Going Far

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Anaya's POV.
"Kaif leave me. Everyone would be waiting." I tried to push him back who was holding me tightly in his arms.

"Let me get ready please." I said looking at his reflection in the mirror.

"You don't have time for me." He said and kissed my neck.

I smiled looking at him whose arms were wrapped around me while his face was hiding in my neck. His breath was fanning my neck making me restless. My heart was fluttering. But I know I can't let myself flow now because it was the wedding day of Nighat and Farah. Barat was about to come and I was still in my room getting ready.

"Kaif please." I said and turn to face him but he didn't loose his hold around me.

"Dear husband its wedding day. Let me go. I have to go to the brides." I said while caressing his cheek.

"You yourself looking like a bride." He said looking at me making me blush.

"Kaif." I said and try to push him but he being kaif,how can he let me go when he don't want to.

"Love let me love you." He said making me startled while his gaze was fully intense fixed on me.

He start taking steps back taking me in his arms. I was stuck in his arms and I was getting nervous on his intense gaze. My back touched the wardrobe making us stop.

"Ka...if...its...you.." I was stuttering but shut by his lips pestering sweet kisses on my neck.

He started his torture and I lost it. I tried to push him but he hold my hands and keep torturing me with his intense kisses on my neck. My eyes closed down as his kisses start creating sensations inside me. I bite my lips when he bite my neck sending a wave of pleasure in my body.

"Kaif." A moan escaped making him more passionate.

"I love you Anaya." He whispered while kissing my collarbone.

I gasp when he removed my saree from my shoulder only to make it fall in my foot. His hand moved on my arm to up to my shoulder making me more restless. My breath it was so uneven. His lips moved up to my chin kissing it to my jaw tracing it with his lips. One thing I got to know that he was not going to stop and he made it too difficult for me to stop him. I was getting weak. His touch was melting me and making me crave for his kisses more.

"Kaif please... Let..me go." I said breathless but he didn't stop and just keep doing what he was doing.

"Kaif...ple..." My words were cut off by his lips.

He start kissing me passionately and I lost the battle. I gave in to him. To his kisses. I stop protesting and just keep feeling the love he was giving me. I groaned when he nibble my lips. His hands start roaming on my body making me heated up more burning me. He leave my lips and moved to my neck while my fingers start playing with his hair. My Moans filled the room and we both just forgot that there was a function in the house and everyone would be waiting for us. He blocked my all senses of thinking. As I feel him going down to my bosom a moan escaped from my lips and at the same time a knock on the door.

But he didn't stop nor I stopped him. I just don't want him stop. Again a knock and this time harder. My eyes snapped open.

"Bhai bhabhi everyone is waiting." I heard zimal's voice while knocking again.

"Kaif." I pushed him back who was so busy in kissing me.

We both were panting and the desire for each other in our eyes was visible. I look down at myself and turn to other side shyly. I fixed my saree and turn to him again.

"You go. Everyone....is...waiting." I stutter and went to the mirror.

I look at myself in the mirror which was red as beetroot. I jumped when his arms wrapped again around me.

"I don't know how I will wait till the end of the function." He whispered in my ear and kissed my cheek.

I blushed and look down. He again kissed my cheek and walk out leaving me with a shy smile.I hide face in my hands shyly remembering what we were doing few minutes ago.

"Kaif." I whispered his name and start getting ready.

After getting ready I went out of the room and rushed directly to the brides room. They were fully ready and Aasiya and zimal with all other girls were standing with them.

"Oh so madam got time to come." Aasiya said and I smiled while going to Nighat.

"Mashallah you are looking beautiful." I said and hugged her.

And then I hugged Farah and congratulate her.

"Bhabhi why you took so much time to get ready?" Zimal asked and now I was stuck.

"Nothing..I was just...stuck...stuck.." I didn't know what to say.

"Stuck with Kaif." Aasiya whispered in my ear making me blush.

