhaan's back and he was sleeping with his head on my shoulder. I looked at kaif who was busy in his work. Many files were opened in front of him and was his laptop either. I smiled looking at him. I check Aryan who was also awake.

Gosh these kids are exactly like Kaif.

"Champ sleep now." I said as I tried to close Aryan's eyes.

"No Rapunzel." He said and I heard Kaif's laugh.

"Its all because of you. I told you not to call me Rapunzel in front of kids." I said and turned back to Aryan who was smiling.

"Its mama. I'm your mama not Rapunzel." I said strictly and he got scared.

"Don't scared my son." Kaif's voice interrupted me.

He came down from bed and picked Aryan in his arms. Both laughed looking at each other and I just sigh. At the same time Arhaan start crying again.

"Shh..mama is here." I said while caressing his head and again start roaming in the room.

Kaif was busy with Aryan and I was busy in making Arhaan sleep but he was not stopping. I feed him milk but he was still crying.

"What happened to you son?" I asked while looking at him.

But he just kept crying and I was getting worried.

"Beta what happened?? Why are you crying?" I asked looking at Arhaan.

"Maybe he's missing his Rapunzel." Kaif said and I turned to him.

"What??" I asked.

"Look my son is not crying now. I told you he's missing his Rapunzel." Kaif said again and this Arhaan nodded with his arms widely open for Kaif.

"As father as son." I said making him laugh.

Kaif took Arhaan from my arms and now both were hanging on his arms and he was just roaming in the room with our sons. I smiled and turned to the wardrobe. As I took a step the door knocked and I went to open the door.




All three voice came together as they saw Kaif's mother standing on the door. I turned to the boys who were smiling looking at their favorite person. I smiled and mama entered.

"My sons." Mama said and kissed them all.

They all smiled and mama took Arhaan from Kaif's arms. Aryan was also ready go in his Dado's arms.

"I'm taking my sons with me." Mama said and picked Aryan also in her arms and left from there.

I sighed and closed the door.I saw kaif going back to bed and start doing his work. I took my dress out and went to change in the washroom. After doing my ablution and changing my clothes I came out and start offering my prayer. After the prayer I turned to see him who was still busy in his files. I took the prayer mat and place it on its place. I saw Kaif closing his work. I comb my hair and spread them on my back. As he went in washroom I made my way to bed. I was so tired and really wanted to sleep. I turned off the lights and turn the night bulb on.

I closed my eyes to fall in sleep but a arm snaked around my waist and in a second he pulled me to him. My eyes snapped open and I collide with his chest. My arms wrapped around his shoulders.

"Kaif you scared me." I said looking at him whose face was visible in the dim light of night bulb.

"You thought I'll let you sleep." He said and his cold hand reached my face.

His fingers start playing with my features. His fingers were tracing my face making my heart beat faster. His thumb reached on my lips and start running on it.

"Kaif." I said but he was all time looking at my lips.

"You remember what I said in morning." He said while leaning to my lips.

"Wh...at??" I stutter with close eyes.

But truly his touch was burning me. I didn't know how he do this to me. He blocked my all senses of thinking. I was just feeling. My all words lost.

"Kaif." I moaned when his heated breath tingle my skin on my jaw.

"I want a daughter this time." He said making my eyes open.

His intense eyes were on me and I just keep looking at him. His fingers moved down to my neck teasing me. My breath got ragged and I know he liked to tease me. He was watching me all the time while touching me with his hands. My body was set on fire.

"Kaif please." I pleaded for what I don't know.

His fingers reached my collarbone and start caressing it. My eyes closed down when I feel his hands moving down.

"Kaif." I moaned and he start kissing me with love on my neck and I lost it.

I gave in to him. His whispers his heated breath and kisses were making me forget everything. All the night passed me melting in his arms and he just keep taking me in his arms.


A year later.

"She's just like you." Kaif said looking at Anaya who was smiling.

A cute tiny baby girl was placed on bed beside Anaya and Arhaan was holding her finger. Aryan was touching her feet. All Kaif family were around Anaya to see her new born baby girl.

"Mama she's so beautiful." Aryan said making Anaya smile.

"Just like your mother." Kaif said making her blush.

"What would be the name??" Aasiya asked coming forward.

"Zobariya Kaif Hashim." Kaif said making me surprised.

"Zobariya. Nice name." Anaya said and all the family came forward to see zobariya.

Anaya look at her family. She was happy to see her Kaif,her cute sons and her daughter. Her three boys were leaned on their cute boy girl while she look up where her all family member were looking at them smiling. This is the world she dreamt. Her family with so much love.


Life moved happily. Time was passing and Kaif and Anaya were living happily. Aryan was now 7 years old while Arhaan was 2 years younger than Aryan. Their cute sister was 3 years old. Their family was perfect and so was their love.

"Rapunzel My tea please." Kaif yelled from the hall while changing the channel.

"Rapunzel my tea." Arhaan yelled same as did Kaif.

Kaif look at his son who was seated on carpeted floor and colouring in the drawing he made. Arhaan was just like his father. His drawing was so good even in the age of 5.

"Son she's your mother. And only my Rapunzel " kaif said and picked Arhaan.

"But then where is my Rapunzel?" Arhaan asked innocently.

"Hmm...let me think." Kaif said and smiled.

"One day you'll find your Rapunzel. She will just like you would want her. Beautiful in and out." Kaif said and Arhaan smiled.

"When I'm going to find her?" Arhaan asked.

"When you'll grow up." Kaif said and he run down from his father's lap.

Kaif saw him going in the kitchen where his mama was making tea. He smiled and again start looking at TV.
Arhaan run inside the kitchen and hold Anaya's dupatta.

"Mama milk." He said and anaya turned to him.

"Really! You are asking for milk. Am I dreaming?" Anaya aid because Arhaan was not good in having milk. He always run to save himself from the glass of milk.

"I want to grow up soon. I want milk." Arhaan said.

Anaya gave him a glass of milk and sat on front of him.

"Why my son wants to grow up soon?" Anaya asked while combing his hair with her hand.

"For my Rapunzel. Baba jaan said when I'll grow up I'll meet my Rapunzel." Arhaan said innocently making Anaya laugh.

"Sure son." Anaya said and walk out with tea in her hand and on other side holding Arhaan who was busy in drinking milk to grow up soon to find his Rapunzel. She smiled and walked to her family. Her kaif who was her devil and she was his Rapunzel. Only his. Her world of love was completed.

A/N:: Assalam-o-alikum readers.

Finally the epilogue.

It was not do long but still I enjoyed it. Hope you too. Finally the story ended.

How was your journey with me??

And of course with Anaya and Kaif???

Sequel of this book would be posted soon. I'm still busy with other stories. As soon I get the time I will start its sequel.

Waiting for views.

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Allah Hafiz.

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Keep smiling...

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