But I glare at her which she didn't care about. All girls were seated together cheering the brides. Barat arrived and male members went to the male section while all women were in the hall. It was Nighat's barat. Soon the Nikah  ceremony started and it done beautifully accepting couples each other. I remember my and Kaif's Nikah. That day was filled with full of drama. With that psycho Kamraan who shot kaif. His thought scared me. I thanked Allah for giving us rid from him.

Kaif's POV.
"What are you saying?" I yelled as I heard what sher told me.

"Y...yes sir. He...he just escaped. Kamraan....es....escaped." Sher replied and I was sensing that his condition was not good.

"Sher you okay?" I asked worriedly as I shifted mobile from my right ear to left.

"He just....shoot me. I'm...my way...to hospital." He said and I nodded.

"Sir just...take...care...of madam...He....he's after her." Sher said and I nodded.

"Okay you don't talk now and tell the driver to drive fast. I'll be there. You'll be okay." I said and cut the call.

"Hello doctor my guard is coming. He's injured. Just do your work and save him." I called Dr. Malik who was a good friend of mine.

"Don't worry. I think they reached." Doctor said and I took a breath of relieve.

"Malik just save him. Make sure he'll be fine." I said and cut the call.

I look around. The huge lawn was full of men. The Nikah  was  done and all were busy in having dinner. I look around to check the security which was strick. Everything was under control. But still I was not satisfied. I wanted to make everything perfect so he can't reach my Anaya. I won't let him come closer to her. My life my Rapunzel. I will do everything to protect her..

I waited for the function to end. Nighat's Rukhsati done and then girls took Farah to Ibrahim's room. Guests one by one left and we only family members were in the hall. My eyes caught her who was smiling on something while talking to Aasiya. My heart feel happy as I saw her happy.

"So Anaya beta you want to go with your father for few days?" Agha Jaan asked looking at Anaya and my eyes go wide.

No no she can't go. I won't let her go. Her eyes met mine and she smiled.

"Agha Jaan actually me and Kaif decided to visit baba after few days." She said giving me relief.

She smiled and me too.Agha jaan nodded and soon everyone left to their rooms. As I entered my room,I find it empty. She still didn't came in room. I took my sleeping suit and went to change. After changing I just keep waiting for her who was taking so long time to come. I sat on bed and start thinking about kamraan. What are his intention I was just scared for this. I won't let him to do anything to Anaya.

The door open and I saw her stepping in. She look at me and then averted her eyes from to show her ignorance to me. I smile looking at her cuteness. She went to the wardrobe to take her sleeping dress. My gaze was just on her who was looking so beautiful in dark red saree.  Since the night we confessed our feelings to each other it was so hard for me stay even a minute far from her. I just wanted her always near me in front of me. And when I saw her today in this saree I just lose my control and start loving her kissing her. I ev forget that there was function in the house. My Rapunzel was looking so beautiful captivating me in her beauty.

"So people are angry?" I asked looking at her who was standing in front of the mirror taking off her jewellery.

"Don't talk to me." She said fully offended and start taking off her earrings.

"Did I something to make Rapunzel angry?" I asked going out of the bed to her.

But she didn't answer and start taking her bangle out of her arms. I stand behind her looking at her reflection in the mirror.

"So people won't let my Rapunzel to talk to me?" I said and hugged her from behind taking her in my arms.

"Don't. Leave me." She flinched and pushed me back.

"Don't talk to me. What you did today was really embarrassing. Everyone was asking a lot of questions." She said and I saw her red face making me smile.

I was enjoying her condition. Her anger,her blush,her eyes everything was making me lose myself.

"What..I did Rapunzel?" I asked taking step closer to her.

Her cheeks turn to red as she know what I was asking. Her eyes lower down and I keep moving toward her.

I love the way she startled on my changing tone. Her foot faltered and I saw nervousness on her face. I start taking steps to her and she start moving back and her eyes were looking everywhere but me.

"Tell me what I did Anaya?" I asked again going closer to her.

"I'm going to change." She suddenly said turning to the wardrobe avoiding me as she know I was not going to stop.

She was escaping. Escaping from me but I was not going to let her go. As she took two steps I grabbed her arm and pushed her back to the dressing table making her sit on it and leaned on her. It happened so fast that she didn't get chance to understand.

"Kai..f"  she stutter completely in shock.

"So now tell me what I did??" I asked leaning closer to her face.

"Nothing. Let me go." She said and tried to push me back but I hold her hands on my chest.

"Nothing.? Okay I tell you." I said and pulled her toward me making her collide with my chest.

"Kaif." A shock whisper came out from her mouth.

Anaya's POV.
"Kaif." I was shocked when he suddenly pulled me to him and then he give me another shock by picking me in his arms.

"Kaif..what are you doing?" I squealed in his arms but he just keep walking to bed and then makes me lay on it.

I saw his intense gaze on me making me freeze on my place. My body stiffen and he turn off the lights. My breath was going too heavy and then I felt his warmth. His warmth around my body.

"Ka...if." I called him but he answered me by his lips.

His lips touched mine making me close my eyes and he start his torture of loving me. My hand fisted the sheets as he deepen the kiss making me forget everything. After kissing and biting my lips he moved back to take breath. We both were taking breath heavily while I could feel his gaze on me.

"I'm going to tell you what I did and what I'm going to do!" He whispered in my ear sending chills to my spine.

His hand moved to my waist and pulled me completely in his arms. His face snuggle in my neck kissing me possessively making me moan in his arms while his hand continuously moved on my waist and then my eyes snapped open when he open the blouse of my saree. My breath struck when I feel his cold hand touched my bare heated skin. I tired to move but he tighten his grip and leaned to my ear.

"Don't move away. I waited a lot." He whispered and again was busy giving me those butterflies in my stomach by his intense kisses.

He slowly remove my saree from my shoulder to reveal my body to him. I shyly closed my eyes and aside my head. His warm breath was tingling my body. His sensuous touch was making me crazy. His lips were roaming on mu body kissing me fully and I was melting in his arms while my moans were out of control.

"You are mine." He said while taking me completely in his arms.

"I'm yours." I whispered  back in his ear and just keep feeling the love he,was,making to me.


Third person's POV.
Hr,look around and again start running. He was walking haltingly. His condition was worse but he was so obsessed.

"Anaya you are mine.I'm coming love." Kamraan mumbled and just keep running.

He hide the gun under his shirt and start moving faster.

Anaya's POV.
It was 3 of the night and we both were laying together in each other's arms without any barrier. His hand was on my shoulder making circles telling me that he was awake. I was too caressing his collarbone with close eyes. There was all silence but we both knew that the other one is awake.

"Kaif." I called him finally to break the silence.

"Hmmm." He just hummed.

"You okay??" I asked and look up at his face.

"I'm not." He replied and look down in my eyes.

"Why? What happened?" I got worried and prop up on my elbow to see him.

"How can I be okay if you are this close to me!? Here check my heart beat!" He said while placing my hand on his heart.

I slap his chest as I saw the smirk on his face.

"Rapunzel you are slapping me you know the punishment right?!" He said and wink at me.

"Yeah right. Tell me kaif what happened? Why are you worried?" I asked while cupping his face.

He hold my hand and kiss it. He just keep looking at me and then he pulled me into a hug and just keep holding me tightly.

"I'm just scared. I..can't live without you Anaya." He said and I hugged him back.

"I'm not going anywhere Kaif. I will always live with you. With my devil." I said and kissed his shoulder.

"Promise me you won't leave. I can't imagine my life without you." He said while caressing my hair.

"I won't leave you. I can't live without you too Kaif. I love you so much." I said and rested my head on his chest and close my eyes.

I didn't know what was bothering him but I wanted him to believe that I'm here with him.

"Kaif hurry up.we are getting late to reach the reception." I said while wearing my earrings.

I look back at him.who was busy on his mobile and I could see the lines of tension on his face. I turn to him who was now dialing a number.

"Hello yes sher how are you now??" He asked and I got curious and went closer to him.

"Thank to Allah. I'll see you soon. Just take care of yourself." He said and cut the call.

"What happened? What happened to sher?" I asked worriedly.

"Nothing. You just don't take tension. Everything is okay." He said looking at me.

But I was not satisfied. Something was wrong something was disturbing him. I know but he don't want to tell me.

"You sure you are not hiding something from me?" I asked and he nodded.

"Nothing love. Just don't think about anything but me." His tone changed and his arms were around my waist.

"Kaif you are impossible." I said and tried to free myself.

"Why you look always so beautiful that I hardly control myself from you know!" He innocently said making me go red.

I pushed him back and he laughed. I again walked to the mirror to comb my hair again while his eyes were disturbing me.

I got remember something and I turn to him. A sudden smile touched my lips and I Walked to him happily.

"Don't tell me that you are going to kiss me. Rapunzel we are getting late." He said winking at me and I playfully slapped his shoulder.

"Shut up. Listen to me. I have something to tell you." I said getting impatient to tell.

"I know you love me and I love you too my love." He said coming closer and kissed my forehead.

"Kaif please listen na." I said and he chuckled.

"Okay tell me." He asked while playing with my earring.

"Okay listen. God I'm so happy." I said excitedly.

"Am I going to be a Father?" He said making me shock.

"Kaif you are impossible." And he laughed.

I'm talking seriously and he is in mood of joking. I made an offended face and turn to go but he hugged me from behind and stopped me.

"Sorry. Tell me what you were saying?" He asked and I turned to him.

"Zaryab Bhai asked for Aasiya." I said excitedly.

"What does that mean he asked for Aasiya.?? Is she not well??" My dear husband asked and I Palmed my face.

"Zaryab Bhai wants to marry Aasiya." I said and his eyes widened.

"Huh! When did that happened?" He asked and I just giggled.

"I'm so happy." I said happily.

"Why are you happy? Ask Aasiya. What she say about the proposal?" Kaif asked and I nodded happily.

"She said yes? " He asked and I nodded happliy.

"It will be so fun. We friends will be together." I said and he pouted.

"And you will forget me." He said and I smiled.

"Never. How can I forget you." I said and kissed his cheek.

"Okay now let's go. Its getting late." I said and walk out with Kaif to reach the vallima function.

The vallima function of Nighat and Farah was held on Kaif's farmhouse. We all were ready to go there. Soon we reach on the spot.function was divided into two sides. One for men and other for women as usual.

All girls and ladies were on their side enjoying and teasing the brides. While grooms were in men section enjoying their function. All we could see happiness around. I slowly went toward the window to see my life. I look at him who was standing with Ibrahim. My kaif was looking so handsome in black shirt and black pant. His sleeves were folded till his elbows as usual..I don't know why he can't keep his cuffs on their place but I think he likes to show his strong arms. I just keep looking at the beautiful sight before my eyes. His smiling face, his hair,his hands holding the glass of juice,the way of his looking down and then how he run his fingers in his hair everything was making me crazy. He was perfect in every side. His looks,his nature,his smile,his anger everything suits him. He was the one my Allah gifted me. And I'm so thankful to my Allah Almighty for this gift. For giving me my Kaif. I just keep looking at him without blinking.

"Stop gazing him too much." I startled on the voice only to see Aasiya standing next to me.

I smiled and again look at my life who was now laughing on something.

"I'm just...I can't hold myself. I just want to keep looking at him." I said looking at him through the window.

"Well that I can see. You are looking at him for the last fifteen minutes without blinking." Aasiya said and I smiled with his love.

"I don't want my lashes to disturb me when I look at him."  I said and turn to Aasiya.

"You are crazy." She said and I nodded in agreement.

"That's I'm. But only for him." I said and we both walk in again to the brides who were smiling and blushing.

"You should also sit with them. You are also a bride who started her marriage life just two days ago." Aasiya whispered in my ear and I nudged my arms in her stomach while blushing.

We all girls keep dancing and clapping singing songs and of course teasing the brides. Suddenly I was stopped. A sudden restless feeling rises in me. My heart was beating so fast as I was sensing something bad was going to happened.I sat aside and recite some verses to calm my heart and to get relieve from these restless feelings but it was getting more stronger. My heart was so restless. I don't know what was happening to me. I start roaming here and there to calm myself but the restlessness was increasing.

"Kaif." Suddenly I feel the urge to see him closer.

I march out without thinking anything else. I just want to see him in front of me good and fine. I don't know what I was feeling but I wanted to see him. I went out in lawn where he was busy in talking to the guest. I took a deep breath and put my dupatta on my head. As I took a step toward kaif my eyes caught something and I freezes on the spot. A man was standing behind the crowd of the guests and then I saw his face. My body trembled with fear. I saw him taking steps toward kaif and the thing which he was holding in his hand scared me that I feel that I won't be able to move. I saw him walking toward kaif and as I saw him going closer to Kaif I came to my senses.

"Kaif." I yelled and run to him.

At the same time Kamraan pointed gun toward Kaif making me run faster. Kaif turn to me and then his eyes went to Kamraan who was standing about 10 feet far from him.

"You are going to die Kaif." I heard kamraan but I didn't stop.

"Kaif move." I pushed Kaif and at the sane time a gun shot.

Kaif's POV.
"Anaya." I run to her who was shot.

My eyes were fixed on her who was laying in front of me on the grassy ground covered in blood. I pulled her in my arms and look at her who was breathing heavily.

"Anaya don't. Look at me." I called her while slapping her face to make her keep her eyes open.

"You Bast**d." I yelled looking at Kamraan who was standing there like a dead man.

"Guards." I yelled and before I could sat anything they hold Kamraan and I leaned on my life to see her.

"Hey...hey Rapunzel just look at me." I shook her to make her eyes open.

Her eyes slightly open. I just keep looking at her whose eyes were flowing tears. I was wiping her tears and my own were flowing down on my face.

"I love...you." Her words makes,me cry more.

"I love you too my life. Just keep your eyes open." I said while caressing her eyes.

"Ka...if I'm...go..ing." Her words were like someone pulled my soul out of my body.

"Don't say this. You are not going anywhere." I shouted.

"Kaif we have to take her to hospital." I heard dad saying and I nodded.

"Yes nothing will happen to you Anaya." I picked her in my arms and carry her to the car but her eyes were all the time on me.

I sat on the back Seat taking my Anaya in my arms. Ibrahim took the driving seat while all the family members follow us in other cars.

"Ibrahim drive fast." I said restlessly to Ibrahim.

"I...lo...ve you." I look down on her voice.

"I love you too. You remember your promise right! You can't leave me. You have to live for me." I said while caressing her cheeks.

"Than..k...you....for...every...thing...for loving...me." She was saying with so much difficulty.

"Why did you do this? Why did you take this bullet on you? You know that I can't live without you Rapunzel." I said and cried.

"You..are my...li...fe..Kaif. You fulfilled...my..my dream..my dream to..be...loved." She said and her hand reached my face.

I hold her hand and kissed it. I just keep looking at her and I saw her breath going heavy. It was getting difficult for her to breath and I was getting scared. No nothing can happen to my Rapunzel.

"Hey Rapunzel please." I said with tears and she smiled weakly.

"Am...I..I..go..going...far.?" She asked and I put my hand on her mouth.

I can't even imagine a moment without her and she was talking about going. No no I can't let her go.

"Hey you are not going anywhere. You understand! You...you..know how much...I...I love you...for me...only...only for me you have to live." I said and cried.

"I...I...will. Kaif." She said giving me hope.

"Bhai hurry." I look up at the voice to see Ibrahim.

We were in the hospital..I rushed out with my Anaya in my arms and run inside the hospital. This was our own hospital which my Agha Jaan made.

"Doctor." I yelled and I saw our senior doctor Dr khan coming.

"Save...save my wife." I said as I put my Anaya on the stretcher.

"Don't worry. We'll do our best." Doctor said and they start taking her to the operating while I was just keep moving  with her.

"Don't go please. Come back." I said looking in her eyes and her eyes closed down.

A/N::Assalam-o-Alikum readers.

How are you all???


Don't be please now when I gave you an update. Hope you all enjoyed it.

Do vote and comment.

Maybe the next chapter would be the last of the story.

Thanks for reading.

Till next update Allah Hafiz.

Keep reading...
Keep smiling...

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